Meg Cabot famous quotes
Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgement that something is more important than fear; The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all.
-- Meg Cabot -
A WRINKLE IN TIME is one of my favorite books of all time. I've read it so often, I know it by heart. Meg Murry was my hero growing up. I wanted glasses and braces and my parents to stick me in an attic bedroom. And I so wanted to save Charles Wallace from IT.
-- Meg Cabot -
The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all.
-- Meg Cabot -
One of the biggest mistakes girls can make concerning their romantic life is sitting around waiting for their prince to find them, rather than getting out there and finding him themselves.
-- Meg Cabot -
Sometimes what you want is right in front of you. All you have to do is open your eyes and see it.
-- Meg Cabot -
It is a documented fact. I read it in People magazine.
-- Meg Cabot -
To achieve self actualization, do good things for other people that you would want to be done onto yourself
-- Meg Cabot -
Write the kind of story you would like to read. People will give you all sorts of advice about writing, but if you are not writing something you like, no one else will like it either.
-- Meg Cabot -
Because when you love something, you want to do it all the time, even if no one is paying you for it. At least that's how I felt about drawing.
-- Meg Cabot -
I realized that life is so short: Why waste one minute of it worrying what other people think or say about you, or what score you got on some test? Why not believe what you want to believe, and do what you love?
-- Meg Cabot -
I just got a fortune cookie that says "Turn off your computer and read a book" which is odd because I'm WRITING a book...on my computer!
-- Meg Cabot -
Sometimes we need to take big risks if we want to find out who we are, and what we were put on this planet for.
-- Meg Cabot -
Always be true to your friends, just as you are to yourself.
-- Meg Cabot -
Screenwriting is a much more collaborative effort. When you write a novel, it's just you, with input from your editor.
-- Meg Cabot -
I realized Michael was right. I mean, I am always writing in this journal. And I do compose a lot of poetry, and write a lot of notes and emails and stuff. I mean, I feel like I am always writing. I do it so much, I never even thought about it as a talent. It's just something I do all the time, like breathing.
-- Meg Cabot -
Save your rejections so that later when you are famous you can show them to people and laugh.
-- Meg Cabot -
And eternity is a long time. So if you have to spend it with someone I could see wanting to spend it with someone impossible...but interesting....
-- Meg Cabot -
In a way, I was incredibly proud of her (not that I had any intention of letting it show while I was beating the crap out of her).
-- Meg Cabot -
One of the many advantages of having a boyfriend who is half French is that his culinary repertoire extends beyond mac and cheese. Plus, there’s the kissing.
-- Meg Cabot -
I thought you'd like it," he said, seeming hurt. "You look very pretty.
-- Meg Cabot -
In high school, I was very active in extracurricular activities such as art, theatre, and choir. I also wrote for the school newspaper, but not regularly, because I never liked writing non-fiction very much.
-- Meg Cabot -
Writing used to be my hobby, but now that it's my job, I have no hobby - except watching TV and laying around the pool reading 'U.S. Weekly.' I have tried many hobbies, such as knitting, Pilates, ballet, yoga, and guitar, but none of them have taken.
-- Meg Cabot -
Someone Hot is sometimes can't be the person they appear to be- except for their hotness... that cannot be denied.
-- Meg Cabot -
Maybe nobody has a right to tell anybody to shut up. Maybe this is how wars get started, because someone tells someone else to shut up, and then no one will apologize.
-- Meg Cabot -
When you feel like an outsider - for whatever reason - you spend a lot of time alone.
-- Meg Cabot -
I usually know almost exactly how I feel. The problem is, I just can't tell anyone.
-- Meg Cabot -
What's the point? was my attitude. We're all just going to die and then NOT be let on the boat.
-- Meg Cabot - aren't in touch with their emotions, and don't share enough [?]
-- Meg Cabot -
[...] even in the cruelest human being there can exist a flower of good. Maybe just the tiniest blossom, in need of water and sunlight, but a flower just the same.
-- Meg Cabot -
every seven miles, in America, there is at least one McDonald's. Not a hospital, mind you, or a police station, but a McDonald's, every seven miles. I mean, that's sort of scary, if you think about it.
