Hamid-Reza Assefi famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • The realization that life is absurd cannot be an end, but only a beginning.

  • In politics, as in religion, it is equally absurd to aim at making proselytes by fire and sword. Heresies in either can rarely be cured by persecution.

  • Our plans are small and somewhat absurd.

  • Resentment slowly poisoned my blood and I laughed at myself and my absurd hopes.

  • I was always ready to leave England for some absurd reason.

  • I claim not to have controlled events, but confess plainly that events have controlled me.

  • The attempt to divide art and politics is a bourgeois which says good poetry, art, cannot be political, but since everything is … political, even an artist or work that claims not to have any politics is making a political statement by that act.

  • Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who claim to have found it.

  • I was looking for something and I wasn't sure what it was. [After experimenting with] certain funguses, I had a psychedelic experience where I looked up at the clouds and went, 'Oh!' I realized that we all have our own power, and that whatever I wanted to do, I had to make happen.

  • We are not certain, we are never certain.

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