Taylor Swift famous quotes
Music is art, and art is important and rare. Important, rare things are valuable. Valuable things should be paid for.
-- Taylor Swift -
I do explore the emotion every once in a while. I'd like to think you don't stop being creative once you get happy. My ultimate goal is to end up being happy. Most of the time.
-- Taylor Swift -
You are the only one who gets to decide what you will be remembered for.
-- Taylor Swift -
People have only two or three adjectives to describe people in the public eye. And that's okay. As long as those adjectives aren't train wreck, mess, terrible.
-- Taylor Swift -
There's more to life than dating the boy on the football team.
-- Taylor Swift -
I fought the idea of having security for a very long time, because I really value normalcy. I really do. I like to be able to take a drive by myself.
-- Taylor Swift -
We learned more from a 3 minute record than we ever learned in school
-- Taylor Swift -
You have celebrities who are pushed to the brink of a public meltdown, and so the public thinks that every person in the public eye has dirty secrets that they're keeping, or isn't what they seem, or is masking it and faking sincerity, faking authenticity, faking being surprised at award shows when you win a Grammy.
-- Taylor Swift -
Red is such an interesting color to correlate with emotion, because it's on both ends of the spectrum. On one end you have happiness, falling in love, infatuation with someone, passion, all that. On the other end, you've got obsession, jealousy, danger, fear, anger and frustration.
-- Taylor Swift -
I like things you can touch and things you can keep, because every bit of communication we have is ephemeral in nature. You can just delete an e-mail and it's like it was never there.
-- Taylor Swift -
I love writing thank-you notes. There's something very nostalgic to me about the feel of a card and putting pen to paper. How many times in our lives are we required to put pen to paper anymore?
-- Taylor Swift -
So many girls out there say, "I'm not a feminist" because they think it means something angry or disgruntled or complaining or they picture, like, rioting and picketing. It is not that at all. It just simply means that you believe that women and men should have equal rights and opportunities.
-- Taylor Swift -
The only thing I can't control is the spin in the press. And so if I know I can't control that, I have to let it go.
-- Taylor Swift -
I am an over-achiever, and I want to be known for the good things in my life.
-- Taylor Swift -
There's part of our brain that we shut off when we're in the studio. There's part of our brain that we turn on when we are out doing an interview or promoting something or waking up at six in the morning for hair and makeup.
-- Taylor Swift -
I approach love differently now that I know it's hard for it to work out.
-- Taylor Swift -
I don't drink much alcohol. If it doesn't taste like candy or sparkles, I usually don't drink it.
-- Taylor Swift -
giving up doesn't always mean your weak sometimes your just strong enough to let go
-- Taylor Swift -
I'm always worried about everything. Like spiders.
-- Taylor Swift -
A song is a favorite song, not because the singer can hit and hold a high note, but because of the words, their meaning.
-- Taylor Swift -
My mom and I have always been really close. She's always been the friend that was always there. There were times when, in middle school and junior high, I didn't have a lot of friends. But my mom was always my friend. Always.
-- Taylor Swift -
I am completely fascinated by the differences and comparisons between real life and fairy tales because we're raised as little girls to think that we're a princess and that Prince Charming is going to sweep us off our feet.
-- Taylor Swift -
I don't like it when people who are young act like they're 40. That's taking too much on. Putting up a shield and trying to act like you're so mature or whatever - I don't try to act mature. Some people might say I'm mature for my age, but it's not something I'm trying to do, you know? I'm just me.
-- Taylor Swift -
At 24 I decided that my life is enough for me, and I stopped looking for some other piece to complete it. I also learned how to needlepoint ironic cross-stitches of rap lyrics and gave them to my friends as presents. I’ll let you decide which is the more important revelation.
-- Taylor Swift -
I think I'm smart unless I'm really, really in love and then I am ridiculously stupid.
-- Taylor Swift -
Your feelings so are important to write down, to capture, and to remember because today you're heartbroken, but tomorrow you'll be in love again.
-- Taylor Swift -
We all dream about love, want to be in love, and have been hurt by love.
-- Taylor Swift -
I often get ideas for songs on the tour bus at odd times. Like at 6am when no one is around, I'd just write.
-- Taylor Swift -
I've apparently been the victim of growing up, which apparently happens to all of us at one point or another
-- Taylor Swift -
I love making new friends and I respect people for a lot of different reasons.
-- Taylor Swift -
In recent years, you've probably read the articles about major recording artists who have decided to practically give their music away, for this promotion or that exclusive deal. My hope for the future, not just in the music industry, but in every young girl I meet...is that they all realize their worth and ask for it.
