Hymns famous quotes
Everything is completely democratic in this band so far and that is the way that we would like to keep it.
-- Adam Rich -
Of all the gods, Death only craves not gifts: Nor sacrifice, nor yet drink-offering poured Avails; no altars hath he, nor is soothed By hymns of praise. From him alone of all The powers of heaven Persuasion holds aloof.
-- Aeschylus -
Seated upon the convex mound Of one vast kidney, Jonah prays And sings his canticles and hymns, Making the hollow vault resound God's goodness and mysterious ways, Till the great fish spouts music as he swims.
-- Aldous Huxley -
We are a strong democratic country.
-- Aleksander Kwasniewski -
TEDIUM, n. Ennui, the state or condition of one that is bored. Many fanciful derivations of the word have been affirmed, but so high an authority as Father Jape says that it comes from a very obvious source --the first words of the ancient Latin hymn _Te Deum Laudamus_. In this apparently natural derivation there is something that saddens.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
It's always good to remember where you come from and celebrate it. To remember where you come from is part of where you're going.
-- Anthony Burgess -
To imagine that God wants prayers and hymns of praise is to make him out to a sort of oriental potentate; while praying for favours is an attempt to get him to change his allegedly all-wise mind.
-- Barbara Smoker -
It's just really important that we start celebrating our differences. Let's start tolerating first, but then we need to celebrate our differences.
-- Billie Jean King -
The Democratic Party of California is ready to sponsor me. All I have to do is find the right office to run for.
-- Bobby Darin -
While there continues to be differences, the important point is that all citizens and elected officials use democratic and legal avenues for solving those differences.
-- Boris Trajkovski -
It isn't about singing a particular hymn or reciting a prayer – it's about a relationship with your Heavenly Father who loves and cares for you.
-- Brian Houston -
A few doors away was the Baptist Church, and as I walked towards it I began to think that people didn't want me to share their church. As I walked through the Baptist door I was tense, waiting for that tap on the shoulder…but instead I was given a hymn book and welcomed into the church. I sat through the service…This up and down treatment wasn't doing my nerves much good.
-- Can Themba -
If any spiritualistic medium can do stunts, there is no more need for special conditions than there is for a chemist to turn down lights, start operations with a hymn, and ask whether there's any chemical present that has affinity with something named Hydrogen.
-- Charles Fort -
Do not fancy, as too many do, that thou canst praise God by singing hymns to Him in church once a week, and disobeying Him all the week long. He asks of thee works as well as words; and more, he asks of thee works first and words after.
-- Charles Kingsley -
I think today women are very scared to celebrate themselves, because then they just get labeled.
-- Charlize Theron -
All our life is like a day of celebration for us; we are convinced, in fact, that God is always everywhere. We work while singing, we sail while reciting hymns, we accomplish all other occupations of life while praying.
-- Clement of Alexandria -
And to my lips’ Bright crimson rim The passion slips, And down my slim White body drips The shining hymn...
-- D. H. Lawrence -
May we now all rise and sing the eternal school hymn: "Attack. Attack. Attack Attack Attack!"
-- Danny Baker -
My poems are hymns of praise to the glory of life.
-- Edith Sitwell -
Opened Christmas cards hum to me the hymn of love and teach me the sacrament of correspondence.
-- Edward M Hays -
Evidently the arts, all the visual arts, are becoming more democratic in the worst sense of the word.
-- Eugenio Montale -
It has been said that a bride's attitude towards her betrothed can be summed up in three words: Aisle. Alter. Hymn.
-- Frank Muir -
I never force myself to be devout except when I feel so inspired, and never compose hymns of prayers unless I feel within me real and true devotion.
-- Franz Schubert -
There's a wideness in God's mercy Like the wideness of the sea Oratory Hymns.
-- Frederick William Faber -
Today's Communism can survive only if it abandons the myth of an infallible party, if it continues to think, and if it becomes democratic.
-- Friedrich Durrenmatt -
Chess problems are the hymn-tunes of mathematics.
-- G. H. Hardy -
The singing of hymns and the rendition of selections from the great sacred oratorios by ward choirs all enhance the spirit of worship.
