Venture famous quotes
Affairs are easier of entrance than of exit; and it is but common prudence to see our way out before we venture in.
-- Aesop -
Lucifer also has died with God, and from his ashes has arisen a spiteful demon who does not even understand the object of his venture.
-- Albert Camus -
Of the sayings of Christ in the Synoptic Gospels that can be compared to those in the fourth Gospel, there are one or two which I venture to think can only have been recorded on the authority of St. John.
-- Alfred Noyes -
That's the beauty of starting lines: Until you begin a new venture, you never know what awaits you.
-- Amby Burfoot -
Whoever starts out toward the unknown must consent to venture alone.
-- Andre Gide -
in this society, dominated as it is by the profit-seeking ventures of monopoly corporations, health has been callously transformed into a commodity - a commodity that those with means are able to afford, but that is too often entirely beyond the reach of others.
-- Angela Davis -
Life... is not simply a series of exciting new ventures. The future is not always a whole new ball game. There tends to be unfinished business. One trails all sorts of things around with one, things that simply won't be got rid of.
-- Anita Brookner -
We should venture on the study of every kind of animal without distaste; for each and all will reveal to us something natural and something beautiful.
-- Aristotle -
It is not advisable to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener.
-- Ayn Rand -
What do you get when you cross a herd of sheep with a herd of lemmings? A herd of venture capitalists.
-- Ben Horowitz -
A family is a risky venture, because the greater the love, the greater the loss... That's the trade-off. But I'll take it all.
-- Brad Pitt -
Service to a just cause rewards the worker with more real happiness and satisfaction than any other venture of life.
-- Carrie Chapman Catt -
If I may venture to be frank I would say about myself that I was every inch a gentleman ...
-- Catherine the Great -
I am inclined to attach some importance to the new system of manufacturing; and venture to throw it out with the hope of its receiving a full discussion among those who are most interestedin the subject.
-- Charles Babbage -
Real Christians revel in desperate ventures for Christ, expecting from God great things and attempting the same with exhilaration.
-- Charles Studd -
If you never venture outside the box, you will probably not be creative. But if you never get inside the box, you will certainly be stupid.
-- Christopher Peterson -
I design my start-up ventures around my own personal beliefs and values.
-- Cindy Gallop -
For church planters, the motivation is not about the romantic or heroic venture ... it is because you realize you can't not plant one.
-- Dan Kimball -
My buddy Alex Blumberg learned - he was very public about his learning process, and I know for a fact because we sat next to each other for many years, that he knew nothing about venture capital or seed rounds or "A" rounds or whatever you call them, and he had to really learn, like, pitch by pitch. He just screwed pitches up.
-- David Plotz -
Even those who venture to dip a toe in the pond of risk never allow themselves to get used to the water.
-- David Viscott -
Both art and faith are dependent on imagination; both are ventures into the unknown.
-- Denise Levertov -
There is no way to peace along the way to safety. For peace must be dared. It is the great venture.
-- Dietrich Bonhoeffer -
Readers of novels are a strange folk, upon whose probable or even possible tastes no wise book-maker would ever venture to bet.
-- E. V. Lucas -
I delivered lectures, and I was also a consultant for international companies in finance, both private equity and big venture capital funds.
-- Ehud Barak -
To venture upon an undertaking of any kind, even the most insignificant, is to sacrifice to envy.
-- Emile M. Cioran -
When you come across real talent, it is sometimes worth allowing them to create the structure in which they choose to labor. In nine cases out of ten, by inviting them to take responsibility and control for a new venture, you will motivate them to do great things.
-- Felix Dennis -
Very, very few entrepreneurs who accept a 51 percent partner in a new venture will get rich if they are also expected to run it. Control is mandatory.
-- Felix Dennis -
Believing your own bullshit is always a perilous activity, but never more fatal than for the owner of a start-up venture.
-- Felix Dennis -
However novel it may appear, I shall venture the assertion, that, until women assume the place in society which good sense and good feeling alike assign to them, human improvement must advance but feebly.
-- Frances Wright -
I venture that those of us who are most serene when faced with the possibility of nothingness are the ones who've reached furthest to the downward and upward of their beings.
-- Francine du Plessix Gray -
Scientists must venture outside their comfort zones to show the public how cool - and how important - their work really is.
-- Francis Collins -
Men resemble great deserted palaces: the owner occupies only a few rooms and has closed-off wings where he never ventures.
-- Francois Mauriac -
All markets have boom and bust cycles, and I think venture capital market has even more exaggerated boom and bust cycles.
