Sculpture famous quotes
The truth is revealed by removing things that stand in its light, an art not unlike sculpture, in which the artist creates, not by building, but by hacking away.
-- Alan Watts -
At first, one sees the person who is modelling; but little by little, all of the possible sculptures that could be made come between artist and model.
-- Alberto Giacometti -
The sense of motion in painting and sculpture has long been considered as one of the primary elements of the composition.
-- Alexander Calder -
Then marble, soften'd into life, grew warm.
-- Alexander Pope -
Then sculpture and her sister arts revived; stones leaped to form, and rocks began to live.
-- Alexander Pope -
I have been carrying on a dialogue between the landscape and the female body (based on my own silhouette) I am overwhelmed by the feeling of having been cast from the womb (nature). Through my earth/body sculptures I become one with the earth I become an extension of nature and nature becomes an extension of my body
-- Ana Mendieta -
I am not a performer but occasionally I deliberately work in a public context. Some sculptures need the movement of people around them to work.
-- Andy Goldsworthy -
That's why I ended up going to Lancaster University, because they had a visual arts course, and in the first year it was like a broad visual arts course in sculpture, painting, graphics - all of that.
-- Andy Serkis -
If one is talking about sculpture then scale and skin is everything,
-- Anish Kapoor -
Sculpture occupies the same space as your body.
-- Anish Kapoor -
There's something imminent in the work, but the circle is only completed by the viewer.
-- Anish Kapoor -
I come to the point of using steel, and simply cannot. It's like the marriage proposal of a perfectly eligible man who just isn't loveable. It is wood I love.
-- Anne Truitt -
So, in other words, how you respond to a sculpture, how a viewer sees the sculpture, is vital.
-- Anthony Caro -
Scale is very, very important, like the scale of a person is very important. It's to do with the size of our space, the fact they are big sculptures, they are still human scale.
-- Anthony Caro -
I express myself in sculpture since I am not a poet.
-- Aristide Maillol -
Sculpture is the art of the hole and the lump.
-- Auguste Rodin -
My drawings are the result of my sculpture.
-- Auguste Rodin -
Sculpture is, in the twentieth century, a wide field of experience, with many facets of symbol and material and individual calligraphy. But in all these varied and exciting extensions of our experience we always come back tot the fact that we are human beings of such and such a size, biologically the same as primitive man, and that it is through drawing and observing, or observing and drawing, that we equate our bodies with our landscape.
-- Barbara Hepworth -
It is easy now to communicate with people through abstraction, and particularly so in sculpture. Since the whole body reacts to its presence, people become themselves a living part of the whole.
-- Barbara Hepworth -
The sculptor must search with passionate intensity for the underlying principle of the organisation of mass and tension - the meaning of gesture and the structure of rhythm.
-- Barbara Hepworth -
Sculpture is what you bump into when you back up to see a painting.
-- Barnett Newman -
Each artist comes to the painting or sculpture because there he can be told that he, the individual, transcends all classes and flouts all predictions. In the work of art, he finds his uniqueness confirmed.
-- Ben Shahn -
All works of nature created by God in heaven and on earth are works of sculpture.
-- Benvenuto Cellini -
I learned about Chinese ceramics and African sculptures, I aired my scanty knowledge of the French Impressionists, and I prospered.
-- Bruce Chatwin -
My paintings and sculptures, at first glance, may appear to be purely aesthetic; closer up, they are not. They hold a feeling of tentativeness, combined with a sense of arrival.
-- Budd Hopkins -
I really became convinced I wanted to tell the story of the real-life model for the Degas sculpture 'Little Dancer Aged 14,' which was unveiled in 1881, the Belle Epoque.
-- Cathy Marie Buchanan -
Richard Serra, the great sculptor, personifies an artist for me.
-- Charlie Rose -
I'm quite sure that all true professional artists, of every description, in all walks of life, whether their craft is painting, music, sculpture, medicine or anything have one primary concern - mankind.
-- Chico Hamilton -
Cars are the sculptures of our everyday lives
-- Chris Bangle -
Sculpture occupies real space like we do... you walk around it and relate to it almost as another person or another object.
-- Chuck Close -
I love sculpture, and minimal sculpture is really my favorite stuff, but I wasn't very good at it, and I don't think in a three-dimensional way.
-- Chuck Close -
You like it, that's all, whether it's a landscape or abstract. You like it. It hits you. You don't have to read it. The work of art-sculpture or painting-forces your eye.
-- Clement Greenberg -
I tried to use the questions and answers as an armature on which to build a sculpture of genuine conversation
-- Clifton Fadiman -
The greatest productions of art, whether painting, music, sculpture or poetry, have invariably this quality-something approaching the work of God.
