Nikki Sixx famous quotes
I had to find the courage to turn my life around.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Darkness can be funny. It can be quirky. There are different ways that that stuff comes out as a creative person. But the actual conflicted, twisted, decaying, rotting soul? That's not me. No more.
-- Nikki Sixx -
When You've lost it all....thats when you realize that Life is Beautiful.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Sometimes [people] say the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. In my case, I am pretty fortunate. [ My kids]'re pretty balanced, cool kids, going through pretty much the same thing all the other kids go through. There's nothing unique about me as a parent. I am a parent. My kids are kids. We do the best we can do. I don't think they know a lot about what I do, other than that I am in this crazy band, Mötley Crüe.
-- Nikki Sixx -
The trouble with asking questions is you sometimes get answers you don't wanna hear.
-- Nikki Sixx -
It says that alcoholism is a disease, and that it gets passed on from generation to generation. I've told my kids about that: "You've got the crazy gene in you, guys. When it comes time to kick back with the buddies, drink a beer, and watch a football game, just realize that there will be a day when that thing turns on you. So you better keep an eye on it".
-- Nikki Sixx -
Love those who hurt you the most, because they are probably the ones closest to you. They, too, are on a path, and just like you they are learning to walk before they can fly. Imagine of everybody you hurt in life turned their backs on you? You would be playing a hell of a lot of solitaire. Love them no matter what.
-- Nikki Sixx -
I feel my spot is somewhere between a bass player and a rhythm guitar player. I play with a pick. I play very aggressively. I always have a distortion pedal in line, and I play less melodies and do more stuff against the guitars that create melodies.
-- Nikki Sixx -
I am inspired by thinkers. I am inspired by rebellion. I am inspired by children. I have been inspired by love. I have been inspired by heartbreak. I try to take everything that comes at me in life. There have been times in my life that I didn't handle things... right. But even though you stumble, you still kind of get through it.
-- Nikki Sixx -
I sort of have a dark, twisted, offbeat way of writing, which I see coming up in my kids. It's funny, on Halloween, one of my daughters said, "Halloween isn't supposed to be happy, dad, it's supposed to be dark. " No smiling pumpkins at the Sixx household!
-- Nikki Sixx -
Rock and Roll's got to be like Jack Daniels. You've got to feel it burn.
-- Nikki Sixx -
For me, I never knew what addiction was. I just knew my heroes, like [New York Dolls guitarist] Johnny Thunders, did heroin. I didn't have a father, it looked good to me. If I had read Johnny Thunders' book The Heroin Diaries, I don't think I would have done heroin.
-- Nikki Sixx -
I have a lot of friends who come from alcoholic families, and they aren't alcoholics, because someone explained it to them. When I was in Washington DC, they really talked about the difference statistically between families that talk about drug addiction and ones that don't. The kids that can say "I see where this is going" have a much better chance of not becoming addicts, because they have been educated.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Ozzy Osbourne and Motley Crue in New Orleans on Mardi Gras = bad idea!
-- Nikki Sixx -
I am not a preacher. I don't want to stand on a soapbox and tell people, "Don't drink. Don't use drugs." With my kids, I say "Don't drink. Don't do drugs." But when they turn 21, they can drink. I hope they never use drugs, but people make their own decisions. When they're old enough, they are going to have the chance to make their own decisions. I just hope I have given them enough love and support, and the ability to come and talk to me if they need to.
-- Nikki Sixx -
You want to love unconditionally everything you do, or don't do it.
-- Nikki Sixx -
A lot can happen [ because of the dysfunctional family]. People don't look at that. They think, "Oh, my kids are going to be fine. My kids are resilient." But at a certain point, the damage starts. They start to feel pain - and when they feel bad, they start to take painkillers. We want to kill the pain.
-- Nikki Sixx -
I'm finding that people reading the book [ The Heroin Diaries: A Year In The Life Of A Shattered Rock Star] are saying, "You came from one background, I came from this background - you were a rock star, I was a CEO. I didn't have a heroin/coke problem, but I had a pill problem. But I also fell from grace, didn't know how to get recovery, and I am now in recovery." People tell me that their kids read it and told them they'll never do drugs - "This book really shows me where it goes."
-- Nikki Sixx -
I think anything thats creative really takes my mind off whatever it is that Im going through in my life. If youre going through heartbreak, and you can write a song, its a wonderful win-win, because it takes your mind off the heartbreak, and you get to vent.
