Range famous quotes
Christina Aguilera's 'Stripped' had a lot of good songs. It's my range, so I use it to warm up a lot.
-- Amy Lee -
I love the Dr.Hauschka range and use the cleanser, toner and moisturiser every day,
-- Anne Hathaway -
Vision is seeing visibly the light of hope within the range of the eyesight.
-- Anuj -
Eddie Murphy was the Michael Jordan of comedy. He had a full range of abilities.
-- Aries Spears -
I have a broad range of interests, so I'll always be working on something.
-- Ben Casnocha -
Jealousy. Depression. Love. They pretty much demonstrate the whole range of human emotion.
-- Brandon Stanton -
I'd like to widen my education. I'd definitely like to widen my film range. I mean, I'd love to do some theater.
-- Brendan Sexton III -
I used to have the Range Rover LR3, which I loved very, very much.
-- Brian Johnson -
Sooner or later you must move down an unknown road that leads beyond the range of the imagination, and the only certainty is that the trip has to be made
-- Bruce Catton -
I love reading. I'm very much into history, novels, biographies and I have a wide range of thrillers.
-- Bruno Tonioli -
I have a really wide range of interests and I've still got time to work out my exact direction.
-- Caroline Wozniacki -
My return to London introduced me to a wider range of society.
-- Catherine Helen Spence -
The remarkable thing about the human mind is its range of limitations.
-- Celia Green -
Strength is gained in the range it is trained.
-- Charles Poliquin -
Now I don't want to feel cornered as an actor, because I've got a wider range than that.
-- Christopher Lambert -
Saying what we think gives us a wider conversational range than saying what we know.
-- Cullen Hightower -
I love the subtlety and tonal range of the acoustic guitar.
-- Dan Fogelberg -
I have spoken to expert audiences occasionally, but then no audience is expert over the whole range of things I want to explore.
-- David Antin -
I perceive the world through the wide range of emotions that whirl all around in it.
-- David Archuleta -
At one level you're condemned to the voice you have. But within those confines, you have a certain amount of freedom to range among your possible voices.
-- David Guterson -
The charge that the construction of the geologic scale involves circularity has a certain amount of validity. ...Thus, the procedure is far from ideal and the geologic ranges are constantly being revised (usually extended) as new occurrences are found.
-- David M. Raup -
I will hear no talk that there are no intermediate-range weapons on the NATO side.
-- E. P. Thompson -
Stopping Vieques bombing range good; sooner is better.
-- Ed Pastor -
I've got a Range Rover and a little Mercedes. I normally drive my Range Rover because I feel like a monster in it. Nobody messes with me.
-- Emma Bunton -
America's great newspapers have staffs that range from 50 percent to 70 percent of what they were just a few years ago.
-- Eric Alterman -
We were now back at Smith Landing, and fired with a desire to make another Buffalo expedition on which we should have ampler time and cover more than a mere corner of the range.
-- Ernest Thompson Seton -
It is only since linguistics has become more aware of its object of study, i.e. perceives the whole extent of it, that it is evident that this science can make a contribution to a range of studies that will be of interest to almost anyone.
-- Ferdinand de Saussure -
Your range of available choices - right now - is limitless.
-- Frederick Carl Frieseke -
At such close range, even she could hit a vampire full force in the shoulder, surprising him considerably. He paused in his attack. “Well, my word! You can’t threaten me, you’re pregnant!
-- Gail Carriger -
When I was in Van Halen I was hitting notes that were out of my range. I never went for those registers before until Eddie pulled it out of me.
-- Gary Cherone -
I don't think anything can touch the expressive range of the guitar.
-- Gary Clark, Jr. -
As Mayor, I will fully support my Arts Commission and its professional selection committees so that they can commission a full range of public art that is daring and, when appropriate, daringly traditional
-- Gavin Newsom -
Prayer is not a substitute for work; it is an effort to work further and be efficient beyond the range of one's powers.
-- George Santayana -
The kind of audience I'm speaking to is a very wide range of people.
-- Haley Reinhart -
A driving range is the place where golfers go to get all the good shots out of their system.
-- Henry Beard -
A free society is one in which individuals are free to discover for themselves the available range of alternatives.
-- Israel Kirzner -
I had a lot of vocal problems when I was younger. I don't know if it's down to leading a healthier lifestyle or what but my range has increased.
-- Jack Bruce -
Once you expose your private life, if you give one little bit, the floodgates are open and everyones got a free range for you.
-- Jason Statham -
as a society emphasizes and values some aspects of the total range of human potentials more than others, the valued aspects are associated closely with, and limited to, the dominant group's domain.
-- Jean Baker Miller -
Usually, a Range Rover would be beaten away from the lights by a diesel powered wheelbarrow.
-- Jeremy Clarkson -
I like so many different kinds of music that I've never allowed myself the limitations of one particular range.
-- Jessye Norman -
We all had a desire and appreciation for such a wide range of music.
-- Jim Capaldi -
You can't get an actor to do something that is beyond his range, so you have to be aware of the range of the actor and, if necessary, alter the part to suit the actor.
