Workout famous quotes
Yoga is an inner experience - a workIN within a workOUT.
-- A. G. Mohan -
Especially like right now, I'm not shooting a show so you get to act. You get to do that stuff, kind of treat everyone as 'All right, throw the paint against the wall and see what I can do with this and what people say.' I think it's a great mental workout because you have to ready something, learn something fast. It's good to stay on your toes and keep sharp if you're auditioning.
-- Aaron Tveit -
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
I feel like in L.A., you wake up, you put your diamond studs on, put your workout gear, your cute shades, and it is kind of the outfit you stay in the entire day.
-- Adrienne Bailon -
Overturning police cars is a super-intense workout. It’s probably the only sport I enjoy.
-- Ai Weiwei -
I'm addicted to a really tough workout. I like to be drenched in sweat when I'm done because I feel accomplished.
-- Alison Sweeney -
exercise will never be my lover. Or even my friend. For me, a workout is more like an annoying coworker I have to see a few times a week.
-- Alissa Nutting -
You know how some people are unlucky in love? I was always unlucky in exercise. I'd get into a relationship with a workout program or guru, we'd go steady for a few intense months, and then we'd have a really ugly breakup.
-- Alissa Nutting -
The biggest way I stay motivated is to run with a group of friends. Sometimes it's hard to get going by yourself, but if you have a plan and a meeting time, you know this run will happen for sure. It's a way to have fun - while also getting in a workout. Plus it distracts from pain, helps you fight fatigue, and gives you that extra push.
-- Allyson Felix -
When I'm older, I want to have my own workout clothes line, like leggings and cute jackets in bright and fun colors.
-- Aly Raisman -
I need to eat before a workout. If I exercise in the morning, I'll have a little oatmeal, cereal, or a hard-boiled egg with toast. If I go in the afternoon, I'll eat a turkey sandwich with cheese for lunch.
-- Ana Ortiz -
I was struggling at Rookie Camp to be quite honest with you. Basically, it was a week of being locked down like in jail for me. I would say about 50 percent of it was useful. The most challenging part of it was off the court. I mean, man we were just sitting there at times. We had meetings from about 10 a.m. in the morning to about 10 at night and you can't get a workout in at all.
-- Andrew Bogut -
I think yoga is like anything else, it's a workout in the sense you are going to get what you put into it.
-- Andrew Whitworth -
I have a punishing workout regimen. Every day I do 3 minutes on a treadmill, then I lie down, drink a glass of vodka and smoke a cigarette.
-- Anthony Hopkins -
The standard is the same. Don't get me wrong, the main difference is the number of sparring partners. Greg Jackson and Mike Winkeljohn are the best coaches in the world in my opinion and in many other people's opinion but it really it comes down to the number of sparring partners. I go to my gym and I have 10 fighters fighting on the local level but when you go over there it's like 30 fighters all fighting in the UFC or other bigger shows. That's really the main thing; the numbers.
-- Anthony Perosh -
One things guys have to remember is consistency... You can't make up for three years of eating poorly in just one workout.
-- Apolo Ohno -
My 'go to' workout is called the Asylum from Beach Body. It's intense training with lots of intervals, core work. It's hard! I travel a lot, so I can take it on the road with me and do it in a hotel room.
-- Apolo Ohno -
It is not once nor twice but times without number that the same ideas make their appearance in the world.
-- Aristotle -
I can bulk up very fast. I can lift heavy weights because, like most people, I started off with heavy workouts. That's stayed in my muscle memory. I feel horrible when I feel my jeans are getting tight. Workouts peace me out.
-- Arjun Rampal -
Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body.
-- Arnold Schwarzenegger -
You can't tell a kid that it's time to exercise; that's a have to say 'Let's go to the park and have some fun.' Then you get them to do some running, play on the swings, practice on the balance beam, basically get a full workout disguised as play.
-- Arnold Schwarzenegger -
What we face may look insurmountable. But I learned something from all those years of training and competing. I learned something from all those sets and reps when I didn't think I could lift another ounce of weight. What I learned is that we are always stronger than we know.
-- Arnold Schwarzenegger -
Your least frequent, most extreme exertions will have the greatest influence on your fitness. The peak moments of a workout count far more than the amount of time you spend working out. This is why a series of 40-yard sprints at full speed benefits you more than half an hour of jogging. It's also the reason why lifting a weight heavy enough to make your heart pound and your muscles burn counts more than spending hours at the gym always in your comfort zone, never truly challenging your body. When a work-out becomes an unvarying, monotonous routine, it loses its effectiveness.
