Awkward famous quotes
I was a very awkward high schooler, especially in early high school. I had the middle part with a swoop, all that. It was the late ’90s!
-- Aaron Tveit -
I feel like I'll never get over red carpets. They're so bizarre and awkward.
-- Adam Driver -
No matter where you are or where you grow up, you always go through the same awkward moments of being a teenager and growing up and trying to figure out who you are.
-- Aimee Teegarden -
The teenage years are ridiculously crucial and hard and, um, awkward.
-- Aimee Teegarden -
The custom and fashion of today will be the awkwardness and outrage of tomorrow - so arbitrary are these transient laws.
-- Alexandre Dumas -
Every therapeutic cure, and still more, any awkward attempt to show the patient the truth, tears him from the cradle of his freedom from responsibility and must therefore reckon with the most vehement resistance.
-- Alfred Adler -
I wanted to do a movie about being really good at something, yet being socially awkward and not as advanced in your personal life as you are in your creative life.
-- Alicia Witt -
I started out really into musical theater. So you can imagine I was super popular. I wasn't awkward looking at all.
-- Allison Williams -
It was epic. It was awkward. It was epically awkward.
-- Ally Carter -
If you take 'Cheers' and 'Seinfeld' and watch the early shows, they're kind of awkward. It took a while for the writers and everything to gel.
-- Amanda Peet -
I kind of do this awkward body language because, growing up, I had a really hard time expressing myself vocally.
-- Analeigh Tipton -
I feel incredibly awkward as a human being and incredibly teenaged still.
-- Andrew Garfield -
So many times you see beautiful lovemaking scenes with a lot of exposure or an awkward lovemaking scene, but I think it's very rare that you see it private.
-- Ang Lee -
I wanted a line in a poem to be the hollow ney of the dervish orchestra whose plaintive wail is a call to God. But all I achieved was awkward shrieking. Not even the pure shriek of a reed in the rain.
-- Anne Michaels -
When you go to take someone's picture, the first thing they say is, what you want me to do? Everyone is very awkward.
-- Annie Leibovitz -
It is uncomfortable to ask condemned people about their sentences just as it is awkward to ask wealthy people why they need so much money, why they use their wealth so poorly, and why they don't just get rid of it when they recognize that it is the cause of their unhappiness.
-- Anton Chekhov -
Well, in pharmacology, if the effect is local, it's of course absolutely awkward to use it in any other way than as a local treatment.
-- Arvid Carlsson -
I'm very awkward when I have time off. I don't know what to do with myself. It's weird not to work.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I'm too awkward to date, I think. I'm kind of all or nothing, you know? Either put a baby inside of me or leave me alone.
-- Aubrey Plaza -
Saying just the right thing after a considerable, awkward pause is far less effective than saying the wrong thing with perfect timing. I'm telling you.
-- Augusten Burroughs -
I was never in an awkward position where I had to curb my manhood.
-- Beanie Sigel -
If youre in an awkward position, feel comfortable enough to walk away.
-- Beau Mirchoff -
The surest way to become Tense, Awkward, and Confused is to develop a mind that tries too hard - one that thinks too much.
-- Benjamin Hoff -
And when you try too hard, it doesn't work. Try grabbing something quickly and precisely with a tensed-up arm; then relax and try it again. Try doing something with a tense mind. The surest way to become Tense, Awkward, and Confused is to develop a mind that tries too hard-one that thinks too much.
-- Benjamin Hoff -
Latin! The language of God! Or perhaps He speaks Hebrew? I suppose that's more likely and it will make things rather awkward in heaven, won't it? Will we all have to learn Hebrew?
-- Bernard Cornwell -
But then she was not awkward, she was slow-flowing, graceful, seductive - a seductiveness that had nothing to do with breast and hips and legs, but was an invitation to forget the world in the recesses of the body
-- Bernhard Schlink -
I feel like I'm nothing without wildlife. They are the stars. I feel awkward without them.
-- Bindi Irwin -
Don't be an extra in your own movie. Move out of your comfort zone. Don't be afraid of feeling uncomfortable or awkward. Step-out and make it happen.
-- Bob Proctor -
I'm actually part of a number of minorities. I grew up being a horribly awkward kid. A terrible student. And now I find myself as a filmmaker, and you feel kind of alone in the world because you're separate from everyone else.
-- Bryan Singer -
At school I got teased because I was so thin and awkward-looking. But the girls on TV looked similar to me. I would say to my mum, 'The girls at school are teasing me, but I look like those girls on TV.'
-- Candice Swanepoel -
I'm kind of a nervous person in general. I'm socially awkward. I'm not tall and sensuous. I usually wear sweats everywhere I go. Oh, and I burp a lot.
-- Carrie Underwood -
Henry patted Charlotte’s shoulder anxiously. “Would you like a cool cloth? What can I do to help?†“You could ride up to Yorkshire and chop that old goat’s head off.†Charlotte sounded mutinous. “Won’t that make things rather awkward with the Clave?†asked Henry. “They’re not generally very receptive about, you know, beheadings and things.