-- John Boorman -
It's really been a better situation for me being with the Crush than it would if I were with the Broncos because this has given me a lot more broad range
-- John Elway -
Accurate reading on a wide range of subjects makes the scholar; careful selection of the better makes the saint.
-- John of Salisbury -
I do one accent - my own. I can make it louder or quieter. That is the sum total of my vocal range. I thought I could do an American accent until I tried it in front of an American - the expression of horror is still burnt onto my retinas.
-- John Oliver -
I'm not certain that the BBC can claim to be making a wide enough range of distinctive programmes to make the case convincingly.
-- Jonathan Dimbleby -
I enjoy working on new, different types of characters. Playing a range is what excites me.
-- Juliet Landau -
Vehicle emissions standards directly sparked the development and application of a wide range of automotive technologies that are now found throughout the global automobile market.
-- Keith Ellison -
Saf keeps a vast range of bullies on hand at all times.
-- Kristin Cashore -
I like to play a wide range of characters. The more they're unlike me, the better I like it.
-- Laurie Metcalf -
Snowfall is expected to considerably exceed the normal range, both in frequency and quantity.
-- Mark Oliver -
The site I landed on feels much more isolated than it really is; it's almost magical. Within its limited radius, there was a whole range of the local ecology.
-- Martin Puryear -
And I had to get out of hating range.
-- Maxine Hong Kingston -
Black music has increased my enjoyment of what I do. It has increased my range, my ability to reach into myself and accept myself.
-- Michael Bolton -
I've had Range Rovers for a few years actually.
-- Mick Ralphs -
I've got a Range Rover. It's brilliant actually but it's manual.
-- Mick Ralphs -
One of the things I love about cinema is the range.
-- Mike Figgis -
You have to find actors who have the ability to display a wide range of emotion effectively. That's so much harder than it seems.
-- Nicholas Sparks -
When we are on the water, our contemplative impulses range from the intense to the nearly absent.
-- Paul Schullery -
When you get a range expansion, the market is sending you a very loud, clear signal that the market is getting ready to move in the direction of that expansion.
-- Paul Tudor Jones -
Are people happier with a smaller range of experiences?
-- Rob Payne -
Physics tells us observations can't be predicted absolutely. Rather, there's a range of possible observations each with a different probability.
-- Robert Lanza -
Fantasy is, of course, booming, and I think it's beginning to stretch its range as well.
-- Sarah Zettel -
When everyone is trying to be something, be nothing. Range with emptiness.
-- Shams Tabrizi -
What SF can do better than anything else is show us the range of our possible futures, and what we can do to realize the good ones and avoid the nasty ones.
-- Stanley Schmidt -
Various polls have indicated that approximately 10% of Americans (25 million people) have seen them at close range so that details of the structure of the object can be discerned.
-- Steven M. Greer -
I've never believed in tying myself up in a long-range contract, and I've been very outspoken on that subject.
-- Sugar Ray Leonard -
It is an enduring truth, which can never be altered, that every infraction of the Law of nature must carry its punitive consequences with it. We can never get beyond that range of cause and effect.
-- Thomas Troward -
Great men are rarely isolated mountain-peaks; they are the summits of ranges.
-- Thomas Wentworth Higginson -
The plausible outcomes range from the gradual and benign to the more precipitous and damaging.
-- Timothy Geithner -
In a small company, you often see a lot more of what goes on in a broader range of things. And that's good.
-- Vinton Cerf -
Every word or concept, clear as it may seem to be, has only a limited range of applicability.
-- Werner Heisenberg -
I'm not known for my intellectual range and tricks have been played on me.
-- William Sanderson -
Comedians have a tendency to have a limited range, they tend to do one thing and do it very well, but it's limited.
-- Woody Allen -
If I'm feeling confident, then I write confident, happy, or assured music. I can hear some early electronic sketches I did where I'm clearly not confident and everything's a bit mid-range, nothing really pushes through.
-- Anna Meredith -
A wide range of quotations are necessary for the repertoire of a well-rounded speaker. Quotations are able to illustrate in a few words what is difficult to explain in many.
-- Carolyn Warner -
As a listener, I like a wide range of sounds.
-- Erin McKeown -
Life is all about experiencing the full range of emotions.
-- Jonathan Sadowski -
The French were always masters at mid-range. And I like the attitude.
-- Kevin Shields -
I love losing myself in the extremes of a range of characters.
-- Kyle Cassie -
Malcolm Turnbull, more than anyone, changes month to month on a range of issues.
-- Tony Burke -
People have a tremendous range of options of how they can behave. There's so much in people.
-- Allan Nairn -
There are so many ways to be and to be black at the same time, but we're finally seeing that full range expressed much more widely than before.
-- Baratunde Thurston -
Even though [Donald] Trump is reported to not read very much and to have a limited range of experience, he is often certain that he is right and boldly asserts the correctness of his positions.
-- David Krieger -
That’s the key to new and good ideas; they come from having a very broad and multidisciplinary range of interests.
-- Robin Chase -
A reasonable scale of probability-what is likely-forbids believing a whole range of imaginative possibilities, even though we do not know anything for sure.
-- Jennifer Michael Hecht -
I'm always in range of a microphone. I even have a studio at home.
-- Young Thug