Handsome famous quotes
What is written beneath this heavy handsome book cover will count, so sayeth this cover…
-- Anne Rice -
Busted. I'm a monster. Jev is my deceptively harmless-and shockingly handsome-alter ego.
-- Becca Fitzpatrick -
Very handsome women have usually far less sensibility to compliments than their less beautiful sisters.
-- Christian Nestell Bovee -
This isn't a romance. You're not a damsel in distress and I'm not the handsome prince come to save you.
-- CJ Roberts -
Being handsome wasn't much of a burden. It worked for me.
-- David Bailey -
Eric Walrond, handsome, cosmopolitan, and beguilingly enigmatic, may have been the most promising literary talent of the Harlem Renaissance.... James Davis's finely written, beautifully paced Eric Walrond is a major biography of a fascinating figure.
-- David Levering Lewis -
Conventionally handsome is not really where I'm at.
-- Domhnall Gleeson -
My handsome Knight of Night came over to me and kissed me softly on the cheek.
-- Ellen Schreiber -
If anyone was going to fall prey to a handsome vampire, it was going to be me.
-- Ellen Schreiber -
The common foible of women who have been handsome is to forget that they are no longer so.
-- Francois de La Rochefoucauld -
That’s where proper stories begin, don’t they, when the handsome stranger arrives and everything goes wrong?
-- Franny Billingsley -
Vienna is a handsome, lively city, and pleases me exceedingly.
-- Frederic Chopin -
I'm a handsome man with a charming personality.
-- Gabe Newell -
He was obviously a very arrogant ragamuffin, and younger than she was, to boot. And he was wearing a necromancer's bells! Apart from that, he was quite handsome, which was another black mark as far as she was concerned.
-- Garth Nix -
The handsome gifts that fate and nature lend us Most often are the very ones that end us.
-- Geoffrey Chaucer -
The Crows are very handsome and gentlemanly Indians in their personal appearance: and have been always reputed, since the first acquaintance made with them, very civil and friendly.
-- George Catlin -
But, bless us, things may be lovable that are not altogether handsome, I hope?
-- George Eliot -
When you first entered the restaurant, I thought you were handsome... and then, of course, you spoke.
-- Helen Hunt -
Handsome widows, after a twelve-month, enjoy a latitude and longitude without limit.
-- Honore de Balzac -
The kid was so handsome, he almost looked unreal.
-- Ilona Andrews -
Having a fling with you doesn't appeal to me. You're handsome, but you're too inexperienced to be good in bed. Having ridden many horses doesn't make you a good rider; it just proves that you can't recognize a good one or don't know how to keep her.
-- Ilona Andrews -
Every handsome man had a flaw. It was just her luck that in William's case that flaw was lunacy.
-- Ilona Andrews -
I used to care about how I looked. Now I don’t care as much. Maybe it’s because I’m so handsome.
-- James Franco -
What was God thinking when he created a guy this handsome? He wasn't a gift to womankind, he was a torture device.
-- Janette Rallison -
Both men and women are really vast and boundless and yet in many films we're told that they're not. We're told they can only be one thing - like handsome and charming and that's it. Nothing more.
-- Jason Ritter -
He was also handsome in a too-pretty way that made me think with less muscles, a wig, and some makeup, he'd look great in a dress. Vlad's scowl vanished into a smile as the brunet's gaze swung in my direction as though he'd somehow heard that. "Looks as though she's put you in your place as well, Bones," Vlad drawled.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
For a few seconds Oskar saw through Eli's eyes. And what he saw was...himself. Only much better, more handsome, stronger than what he thought of himself. Seen with love." (Let the Right One In)
-- John Ajvide Lindqvist -
His voice was handsome and broken, like a cobblestone street.
-- Jonathan Safran Foer -
It would be next to impossible to discover a handsome woman who was not also a vain woman.
-- Joseph Joubert -
One will abide, and will confess that another is nobler than he, that another is richer, more handsome, and even that he is more learned, but that another is richer in reason scarcely any will confess: Rare is he who will concede genius.
-- Juana Inés de la Cruz -
It's not so much that I like him as a person God, but as a boy he's very handsome.
-- Judy Blume -
She wished she could understand her reaction to him. Why, her heart was pacing a wild beat again. Madelyne dared a quick look up and found Duncan was watching her intently. He looked so handsome. She wanted him to be ugly.
-- Julie Garwood -
Alone with Giddon again, Bitterblue considered him, rather liking the mud streaks on his face. He looked like a handsome sunken rowboat.
-- Kristin Cashore -
I sure am handsome. I cant lie. This is one handsome guy.
-- Landon Donovan -
He looked less handsome without the smile and glow in his eyes, but he also seemed more real. Being real will get me into trouble faster than any amount of charm.
-- Laurell K. Hamilton -
But I’ve also been known to answer to ‘sweetheart’ or ‘handsome.
-- Leigh Bardugo -
It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness. A handsome woman talks nonsense, you listen and hear not nonsense but cleverness. She says and does horrid things, and you see only charm. And if a handsome woman does not say stupid or horrid things, you at once persuade yourself that she is wonderfully clever and moral.