-- Arthur De Vany -
I am trying to attend every training session and do all of my workouts.
-- Asafa Powell -
I've said that playing the blues is like having to be black twice. Stevie Ray Vaughan missed on both counts, but I never noticed.
-- B. B. King -
Turn resolutely to work, to recreation, or in any case to physical exercise till you are so tired you can't help going to sleep, and when you wake up you won't want to worry.
-- B. C. Forbes -
The feel of a good row stays with you hours afterward. Your muscles glow, your mind wanders from the papers on you desk and goes back, again and again, to that terrific power piece at the end of the workout when it felt as if you and the boat were flying, as if you legs were two cannons and your arms were two oars and the great lateral muscles of your back were pterodactyl wings and the brim of your baseball cap was a harpoon.
-- Barry S. Strauss -
The Greek in me wanted to know what it felt like to pull an oar. The intellectual wondered about how to get eight individuals to move to the same beat. The athlete wanted to check what has been described as the ultimate workout. The romantic craved seeing if the quirkiness of the sport - there is after all, little practical value to oarsmanship in the postindustrial age - stirred his blood.
-- Barry S. Strauss -
Most families had four, five brothers. But because it was just me and Darryl, we had to be twice as strong.
-- Barry White -
I've gone on workout regimes, but I seem to have a system that is very resistant to changing.
-- Ben Whishaw -
Besides surfing, I play tennis, volleyball, I swim, I run hills, or I do high-intensity, high-interval workouts. I'm up at 5 A.M. every day.
-- Bethany Hamilton -
And what I'm telling you now is not for you to go out and try the same ways I try, or not to even try my technique. Just put it to your personality, put it to yourself, and you develop your workout. Cause those books and things, those are other people's gimmicks and hypes. Build your own gimmick and hype, and that'll make you a better powerlifter. Not just doin' it like James does it, cause if you try to fly off the building like superman you'll be out there in the middle of the street.
-- Big James Henderson -
The bench press per se is not a risky exercise. When done right, it can help improve upper body strength and size. It's only when form takes a back seat to numbers and when it's grossly overtrained that problems result. Injuries occur in the shoulders and elbows when the bench press is overtrained, poor technique is used, such as rebounding the bar off the chest and bridging, no other exercises for the upper body are included in the program, and there are no core exercises done for the upper back. Quite often, it's a combination all these factors.
-- Bill Starr -
A buddy will keep you honest and add a dimension of fun to your workout.
-- Bill Toomey -
When I was first introduced to CrossFit, I found it to be the hardest workout that I'd ever done. It wiped the floor with me, and I fell in love with it immediately. The results that I have seen in my strength and physicality have been unparalleled to any other things I have ever done in my more than 20 years in the fitness business.
-- Bob Harper -
I think if people value democracy, they had damn well better get out and exercise their right to vote while their vote still means something.
-- Bob Weir -
Like any good drug, anger can mask all reality. But anger is not an easy emotion to call up on demand, which is why an enemy is so wonderful. You're tired. Didn't sleep well. You have zero energy. Then you get lucky. You pull into the boathouse parking lot and see your favorite enemy. Celebrate. Your workout is saved. One look at that chowderhead can put you into the angerzone. As you turn off your car, you can feel your whole physical being change. Respiration increases. The dull look on your face is magically transformed into the power-stare of a true rowing warriot.
-- Brad Alan Lewis -
After hooking up the fuel line and pumping a little gasoline through the hose, I prepared for a workout on the 'coach's ergometer'.
-- Brad Alan Lewis -
When it comes to sticking to your resolutions, research has shown that 'action-oriented' resolutions have a better chance of being upheld than 'idea-oriented.' For example, a resolution to lose weight is really only an idea with nothing actionable to do. However, sticking with that goal in mind, you could make the resolution action-oriented by saying 'get up 30 minutes earlier every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and do a 20-minute workout at home before work.' Now you have an actionable path on how to achieve your goal.
-- Brett Hoebel -
It's the cross-training that's key. It doesn't let your body adapt to one stimulus too much and it keeps your workouts exciting.
-- Brett Hoebel -
If I'm on holiday, I'm active on the beach, I play tennis, I run, I swim a lot. It's just about making the workouts fun, I think, and then it doesn't really feel that bad.
-- Candice Swanepoel -
I never stay away from workouts. I work hard. I've tried to take care of my body. I'll never look back and say that I could have done more. I've paid the price in practice, but I know I get the most out of my ability.
-- Carl Yastrzemski -
One of my all-time favorite workouts is boxing.
