Commerce famous quotes
52 minutes ago
In e-commerce, your prices have to be better because the consumer has to take a leap of faith in your product.
-- Ashton Kutcher -
Commerce is the cure for the most destructive prejudices.
-- Bill Vaughan -
Commercials are so contemporary and up to date that when you're involved in that visual world, you can't really go backwards.
-- Damien Hirst -
Every transaction in commerce is an independent transaction.
-- David Ricardo -
Death came, Death went, but Commerce flowed Eternal.
-- Dean Koontz -
Novelty is a concept of commerce, not an aesthetic concept.
-- Eva Zeisel -
Kiss is not a charity. Never, ever mix commerce and charity.
-- Gene Simmons -
And you also have to do movies that are about commerce because that's what is required of the industry today.
-- Halle Berry -
The life of Liverpool is commerce; it is a city of warehouses and shops.
-- Katharine Lee Bates -
Guess what? The world changes. eBay has defined e-commerce
-- Meg Whitman -
Leadership in telecommunications is also essential, since we are now in the age of e-commerce.
-- Michael Oxley -
Art and commerce are not irreconciliable, they are inextricably intertwined.
-- Nicholas Meyer -
Honour sinks where commerce long prevails.
-- Oliver Goldsmith -
Wars have ever been but another aristocratic mode of plundering and oppressing commerce.
-- Richard Cobden -
When forging money, I had always salved my conscience by concluding that I was merely extending the lie of commerce.
-- Richard Flanagan -
Anywhere you had a commerce center, you had a lot of music.
-- Ruben Blades -
I fell in love with commerce and the opportunities that come with compelling visual storytelling.
-- Ruzwana Bashir -
If I were in this business only for the business, I wouldn't be in this business.
-- Samuel Goldwyn -
The labor of a human being is not a commodity or article of commerce.
-- Samuel Gompers -
If everything that you do is for the market, it won't work.
-- T. Allen Lawson -
...Coca-Cola and fries, the wafer and wine of the Western religion of commerce.
-- Tad Williams -
The vast majority of fiction is written to markets and to this damnable business we have nowadays of categorizing everything.
-- Theodore Sturgeon -
Commerce changes the fate and genius of nations.
-- Thomas Gray -
Sameness is what marketers want us to want.
-- Thomas M. Disch -
I'm not opposed to commerce, even though I'm an artist.
-- Tracey Emin -
Commerce is the equalizer of the wealth of nations.
-- William E. Gladstone -
Honor commerce as the engine of change.
-- William McDonough -
Commerce is against morality. Morality is going to lose every time.
-- Robin Day -
Foreign culture is as necessary to the spirit of a nation as is foreign commerce to its industries.
-- Ameen Rihani -
For me--I hold no commerce with despair!
-- Charles G. Dawes -
The intelligentsia has disdained commerce throughout Western history.
-- Peter Saunders -
I'm excited to have the opportunity to lead one of the true e-commerce innovators.
-- Frank N. Newman