Life Is Like famous quotes
Ah, but life is like that! It does not permit you to arrange and order it as you will. It will not permit you to escape emotion, to live by the intellect and by reason! You cannot say, 'I will feel so much and no more.' Life, Mr. Welman, whatever else it is, is not reasonable. [Hercule Poirot]
-- Agatha Christie -
Life is like music for its own sake. We are living in an eternal now, and when we listen to music we are not listening to the past, we are not listening to the future, we are listening to an expanded present.
-- Alan Watts -
Every girl pretends she is a princess at one point, no matter how little her life is like that.
-- Alex Flinn -
The vanity of human life is like a river, constantly passing away, and yet constantly coming on.
-- Alexander Pope -
Life is like the dice that, falling, still show a different face. So life, though it remains the same, is always presenting different aspects.
-- Alexis Sanchez -
Life is like a recycling center, where all the concerns and dramas of humankind get recycled back and forth across the universe. But what you have to offer is your own sensibility, maybe your own sense of humor or insider pathos or meaning. All of us can sing the same song, and there will still be four billion different renditions.
-- Anne Lamott -
This life of ours...human life is like a flower gloriously blooming in a meadow: along comes a goat, eats it up---no more flower.
-- Anton Chekhov -
Perhaps it seems odd that a casual meeting on the street could have brought about such change. But sometimes life is like that isn't it
-- Arthur Golden -
My life is like a music-hall,Where, in the impotence of rage,Chained by enchantment to my stall,I see myself upon the stageDance to amuse a music-hall.
-- Arthur Symons -
My life is like a Harley Ride. When I'm on my bike that's really one of the places I feel completely at home.
-- Brantley Gilbert -
Life is like a typographical error: we're constantly writing and rewriting things over each other.
-- Bret Easton Ellis -
Life is like a book. There are good chapters, and there are bad chapters. But when you get to a bad chapter, you don’t stop reading the book! If you do… then you never get to find out what happens next!
-- Brian Falkner -
Life is like a landscape. You live in the midst of it but can describe it only from the vantage point of distance.
-- Charles Lindbergh -
All our life is like a day of celebration for us; we are convinced, in fact, that God is always everywhere. We work while singing, we sail while reciting hymns, we accomplish all other occupations of life while praying.
-- Clement of Alexandria -
Well, I think that if you sincerely try to imagine what life is like for another person - not in a mocking way, not in a satirical way, but in a sincere, compassionate way - I don't think that's exploitive.
-- Curtis Sittenfeld -
Asking, ‘If there is no God, what is the purpose of life?’ is like asking, ‘If there is no master, whose slave will I be?’ If your purpose of life is to submit as a slave, then your meaning comes from flattering the ego of a person whom you should detest.
-- Dan Barker -
Life is like an EKG. Without the ups and downs, you're not living.
-- Debra Evans -
Life is like an eternal dance. The movements of the dance are choreographed through your awareness.
-- Deepak Chopra -
Life is like a very short visit to a toy shop between birth and death.
-- Desmond Morris -
Life is like a film screen: pictures come, make an impression, go, and then make a place for new pictures with new impressions which obscure the previous ones. Some of those old pictures fade, but the impressions they leave will never pass away. Such an impression is the image of Hein Sietsma -- a joyful Christian who loved life so much but was still willing to give it to the great, good, and holy cause.
-- Diet Eman -
Everyday life is like programming, I guess. If you love something you can put beauty into it.
-- Donald Knuth -
Life is like a movie, if you've sat through more than half of it and it’s sucked every second so far, it probably isn't going to get great right at the end and make it all worthwhile. None should blame you for walking out early.
-- Doug Stanhope -
Life is like animal porn, it's not for everyone.
-- Doug Stanhope -
Life is like a public performance on the violin, in which you must learn the intrument as you go along
-- E. M. Forster -
Marriage, in life, is like a duel in the midst of a battle.
-- Edmond Francois Valentin About -
A balanced life is like a three legged stool. Each leg - nutrition, fitness and wellness- is necessary and supports the other.
