Cory Booker famous quotes
50 minutes ago
Before you speak to me about your religion, first show it to me in how you treat other people. Before you tell me how much you love your God, show me in how much you love all His children.
-- Cory Booker -
It is okay not to like someone, but it is never okay to try and degrade, humiliate, or dehumanize them.
-- Cory Booker -
No matter what, we always have the power to choose hope over despair, engagement over apathy, kindness over indifference, love over hate.
-- Cory Booker -
Don't let your inability to do everything undermine your determination to do something.
-- Cory Booker -
Give more than is expected, love more than seems wise, serve more than seems necessary, and help more than is asked.
-- Cory Booker -
What more could you ask for in life than to be given an impossible challenge?
-- Cory Booker -
Real courage is holding on to a still voice in your head that says, 'I must keep going.' It's that voice that says nothing is a failure if it is not final. That voice that says to you, 'Get out of bed. Keep going. I will not quit.'
-- Cory Booker -
In life, it is never the big battle, the big moment, the big speech, the big election. That does not change things. What changes things is every day, getting up and rendering small acts of service and love beyond that what's expected of you or required of you.
-- Cory Booker -
The only thing that weakens worry is work, so I will be working for Marie Corfield
-- Cory Booker -
You need to understand something, you drink deeply from wells of freedom and liberty and opportunity that you did not dig. You eat lavishly from banquet tables prepared for you by your ancestors. You sit under the shade of trees that you did not plant or cultivate or care for. You have a choice in life, you can just sit back, getting fat, dumb, and happy, consuming all the blessings put before you, or it can metabolize inside of you, become fuel to get you into the fight, to make this democracy real, to make it true to its words that we can be a nation of liberty and justice for all.
-- Cory Booker -
Go out there and swear to this world your oath, not with your words, but with what you do. Not with your hand over your heart, but with your hand outstretched to a world that desperately needs your hand, your help, your insights, your creativity, your honor, your courage. It needs you.
-- Cory Booker -
May we help more than we hurt, may we seek to understand more than be understood and may we love more than we judge.
-- Cory Booker -
Don't speak to me about your religion; first show it to me in how you treat other people. Don't tell me how much you love your God; show me in how much you love all God's children. Don't preach to me your passion for your faith; teach me through your compassion for your neighbors. In the end, I'm not as interested in what you have to tell or sell as I am in how you choose to live and give.
-- Cory Booker -
If you want the things people don't have, you have to do the things other people will not do.
-- Cory Booker -
Give the respect you want to receive; embody the grace you hope to encounter; and help others with no expectations whatsoever.
-- Cory Booker -
Never let your soul be silenced. Live life out loud. Every day tell your truth not with words but with actions from your heart.
-- Cory Booker -
The world you see outside of you will always be a reflection of what you have inside of you.
-- Cory Booker -
Heroism is not fighting some big battle. It is not standing up to some fearsome foe ... Heroism is every day getting up with a mission to show this world that you are going to light it up with your spirit, to make the best out of yourself.
-- Cory Booker -
Before you tell me what you teach and preach, show me how you live and give.
-- Cory Booker -
You should be able to afford health care for your family. You should be able to retire with dignity and respect. And you should be able to give your children the kind of education that allows them to dream even bigger, go even farther and accomplish even more than you could ever imagine.
-- Cory Booker -
Leadership is not a position or a title, it is action and example.
-- Cory Booker -
May we all, as a nation of believers, fight for the achievement of America; may we make sacrifices worthy of those proud men and women who fought for us, labored for us, bled soil from the beaches of Normandy to the fields of Gettysburg for us.
-- Cory Booker -
You cant have a physical transformation until you have a spiritual transformation.
-- Cory Booker -
We choose forward. We choose inclusion. We choose growing together. We choose American economic might and muscle, standing strong on the bedrock of the American ideal: a strong, empowered and ever-growing middle class.
-- Cory Booker -
Remember that the biggest thing you could do today is a small act of kindness.
-- Cory Booker -
Cynicism cripples our imagination and limits our ability to see faint possibilities amidst glaring problems.
-- Cory Booker -
In America we have a Declaration of Independence, but our history, our advancements, our global strength all point to an American declaration of interdependence.
-- Cory Booker -
No matter what, we always have the power to choose hope over despair, engagement over apathy, kindness over indifference, enthusiasm over lethargy, love over hate. This is our true freedom. Whatever life may throw at us, we have the freedom and ability to choose our attitude. And I believe it is in those moments of choice that we manifest our destiny.
-- Cory Booker -
If you look at great human civilizations, from the Roman Empire to the Soviet Union, you will see that most do not fail simply due to external threats but because of internal weakness, corruption, or a failure to manifest the values and ideals they espouse.
-- Cory Booker -
Marriage equality is not a choice. It is a legal right.
-- Cory Booker -
It's about time that we create first class citizenship for every American plain and simple. Every New Jersey-ian. This should not be a popular vote. This is something we should do now.
-- Cory Booker -
People who think I'm gay, some part of me thinks it's wonderful. Because I want to challenge people on their homophobia. I love seeing on Twitter when someone says I'm gay, and I say, 'So what does it matter if I am? So be it. I hope you are not voting for me because you are making the presumption that I'm straight.'
-- Cory Booker -
Courage has you say in a defiant spirit you can take everything from me, you could cut me deep, you could render me in shame but you will never ever stop me from loving those who mock me, from loving those that hate me, from loving those who don't forgive me, from loving the cynics, from loving the darkness so much that I myself through my small acts of consistent unyielding love may bring on the light.
-- Cory Booker -
If you want extraordinary results you must put in extraordinary effort.
-- Cory Booker -
First class in life has nothing to do with the clothes you wear, the car you drive or the house you live in. First class is and always will be about the content of your character, the quality of your ideas and the kindness in your heart.
-- Cory Booker -
No matter who you are, no matter what your color, creed, how you choose to pray or who you choose to love, that if you are an American - first generation or fifth - one who is willing to work hard, play by the rules and apply your God-given talents - that you should be able to find a job that pays the bills.
-- Cory Booker -
Our platform calls for a balanced deficit reduction plan where the wealthy pay their fair share. And when your country is in a costly war, with our soldiers sacrificing abroad and our nation facing a debt crisis at home, being asked to pay your fair share isn't class warfare - it's patriotism.
-- Cory Booker -
I love talking about the challenges [Newark, NJ] has because of the way they are always brilliantly disguised as opportunities.. .the biggest global challenge that there is is a challenge of the spirit, a challenge of our vision, a challenge and a test of our ideals, of who we SAY we are GOING TO BE.
-- Cory Booker -
Greatness is helping others realize they are great, beautiful and capable. Genius is seeing the wonder and possibility in those others ignore.
-- Cory Booker -
Let your critics make you humble, and your enemies make you wise. Learn from every stumble but let nothing keep you down, for you were born to rise!
-- Cory Booker -
Dream big & have huge ambition, but never forget life is lived in small moments and sustained by simple acts of love.
-- Cory Booker -
For an economy built to last we must invest in what will fuel us for generations to come. This is our history - from the Transcontinental Railroad to the Hoover Dam, to the dredging of our ports and building of our most historic bridges - our American ancestors prioritized growth and investment in our nation's infrastructure.
-- Cory Booker
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