-- D.T. Suzuki -
Painting is so poetic, while sculpture is more logical and scientific and makes you worry about gravity.
-- Damien Hirst -
I have titles floating around in my head; I have sculptures floating around in my head. It's like a collage.
-- Damien Hirst -
If Michaelangelo made a marble sculpture of a defensive end it would look like Mario Williams.
-- Dan Dierdorf -
Food is exacting. The face is truly a canvas upon which our food choices paint an accurate picture. The body is truly a sculpture, chiseled and polished by our food choices.
-- David Wolfe -
No one can teach that which is inside another, each person must find it on his own and find a way to express it.
-- Eduardo Chillida -
Sculpture is a series of 3-dimensional shapes which, while fitting together, cause the perception of lines to the viewer, even where they do not exist.
-- Edward J. Fraughton -
Writing is like a sculpture where you remove, you eliminate, in order to make the work visible. Even those pages you remove somehow remain
-- Elie Wiesel -
The paintings to me are always canvas; sculpture has always been metal, though I have made sculpture in wood, also.
-- Ellsworth Kelly -
Sculptures permit me to create real volume One can touch the forms, one can give them smoothness, the sensuality that one wants.
-- Fernando Botero -
A sculpture is just a painting cut out and stood up somewhere.
-- Frank Stella -
That sculpture is more admirable than painting for the reason that it contains relief and painting does not is completely false. ... Rather, how much more admirable the painting must be considered, if having no relief at all, it appears to have as much as sculpture!
-- Galileo Galilei -
I would like to carve my novel in a piece of wood.
-- Georges Simenon -
My sculpture is very personal; for years my subjects were family and close, close friends.
-- Gloria Swanson -
A sculptor is a person obsessed with the form and shape of things.
-- Henry Moore -
Painting and sculpture help other people to see what a wonderful world we live in.
-- Henry Moore -
In my opinion, everything, every shape, every bit of natural form, animals, people, pebbles, shells, anything you like are all things that can help you to make a sculpture.
-- Henry Moore -
A piece of sculpture can have a hole through it and not be weakened if the hole is of a studied size, shape, and direction.
-- Henry Moore -
I find drawing a useful outlet for ideas for which there is not time enough to realize as sculpture... And I sometimes draw just for its own enjoyment.
-- Henry Moore -
If conversation be an art, like painting, sculpture, and literature, it owes its most power charm to nature; and the least shade of formality or artifice destroys the effect of the best collection of words.
-- Henry Theodore Tuckerman -
Sculpture is more than painting. It is greater To raise the dead to life than to create Phantoms that seem to live.
-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -
The picture that approaches sculpture nearest Is the best picture.
-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -
Architecture, sculpture, painting, music, and poetry, may truly be called the efflorescence of civilised life.
-- Herbert Spencer -
It is weight that gives meaning to weightlessness...
-- Isamu Noguchi -
Everything is sculpture. Any material, any idea without hindrance born into space, I consider sculpture.
-- Isamu Noguchi -
Well, what I'm doing is really clothing. I'm not doing sculpture.
-- Issey Miyake -
To accuse me of making sensations is the easiest way of attacking me, and in reality leaves the question of sculpture untouched.
-- Jacob Epstein -
All my life as an artist I have asked myself: What pushes me continually to make sculpture? I have found the answer. art is an action against death. It is a denial of death.
-- Jacques Lipchitz -
In a way, a garden is the most useless of creations, the most slippery of creations: it is not like a painting or a piece of sculpture-it won't accrue value as time goes on. Time is its enemy' time passing is merely the countdown for the parting between garden and gardener.
-- Jamaica Kincaid -
Art itself, in all its methods, is the child of religion. The highest and best works in architecture, sculpture and painting, poetry and music, have been born out of the religion of Nature.
-- James Freeman Clarke -
Such is the strength of art, rough things to shape.
-- James Howell -
Within my heart is carved a sculpture of your love.
-- James Taylor -
My sculpture thrives in the context of the city, interacting with people in the course of their daily lives.
-- Janet Echelman -
Mission accomplished. The Museum of Modern Art's wide-open, tall-ceilinged, super-reinforced second floor was for all intents and purposes built to accommodate monumental installations and gigantic sculptures, should the need arise. It has arisen.
-- Jerry Saltz -
Im sick of the foodies who need every morsel that goes into their mouth to be a Picasso painting, a Giacometti sculpture, a Proust novel, evoking the world with each crumb.
-- Jessi Klein -
Writing nonfiction is more like sculpture, a matter of shaping the research into the finished thing.
-- Joan Didion -
Sculptors are obliged to follow the manners of the painters, and to make many ample folds, which are unsufferable hardness, and more like a rock than a natural garment.
