Commodity famous quotes
Peace is the most valuable commodity. And it's free!
-- Ajahn Brahm -
Nor can private counterparties restrict supplies of gold, another commodity whose derivatives are often traded over-the-counter, where central banks stand ready to lease gold in increasing quantities should the price rise.
-- Alan Greenspan -
We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us.
-- Aldo Leopold -
Manufacture, don't just trade. There is money in manufacturing even though it is capital intensive. To achieve a big breakthrough, I had to start manufacturing the same product I was trading on; which is commodities.
-- Aliko Dangote -
To succeed in business, you must build a brand and never destroy it. One competitive advantage I had when I ventured into manufacturing was my brand “Dangote,†which I diligently built in the course of my trading commodities.
-- Aliko Dangote -
Conversation: A fair for the display of the minor mental commodities, each exhibitor being too intent upon the arrangement of his own wares to observe those of his neighbor.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
Freedom has become a commodity whose availability, paradoxically, keeps society in check. The threat of its loss seems to enable us to tolerate its imposition.
-- Andrzej Stasiuk -
In a world where women are commodities, a woman who refuses to sell herself will have the thing she refuses to sell taken away from her by force
-- Angela Carter -
I don't mind being a commodity. It's given me a good life.
-- Anthony Hopkins -
It is terrifying to think of what a commodity art has become.
-- Audrey Flack -
Health is not a commodity to be bargained for. It has to be earned through sweat.
-- B.K.S. Iyengar -
The '60s are presented to kids today as a commodity.
-- Bernardine Dohrn -
I was a commodity, like a hot dog. It was like hot dogs and Betty Hutton.
-- Betty Hutton -
When you sell on price, you are a commodity. When you sell on value, you are a resource.
-- Bob Burg -
Today, in American imperialism, the commodity has reached its most grandiose historical manifestation.
-- C. L. R. James -
Money is not an invention of the state. It is not the product of a legislative act. Even the sanction of political authority is not necessary for its existence. Certain commodities came to be money quite naturally, as the result of economic relationships that were independent of the power of the state.
-- Carl Menger -
I don't like that I'm my own commodity, that I am what I sell.
-- Carol Kane -
In this difficult era the most valuable commodity is the unfailing turn of the hours and how they retrieve for us the known harbor of yesterday.
-- Chang-Rae Lee -
Man truly achieves his full human condition when he produces without being compelled by the physical necessity of selling himself as a commodity.
-- Che Guevara -
Common sense, alas in spite of our educational institutions, is a rare commodity.
-- Christian Nestell Bovee -
I'm sad to say that stardom is a commodity in our culture.
-- Christine Baranski -
The reporting of news has to be understood as propaganda for commodities, and events by images.
-- Christopher Lasch -
Words are a commodity in which there is never any slump.
-- Christopher Morley -
Knowledge is not simply another commodity. On the contrary. Knowledge is never used up. It increases by diffusion and grows by dispersion.
-- Daniel J. Boorstin -
Patience is a crucial but rare investment commodity.
-- David Dreman -
Rampant inflation is just as hard to live with as the devaluation of commodities.
-- David Harvey -
If the gains from trade in commodities are substantial, they are small compared to trade in ideas
-- David Landes -
No extension of foreign trade will immediately increase the amount of value in a country, although it will very powerfully contribute to increase the mass of commodities and therefore the sum of enjoyments.
-- David Ricardo -
The exchangeable value of all commodities rises as the difficulties of their production increase.
-- David Ricardo -
But a rise in the wages of labour would not equally affect commodities produced with machinery quickly consumed, and commodities produced with machinery slowly consumed.
-- David Ricardo -
I have endeavoured to show that the ability to pay taxes depends, not on the gross money value of the mass of commodities, nor on the net money value of the revenue of capitalists and landlords, but on the money value of each man's revenue compared to the money value of the commodities which he usually consumes.