-- Cassandra Clare -
Because I was a shy and awkward child, I used humour to deflect attention. It was a controlling mechanism. Because I could use it to control my image.
-- Catherine Tate -
You shouldn't try to stop everything from happening. Sometimes you're supposed to feel awkward. Sometimes you're supposed to be vulnerable in front of people. Sometimes it's necessary because it's all part of you getting to the next part of yourself, the next day.
-- Cecelia Ahern -
People always tell me I'm the complete opposite of Chief Keef and act like I'm supposed to stop him from making his music. But I like Chief Keef, so it's always super awkward. I just make music I like.
-- Chance the Rapper -
A new constitution should be more amendable. A needlessly confusing system of courts should be altered to produce an arrangement that would be simple, responsible, and less awkward.
-- Charles Edison -
Actors put ourselves in awkward positions all the time.
-- Charlie Day -
Sometimes you need to be awkward to beat awkwardness
-- Charlie Flynn -
Everytime i have turned the page he re-enters my life as awkward as postscript
-- Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni -
I don't care if I'm cool or not. I've always been an awkward person anyway.
-- Chris Carrabba -
My life is an awkward visit from the kid's table while awaiting a History Channel special.
-- Chris Colfer -
Most frontmen are not born hams like David Lee Roth. We're more like Joey Ramone: awkward geeks who somehow find our place in the world on the stage.
-- Chris Cornell -
I went through an awkward adolescence and had braces.
-- Christina Ricci -
I'm as awkward as it gets, dude, but I embrace the awkward! I embrace the awkward and make everyone else feel awkward
-- Christofer Drew -
It was strange at times. We had to make out so much that we kind of got over it. It was really awkward.
-- Clea DuVall -
Whats more awkward than doing a shower scene? Rehearsing a shower scene.
-- Cobie Smulders -
Once upon a time humans faced each other and pulled thoughts from minds, advanced rapidly, revolutionised industry and evolved explosively. Then one day they stopped, and stared at a box. They grew fat and awkward in public, stopped expressing emotions and couldn't figure out how to reverse it: they reinvented themselves from Emperors back into prawns, because someone turned the TV on.
-- Craig Stone -
I want people to treat me as normally as they can. Anybody who doesn't, I feel awkward with.
-- Daniel Craig -
The cracks in old friendships are measured in awkward pauses.
-- Darin Strauss -
Yes, we could talk to you for days on end about all the bad first dates. Those are stories. Funny stories. Awkward stories. Stories we love to share, because by sharing them, we get something out of the hour or two we wasted on the wrong person. But that's all bad first dates are: short stories. Good first dates are more than short stories. They are first chapters. On a good first date, everything is springtime. And when a good first date becomes a relationship, the springtime lingers. Even after it's over, there can be springtime.
-- David Levithan -
It was rather awkward, insofar as we were both teetering between the possibility of something and the possibility of nothing.
-- David Levithan -
I avoid clients for whom advertising is only a marginal factor in their marketing mix. They have an awkward tendency to raid their advertising appropriations whenever they need cash for other purposes.
-- David Ogilvy -
I've always been a geek and slightly awkward… slightly umm… I was never the cool kid at school.
-- David Tennant -
Doing love scenes is always awkward. I mean, it's just not a normal thing to go to work and lay in bed with your co-worker.
-- Denise Richards -
Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Though we are imperfect, He loves us perfectly. Though we may feel lost and without compass, God's love encompasses us completely. ... He loves every one of us, even those who are flawed, rejected, awkward, sorrowful, or broken.
-- Dieter F. Uchtdorf -
Maxwell is serious, dedicated, awkward, forgetful, pompous to a certain degree, sentimental.
-- Don Adams -
I think the only reason I wanted to do modeling, really, was because I knew I wasn't ready to act; I knew I didn't have enough life experience, and I knew that doing photo shoots was a way of acting. Playing a character each shoot and being able to just emerge yourself in these awkward experiences - it was amazing.
-- Dree Hemingway -
I've been awkward forever. I have really low expectations for myself. When I do perform to some sort of social standard, I leave feeling really comfortable. I'm either so awkward that I look retarded or I'm so awkward that everyone else feels retarded.
-- Earl Sweatshirt -
The awkward moment when Santa accidentally leaves the price tag on your present.
-- Eddy Sims -
Our lives are awkward and fragile and we have only one thing to keep us sane: pity, and the man without pity is mad.
-- Edward Bond -
It is impossible to understand the economic system in which we are living if we try to interpret it as a rational scheme.It has to be understood as an awkward phase in a continuing process of historical development.
-- Edwin Arlington Robinson -
Between memory and reality there are awkward discrepancies...
-- Eileen Chang -
Order is never observed; it is disorder that attracts attention because it is awkward and intrusive.
-- Eliphas Levi -
We had fun just messing around and being awkward like they would be awkward. There's always that stage in a friendship when you wonder whether it could be more.
-- Emma Watson -
Awkward, odd, and difficult situations will always present themselves. You just have to stay cool and work through them.
-- Erik Apple -
A fight is a fight. And life is a fight. No matter how many fights you have under your belt, it will continue to be a learning experience. And you can never prepare yourself for every scenario. Awkward, odd, and difficult situations will always present themselves. You just have to stay cool and work through them.