-- Nikki Sixx -
A song has to be hummable and memorable at it simplest form, and that's what bass does for me. I feel like the glue to everything.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Creativity is not linear, just like the earth is not flat....If you keep going long enough you will always get back to where you started from. That is when you have lived a full life. That is the artist's path.
-- Nikki Sixx -
We want to keep extending our brand into different places, into movies and soundtracks and our music will live on through licensing and our brand lives on through merchandise and new generations will get to wear our clothing and our T-shirts and stuff that's associated with us.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Addiction - When you can give up something any time, as long as it's next Tuesday.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Some girl asked me for an autograph and I asked her why, she said because she admires me. I said she should see a shrink. Then she started crying and I started laughing.
-- Nikki Sixx -
I've got my fingers in many pies and I'm very excited about creating stuff and watching it blossom and bloom and harvest it and get on with the next thing.
-- Nikki Sixx -
My main camera is a Nikon D3. I use a French camera from the 1800s for wet plate photography, I use a Hasselblad sometimes. But to me the camera really doesn't matter that much. I don't have a preference for film or digital.
-- Nikki Sixx -
There's a pattern when tours start - a pattern of infighting, of making up, of breaking up, of addiction. There's a pattern of going to jail. There's a pattern of passion for music.
-- Nikki Sixx -
I feel you see every crack and bruise with black and white [pictiures] and color distracts usually from the honesty.
-- Nikki Sixx -
I was so happy every morning when I woke up that I was pissing smiley faces.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Raw and honest is what I go for [in my style of shooting]. I am looking for your inner beauty. The outside tells a story... But together is raw honesty.
-- Nikki Sixx -
I remember opening up my first vinyl and seeing the incredible artwork it had. There's nothing like it. You also get that true gritty sound on vinyl that really makes a rock record sound great, which CDs can never achieve.
-- Nikki Sixx -
It's human nature to want to keep going, but you have to fight against the "I'm just gonna keep doing it" when you know the possibility of not looking great on the way out.
-- Nikki Sixx -
I forgive my mom for being a psycho and my dad for being a loser.
-- Nikki Sixx -
I love a little distortion across the bass; I think it kind of adds something to the sound of the band when the bass is a little overdriven.
-- Nikki Sixx -
There is something about spending Christmas alone, naked, sitting by the Christmas tree gripping a shotgun, that lets you know your life is spinning dangerously outta control.
-- Nikki Sixx -
There is nothing like a trail of blood to find your way back home. When you've lost it all, that's when you finally realize that life is beautiful.
-- Nikki Sixx -
People say I have a distorted lens. I think I see things as they really are.
-- Nikki Sixx -
I just think if I can go from being a homeless kid with a dream of being in the biggest band in the world and making that happen, I can do a lot of other cool stuff, too.
-- Nikki Sixx -
After I binged last night -or was it tonight - I was convinced yet again that there were people coming to get me. It was more than just shadows and voices, more than just was real, and I was scared to my core.My bones were shaking...m heart was pounding...I thought I was going to explode. I'm glad I have you to talk to, to write this down. I tried to keep it all together, but then I gave in to the manes and became one with my insanity.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Its just kind of known in the music industry that a farewell tour means for now.
-- Nikki Sixx -
I don't fear death; I welcome it with open arms and a smirk. But until that wondrous day, I will continue to savor and celebrate all those who have graduated before me.
-- Nikki Sixx -
In the end, the whole Internet thing kills me, because you can use it as a positive thing or you can read into all the negativity. And I think youve gotta put out positive energy, put out cool viral stuff, and then just stay out of peoples opinions.
-- Nikki Sixx -
I love Starbucks. Maybe thats a bit sad. But I definitely need my caffeine. Its what gets me out of bed in the morning.
-- Nikki Sixx -
when you can’t climb your way out of such a hole, you tend to crouch down and call it home…
-- Nikki Sixx -
I've got so many mountains to climb and goals to conquer. I've got so many scars I want to leave on the planet. I just feel like I'm not there yet. I feel like I am just getting started.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Hi. It's Nikki. I'm not here right now because I'm dead.
-- Nikki Sixx -
If you were on the phone with me and Tommy right now, we would probably forget you were there, we'd just be cracking jokes. It's like Beavis and Butthead.
-- Nikki Sixx -
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying says that death is the graduation ceremony, while living is just a long course in learning and preparing for the next journey. If we acknowledge death as the beginning, then how can we fear it?