-- David Ricardo -
Possessing utility, commodities derive their exchangeable value from two sources: from their scarcity, and from the quantity of labour required to obtain them.
-- David Ricardo -
To alter the money value of commodities, by altering the value of money, and yet to raise the same money amount by taxes, is then undoubtedly to increase the burthens of society.
-- David Ricardo -
Truth is life's most precious commodity.
-- Edwin Louis Cole -
The brain is a commodity used to fertilize ideas.
-- Elbert Hubbard -
I have come to the conclusion that silence and time are the most precious commodities.
-- Eloisa James -
It seems hardly fair to quarrel with a place because its staple commodity is not pretty, but I am sure I should have liked Cincinnati much better if the people had not dealt so very largely in hogs.
-- Frances Trollope -
We don't know what energy is, any more than we know what information is, but as a now robust scientific concept we can describe it in precise mathematical terms, and as a commodity we can measure, market, regulate and tax it.
-- Hans Christian von Baeyer -
No other commodity enjoys as much universal acceptability and marketability as gold.
-- Hans F. Sennholz -
Because the chief commodity a writer has to sell is his courage. And if he has none, he is more than a coward. He is a sellout and a fink and a heretic, because writing is a holy chore.
-- Harlan Ellison -
Civilization is a perishable commodity.
-- Helen Clark MacInnes -
You can very easily be turned into a commodity. I've grown up with it.
-- Henry Hopper -
I am concerned about any attrition in customer traffic at Starbucks, but I don't want to use the economy, commodity prices or consumer confidence as an excuse.
-- Howard Schultz -
The only good thing I've ever noticed about money, the only positive aspect of an otherwise pretty vulgar commodity, is that you can use it to buy things.
-- Hugh Laurie -
Absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the context of professional journalism.
-- Hunter S. Thompson -
Like all valuable commodities, truth is often counterfeited.
-- James Gibbons -
Historically, there has been a bull market in commodities every 20 or 30 years.
-- Jim Rogers -
Commodities tend to zig when the equity markets zag.
-- Jim Rogers -
Healthcare should be a human right and not a commodity for sale.
-- Jim Wallis -
Men had suddenly become a scarce commodity, if not quite as sought after as rice.
-- John Burnham Schwartz -
Equity is compromised due to the privatisation of education. Education has become a commodity. Those who can afford to buy it, buy it, and those who can sell it make money out of it
-- Kailash Satyarthi -
Gold is now money with reference to all other commodities only because it was previously, with reference to them, a simple commodity.
-- Karl Marx -
This is a commodities business, so the companies that do it best are the ones that do it more efficiently.
-- Kate Warne -
All life worth living is difficult, nobody promised us happiness; it is not a commodity you have earned, or shall ever earn. It is a by-product of brave living, and it never comes in the form we expect, or at the season we hoped for, or as the result of our planning for it ...
-- Katherine Anne Porter -
Regardless of the importance of known evidence to the contrary, the arts are generally regarded as being so much entertaining fluff, a commodity that isn't a priority in the traditional program of learning. This is unacceptable in a so-called 'enlightened' society.
-- Ken Danby -
Today, there are also buyers and sellers of all these energy commodities, just like there are buyers and sellers of food commodities and many other commodities.
-- Kenneth Lay -
New knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth. The more truth we have to work with, the richer we become.
-- Kurt Vonnegut -
I'm a person that thinks time is very precious and our only commodity... It's so upsetting when I feel like something has wasted my time.
-- Lorene Scafaria -
Authenticity is your most precious commodity as a leader.
-- Marcus Buckingham -
But truth, that dangerous commodity, has a way of sticking ...
-- Margery Sharp -
Lets embrace productive capitalism, not casino capitalism, by restoring transparency and true competition in the commodities markets.
-- Maria Cantwell -
Now, after the material resources of the colonies have been looted, their spiritual and cultural resources are being transformed into commodities for the world market.
-- Maria Mies -
I will be a commodity, and I will be in demand and valuable.