-- Leo Tolstoy -
I'm not short," Daisy muttered. "Short women are never mysterious, or elegant, or pursued by handsome men. And they're always treated like children. I refuse to be short.
-- Lisa Kleypas -
The thing is, I've never been a handsome leading-man type, so let's not kid ourselves.
-- Malcolm McDowell -
I like myself, but I won't say I'm as handsome as the bull that kidnapped Europa.
-- Marcus Tullius Cicero -
Except for the con men borrowing money they shouldn't get and the widows who have to visit with the handsome young men in the trust department, no sane person ever enjoyed visiting a bank.
-- Martin Mayer -
I'm not handsome enough to be James Bond. Maybe a villain, though.
-- Matt Smith -
She knew, of course that she was being supremely unfair, that Franz was the best man she ever had- he was intelligent, he understood her paintings, he was handsome and good-but the more she thought about it, the more she longed to ravish his intelligence, defile his kindheartedness, and violate his powerless strength
-- Milan Kundera -
Love- the infatuation kind- 'he's so handsome, she's so beautiful'- that can shrivel. As soon as something goes wrong, that kind of love can fly out the window.
-- Mitch Albom -
One ought not to be unkind to a woman merely on account of her plainness, any more than one had a right to take liberties with her merely because she was handsome
-- Murasaki Shikibu -
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?
-- Nelson Mandela -
We want to create a society in which our workers and farmers can afford to appear in handsome attire and enjoy a good life and health; we want this kind of society.
-- Nur Muhammad Taraki -
Good customers are an asset which, when wellmanaged and served, will return a handsome lifetime income stream for the company.
-- Philip Kotler -
There’s no such thing as handsome princes, she told herself. There’s no such thing as happily ever after.
-- Rainbow Rowell -
I'm quite obviously not the world's most handsome man - I'm the second world's most handsome man!
-- Robbie Williams -
All the best women are married all the handsome men are gay
-- Robbie Williams -
Ash should take the ladies, because he's charming." Ash looked pleased. Jared raised his eyebrows. "Are you saying that I'm not a charmer?" "You are very dear to me, but you have all the savoir faire of a wildebeest," Kami told him. "A wildebeest," Jared repeated. "A dashingly handsome wildebeest," Kami assured him.
-- Sarah Rees Brennan -
I was never specifically associated with a part, I didn't have tons of money, I wasn't conventionally tall or handsome, so you know the things that were available to me were hard work and perseverance.
-- Seth Green -
It is also true that his hair had a reddish tinge and, as everybody knows, no one with red hair can ever truly be said to be handsome.
-- Susanna Clarke -
Handsome, fictional men were so much easier to stomach than real life ones who smelled of Christmas and looked like a Calvin Klein model
-- Tarryn Fisher -
She’d always wondered what it would feel like to stand on one end of a ballroom and watch a handsome, powerful man make his way to her. This was as close as she’d ever come to it, she supposed. Standing at Diana’s side. Imagining.
-- Tessa Dare -
I would rather be handsome for an hour than pretty for a week.
-- Tilda Swinton -
Noooo, there’s no way I, a mere handsome and sexy shopkeeper, could possibly have bankai!†— Urahara Kisuke
-- Tite Kubo -
I don't look as handsome in Men in Black 2 as I did in the first one.
-- Tony Shalhoub -
I knew that I did not have to buy into society's notion that I had to be handsome and healthy to be happy. I was in charge of my "spaceship" and it was my up, my down. I could choose to see this situation as a setback or as a starting point. I chose to begin life again....
-- Warren Mitchell -
I don't see myself as extremely handsome. I just figure I can charm you into liking me.
-- Wesley Snipes -
If you had told Sycorax that her son Caliban was as handsome as Apollo, she would have been pleased, witch as she was.
-- William Makepeace Thackeray -
But methings wit is more necessary than beauty; and I think no young woman ugly that has it, and no handsome woman agreeable without it
-- William Wycherley -
Let’s just agree any group of 3 or more handsome British men should be referred to as a 'cumberbatch.'
-- Conan O'Brien -
I 'd rather be handsome than homely; I 'd rather be youthful than old; If I can't have a bushel of silver I'll do with a barrel of gold.
-- James Jeffrey Roche -
My family is Mormon. I'm not Mormon, but my family is, and my mom was like, "You're doing a show called Lucifer?! But I will admit, he is handsome, so I'll watch it."
-- Len Wiseman -
Working with Ty Power was exciting. In those days, he was the biggest romantic swashbuckler in the world. Murderously handsome! But what I loved most about Ty Power was his wicked sense of humor.
-- Maureen O'Hara -
It was fun shooting with Josh [Holloway], not just how great he is, but just how handsome he is.
-- Peter Jacobson -
I think my favorite scenes [in Night Music] are the ones that kind of happen when the handsome Englishman shows up.. He doesn't quite figure out she is from the 1920s because he doesn't really figure out she is a ghost, because she has manifested into physical form.
-- Boti Bliss