-- Fred Wilson -
But I feel convinced, and I venture even to prophesy in this regard, that the time will come when there will also be a minister of peace in the cabinet, seated beside the ministers of war.
-- Fredrik Bajer -
It is a maxim, founded on the universal experience of mankind, that no nation is to be trusted farther than it is bound by its interest; and no prudent statesman or politician will venture to depart from it.
-- George Washington -
The wage earner relies upon the ventures of confident and contented capital. This failing him, his condition is without alleviation, for he can neither prey on the misfortune of others nor hoard his labor.
-- Grover Cleveland -
Now the music industry is sort of like a Craigslist venture, right? Where you're making your own records and selling them online.
-- Gus Van Sant -
Music can happen with equal ease as a solo or collaborative venture, it seems to me.
-- Harry Shearer -
He who fears to venture as far as his heart urges and his reason permits, is a coward; he who ventures further than he intended to go, is a slave.
-- Heinrich Heine -
For myself, if I am to stake all I have and hope to be upon anything, I will venture it upon the abounding fullness of God - upon the assurance that, as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are His ways higher than our ways, and His thoughts than our thoughts.
-- Henry Norris Russell -
The need for some venture of faith still remains; one must stake one's life upon something.
-- Henry Norris Russell -
Ask ourselves: How can we serve, nurture and sustain the planet and its people in our business ventures?
-- Horst Rechelbacher -
It is only after you have come to know the surface of things ... that you can venture to seek what is underneath. But the surface of things is inexhaustible.
-- Italo Calvino -
I support myself by public speaking and trying to work on as many appropriate and legitimate ventures as I can.
-- Jack Abramoff -
I venture to define science as a series of interconnected concepts and conceptual schemes arising from experiment and observation and fruitful of further experiments and observations. The test of a scientific theory is, I suggest, its fruitfulness.
-- James Bryant Conant -
It is certain, indeed, that the sacred writers were apt to make great allowances for people with empty stomachs, and though I am well aware that the present profane ones think this very reprehensible, I venture to agree with the sacred writers.
-- James Payn -
I always have awkward relationships with the ladies for whatever reason. I don't know and so here we are. I was able to sort of take all of those terrible, terrible, terrible dates and turn them into a money making venture.
-- Jason Segel -
I am not made like any of those I have seen. I venture to believe that I am not made like any of those who are in existence. If I am not better, at least I am different.
-- Jean-Jacques Rousseau -
To engage with art, we have to be willing to be wrong, venture outside our psychic comfort zones, suspend disbelief, and remember that art explores and alters consciousness simultaneously.
-- Jerry Saltz -
Remember this: When you are doing nothing, those speculators who feel they must trade day in and day out, are laying the foundation for your next venture. You will reap benefits from their mistakes.
-- Jesse Lauriston Livermore -
Where instinct fails, intellect must venture.
-- Jim Butcher -
One role of government is to go where venture capital won't.
-- Joe Biden -
As the work progresses the careful reader will insert mental interrogation points here and there. He will find that his interest increases as the interrogation points become more frequent, and that it culminates where they are changed to marks of positive dissent. I venture to record the opinion that the value of the work reaches a maximum in a passage that is demonstrably incorrect.
-- John Bates Clark -
There's never been a better time than now to start or accelerate a greentech venture.
-- John Doerr -
The great danger of dealing with venture capitalists is the 'slow maybe'.
-- John Doerr -
Nought venture, nought have. [Nothing ventured, nothing gained.]
-- John Heywood -
Too many players are so afraid to do anything that they seldom venture to do anything.
-- John Kessel -
Who would not, finding way, break loose from hell, . . . . And boldly venture to whatever place Farthest from pain?
-- John Milton -
The U.S. and Israel probably lead the way in terms of venture investment in technologies companies focused on the security paradigm. That is quite encouraging.
-- John W. Thompson -
One of the things that has been truly incredible to observe though, is the amount of venture investment that has gone into early stage security technology.
-- John W. Thompson -
When we venture beyond the edge of our knowledge, all we have is art.
-- Jonah Lehrer -
Beauty should be shared for it enhances our joys. To explore its mystery is to venture towards the sublime.
-- Joseph Cornell -
It would not be going too far to assert that ... conflict confronts every woman who ventures upon a career of her own and who is ... unwilling to pay for her daring with the renunciation of her femininity.
-- Karen Horney -
I love what I do and being in front of the camera. But I never want to limit myself to just one thing and just venture out into new things.