-- Meg Cabot -
You didn't," John said, stepping from the shadows as he clapped for me, "even hit your head this time.
-- Meg Cabot -
And I like a good horror story as much as the next person so long as they kill off some men too and not just girls. But the voices Joan heard were real. There’s clear and substantiated proof they were real. She won battles that would otherwise have been lost because of what those voices told her in advance of them allowing the French generals to strategize in ways completely different than they did before Joan came along. People’s lives were saved because of what those voices told her.
-- Meg Cabot -
It’s one thing to protect yourself,†Dad yelled at me during our very next lunch. “That I get. Have I ever told you not to defend yourself? No. But did you have to permanently maim him? I spent all that money on that on that fancy school for girls-not to mention all that money for the shrinks-and what did that get me?†I shrugged. “A seven-figure civil suit?
-- Meg Cabot -
And I like a good horror story as much as the next person so long as they kill off some men too and not just girls. But the voices Joan heard were real. There’s clear and substantiated proof they were real.
-- Meg Cabot -
even if vampires were stupid. Especially American vampires. They hung out in places Alaric himself would never have gone, especially if he were immortal. Such as high schools. And Walmart.
-- Meg Cabot -
And in what fairy tale would John ever be any sane person's idea of Prince Charming anyway? He was the opposite of charming. More like Prince Terrifying.
-- Meg Cabot -
What is the sound of one hand clapping? What is the weight of a single grain of sand? The answer is equal to my interest in the message you are about to leave so make it short. -- Mitch Hertzog's voice mail message.
-- Meg Cabot -
Diet Coke does not contain nasty chemicals. It contains lovely and delicious carbonation, caffeine, and aspartame. What's unnatural about that?
-- Meg Cabot -
So take my advice: whatever you do? Don’t blink
-- Meg Cabot -
If the guy likes/loves you, he won't care if you are a good kisser or not. He should like you for what you are - not how you kiss.
-- Meg Cabot -
Suze, your whole life," my dad went on, not without sympathy, "you've always made the right decisions. Not necessarily the easiest ones. The right ones. Don't mess that up now, when you're facing what's probably the most important decision you'll ever have to make.
-- Meg Cabot -
It's simple, really," Alaric Wulf said. " Lucien Antonescu is the prince of darkness." Jon nodded. "Yeah," he said. "We know. He's got a castle and stuff.
-- Meg Cabot -
Oh, that's just great. I come all the way back here, risking major brain cell burnout, and you don't even believe me? I'm basically guaranteeing myself a lifetime of heartbreak, and all you have to say is that you think I'm not right in the head?
-- Meg Cabot -
And try to remember what we discussed, Susannah. A mediator is someone who helps others resolve conflicts. Not someone who, er, kicks them in the face.
-- Meg Cabot -
I can't even tell you how good it felt to see him. It felt even better when he reached through the metal grate, wrapped his fingers around the front of my shirt, dragged me forward, and kissed me through the bars. "Sorry" he said-only not looking to sorry, if you know what I mean.
-- Meg Cabot -
This was very exciting. I'd never had two boys get into a fight over me before. The fact that one of the boys was my stepbrother, however, and held about as much romantic appeal for me as Max, the family dog, somewhat dampened my enthusiasm. And Michael wasn't much of a catch, either, when you actually thought about it, being a potential murderer and all. Oh, why did I have to have such a couple of losers fighting over me? Why couldn't Matt Damon and Ben Affleck fight over me? Now that would be truly excellent.
-- Meg Cabot -
Why had I taken all those useless classes like bio and German when I should have been taking lipreading?
-- Meg Cabot -
he'd know that I think that . . . well, that bending an enemy's will through military force is the absolute last way a nation ought to go about solving their problems.
-- Meg Cabot -
Looks fade,' Mom would go on. 'But intelligence lasts forever.
-- Meg Cabot -
There is a difference between listening and hearing, just as there is a difference between seeing and knowing.
-- Meg Cabot -
Was it frisson when you saw a guy smile and it made your heart act all weird?
-- Meg Cabot -
if you have to say “no offense†to someone, you have already offended them.
-- Meg Cabot -
I know. I seriously need to just give up men entirely. I wonder if Episcopalians can enter convents?