-- John Dryden -
There's no such thing as sculpture or art or anything, it's just a bit of - it's just words, you know, and actually saying everything is art. We're all art, art is just a tag, like a journalists' tag, but artists believe it.
-- John Lennon -
Sculpture is not the mere cutting of the form of anything in stone; it is the cutting of the effect of it. Very often the true form, in the marble, would not be in the least like itself.
-- John Ruskin -
The sculptor does not work for the anatomist, but for the common observer of life and nature.
-- John Ruskin -
I remember once visiting an outdoor exhibition of sculpture in Arnhem, the Netherlands. One of the artists had placed this notice at the base of a majestic beech: "Statues are hewn by fools like me: only God could make this tree." The Taoists looked at the inside of the tree. They saw God present, not as the super-sculptor, but as the primal force from which the tree drew its being and its specific form. Becoming aware of this divine origin was for them "great knowledge," to be distinguished from the "small knowledge" of our petty, every-day existence.
-- John Wijngaards -
Man is really not freeing many aspects. He is dependent on his social circumstances, but he is free in his thinking, and here is the point of origin of sculpture. For me the formation of the thought is already sculpture. The thought is sculpture.
-- Joseph Beuys -
I think the tree is an element of regeneration which in itself is a concept of time. The oak is especially so because it is a slowly growing tree with a kind of really solid heartwood. It has always been a form of sculpture, a symbol for this planet.
-- Joseph Beuys -
When an actor is in the moment, he or she is engaged in listening for the next right thing creatively. When a painter is painting, he or she may begin with a plan, but that plan is soon surrendered to the painting's own plan. This is often expressed as 'The brush takes the next stroke.' In dance, in composition, in sculpture, the experience is the same: we are more the conduit than the creator of what we express
-- Julia Margaret Cameron -
They are more beautiful than anything in the world, kinetic sculptures, perfect form in motion.
-- Kate Millett -
In Scripture the visitation of an angel is always alarming; it has to begin by saying 'Fear not.' The Victorian angel looks as if it were going to say, 'There, there.' The literary symbols are more dangerous [than sculptures and pictures] because they are not so easily recognized as symbolical. Those of Dante are best. Before his angels we sink in awe.
-- Kathryn Lindskoog -
It's Twitter's combination of simplicity and complexity that is astonishing in the same way that minimalist sculpture was inspiring and enlightening.
-- Kenneth Goldsmith -
There's a spectrum of possibilities. You can underline the bass, or not at all. You can create something that is well-anchored or that is floating and never arriving. You can make a melodic line dominant or barely visible. The conducting gesture is akin to painting or sculpture.
-- Laurence Equilbey -
I prefer you to take as your model a mediocre sculpture rather than an excellent painting, for from painted objects we train our hand only to make a likeness, whereas from sculptures we learn to represent both likeness and correct incidence of light.
-- Leon Battista Alberti -
I paint - I tend more to abstraction - but not as much as I would like to because of time. I would love to do sculpture - I've toyed with the idea of fitting in a sculpture course.
-- Lily Cole -
Madam de Stael pronounced architecture to be frozen music; so is statuary crystalized spirituality.
-- Louisa May Alcott -
I began to stack my sculptures into an environment. It was natural. It was a flowing of energy.
-- Louise Berliawsky Nevelson -
It is a great privilege to be able to work with, and I suppose work off, my feelings through sculpture.
-- Louise Bourgeois -
At the dinner table when I was very little, I would hear people bickering... To escape the bickering, I started modelling the soft bread with my fingers. With the dough of the French bread %u2013 sometimes it was still warm %u2013 I would make little figures. And I would line them up on the table and this was really my first sculpture.
-- Louise Bourgeois -
Every day you have to abandon your past or accept it and then, if you cannot accept it, you become a sculptor.
-- Louise Bourgeois -
For me, sculpture is the body. My body is my sculpture.
-- Louise Bourgeois -
This building is like a book. Its architecture is the binding, its text is in the glass and sculpture.
-- Malcolm Miller -
There are things that music can do that language could never do, that painting could never do, or sculpture. Music is capable of going directly to the source of the mystery. It doesn't have to explain it. It can simply celebrate it.
-- Marsha Norman -
There is the potential for much more spontaneity with prints than there is with the sculpture, which tends to be very slow, accretive kind of process-labor intensive.
-- Martin Puryear -
At a certain point, I just put the building and the art impulse together. I decided that building was a legitimate way to make sculpture.
-- Martin Puryear -
Like every other form of art, literature is no more and nothing less than a matter of life and death. The only question worth asking about a story — or a poem, or a piece of sculpture, or a new concert hall — is, Is it dead or alive?
-- Mavis Gallant -
There's a sculpture in our bedroom, a solid brass replica of Antonio's manhood. It's very expensive, he gave it to me as a romantic gift.
-- Melanie Griffith