-- Nikki Sixx -
We have a growing new fan base, and we wanted to get out now, and play now, and the timing was right.
-- Nikki Sixx -
We were telling everybody we weren't getting back together when we were in the studio actually recording. We wanted to try it on, to see how it would fit.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Sometimes I think I should just buy a blow-up party doll. Same level of intelligence, plastic, and full of air. The problem is, I'd probably fall in love.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Alcohol, acid, cocaine... they were just affairs. When I met ***** it was true love.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Selling my soul would be a lot easier if I could just find it.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Who's the new Ramones, who's the new Guns 'N Roses, who's the new Motley Crue, who's the new Black Sabbath? They're coming, they're on the street, they're 16, 17 years old.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Ego is the great enemy. Ego will hold you back every single time.
-- Nikki Sixx -
It's physically very, very, very trying to be onstage as a performer, not unlike an athlete, for thirty years.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Formats are going to change because this is what the people want. It's not what the labels want.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Artists are very young, and say, Um, ok, to these industry dudes.
-- Nikki Sixx -
What's the best angle to cut someone's throat? Well, usually from behind. That's usually how it works.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Motley Crue, collectively and individually, have done things on our own terms.
-- Nikki Sixx -
People want to see the car crash instead of the race. But, when you're the one in the car that's crashing, it's not much fun. I'm enjoying the race.
-- Nikki Sixx -
I used to think the only way to be truly alive is to confront your mortality.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Life can be cruel. It´s been my struggle, my personal battle, my obsession to make people see that different isn´t always bad.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Just let it happen and, I promise you, all that is magic will appear.
-- Nikki Sixx -
I am the outcast come home to roost and the eggs of tomorrow are incubating in my fame. You hate me, you love me, you made me, and now I am in you. I am like that disease brewing in your loins and I think you like it…
-- Nikki Sixx -
We get paid in flesh. Our audiences are ***** and whores, each and every one.
-- Nikki Sixx -
In life, when the baggage gets too heavy, you have to put it down.
-- Nikki Sixx -
If your album sells, that's cool, more people find out about you, more people get turned on to what we're really about-which is a live rock and roll band.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Life is like a long ride to nowhere in particular.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Which side of the blade is sharper? The lie or the truth? It all seems irrelevant when your jugular is sliced open and you’re lying in a pool of blood for the whole world to see.
-- Nikki Sixx -
If you actually dissect the lyrics in 'Motley Crue', you'll notice that there's a lot going on beneath the surface.
-- Nikki Sixx -
I harbored a lot of resentment as a teenager and as a young adult. I still have a problem with authority, I'm trying to listen!
-- Nikki Sixx -
I've got five kids and I'm married, Tommy's got two kids and he's been married, Vince just got married again, Mick's out of a relationship, Tommy's single as well. We've done a lot in our life, we've covered a lot of miles.
-- Nikki Sixx -
When I first started seeing (the show) come together, I was blown away. It is unbelievable. And to see Vince singing, and behind him girls hanging by chains, and Harleys on the stage and the pyrotechnics going it's like, this is what I want to see in rock 'n' roll.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Your shallow men shall dream, dreams, your insightful men shall see visions.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Friends tell each other what nobody else is willing to tell you.
-- Nikki Sixx -
If you don’t deal with your demons, they will deal with you, and it’s gonna hurt.
-- Nikki Sixx -
It's time for new bands to step up because KISS and Mtley Cre, Aerosmith, The [Rolling] Stones... we're not always gonna be here. Who's gonna replace us? There's no one out there. It's sad.
-- Nikki Sixx -
It's about what happens on stage, whether we can deliver it in a hungry way that is who we are in our hearts.
-- Nikki Sixx -
UNUSED LYRIC I’ve never been to Eden But it’s nice I hear tell When I die I’ll go to heaven ’Cause I’ve done my time in hell
-- Nikki Sixx -
There's nothing unique about me as a parent. I am a parent. My kids are kids. We do the best we can do.
-- Nikki Sixx -
I don't want to jump through hoops for people.
-- Nikki Sixx -
Every day, I wake up, and the first thing I think of is my kids.
-- Nikki Sixx -
How lucky can one guy get? I was a runaway, and then I was in one of the biggest bands in the world. I've sold out every arena. I've sold millions and millions of records.
-- Nikki Sixx -
There's nothin like a trail of ßlooà to finà your way ßack home
-- Nikki Sixx -
Some cats, Iggy Pop, they're going to always have that hunger.
-- Nikki Sixx
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