-- Meg Cabot -
Not like this vision before us, who was shaking water out of his slightly overlong reddish-brown hair as he leaned over to lay down his board (revealing, as he did so, the fact that beneath his baggy swim trunks—so weighted down with water that they had sunk somewhat dangerously low on his hips—lurked what appeared to be an exceptionally well-formed gluteus maximus)
-- Meg Cabot -
Loud ringing noises, I've discovered, upset Mr.Peepers.
-- Meg Cabot -
Sorry, Bex," Jason said "You don't have the recognizable facial characteristics - such as a huge chin, or a large amount of real estate between the eyes - that would merit the bestowing of a criminal mastermind nickname such as Lockjaw or Walleye. Whereas Crazytop here...well, just look at her." "Atleast I can blow-dry my hair straight," I pointed out. "Which is more than what I can say for your nose, Hawkface.
-- Meg Cabot -
You know in sixth grade, when they made all of us girls go into this other room and watch a video about getting our periods and stuff? I bet while we were gone, the boys were watching a video about how to look at each other in that infuriating way.
-- Meg Cabot -
When I was a kid, I had a couple of really good friends, like some really good best friends, but I was really shy other than that.
-- Meg Cabot -
What did that mean? Where could it go? He was a death diety. I was a high school senior.
-- Meg Cabot -
Honey, some boys stopped by to see you. They had wood.
-- Meg Cabot -
Anything can happen in the blink of an eye. Anything at all. One. Two. Three. Blink.
-- Meg Cabot -
We kissed all the way through the fireworks display. We didn’t even notice that there was a fireworks display… …I guess because we’d been making fireworks of our own.
-- Meg Cabot -
But if that was really true, why in the name of all that is holy would anyone have ever liked Nikki in the first place? I was becoming more and more convinced she was a cross between Heidi Montag and Hitler.
-- Meg Cabot -
Why does anyone commit murder?' he asked in a low voice. 'I-'I blinked.'How should I know?' 'Three reasons,' Christopher said. He held up one finger. 'Love.' Another finger. 'Revenge.' And finally, a third finger. 'Profit...
-- Meg Cabot -
But I don't care what Megan Fox or Jessica Biel say: There are definite advantages to being the hottest girl on the planet. Number one was that I got paid for it. A lot.
-- Meg Cabot -
There’s no accountability anymore, Pierce, no one holds anyone accountable for what they do. It’s always someone else’s fault. Usually people just blame the victim.
-- Meg Cabot -
But really, the term “forgive and forget†doesn’t make sense to me. Forgiving does allow us to stop dwelling on an issue, which isn’t always healthy. But if we forget, we don’t learn from our mistakes. And that can be deadly.
-- Meg Cabot -
You just said you were sorry." ... "I was only apologizing," he said stiffly, "for startling you. The applause was to compliment you on the improvement in your life-saving techniques since the last time you-
-- Meg Cabot -
Michael has never cried during a Broadway show. Except in that scene where Tarzan's ape father is brutally murdered. And that was only because he was laughing so hard.
-- Meg Cabot -
Don't cry." "How can I not?" I asked him. "You just said you loved me." "Well, why else did you think all of this was happening?" He set the book aside to wrap his arms around me. "The Furies wouldn't be trying to kill you if I didn't love you." "I didn't know," I said. Tears were trickling down my cheeks, but I did nothing to try to stop them. His shirt was absorving most of them. "You never said anything about it. Every time I saw you, you just acted so... wild." "How was I supposed to act?" he asked. "You kept doing things like throwing tea in my face.
-- Meg Cabot -
He is the dark prince. The all-powerful one. The leader of the creatures of the night." Then Meena said, "I'm confused then. I thought the prince of darkness was the devil." [......] "Wait," Meena said, blinking. " Are you saying....." "Yes," Alaric said. "That is exactly what I'm saying." Jon looked blank. "I don't understand. Is he the devil or not?" "Lucien Antonescu," Alaric said. "is a vampire. Not just any vampire, but the ruler of all vampires.
-- Meg Cabot -
What is the appropriate reply to make to a man who says he loves you? Thank you. You are very kind.