-- Erik Apple -
Hype is the awkward and desperate attempt to convince journalists that what you've made is worth the misery of having to review it.
-- Federico Fellini -
Hearing my songs in public freaks me out a bit. There was one restaurant I really liked in L.A., but I had to stop going there when they started playing my music. It felt kinda awkward.
-- Fiona Apple -
It's always awkward to pretend to play. I feel like Ashlee Simpson. Oooh, zing.
-- Frank Iero -
Long sentences, awkward constructions, and fuzzy-wuzzy words that seem to apologize for daring to venture an opinion are part of the price the law reviews pay for their precious dignity.
-- Fred Rodell -
How very awkward places we do choose in which to propose to one another!' remarked Mr. Beaumaris
-- Georgette Heyer -
I'm a pretty goofy person. I'm an awkward dancer, for instance, and a terrible singer.
-- Gillian Jacobs -
The ultimate first date? Something that is completely out of the ordinary - go crazy, because first dates are always a little awkward, so do something a little extreme.
-- Gina Carano -
For me, some of the happiest moments on a live-action film are the awkward moments. One actor says something to another actor. They didn't expect that performance from that actor; that affects their return performance.
-- Gore Verbinski -
It is awkward to listen to oneself being praised, and I was always a shy man.
-- H. Rider Haggard -
I could be myself. I'm very shy and awkward. I think the best thing is to embrace it.
-- Hunter Hayes -
Stay naked as much as possible, but do not impose your orgiastic will on others. Don't have sex in the lobby - it's usually awkward.
-- Hunter S. Thompson -
Jews are a singular confusion — difficult to define, awkward to describe, impossible to understand. All the virtues, all the vices, every pleasure, every pain — nothing is spared them.
-- Israel Shenker -
There are those who are awkward in the face of sorrow, fearing to say the wrong thing; to them, I say, there is no wrong in comfort, ever. A kind word, a consoling arm ... these things are ever welcome.
-- Jacqueline Carey -
The nourishment of Cezanne's awkward apples is in the tenderness and alertness they awaken inside us.
-- Jane Hirshfield -
I'm just an awkward old maid with a very great affection for men.
-- Janet Reno -
For TV you also get those pre-interviews when researchers ask you what you're going to say. The pre-interview drives me insane. If they've already decided the outcome, why don't I just hand in an essay? Maybe if we talk we'll find something out. I'd rather just have an awkward pause.
-- Jarvis Cocker -
I always have awkward relationships with the ladies for whatever reason. I don't know and so here we are. I was able to sort of take all of those terrible, terrible, terrible dates and turn them into a money making venture.
-- Jason Segel -
The hot gossip in Washington is that Condoleezza Rice might have a new boyfriend. Secretary of State Rice is being linked to Canada's Foreign Minister, Peter MacKay. It's gotta be awkward dating a fellow diplomat. Like today, MacKay had to promise Condi he would get permission from the U.N. before he invaded her.
-- Jay Leno -
I've always felt myself to be an outsider. I've always felt awkward.
-- Jeremy Paxman -
The wardrobe? It was so full of gowns that he didn't think he could cram himself inside. Besides, it would be awkward if the maid came in to lay out a gown for dinner and grabbed Oliver instead of the blue silk with lace sleeves.
-- Jessica Day George -
The reality of it, excuse me, is when you're in the public they already have a perception of you, ... And that can be a little awkward.
-- Joe Namath -
Eventually, it is found out but it takes time especially in the conditions when communication is difficult, when the enemy is making it extremely awkward for information to come out, to go.
-- Joe Slovo -
I am gennerally understood tho I do not use that awkward squad of pointings called commas colons semicolons etc.
-- John Clare -
It's something we, guys, have all done. Made tapes for girls, trying to impress them, to meet them on a shared plane of aesthetics. Read them someone else's poetry because they do poetry better than you could do it, because you're too awkward to do it.
-- John Cusack -
It's hard to tell a shallow person that they should care more about the feelings of the awkward and the alienated.
-- John Flansburgh -
They were involved in that awkward procedure of getting to unknow each other.
-- John Irving -
I think that was when the headmaster realized he had lost; he realized then that he was finished. Because, what could he do? Was he going to tell us to stop praying? We kept our heads bowed; and we kept praying. Even as awkward as he was, the Rev. Mr. Merrill had made it clear to us that there was no end to praying for Owen Meany.
-- John Irving -
Computer programmers tend, by and large, to be quirky and highly individualistic. Trying to organize or manage such awkward characters is normally as thankless as herding cats
-- John Naughton -
The romance stuff is easy. A sex scene... that's hard, because you don't know what to do. Those scenes are awkward.
-- John Turturro -
As far as rapprochements go, it's awkward and vague, but the advantage of being as emotionally inarticulate as we are is that it will do the trick.
-- Jonathan Tropper -
Mere bashfulness without merit is awkward; and merit without modesty, insolent. But modest merit has a double claim to acceptance, and generally meets with as many patrons as beholders.
-- Joseph Addison