-- Gordon B. Hinckley -
The tune was too ingrained for Mortenson to consider the novelty of this moment- an American, lost in Pakistan, singing a German hymn in Swahili.
-- Greg Mortenson -
Kitsch is the daily art of our time, as the vase or the hymn was for earlier generations. For the sensibility it has that arbitrariness and importance which works take on when they are no longer noticeable elements of the environment. In America kitsch is Nature. The Rocky Mountains have resembled fake art for a century.
-- Harold Rosenberg -
The hymns of David, the plays of Shakespeare, the metaphysics of Descartes, the crimes of Borgia, the virtues of Antonine, the atheism of yesterday and the materialism of today, were all emanations of divine thought, doing their appointed work. It was the duty of the church to deal with them all, not as though they existed through a power hostile to the deity, but as instruments of the deity to work out his unrevealed ends.
-- Henry Adams -
Hymns of today that may be sung by people who know the thought of the age...are not afraid that any truth of science will destroy Christianity, or any revolution will overthrow the Kingdom of Heaven.
-- Henry Van Dyke -
What we have to do... is to find a way to celebrate our diversity and debate our differences without fracturing our communities.
-- Hillary Clinton -
Britain, which in the years immediately before this war was rapidly losing such democratic virtues as it possessed, is now being bombed and burned into democracy.
-- J. B. Priestley -
Good hymns are an immense blessing to the Church. They train people for heaven, where praise is one of the principal occupations.
-- J. C. Ryle -
The rustling of the leaves is like a low hymn to nature.
-- James Ellis -
The sun had not risen, but the vault of heaven was rich with the winning, softness that "brings and shuts the day," while the whole air was filled with the carols of birds, the hymns of the feathered tribe.
-- James F. Cooper -
At four lines, with the quatrain, we reach the basic stanza form familiar from a whole range of English poetic practice. This is the length of the ballad stanza, the verse of a hymn, and innumerable other kinds of verse.
-- James Fenton -
A Hank Cochran song in the studio is spiritual. It's like singing a hymn in a church.
-- Jamey Johnson -
It's a shame i can't be there myself - i like parties. Text me if you think of any good hymns!
-- Jenny Downham -
It's part of what I do at my piano - the hymns. And then I write.
-- Jessi Colter -
The inward sighs of humble penitence Rise to the ear of Heaven, when peal'd hymns Are scatter'd with the sounds of common air.
-- Joanna Baillie -
There are two thing you need for a jolly good hymn.The first is a set of words that expresses the mood or sentiment of the worshipper.The second-and perhaps even more important- is a good tune..with a simple popular melody.
-- John Betjeman -
Hymn tunes are the nearest we've got to English folk music..
-- John Betjeman -
The E.U. is the world's fastest growing democratic body.
-- John Bruton -
If you talk to any of my Democratic colleagues who lost that year, they would tell that gun control was one of the major contributory factors in the loss of their seats.
-- John Dingell -
I am not the Catholic candidate for President. I am the Democratic Party's candidate for President, who happens also to be a Catholic.
-- John F. Kennedy -
In our whole life melody the music is broken off here and there by rests, and we foolishly think we have come to the end of time. God sends a time of forced leisure, a time of sickness and disappointed plans, and makes a sudden pause in the hymns of our lives, and we lament that our voice must be silent and our part missing in the music which ever goes up to the ear of our Creator. Not without design does God write the music of our lives. Be it ours to learn the time and not be dismayed at the rests. If we look up, God will beat the time for us.
-- John Ruskin -
Just as anyone who listens to the muse will hear, you can write out of your own intention or out of inspiration. There is such a thing. It comes up and talks. And those who have heard deeply the rhythms and hymns of the gods, can recite those hymns in such a way that the gods will be attracted.
-- Joseph Campbell -
I grew up going to a real small missionary baptist church. We would sing a lot of the old standards... the hymns and everything. Those songs are still my favorite and are pretty timeless.
-- Josh Turner -
As people do better, they start voting like Republicans - unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing.