-- Meg Cabot -
I like to think of my books and the movies of my books living in two separate universes. Each is very nice, but only one is correct - the book. But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the other versions, and I always do.
-- Meg Cabot -
I was an unhappy child, and that puts me off having a child of my own.
-- Meg Cabot -
Yeah,†Nicole said, her straw noisily hitting the bottom of her Gut Buster. “Well, I would have appreciated it if you guys had wrecked a little less stuff. Because my house smelled like smoke for months. And construction on the Tarantinos’ new garage starts at eight on the dot every morning, and it’s still going on, and you know how I get if I don’t have my full ten hours of beauty sleep.†“So that’s what happened to your face,†Cody said. “I was wondering.
-- Meg Cabot -
Mia, I'm not sorry. And I'll wait. Love, Michael.
-- Meg Cabot -
It's kind of depressing, if you think about it. I mean, me being so young, and yet so cynical and suspicious.
-- Meg Cabot -
Some people can seem perfect... everything about them can, on paper, be just right. Until you get to know them. Really know them. Then you find out, in the end, while they might be perfect to every one else, they just aren't right for you.
-- Meg Cabot -
Lana looked at me like I’d just said I’d never watched Bring It On, or something.
-- Meg Cabot -
No one wants to pursue anything creative anymore, because that's too risky. They may not get the kind of return on the financial investment they've made in their education that they think they should.
-- Meg Cabot -
> CracKing: No need to yell. > FtLouie: I’m not yelling!!! > CracKing: You’re using excessive amounts of punctuation, and on-line, that’s like yelling.
-- Meg Cabot -
But I had loved him. A part of me still did. Maybe more than a part of me, because I'm a complete moron.
-- Meg Cabot -
„Everyone wants to believe that there’s something else – something great – waiting for them on the other side. Paradise. Valhalla. Heaven. Their next – hopefully less horrible – life.
-- Meg Cabot -
I mean it. Like, people always talk about how God doesn’t ever give you more than you can handle, but I’m telling you right now, I cannot handle this. This is just too much!
-- Meg Cabot -
I didn’t know what I was supposed to say about that, so I just said, "Wow
-- Meg Cabot -
I wish I had taken Spanish instead of French in high school. I could eavesdrop on a lot more conversations on the subway if I knew Spanish.
-- Meg Cabot -
One of the biggest motivations for me with writing my books is to offer girls some escapism, especially girls who really need it, like I did.
-- Meg Cabot -
Remember, if you don't feel passionate about the characters and subject of your story, your readers won't either.
-- Meg Cabot -
This is how many people become artists, musicians, writers, computer programmers, record-holding athletes, scientists... by spending time alone practicing what they love.
-- Meg Cabot -
My family, theyre story tellers. My mom is Irish, and my dad is Italian. In my family, we werent allowed to watch TV while we ate - we had to sit around the table and tell stories about our day.
-- Meg Cabot -
If you're writing a screenplay, you need to be prepared to let go: there's a good chance the words you write aren't going to be the ones that end up on screen.
-- Meg Cabot -
But who wants to hang aroundfrat guys ? I want to be with guys who have more on their minds than where the next keg party is. I want to be with guys who care about making this world a better place-the way Andrew does. I want to be with guys who know that what's important isn't the size of a girl's waistband but the size of her heart-like Andrew. I want to be with guys who are able to see past a girl's outward appearance, and into her soul-like Andrew.
-- Meg Cabot -
You'll blow up a helicopter, but you won't go out with me? What is wrong with you?
-- Meg Cabot -
I don't give books as gifts. Books are extremely personal, and I would hate to give someone a book that they don't like or want, because it would break my heart if they didn't read it.
-- Meg Cabot -
Even though I loved to write, I never liked English lit. class very much. I think it ruins books when you dissect them too much. I liked my art classes best.
-- Meg Cabot -
All of my characters are a little bit based on people I know in real life. You know when you do that you have to change the character a little bit in case your friend or your relative reads the book, because you don't want them to know you wrote about them... They might get mad.
-- Meg Cabot -
Writing is a workout, just like going for a run!
-- Meg Cabot -
We were a very funny family. Humour was the tool with which my brother and I tried to get attention. We were always trying to be the funniest.
-- Meg Cabot
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