-- Ellie Krieger -
Life... by Marshall Mathers... What is life ? Life is like a big obstacle put in front of your optical to slow you down... And everytime you think you gotten past it It's gonna come back around and tackle you to the damn ground
-- Eminem -
Peace is not something that happens by accident. Peace is like silence; it is always there. The lack of harmony in our lives is like noise superimposed on the silence. THe issue is not how to create peace, but how to live in a way that eliminates the noise.
-- Gabriel Cousens -
Life is like a movie-since there aren't any commercial breaks, you have to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of it.
-- Garry Trudeau -
Life is like therapy - real expensive and no guarantees.
-- Garth Brooks -
Very few of us have any idea whatsoever of what life is like living in a goldfish bowl,except, of course, for those of us who are goldfish.
-- Graham Taylor -
If you take real-life circumstances and take out all the pauses then you have a thriller. It has to be non-stop, high stakes and fascinating all the time. Real life is like that from time to time.
-- Hank Phillippi Ryan -
Life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up.
-- Hans Christian Andersen -
This wordly life is like a shadow. If you try to catch it, you will never be able to do so. If you turn your back towards it, it has no choice but to follow you.
-- Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya -
Life is like unto a long journey with a heavy burden.
-- Ieyasu Tokugawa -
Life is like Candyland, there are many paths to take, sometimes you run into Lord Licorice but the end will always be Candy Castle.
-- Jack Barakat -
As I look back, I see that life is like a game of solitaire and every once in a while there is a move.
-- James Salter -
Life is like that. Some days are diamonds and some days are stones.
-- Jann Arden -
Life is like walking through snow: every step shows.
-- Jess Lair -
We have increasingly fewer and fewer journalists who have any military experience and understand what life is like in the military and in combat.
-- Jim Lehrer -
A good life is like a weaving. Energy is created in the tension. The struggle, the pull and tug are everything.
-- Joan Erikson -
My love life is like a piece of Swiss cheese; most of it's missing, and what's there stinks.
-- Joan Rivers -
Life is like a beach chair when you can afford one
-- Joe Budden -
An actor's life is like a series of - it's like the first day of school happening over and over again.
-- John C. Reilly -
May my life be like a great hospitable tree, and may weary wanderers find in me a rest.
-- John Henry Jowett -
To enjoy the world without judgment is what a realized life is like.
-- Joko Beck -
Life is like a prism. What you see depends on how you turn the glass.
-- Jonathan Kellerman -
Life is like a huge lottery in which only the winning tickets are visible.
-- Jostein Gaarder -
Life is like a cup of tea, the sugar is all at the bottom!
-- Julia Ward Howe -
The bee's life is like a magic well: the more you draw from it, the more it fills with water
-- Karl von Frisch -
Life is like an elevator. Up and down, just make sure you get off on the right floor.
-- Keith Douglas -
My love life is like everyone else's - great, and then terrible.
-- Kevin Eubanks -
My life is like a speeding bullet that just hasn't hit the target yet.
-- Kid Cudi -
Life is like a B-picture script. It is that corny. If I had my life story offered to me to film, I'd turn it down.
-- Kirk Douglas -
Our emotions are ever-changing and infinitely varied, but the words with which we describe them are fixed and rigid. Our life is like quicksilver, our vocabulary like steel. Sometimes a consummate poet succeeds in rendering the quality of life in words. For the rest of us, this is not possible.
-- Laura Huxley -
Life is like a cucumber. One minute it's in your hand, the next it's up you ass.
-- Lawrence Durrell -
Life is like a dice, so watch the ones you're rolling with.
-- LeCrae -
Life is like an elevator, a lot of ups and downs. People pushing your buttons and getting jerked around.
-- LeCrae -
Life is like riding a bicycle. You get nowhere standing up, so get up on that seat and go!
-- Lynne Ewing -
What would our lives be like if we could all be happy no matter what?
-- Marci Shimoff -
Perhaps life is like an hour glass, with dear ones the sand that slips from the upper glass--the earth--into the second--eternity.
-- Margaret George -
You're right. And so was my snake." Snake?" He pulled my arm out to expose my bracelet. "When I carved this my thoughts were on you, love. Your life is like this snake's coils. No matter how many turns it makes, you'll end up back where you belong. With me.
-- Maria V. Snyder -
Life is like a box of Hand grenades,You never know what will blow you to kingdom come
-- Mario Puzo -
Haven't you ever noticed that life is like a series of movies?
