Charming famous quotes
52 minutes ago
People were not charmed with Eglantine because she herself was charming, but because she was charmed.
-- Ada Leverson -
Taylor Swift is super charming. Damn you Swift.
-- Adam Levine -
Erudition, like a bloodhound, is a charming thing when held firmly in leash, but it is not so attractive when turned loose upon a defenseless and unerudite public.
-- Agnes Repplier -
the most charming thing about youth is the tenacity of its impressions.
-- Agnes Repplier -
You are very amiable, no doubt, but you would be charming if you would only depart.
-- Alexandre Dumas -
But I was very, very unhappy because my mother was very charming and generous, but to me, very dominating.
-- Beatrice Wood -
Bill Clinton was relentless, eloquent and truly charming.
-- Beth Broderick -
There is no shame like poor shame. It can make you warm and charming, bitter and resentful, all at once.
-- Beth Ditto -
You can be gorgeous at thirty, charming at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life.
-- Coco Chanel -
He's not your prince charming if he doesn't make sure you know that you're his princess.
-- Demi Lovato -
What a delightful thing is the conversation of specialists! One understands absolutely nothing and it's charming.
-- Edgar Degas -
Men get to be a mixture of the charming mannerisms of the women they have known.
-- F. Scott Fitzgerald -
Nine times out of 10, the most charming thing to say in any given situation will be the exact opposite of what one really feels.
-- Geoff Dyer -
If most of your courtship attempts have succeeded, you must be a very attractive and charming person who has been aiming too low.
-- Geoffrey Miller -
I have fallen a hopeless victim to the Turk; he is the most charming of mortals ....
-- Gertrude Bell -
A charming fellow, and so clever: he models himself on me.
-- Herbert Beerbohm Tree -
It is one thing to be eloquent and charming in profane speech, and another when the one speaking as a religious.
-- Ignatius Loyola -
You sure you don't need your Prince Charming to come and save you?" The knot in my stomach evaporated. My Prince Charming huh. "Sure, do you have one handy?
-- Ilona Andrews -
I suppose you can never tell right off who might have a piece of Prince Charming deep down inside.
-- Ingrid Law -
when people say you're charming you are in deep trouble.
-- Jamaica Kincaid -
It's a very charming movie about the mob - a real stretch for me.
-- James Caan -
Wouldn’t that make a charming epitaph? Here lies Cat. Killed not by fang, but Ferragamos.
-- Jeaniene Frost -
It's not charming to go on a show and say, I dunno. It doesn't fool anybody. There's nothing glamorous about it at all.
-- Jeff Goldblum -
I was good at being charming, one of my very few vanities.
-- Jeff Lindsay -
I wasn't a good waitress, but I was told that I was very nice and charming, so people liked me anyway.
-- Jennifer Aniston -
Sister Monica Joan murmured, as though to herself, but loud enough to be heard by all, "How perfectly charming. Old enough to know it all, and young enough to blush. Perfectly charming.
-- Jennifer Worth -
Jeremy Clarkson is rather charming, but I can't stomach his public persona. I don't like his casual racism and casual misogyny.
-- Jo Brand -
I read all the time. I was reading a book I admire very much by Alice McDermot called Charming Billy.
-- John McGahern -
How charming is divine philosophy! Not harsh and crabb
-- John Milton -
No music is so charming to my ear as the requests of my friends, and the supplications of those in want of my assistance.
-- Julius Caesar -
I always looked for a man to rescue me and bring me happiness. I bought into that myth, of course, and looked for my own Prince Charming.
-- Linda Evans -
Charming people live up to the very edge of their charm, and behave as outrageously as the world will let them.
-- Logan Pearsall Smith -
A charming woman... doesn't follow the crowd. She is herself.
-- Loretta Young -
There is nothing charming about a woman who cannot walk in her shoes.
-- Manolo Blahnik -
Why it is that a garment which is honestly attractive in, say, 1910 should be honestly ridiculous a few years later and honestly charming again a few years later still is one of those things which are not satisfactorily to be explained and are therefore jolly and exciting and an addition to the perennial interest of life.
-- Margery Allingham -
Art just consists in making us swallow the commonplaces by charming us eternally ...
-- Marie Bashkirtseff -
I don't want to tell you how to be a prince, but shouldn't you have some bodyguards or something?" "Bodyguards? Who would want to harm a charming guy like me?
-- Marissa Meyer -
A lot of acting requires you to be a charming version of yourself.
-- Matt Ross -
I'm not a happy-ending person. I want to know what happens once Cinderella rides off with Prince Charming.
-- Melissa Joan Hart -
Lillian Gish may be a charming person, but she is not Ophelia. She comes on stage as if she had been sent for to sew rings on the new curtains.
-- Mrs. Patrick Campbell -
Society would be a charming affair if we were only interested in one another.
-- Nicolas Chamfort -
I never take any notice to what common people say, and I never interfere with what charming people do.
-- Oscar Wilde -
... and yet he could also be very charming, in a bookish, infinitely apologetic way.
-- Paula McLain -
I felt this awful obligation to be charming or at least have something to say, and the pressure of having to be charming (or merely verbal) incapacitates me.
-- Peter Cameron -
Grace! 'tis a charming Sound, Harmonious to my Ear! Heav'n with the Echo shall resound, And all the Earth shall hear.
-- Philip Doddridge -
Stop being so..." "Charming?Attractive?Irresistible? "I'm going with arrogant.
-- Rachel Caine -
Suddenly playing the charming bad guy was my thing.
-- Ray Liotta -
Whatever it is that makes a person charming, it needs to remain a mystery .. once the charmer is aware of a mannerism or characteristic that others find charming, it ceases to be a mannerism and becomes an affectation.
-- Rex Harrison -
I believed in happily ever after as much as anyone, because Jane Austen, Prince Charming, and Hugh Grant promised me it could happen. But maybe that particular delusion was universal.
-- Robin Wasserman -
Impulsiveness can be charming but deliberation can have an appeal, as well.
-- Sarah Dessen -
I'm told I'm very charming when people do what I want.
-- Steven Brust -
My style has always been to choose the charming and quirky.
-- Suzy Menkes -
I'm the girl who still believes prince charming exists somewhere out there.
-- Taylor Swift -
When you meet me, I can be charming and intelligent and reasonable.
-- Ted Kotcheff -
Prince Charming can go suck rocks. I've met my true love and he's a contractor
-- Yasmine Galenorn -
In most movies there is a Prince Charming who rides up and saves the girl.
-- Zoe Lister-Jones -
It is one thing to be eloquent and charming in profane speech, and another when the one speaking as a religious.
-- Ignatius of Loyola -
Psychopaths don't have that charming skill set. They definitely manipulate, but they do it through focused, unskilled means. They're more obsessive.
-- Patrick Heusinger -
Men think wiles charming unless they find out your charms are wiles.
-- Tyne O'Connell -
A Fiddle for Angus is a charming tale. This is a very fine book.
-- Alistair MacLeod