-- Marie Calloway -
The principal linkages between Japan and the U.S. global economies are trade, financial markets, and commodity markets.
-- Mark Zandi -
Fear is the most valuable commodity in the universe...Turn on the TV...What are you seeing? People selling their products? No. People selling the fear of you having to live without their products.
-- Max Brooks -
Fear is the most valuable commodity in the universe.
-- Max Brooks -
What I've learned is that the most precious commodity you can have in a relationship is honesty, good or bad.
-- Michael Ealy -
A demand for commodities is not a demand for labor. The demand for labor is determined by the amount of capital directly devoted to the remuneration of labor: the demand for commodities simply determines in what direction labor shall be employed.
-- Millicent Fawcett -
Public humiliation is a commodity and shame is an industry,
-- Monica Lewinsky -
Information is now a commodity that can be bought and sold, or used as a form of entertainment, or worn like a garment to enhance one's status. It comes indiscriminately, directed at no one in particular, disconnected from usefulness; we are glutted with information, drowning in information, have no control over it, don't know what to do with it.
-- Neil Postman -
gossip ... was like any other commodity in the marketplace. You received it only if you had something of value to give.
-- P. D. James -
I never looked at people or singing as commodities.
-- Pat Benatar -
Bitcoin isn't tied to any commodity - besides trust.
-- Paul Ford -
The crude oil market, unlike every other commodity in America, is virtually unregulated.
-- Peter DeFazio -
Strategy is a commodity, execution is an art.
-- Peter Drucker -
All those commodities are going to have to rise in value as we are in short supply and we are printing too much money.
-- Peter Schiff -
The most valuable commodity of the 21st century will be undivided attention.
-- Phil Cooke -
There is no such thing as a commodity. It is simply a product waiting to be differentiated.
-- Philip Kotler -
Please eat less meat - meat is a very carbon intensive commodity.
-- Rajendra K. Pachauri -
Houllier did what he had to do – I’m not the first person to be treated like a disposable commodity
-- Robbie Fowler -
Brainpower is the scarcest commodity and the only one of real value.
-- Robert A. Heinlein -
Love is a dangerous commodity-fraught with peril,
-- Robert Indiana -
All of us as consumers have gotten spoiled, ... We expect customized goods and services at commodity prices. The only way we can do that is to cut the fat out of our price structure.
-- Robert Rubin -
The labor of a human being is not a commodity or article of commerce.
-- Samuel Gompers -
Life can be lived at a remove. You trade in futures, and then you trade in derivatives of futures. Banks make more money trading derivatives than they do trading actual commodities.
-- Sebastian Faulks -
The artist is seen like a producer of commodities, like a factory that turns out refrigerators.
-- Sol LeWitt -
My most basic credo is: I never said freedom was cheap. And it ain't. Never will be. It's been the highest priced and most precious commodity in my life.
-- Sonny Barger -
Waste is unjustified, and especially the waste of time limited as that commodity is in our days of probation. One must live, not only exist; he must do, not merely be; he must grow, not just vegetate.
-- Spencer W. Kimball -
sex is a commodity just like anything else.
-- Sydney Biddle Barrows -
When you look at a commodities market you need hedgers and speculators. If you don't have one, you don't have a market. That's how it works.
-- T. Boone Pickens -
It is a mere futile process to exchange one set of commodities for another, if the parties; after this new distribution of goods has taken place, are not better off than they were before.
-- Thomas Malthus -
Hope is an expensive commodity. It makes better sense to be prepared.
-- Thucydides -
Writers in a profit making economy are an exploitable commodity whose works are products to be marketed, and are so judged and handled.
-- Tillie Olsen -
Danger is a very rare commodity in these times, monopolized by intelligence agencies and stuntmen.
-- William S. Burroughs -
The point of equilibrium will be known by the criterion that an infinitely small amount of commodity exchanged in addition, at the same rate, will bring neither gain nor loss of utility.
-- William Stanley Jevons