-- Karl Rove -
Listening to music is such an uplifting, spiritual thing. Its far-fetched to some - I understand that. But the way dance music brings people together, its not a big stretch from hymns.
-- Kaskade -
Paul commands the Church to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly when we meet together, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. It seems clear here that style is not the important issue as much as the depth of content.
-- Keith Getty -
Democratic leaders always seem to blame America first.
-- Ken Mehlman -
The Psalms, the anthology of the hymns of Israel, are still used by Christians.
-- Kenneth Scott Latourette -
Now, I'm as appreciative as the next obsessive-compulsive recovering-academic of the vast riches of material becoming available online, thanks to all those Google scanners crouched in the basements of libraries around the world, madly feeding books through their machines. I download obscure tomes onto my iPad and give thanks to the dual gods Gates and Jobs, singing hymns to all the lesser pantheon of geniuses. But there's nothing like a book.
-- Laurie R. King -
What hymns are sung. What praises said. For homemade miracles of bread?
-- Louis Untermeyer -
Why has our poetry eschewed The rapture and response of food? What hymns are sung and praises said For the home made miracle of bread?
-- Louis Untermeyer -
People wish to be poets more than they wish to write poetry, and that's a mistake. One should wish to celebrate more than one wishes to be celebrated.
-- Lucille Clifton -
A religious life is a struggle and not a hymn.
-- Madame de Stael -
Democratic nations must try to find ways to starve the terrorist and the hijacker of the oxygen of publicity on which they depend.
-- Margaret Thatcher -
Every formula which expresses a law of nature is a hymn of praise to God.
-- Maria Mitchell -
As we celebrate Black History Month we should be grateful for the achievements they made and inspired by their legacies to continue their work.
-- Marty Meehan -
the hymns were born in the fifteenth or sixteenth century or earlier, and listening to them was like licking an icicle: the same chill, the same purity.
-- Mary Cantwell -
The Senate is a remarkable institution. It is unique. There is no other body, no other political body, no other democratic legislature in the world quite like the U.S. Senate.
-- Max Baucus -
The nation, like the church, has its visible symbols and insignia, its parchments engrossed with the revealed word, its dogmas, hymns, liturgy, holy day celebrations, its early Fathers, prophets and martyrs, its priesthood and its lay sodality, its myths of sacred genesis and apocalyptic crises, its world-saving mission and its missionaries.
-- Michael Parenti -
We have not created any sort of democratic test for any nation.
-- Mikhail Saakashvili -
There they stand, the innumerable stars, shining in order like a living hymn, written in light.
-- Nathaniel Parker Willis -
I have named you queen. There are taller than you, taller. There are purer than you, purer. There are lovelier than you, lovelier. But you are the queen. When you go through the streets No one recognizes you. No one sees your crystal crown, no one looks At the carpet of red gold That you tread as you pass, The nonexistent carpet. And when you appear All the rivers sound In my body, bells Shake the sky, And a hymn fills the world. Only you and I, Only you and I, my love, Listen to it.
-- Pablo Neruda -
The Republican Party is not in the hands of the Jewish lobby in America as the Democratic Party must look quite often to Jewish money to finance candidates.
-- Pete McCloskey -
To honor with hymns and panegyrics those who are still alive is not safe; a man should run his course and make a fair ending, and then we will praise him; and let praise be given equally to women as well as men who have been distinguished in virtue.
-- Plato -
Not by lamentations and mournful chants ought we to celebrate the funeral of a good man, but by hymns, for in ceasing to be numbered with mortals he enters upon the heritage of a diviner life.
-- Plutarch -
...we must all offer up a hymn of praise to the God... who is 'Lord of lords' (Deut. 10:17, Ps. 136:1, I Tim. 6:15, Rev. 17:14, 19:16)... Lordship is not simply a matter of being superior with respect to inferiors but a complete possession of all that is beautiful and good, and is furthermore a true and unshakable stability.
-- Pope Dionysius -
The faith in which I was brought up assured me that I was better than other people; I was saved, they were damned.... Our hymns were loaded with arrogance - self-congratulation on how cozy we were with the Almighty and what a high opinion he had of us, what hell everybody else would catch come Judgment Day.
