#Perfection Quotes #Young Quotes #Claims Quotes
“Don't believe everything you hear on the street.”
“I started out with comedy in college, but had my major in Recreation Administration - which meant I wasn't going to get a real job - so I started doing a little standup.”
Source : Interview with Jason Zingale, www.bullz-eye.com. July 11, 2006.
“That piecemeal peace is poor peace. What pure peace allows Alarms of wars, the daunting wars, the death of it?”
“I'm used to working with restrictions and that's when you come up with the more creative stuff.”
“When I was a girl, my life was music that was always getting louder. Everything moved me. A dog following a stranger. That made me feel so much.”
“I watched 'The Muppet Movie' obsessively. I can still pretty much say a lot of the lines and do a pretty mean Fozzie Bear.”
“Suspicion is far more to be wrong than right; more often unjust than just. It is no friend to virtue, and always an enemy to happiness.”
“The anger that appears to be building up between the sexes becomes more virulent with every day that passes. And far from women taking the blame... the fact is that men are invariably portrayed as the bad guys. Being a good man is like being a good Nazi.”
Cecelia Ahern Novelist
Graham Greene Writer
Tananarive Due Author