Harley famous quotes


  • I think I've been in situations where they looked at me and just see some rich white guy - they don't see me at all.

  • Making eye contact with adults while dressed as a clown is risky.

  • We've been programmed to think meat is protein and you need meat. No, we are not cavemen. There are plenty other ways.

  • All life battles teach us something, even those we lose

  • I have always sensed the exhilaration and independence of being self-propelled. Besides, you can jog while pushing a baby carriage. Maybe I'm a product of Wonder Woman comic books

  • Nobody inspired me more than Julie Andrews, who is a classically trained soprano herself.

  • Books are the quietest and most constant of friends.

  • A liberal knows that the only certainty in this life is change but believes that the change can be directed toward a constructive end.

  • This, then, is the test we must set for ourselves; not to march alone but to march in such a way that others will wish to join us.

  • We look at adoption as a very sacred exchange. It is not done lightly on either side. I would dedicate my life for this child.