-- Cassie Scerbo -
My mother, at least twice, cancelled our family's subscription to the newspaper I was working on, because she was so mad about its treatment of my father.
-- Charles Kuralt -
Not only are squats not bad for the knees, every legitimate research study on this subject has shown that squats improve knee stability and therefore help reduce the risk of injuries.
-- Charles Poliquin -
Nothing lifts me out of a bad mood better than a hard workout on my treadmill. It never fails. Exercise is nothing short of a miracle.
-- Cher -
It's very important to have the right clothing to exercise in. If you throw on an old T-shirt or sweats, it's not inspiring for your workout.
-- Cheryl Tiegs -
I do a dance-based cardio workout infused with circuit training, and emphasizing strength and alignment.
-- Chloe Sevigny -
In the United States, workouts tend to focus on body image and how you look. For me, it's really all about the brain.
-- Chris Cornell -
I love hiking in the mountains in Aspen. Breathing the clean, fresh air is great. Plus, it gives me a cardiovascular workout and firms my legs.
-- Chris Evert -
The events that occur in my life are workout situations. They are there for my benefit so I can become strong and gain wisdom and information by working my way through those situations.
-- Chris Prentiss -
I think they say that when you're breast feeding, you know, your weight kind of slims down. It's a little easier. It's like a workout within itself. It's very tiring actually and you find yourself snacking more often.
-- Christina Aguilera -
Dancing - however you do it, even if it's in your living room - is a great workout.
-- Ciara -
He's coming up but he got bigger and stronger, that plus the athleticism. I'm going to have to show him that we're just as athletic in the middleweight division as [they are] in the welterweight division. I think he'll do good in the division but I'm glad I get to welcome him to middleweight.
-- Clint Hester -
I don't do facials or any of that stuff, but my workout regime does tend to depend on whether I have to take my top off in my next film because otherwise I know I'm too heavy.
-- Clive Owen -
I just thought any workout that is effective and I can do while laying down I'm signing up for.
-- Daisy Fuentes -
I vowed I wouldn't ever let anyone destroy me again. I was going to work at it every day, so hard that I would be the toughest guy in the world. By the end of practice, I wanted to be physically tired, to know that I'd been through a workout. If I wasn't tired, I must have cheated somehow, so I stayed a little longer.
-- Dan Gable -
Most champions are built by punch the clock workouts rather than extraordinary efforts.
-- Dan John -
There are “bus bench†workouts and “park bench†workouts. A bus bench and a park bench look exactly the same, but your expectations sitting in them are radically different.
-- Dan John -
Back in the 1970s, I ate a high-protein diet to get bigger and stronger. As a senior at Utah State, I weighed 218 pounds with eight percent body fat, and threw the discus over 190 feet. Then I got some advice from the people at the Olympic Training Center. I needed carbs, they advised, and lots of them. They pointed to studies done on the American distance runners. Being an idiot, I took the advice to eat like emaciated, over-trained sub-performers. It took years of high carbohydrate grazing to learn the evils of this advice.
-- Dan John -
Well, I am a great believer in supercompensation. Short term overtraining leads to long-term success. I can hear the complaints about injuries, but, in truth, not too many of us suffer injuries that lead to surgery, according to those studies in the 1950′s. In fact, if you are not a druggie and have some common sense, I think you can afford to train harder than you think.
-- Dan John -
There's no reason to stereotype yourself. Doing math is like going to the gym - it's a workout for your brain and it makes you smarter.
-- Danica McKellar -
Brain studies of mental workouts in which you sustain a single, chosen focus show that the more you detach from what's distracting you and refocus on what you should be paying attention to, the stronger this brain circuitry becomes.
-- Daniel Goleman -
The internal processes of muscle growth are seriously complicated, people devote their lives to it, but the external processes that kick it off, the things in your control can be distilled down to a few principles: Get stronger in the right rep ranges, eat appropriately, commit to the program and consistently work hard at it.
-- Daniel Roberts -
The most important part of any CrossFit workout is posting about it endlessly on social media. How about you just brag about all the kettlebell burpees you did to the other whackos in your cult?
-- Daniel Tosh -
Don't workout because you think you 'need' to, do it because your body deserves love, respect and healthy attention.
-- Demi Lovato -
It takes a lot to motivate me to exercise but Physique 57 is the ideal workout, it's efficient, fun and targeted to get the results you didn't think were possible!
-- Demi Moore -
I like to hit the gym early in the morning. I feel better throughout the day when I get in a workout first thing in the morning.