-- Kyla Pratt -
The ladies pass the timee with gossip and hearsay. This is what they have in place of freedom- gime and gossip. Their lives are small and careful. I do not wish to live this way. I should like to make my mark. To venture opinions that may not be polite or even correct but are mine nonetheless. If I am to be hanged for anything, I should like to feel that I go to the gallows on my own strength.
-- Libba Bray -
After closely examining my conscience, I venture to state that in my historical novels I intended the content to be just as modern and up-to-date as in the contemporary ones.
-- Lion Feuchtwanger -
If you would venture, let your mind be bold . . . not reckless but bold.
-- Louis D. Brandeis -
My misfortune is doubly painful to me because it will result in my being misunderstood. For me there can be no recreation in the company of others, no intelligent conversation, no exchange of information with peers; only the most pressing needs can make me venture into society. I am obliged to live like an outcast.
-- Ludwig van Beethoven -
I've been a customer of the top venture capital firms, so I know exactly what they do and don't do.
-- Marc Andreessen -
It doesn’t much matter what line of argument you take as a woman. If you venture into traditional male territory, the abuse comes anyway. It’s not what you say that prompts it—it’s the fact that you are saying it.
-- Mary Beard -
The only way to know whats possible is to venture past impossible.
-- Mary Gaitskill -
The fifth province is not anywhere here or there, north or south, east or west. It is a place within each of us. It is that place that is open to the other, that swinging door which allows us to venture out and others to venture in.
-- Mary Robinson -
We venture to make the assertion that there is but one sin: IGNORANCE, and but one salvation: APPLIED KNOWLEDGE.
-- Max Heindel -
Venture too far for love, she tells herself, and you renounce citizenship in the country you've made for yourself.
-- Michael Cunningham -
We have crushed the whole force which dared to venture there. They were on the runway at Saddam International Airport. That force was crushed
-- Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf -
The gifts of genius are far greater than the givers themselves venture to suppose.
-- Moses Harvey -
The payoff of a human venture is, in general, inversely proportional to what it is expected to be.
-- Nassim Nicholas Taleb -
Lavender is the new pink. I'll never stop wearing pink but I wanted to venture out.
-- Nicki Minaj -
Yoga is an inner process, which makes it a solitary venture, yet it works better when you have external support.
-- Nirmalananda -
Soloist are inspiring in Opera and perhaps even in small entreprenurial ventures, but there is no place for them in large corporations.
-- Norman Ralph Augustine -
During the 1950s, Aristotle Onassis and I formed what grew to be a close friendship and association in several business ventures.
-- Paul Getty -
Businesses who are members of Businesses for Social Responsibility or the Social Venture Network are internalizing costs on a voluntary basis and therefore raising their costs of doing business, but their competitors are not required to.
-- Paul Hawken -
But at the same time that the experience is pulling you apart, it's also bonding you. You have this joint venture! You both made this baby. And that's the thing I still can't get over
-- Paul Reiser -
Instead of standing on the shore and proving to ourselves that the ocean cannot carry us, let us venture on its waters just to see.
-- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin -
When individuals join in a cooperative venture, the power generated far exceeds what they could have accomplished acting individually.
-- R. Buckminster Fuller -
I was deposed in association with a case involving the Golden Venture, a ship which smuggled Chinese aliens into the United States about eight or nine ago.
-- Rand Beers -
I always tell other people to protect against the downside, and not risk roughing on new ventures, but I never stuck to that rule myself.
-- Richard Branson -
LEARN FROM FAILURE. If you are an entrepreneur and your first venture wasn't a success, welcome to the club.
-- Richard Branson -
The ability to bounce back after a setback is the single most important trait an entrepreneurial venture can possess.
-- Richard Branson -
The desert tells a different story every time one ventures on it.
-- Robert Edison Fulton, Jr. -
A Leader is one who ventures and takes the risks of going out ahead to show the way and whom others follow, voluntarily, because they are persuaded that the leader's path is the right one-for them, probably better than they could devise for themselves.
-- Robert K. Greenleaf -
In my experience, there's only one thing that will always steer you toward success: That's to have a vision and to stick with it... Once I have a vision for a new venture, I'm going to ride that vision until the wheels come off.
-- Russell Simmons -
How many chapters have been written about love verses - and how many more might be written! - might, would, could, should, or ought to be written! - I will venture to say, will be written!
-- Samuel Lover -
My dear friend, venture to take the wind on your face for Christ.
-- Samuel Rutherford -
I'm sure there will be business ventures and things down the road, but I definitely don't want to be a team owner.
-- Scott Dixon -
I've never began any important venture for which I felt adequate prepared
-- Sheldon B. Kopp