Confession famous quotes
I claim not to have controlled events, but confess plainly that events have controlled me.
-- Abraham Lincoln -
I don't know, maybe it's because I was raised Catholic. Confession has always held a great appeal for me.
-- Alison Bechdel -
The word fate... is the refuge of every self-confessed failure.
-- Andrew Soutar -
If you would know whether you have made a good confession, ask yourself I you have resolved to abandon your sins.
-- Bernard of Clairvaux -
The sinner will not confess, nor will the priest receive his confession, if the veil of secrecy is removed.
-- Bill Vaughan -
My pain is constant and sharp...this confession has meant nothing
-- Bret Easton Ellis -
Here's a confession: I hate parenting books. I hate the ones that are earnest and repetitive.
-- Bruce Feiler -
Confession can be good for the soul, but it can exact a heavy toll on friendships.
-- C.D. Payne -
Concealment makes the soul a swamp. Confession is how you drain it.
-- Charles M. Blow -
Uncalled for excuses are practical confessions.
-- Charles Simmons -
Ask Jesus to make you a saint. After all, only He can do that. Go to confession regularly and to Communion as often as you can
-- Dominic Savio -
There is -- in world affairs -- a steady course to be followed between an assertion of strength that is truculent and a confession of helplessness that is cowardly.
-- Dwight D. Eisenhower -
Every conceivable cruel method of blackmail was used against me to obtain by force and at all costs confessions and statements both about comrades who had been arrested, and about political activities.
-- Ernst Thalmann -
I have heard thousands of confessions, but never one of covetousness.
-- Francis Xavier -
The confession of the authority of the Word of God can never be isolated from the saving content of the Word of God.
-- G. C. Berkouwer -
... it is because sympathy is but a living again through our own past in a new form, that confession often prompts a response of confession.
-- George Eliot -
If every time you engage in a sex act, you go into a confession box, you will never accept your own sexuality.
-- George Weinberg -
The great danger is that in the confession of any collective sin, one shall confess the sins of others and forget our own.
-- Georgia Harkness -
every smart / Is eased in telling.
-- Georgiana Goddard King -
We confess our bad qualities to others out of fear of appearing naive or ridiculous by not being aware of them.
-- Gerald Brenan -
Confession without repentance is just bragging.
-- Herbert Eugene Bolton -
The United States has a system of taxation by confession
-- Hugo Black -
You're not going to get any true confessions out of me," she said. "I'm a Leo, and our thing is changing the subject.
-- Ira Levin -
The great modern novel of the comic-pathetic illusion of freedom is Confessions of Zeno .
-- Italo Svevo -
The end of confession is to tell the truth to and for oneself.
-- J. M. Coetzee -
Marriage is a ghastly public confession of a strictly private intention.
-- John Hay Beith -
Private confession was not ordered by Christ and was not used by the apostles.
-- John Wycliffe -
A poem is a private story, after all, no matter how apparently public. The reader is always overhearing a confession.
-- Jorie Graham -
In the end, like the Almighty Himself, we make everything in our image, for want of a more reliable model; our artifacts tell more about ourselves than our confessions.
-- Joseph Brodsky -
Our confession will either imprison us or set us free. Our confession is the result of our believing, and our believing is the result of our right or wrong thinking.
-- Kenneth E. Hagin -
I have no interest in writing confessions, in deliberately baring myself to my readers. I prefer to remain behind a screen.
-- Louis Begley -
London is like a woman with too many years to encourage confession.
-- Louise Closser Hale -
So much of my life has been about self-effacement, pretense, masquerading, concealment, and indirection.
-- Marlon Riggs -
A proper autobiography is a death-bed confession.
-- Mary Antin -
Confession is good for the conscience, but it usually bypasses the soul.
-- Mignon McLaughlin -
I do not approve of children being beaten. It is always a confession of failure.
-- Patricia Wentworth -
Don't be afraid to go to the Sacrament of Confession, where you will meet Jesus who forgives you.
-- Pope Francis -
Holy Week is a good occasion to go to confession and to take up the right path again.
-- Pope Francis -
The way to cover our sin is to uncover it by confession.
-- Richard Sibbes -
My nature is a quagmire of unresolved confessions.
-- Robert Creeley -
Certainly, I signed a statement that I killed two and a half million Jews. But I could just as well have said that it was five million Jews. There are certain methods by which any confession can be obtained, whether it is true or not.
-- Rudolf Hess -
You know, I've got a confession to make myself. I'm not really a priest, I've just got my shirt on backwards.
-- Ryan Stiles -
In failing to confess, Lord, I would only hide You from myself, not myself from You.
-- Saint Augustine -
Your confession must absolutely agree with the Word of God!
-- T. B. Joshua -
The minister to whom confession is made is the delegate of Christ, Who is the Judge of the living and the dead.
-- Thomas Aquinas -
In brainwashing and the eliciting of confessions, the physiological importance of inducing a sense of guilt and conflict can hardly be over emphasized.
-- William Sargant -
I honestly love [my fans] so much. [Their] support is everything and I'm glad [they] liked [my confession].
-- Lucas Cruikshank -
Confession may well be a dirty word in poetry.
-- Lucie Brock-Broido -
I do seem to favor a deathbed confession as the occasion for my dramatic monologues.
-- Norman Lock -
No confession is inerrant; Reformed Christians are supposed to be those who seek to be constantly reformed according to the Word of God - and that includes our confessions as well.
-- Oliver D. Crisp -
It used to irritate a friend of mine that when he went to confession he never got the chance to tell the priest the good things he had done.
-- Monica Furlong -
Every Catholic is one good Confession away from potential sainthood.
-- Patrick Madrid -
Your success and usefulness in the world is going to be measured by your confession and by the tenacity with which you "hold fast" that confession under all circumstances.
-- F. F. Bosworth