-- Robert A. Heinlein -
I want my life to be a hymn to the Creator.
-- Robert Muller -
The song Of Heaven is ever new; for daily thus, And nightly, new discoveries are made Of God's unbounded wisdom, power, and love, Which give the understanding larger room, And swell the hymn with ever-growing praise.
-- Robert Pollok -
If I were a cassowary On the plains of Timbuctoo, I would eat a missionary, Cassock, band, and hymn-book too.
-- Samuel Wilberforce -
The security of the United States, which is so dependent on having accurate and timely intelligence, is not a Republican or a Democratic issue.
-- Saxby Chambliss -
But there is a difference here: When Jewish children are murdered, Arabs celebrate the deed. The death of an Arab child is no cause for celebration in Israel.
-- Theodore Bikel -
A bird sings, a child prattles, but it is the same hymn; hymn indistinct, inarticulate, but full of profound meaning.
-- Victor Hugo -
Jews wait for the Lord, Protestants sing hymns to him, Catholics say mass and eat him.
-- Walker Percy -
After a lustre of the moon, we say We have not the need of any paradise, We have not the need of any seducing hymn.
-- Wallace Stevens -
The government of the German Democratic Republic rejects secret policies. It works for the people, and only the people, so it does not need to keep secrets like the warmongers.
-- Walter Ulbricht -
Only two countries in this hemisphere are not democratic, but many countries in both Central and South America, and in the Caribbean, are really fragile democracies.
-- Warren Christopher -
We can set our deeds to the music of a grateful heart, and seek to round our lives into a hymn — the melody of which will be recognized by all who come in contact with us, and the power of which shall not be evanescent, like the voice of the singer, but perennial, like the music of the spheres.
-- William Mackergo Taylor -
I sing the hymn of the conquered, who fell in the Battle of Life,-The hymn of the wounded, the beaten, who died overwhelmed in the strife....The hymn of the low and the humble, the weary, the broken in heart,Who strove and who failed, acting bravely a silent and desperate part.
-- William Wetmore Story -
We do not celebrate the death of our enemies.
-- Yitzhak Rabin -
I think the hymns give us a glimpse of the generations before us, and what was important to them at the time. Even though they are usually singing similiar messages that are in today's music, it is good to be reminded that the message of Christ is just as much relevant today as it was then.
-- Bart Millard -
Ayn Rand called her novella Anthem a "hymn to man's ego." My approach to Anthem the play was to provide the story a further dimension through music and sound. The work is now larger than a hymn. It's really "spoken opera."
-- Jeff Britting -
In the immense cathedral which is the universe of God, each person, whether scholar or manual laborer, is called to act as the priest of his whole life--to take all that is human, and to turn it into an offering and a hymn of glory.
-- Paul Evdokimov -
It is not enough to say prayers: we must become, be prayer, prayer incarnate. All of life, each act, each act, every gesture, even the smile of the human face, must become a hymn of adoration, an offering, a prayer. One should offer not what one has but what one is.
-- Paul Evdokimov -
In the midst of the storm, your life boat appears. A psalm, a hymn, a word... calming the fiercest winds of the soul.
-- Roderick L. Evans -
Storytelling has driven faith and religious practice, keeping them alive for millennia. Just as every hymn, icon, and stained-glass window in a church links to a story, brands have the potential to build holistic identities.
-- Martin Lindstrom -
I consider my voice to be a centrist moderate voice among the nine Democratic candidates.
-- Bob Graham -
There is not a situation in life where there isn't a hymn and a Scripture to meet the need. I'm thankful for the Word of God, and I praise Him for the privilege of still being able to memorize.
-- Cliff Barrows -
Religion stalks across the face of human history, knee-deep in the blood of innocents, clasping its red hands in hymns of praise to an approving God.
-- Philip Appleman -
All Moroccans are justifiably proud of the development of democratic institutions in Morocco.
-- Donald Evans -
[P]salms are basically prayers and hymns, by their very nature they are addressed to God or express truth about God in song.
-- Gordon Fee