Ashton Kutcher famous quotes
I am only young once, who cares if I'm a goofball!
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I think directing yourself is a monumental task. Just to self edit as an actor, you work for some directors who don't give you a lot of feedback so you have to do that. That's a difficult thing to do as an actor.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
The sexiest thing in the entire world is being really smart. And being thoughtful and being generous. Everything else is crap. I promise you. It's just crap that people try to sell to you to make you feel like less. So don't buy it. Be smart. Be thoughtful and be generous.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I gave up smoking, I never gave up the drinking. But it's hard to smoke and swim at the same time. You'd get to the edge of the pool and all you'd be wanting is a cigarette when all you actually really want is oxygen. So I traded the smoke for the oxygen.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I believe that opportunity looks a lot like hard work.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
It takes a lot of energy to be funny... for me it does. I feel like I work twice as hard when I'm doing comedy.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
Vulnerability is the essence of romance. It's the art of being uncalculated, the willingness to look foolish, the courage to say, 'This is me, and I'm interested in you enough to show you my flaws with the hope that you may embrace me for all that I am but, more important, all that I am not.'
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I don't understand shopping, it doesn't make any sense to me. As guys, we decide we want something and then we go out and buy it. Women go to the store having no idea what they're going to buy, or what they're even doing, it's like a whole different sport. It's like going to a football game to maybe watch a game. I don't get it.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
The sexiest thing in the entire world is being really smart. And being thoughtful. And being generous. Everything else is crap!
-- Ashton Kutcher -
Having someone to share not only the joy of life, but the pain of life... that's been sort of the biggest lesson of marriage. I can never get angry or upset with my partner because they're just a part of me.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
And every job that I had was a stepping stone to my next job and I never quit my job until I had my next job. And so opportunities look a lot like work.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I think love is one of the most elusive things in the world. I don't know that there's a perfect formula for it and that's what makes the stories interesting.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
Always roll up the sleeves on your shirt. It gives the impression that you're working, even if you're not.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I think romance is something that you don't clock or keep track of... you don't manage it in that way. It's something that happens in a moment. Usually, it's in a period of time when you put yourself in an uncomfortable position for the sake of somebody else.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
When it comes to getting dressed, men are a little bit more important than handbags but less important than shoes.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I think great relationships are great partnerships, and those come in all shapes, sizes, forms, ages. The only tip I have for anyone in a relationship or a partnership is work on it when it's good. It's very easy to try to take the break when things are going good, but that's the time you have to keep working on it, because you can keep it good, and that's worth a lot.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
Take a long pause ...breathe and know that things are happening for you not to you.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
The largest fear in the world is to speak in public. We fear of stumbling, or public humiliation, and so we're fearing a face-to-face rejection. So, we'll say things in a text or e-mail that we would never say face-to-face. So, relationships are coming together faster and breaking apart faster, and they're a little bit more disposable.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I think people are having less of an investment in relationships. It used to be that you meet someone, you go on four or five dates and you gradually get to know them and trust them at the same time, and you learn a little bit about them. Now, it could be one date - maybe even before that first date - you go on Facebook have all the information.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
A lot of people use social media to share mundane things or for self-glorification. I try to use it to share interesting things with people.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I'm serious when I'm talking to the press because I'm always on guard because I never know what you're going to ask and I never know how you're going to construe my answer, so I try to maintain a pretty even pace when I'm speaking with the media.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
A lot of the characters I play are very naive, and I don't think I'm like that. And I'm not stupid!
-- Ashton Kutcher -
Acting can be so much fun that it's easy to forget that what you're doing is a job. But if I've got my tie on, I'm going to work.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I'm continually trying to make choices that put me against my own comfort zone. As long as you're uncomfortable, it means you're growing.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
Modeling is the best because you have to look hot, which comes easy to me, you know. I'm blessed with that.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
If you believe the good stuff that people say then you have to believe the bad stuff and then you allow yourself to be on a roller coaster of what other people think. So I think you try to find the good in the bad and the bad in the good and balance yourself and stay on an even keel.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I really think that technology has the greatest potential to accelerate happiness of most things in the world. The companies that will ultimately do well are the companies that chase happiness. If you find a way to help people find love, or health or friendship, the dollar will chase that.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
When it comes to love, everyone wants to receive it, but at the end of the day, you don't get to receive it until you start to give it. That goes for everything. What you give is what you receive. If you want the drug, you have to give the drug.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
In e-commerce, your prices have to be better because the consumer has to take a leap of faith in your product.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I love life, I love people and I love sharing, so I would say that I'm romantic.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I like being what the girls call MOD-"my other Dad." What I've learned in the past year is that every kid is different. But as long as you love them and never forget that love, then you have the key. I think it's all about just being there and loving them because kids feel that every single day.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I don't know that sex always has to have feelings, but I think that friendship always does.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
Build a life. Don’t live one!