-- Matthew Quick -
Someday you're really going to have to describe to me in more detail what life is like on the planet you live on. Because it sounds really great, and I'd like to visit there one day.
-- Meg Cabot -
Life is like fording a river, stepping from one slippery stone to another, and you must rejoice every time you don't lose your balance, and learn to laugh at all the times you do.
-- Merle Shain -
There is no formula to relationships. They have to be negotiated in loving ways, with room for both parties, what they want and what they need, what they can do and what their life is like.
-- Mitch Albom -
Life is like a long ride to nowhere in particular.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Life is like a moustache. It can be wonderful or terrible. But it always tickles.
-- Nora Roberts -
I will find out what the normal life is like. I will be a coach. I have achieved everything I could achieve in gymnastics.
-- Oksana Chusovitina -
Life is like the ocean. You can either be the ball floating on the waves, or make your own waves.
-- Oliver Gaspirtz -
Life is like sex. It’s not always good, but its always worth trying.
-- Pamela Anderson -
Life is like a field, where we must gather what we grow, weed or wheat... this is the law, we reap the crop we sow.
-- Patience Strong -
Life is like cooking: before choosing what you love, try everything... ♥
-- Paulo Coelho -
Life is like a mirror. Smile at it and it smiles back at you.
-- Peace Pilgrim -
Life is like underwear, should be changed twice a day.
-- Ray Bradbury -
Life is like a giant smorgasbord of more delicious alternatives than you can ever hope to taste. So you have to reject having some things you want in order to get other things you want more.
-- Ray Dalio -
What would our lives be like if our days and nights were as immersed in nature as they are in technology?
-- Richard Louv -
The world is not entirely comic and it's not entirely dramatic. You have a laugh and then someone finds a lump and you deal with that. Because that is what life is like.
-- Ricky Gervais -
Life is like a great teacher..... she will repeat the lesson until you learn.
-- Ricky Martin -
A child's life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark.
-- Robert A. Heinlein -
Life is like art - it is all about interpretation.
-- Robert Holden -
Saying that you don’t have time to improve your thoughts and your life is like saying you don’t have time to stop for gas because you’re too busy driving. Eventually it will catch up with you.
-- Robin S -
Life is like a butterfly. You can chase, or you can let it come to you.
-- Ruth Brown -
I pray for meaning. I pray for the limits of reality to become clear. For a world – and a type of being – that makes sense. I pray for a life after death that is not like this life. I pray for the end of mystery. What would a life be like with all the mysteries solved? If there were no questions, there’d be no stories. If there were no stories, there’d be no language. If there was no language there’d be no . . . What?
-- Scarlett Thomas -
It doesn't bother me to talk about my private life, it doesn't bother me to talk about anything. My life is like a glass of water, transparent.
-- Shakira -
Life is like a bowl of spaghetti. Every once in a while, you get a meatball.
-- Sharon Creech -
Life is like a great jazz riff. You sense the end the very moment you were wanting it to go on forever.
-- Sheila Ballantyne -
Life is like a novel. It's filled with suspense. You have no idea what is going to happen until you turn the page.
-- Sidney Sheldon -
Faith, amid the disorders of a sinful life, is like the lamp burning in an ancient tomb.
-- Sophie Swetchine -
Life is like a rose, peeping through the hardships of life to bloom with color.
-- Stephanie -
If you aren't just brought up in your tribe but interact with other people either directly or vicariously, through journalism and literature, you see what life is like from other points of view and are less likely to demonize them or dehumanize others and more likely to empathize with them.
-- Steven Pinker -
No more fear of hunger. A new kind of freedom. But what then ... what? What would my life be like on a daily basis? Most of it has been consumed with the acquisition of food. Take that away and I'm not really sure who I am, what my identity is. The idea scares me some.
-- Suzanne Collins -
Life is like eating artichokes; you have got to go through so much to get so little.
-- Tad Dorgan -
I don’t know what life is like without cannabis, I hear there is such a thing.
-- Terence McKenna -
life is like a jigsaw puzzle, you have to see the whole picture, then put it together piece by piece!
-- Terry McMillan -
Life is like the rungs on a ladder. The reason they are placed so close together is that we can learn to take baby steps and reach our destinations safely.
-- Tom Baker