-- Derek Jeter -
So many people are insanely busy nowadays, and it's easy to say, 'Ah, I'll workout tomorrow.' But you have to set aside a time and stick to that schedule.
-- Derek Jeter -
Each workout is like a brick in a building, and every time you go in there and do a half-ass workout, you're not laying a brick down. Somebody else is.
-- Dorian Yates -
At the end of the day it's not a weight contest, it's a visual contest. And it doesn't matter what you say you weigh, if you don't look that big then you don't look that big.
-- Dorian Yates -
Complex carbohydrates are always best, except, again, after a workout where you could take simple (sugar) carbohydrates to get an insulin spike. But at other times doing this is not very beneficial because insulin is a storage hormone and it's going to shunt everything into the muscle.
-- Dorian Yates -
It is harder to be a lifter than a bodybuilder...lifting is purely masculine whereas bodybuilding entails feminine traits. Bodybuilding reminds me of a woman getting ready to go somewhere. Can you tell me that greasing your body up and posing in front of a mirror is masculine? A bodybuilder puts strength secondary to his physique, whereas the lifter puts strength foremost because it is more masculine to do so.
-- Doug Hepburn -
All of the products I take help me feel like I'm getting the maximum amount out of my workouts and out of my practice work. They're a big part of preparing and recovering each week.
-- Drew Brees -
It was going to be really tough to juggle the two as far as rehab and strength training, getting the shoulder back to where it needed to be and also worrying about the weight cut. We thought as a team that the best option for me right now with the recovery was to stay at middleweight, for this fight at least. We'll see what happens after this.
-- Dylan Andrews -
If I do a film and have to get naked, that tends to dictate how often I go to the gym. Acting in 'Richard II' on stage was a huge physical workout, so I ended up more toned than I normally am.
-- Eddie Redmayne -
Does breakfast in bed count as a morning workout?
-- Elizabeth Jane Howard -
Anything that's slightly dangerous and gets the heart rate going is my kind of workout.
-- Ellen Hollman -
There is a great advantage in training under unfavorable conditions. It is better to train under bad conditions, for the difference is then a tremendous relief in a race.
-- Emil Zatopek -
Don't quit. You're already in pain. You're already hurt. Get a reward from it!
-- Eric Thomas -
I'm not the kind of guy who tries to run between the drops. Sometimes you gotta get a little wet to reach your destination
-- Erik Fankhouser -
I never get bored of a workout, because I feel great after a session.
-- Esha Gupta -
God has two families of children on this earth, the once-born and the twice-born.
-- Francis William Newman -
I'm the strongest bodybuilding who ever lived, I think.
-- Franco Columbu -
A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice.
-- Francois de La Rochefoucauld -
The sky is the limit. You never have the same experience twice.
-- Frank McCourt -
The truth I've discovered is that you don't have to lift enormous weights to grow muscle. By using stricter form, slower negatives, and stretching between sets you can get an incredible pump in all your workouts. Numbers are an abstraction, especially to muscles. Your body doesn't know the absolute weight of what you lift, it only recognizes how heavy it feels. The secret is to make lighter weights feel heavier.
-- Frank Zane -
There is no subject so old that something new cannot be said about it.
-- Fyodor Dostoevsky -
With both kids, I started working out again at 16 days postpartum, but I treated myself with kindness, doing mild workouts, because my fitness level was lower.
-- Gabrielle Reece -
A boxing workout is the heaviest thing, but it's the best. The worst part is that boxing gyms are the smelliest things in the universe. You have to lie down on the floor, where everyone has been sweating and spitting, and do 1,000 situps and push-ups.
-- Gael Garcia Bernal -
Because I travel so much, I bring my workout clothes and shoes wherever I go. That way I can always do some exercise.
-- Gail Simmons -
Well, I've been to Iraq twice now. I was in Baghdad in June and then north of Baghdad in November.
-- Gary Sinise -
I played this character twice in live action, and now I've become an animated character. It was actually fun to see myself drawn - I've never been a drawn character before.
-- Geena Davis -
The toughest workout can never match the pain of being out of work.
-- George Montgomery -
You don’t get better on the days when you feel like going. You get better on the days when you don’t want to go, but you go anyway. If you can overcome the negative energy coming from your tired body or unmotivated mind, you will grow and become better. It won’t be the best workout you have, you won’t accomplish as much as what you usually do when you actually feel good, but that doesn’t matter. Growth is a long term game, and the crappy days are more important.
-- Georges St-Pierre -
You do brutal workouts to get used to suffering so suffering doesn't become a defining deal.
-- Greg Jackson