-- Ashton Kutcher -
All the really successful, happy relationships that I know of, the people that are together are friends, anyways.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
The scruffier your beard, the sharper you need to dress.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I don't believe that old cliche that good things come to those who wait. I think good things come to those who want something so bad they can't sit still.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I was on Facebook. I was on MySpace. And somebody said to me, You should check out this thing called Twitter. I knew five people that were on it, so I started following those people and seeing what they were doing, and then I applied my own sensibility to it. The more that I shared, the more people started following me.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I think Ryan Gosling is a really great actor who's meticulous about his work. And I'd love to have the guts that Johnny Depp has to actually go outside the box on a character. When he plays a character, he plays it in a way that nobody else would.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I think that the way that Steve Jobs sought after love was to create products that people loved. And when people loved his products, in turn they - he felt like they loved him.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I think that when we start thought-policing people and idea-policing people, then that's crossing a line. And I think, you know, everybody's so afraid of this imaginary line of thought police that they forget their own personal safety.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I think we've all been in the middle of doing something we cared about, when someone coming in the room and saying 'hello' was annoying. I personally can understand that, as someone who tries to create.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I trust my government. I actually have a trust for my government with my data, and I trust them to protect me. They've protected me - they've made the best efforts to protect me my whole life.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I think I probably think about myself as an actor, which is the way most people do. I think I'm good, I don't think I'm great. I think I would hire somebody else to play me in the movie about me.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I think at all social networks, be it Facebook or Twitter or whatever it is, there's an ecosystem that exist there. But there's also an ego system that exists there.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I don't buy these rag magazines that feed off of stolen, you know, press. They're basically stealing someone's image in order to make money for themselves... They wait at the end of my street in their cars. Every time I exit my home, I have company.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I don't have to act for work anymore; I can act for passion. That's freeing, but it's also a prison of its own. When you can do anything you want, you're really responsible to do something great. And that's scary.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I don't read the magazines that make things up about people. I know what the truth is. I don't sort of indulge in my own fodder. I don't really care what they write about me.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I don't think opposites attract. I think like attracts like. So I don't think that they do attract, opposites. Only when you're talking about magnetic poles.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I have someone that cooks for me... that's the best thing ever. I just want to show up and I want my house to be like a hotel... so I want to have a couple of options... I like to have a couple of options.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I live my life like anybody else, and people choose to write about mine. And what they write I can't control - when they write lies at least - because the laws can't really protect you unless you can prove malicious intent. So I just choose not to read it.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I think that romance sort of coincides with effort, so you can fall flat on your face, but as long as you're making a great effort, I think it comes off as romantic. So it can be something as simple as, like, if you're someone who doesn't cook, you can make a meal.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I really think that you have to find a partner that compliments you and is somebody that pushes you and is better at some things than you are, so they can push you to improve yourself as a person.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I think about the automobile, I think about like, when I was a kid, you know, the invention of the answering machine, which I was like, 'Wow.' Or call waiting, which was, like, very big. It was a very big thing. Call waiting was a very big thing. And these incremental innovations happen constantly.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I would just like a woman someday, somewhere, at some point in my life to say to me, 'You're a great listener.' Haven't heard it yet, and that's a superior compliment to get from a woman. But I'm going to work on it.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I wouldn't say I'm personally trying to transition from comedy into drama. I don't look at things like, 'Oh, I need to do a drama now.' I get a lot of material sent to me, and if I feel like something has the creative integrity and the right director and the right whoever involved, the right actors and is a great story, then I do it.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I'm not a follower of this or that religious leader. More wars are started because of religious leaders, and people are following and they don't know why... That is religiosity. That is what turns people into robots.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
People used to behave morally because they thought God was always watching - in some ways God today is the collective, and the collective is watching.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
Romance is sort of an island right next to care. When you care about someone and you listen to them and you hear them and you can feel them and you know just what's right, and generally it's something that will be very unimpressive to a room of strangers.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
The power of a handwritten letter is greater than ever. It's personal and deliberate and means more than an e-mail or text ever will. It has a unique scent. It requires deciphering. But, most important, it's flawed.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
The reality is that we communicate with every part of our being, and there are times when we must use it all. When someone needs us, he or she needs all of us. There's no text that can replace a loving touch when someone we love is hurting.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
