“The prospect of future lives in remote heavens as a compensation for the inadequacy of our present lives is a bad tradeoff for losing out on the present.”
Source : Francis Harold Cook (1978). “How to Raise an Ox: Zen Practice as Taught in Zen Master Dogen's Shobogenzo, Including Ten Newly Translated Essays”
“Much effort, much prosperity.”
“The Boeing 747 is the commuter train of the global village.”
“Don't bother me, leave me alone. Anyway, I'm almost grown.”
“The tech folks have seen WiFi as the way to untether. And what better reason to untether than entertainment content? So there's nobody better positioned than the in-home Wi-Fi purveyor.”
Source : Source: www.businessinsider.com
“Evil is the shadow of angel. Just as there are angels of light, support, guidance, healing and defense, so we have experiences of shadow angels. And we have names for them: racism, sexism, homophobia are all demons - but they're not out there.”
“I've never met a man I didn't mutilate.”
Source : "Sir Henry at Rawlinson End". Comedy recording by Vivian Stanshall, 1978.
“I'd say my happiest moment as an actress came when I learned I'd won the Look Magazine Best Supporting Actress Award for 1956 in The Killing.”