There is some argument about who actually invented text messaging, but I think it's safe to say it was a man. Multiple studies have shown that the average man uses about half as many words per day as women, thus text messaging. It eliminates hellos and goodbyes and cuts right to the chase.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
Ultimately there's a dirty secret about the Internet, which is nothing disappears. All these companies have all your information. They have your search history.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
We're all living in a casino. It's just Vegas. Everything is on camera. Everything is being recorded. Everything is on audio. The truth is we all have access to everybody else's information.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
What I've become good at is bringing things that aren't necessarily mainstream to the mainstream. What I did see on Twitter was a potential for mass publication; it's a mainstream consumer broadcasting device. It transforms customers and companies. You have to be transparent or you fail.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
Your best T-shirt should be like your bed; it just feels like you are home when you are in it.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
One of the things about being on Twitter, for me, is mostly about just being on the pulse of what people are interested in, what people are doing and what people are looking for. I look at entertainment projects and storytelling, and I really try to think about what people want.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
My mom's whole side of the family, they're all Packers fans. My mom's a Bears fan. My stepdad is a Vikings guy. So that gets ugly. My mom sits upstairs watching the Bears game; he sits in the basement. They can't watch it together. Football's a violent anger in our family dynamic.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I'm very tech-forward. However, I also think hitting the pause button is not a bad thing, and really connecting with people one-to-one viscerally, having a connection with someone, is really important.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I've already exceeded my expectations for myself. I'm one of the most influential people! I mean come on! I wanted to be... I never thought the things I've experienced in my life, I didn't think that was the life that I was gonna get to live.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
If Facebook gets your entire social graph, you don't necessarily want to share everything with your entire social graph. You might wanna parse that social graph. So there's a company called PASS that is a private social network that I personally use for my friends and my family.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
If Google decided at any point to publish my search history, or your search history, or anyone's search history, there's a litany of things they could idea police you about, and if it was published, you would be publicly shamed. Everyone would be publicly shamed. But we trust Google, and we trust the people that run that company.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
In the movies, you want a good story and characters that are honest, but you are also looking for a good director who can lead the ship. That's how we look at business. Everybody has a great idea for a start-up, and so do their relatives, and they tell me, 'You gotta build it.' I say, 'I have to believe in it.'
-- Ashton Kutcher -
It's hard to appreciate success in modeling, because it's not something you feel like you've earned, so there is a little bit of bread of shame that comes with that. It's like somebody giving you a puzzle that's already put together.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
Katalyst is a merger of three industries. A piece of us is connected to ad agencies. Because we get the complex overlay of the social Web, we know how to engage an audience and how to make entertainment for the social Web. And we know how to gain and activate and retain an audience. So we create social networks for brands.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
Leapfrog innovation - consistent, constant, ridiculous leapfrog innovation - only happens within a dictatorship. Any time you try to do something really innovative, most people aren't going to understand it until after they experience it. So when you're developing in innovation, you have to be a dictator.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
Life can be a lot broader... when you realize one simple thing: And that is that everything around us that we call life was made up by people who were no smarter than you. And you can build your own life that other people can live in. So build a life. Don't live one. Build one. Find your opportunity, and always be sexy.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
If the fat people just gave the skinny people more food, we could all just eat... We could solve obesity and hunger at the same time.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I woke up many mornings not knowing what I'd done the night before. I'm amazed I'm not dead.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I guess I really haven't thought much about winning an Oscar, but if I had the opportunity, I'm sure I would like it.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I learned what a Birkin bag is from the price tag. You'll never forget what it is once you've paid for one.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I think people know Steve Jobs the showman. I think people know the guy who stood up and gave the keynotes. The magician. The salesman.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I want to be like Tom Cruise from 'The Outsiders' and go on and do amazing movies for a long time.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I would say I'm 90 percent collaborative in everything I do, and 10 percent of the time I just make the call.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I would say probably my most alpha quality is my competitive nature. I'm very competitive, and it tends to bring out very much the man in me.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I wouldn't say you have an online life and a real life. I think technology is just mapping and organizing what already exists.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I'm a guy's guy. I don't comb my hair unless I have to, and I don't use lotions or fancy shampoos.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I'm happy wherever I go, whatever I do. I'm happy in Iowa, I'm happy here in California.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I'm very awkward when I have time off. I don't know what to do with myself. It's weird not to work.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I feel like a fraud... My name is not even actually Ashton. Ashton is my middle name.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
I fail frequently - I just try to keep it quiet.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
You know, photo conversations are replacing verbal conversations. I don't know if that's a bad thing. A photo is worth a thousand words.
-- Ashton Kutcher
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