-- Taylor Swift -
I don't compare myself to anyone else; I don't make comments about anyone else because they do what feels right for them, and that's okay by me.
-- Taylor Swift -
Darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream.
-- Taylor Swift -
I never give advice unless someone asks me for it. One thing I've learned, and possibly the only advice I have to give, is to not be that person giving out unsolicited advice based on your own personal experience.
-- Taylor Swift -
Every girl on the planet has insecurities. It helps me to know that some of the most beautiful people in the world wake up some days and don't think they're pretty. As sad as that is, it's good to know that a problem you think is your own is actually something every girl faces. Happiness and confidence are the prettiest things you can wear.
-- Taylor Swift -
Other women who are killing it should motivate you, thrill you, challenge you and inspire you.
-- Taylor Swift -
If they don't like you for being yourself, be yourself even more.
-- Taylor Swift -
It’s okay to wonder how you could try so hard and still get stomped all over. Just don’t let them change you.
-- Taylor Swift -
I don't think you should ever take life so serious that you forget to play.
-- Taylor Swift -
I'm gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well
-- Taylor Swift -
I wouldn't wear tiny amounts of clothing in my real life so I don't think it's necessary to wear that stuff in photo-shoots.
-- Taylor Swift -
Never let a boy be your life. They can live in your world, but never make a guy your world.
-- Taylor Swift -
When you’re young you just run, but you come back to what you need.
-- Taylor Swift -
You meet someone and it’s so much more than meeting them. It’s so much bigger and it’s like you’re enchanted by them.
-- Taylor Swift -
Happiness can be reached by choice and how you look at life.
-- Taylor Swift -
My level of awkward makes everyone else feel normal
-- Taylor Swift -
I don't think you should wait. I think you should speak now.
-- Taylor Swift -
I think fearless is having fears but jumping anyway.
-- Taylor Swift -
But then you make eye contact with someone across the room and it clicks and you’re right there in love again.
-- Taylor Swift -
Music is art, and art is important and rare. Important, rare things are valuable. Valuable things should be paid for. It’s my opinion that music should not be free, and my prediction is that individual artists and their labels will someday decide what an album’s price point is. I hope they don’t underestimate themselves or undervalue their art.
-- Taylor Swift -
I've always been a hugger. If we all hugged more, the world would be a better place :)
-- Taylor Swift -
In life and love, you learn that there comes a time to let go and move on.
-- Taylor Swift -
To me, Fearless is not the absense of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death.
-- Taylor Swift -
I love it when people say things to me in public and want to meet me, because I want to meet them! Early on, my manager told me, 'If you want to sell 500,000 records, then go out there and meet 500,000 people.'
-- Taylor Swift -
I think I first realized I wanted to be in country music and be an artist when I was 10. And I started dragging my parents to festivals, and fairs, and karaoke contests, and I did that for about a year before I came to Nashville for the first time. I was 11 and I had this demo CD of me singing Dixie Chicks and Leanne Rimes songs.
-- Taylor Swift -
No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.
-- Taylor Swift -
In high school, I used to think it was like sooooo cool if a guy had an awesome car. Now none of that matters. These days I look for character and honesty and trust.
-- Taylor Swift -
My mom and I have always been really close. She’s always been the friend that was always there.
-- Taylor Swift -
My friends tease me about the fact that if someone seems bad or shady or like they have a secret, I find them incredibly interesting. That's just a phase I've been in lately. I don't think this should be how i proceed in life. It's important to be self-aware about these things because you don't want to end up with that guy.
-- Taylor Swift -
Fearless is falling madly in love again, even though you've been hurt before.
-- Taylor Swift -
I feel the emotion that life conjures up and the songs I write get me closer to my feelings and realising who I am. It's a natural process.
-- Taylor Swift -
A lot of people have pretty little heads, but it's difficult to find a pretty little mind.
-- Taylor Swift -
I think your life is full of first loves because every time you love someone new, you love them in a different way.
-- Taylor Swift -
If you fall in love based on zero hours spent with me? That's maybe something to be aware of. That will fade fast. You can't be in love with a google search.
-- Taylor Swift -
So watch me strike a match on all my wasted time. As far as I'm concerned you're just another picture to burn.
-- Taylor Swift -
A great song will say how you feel better than you ever could.
-- Taylor Swift -
There is a time for silence. There is a time for waiting you turn. But if you know how you feel and you so clearly know what you need to say you'll know it. I don't think you should wait. I think you should speak now.
-- Taylor Swift -
Anything you put your mind to and add your imagination into can make your life a lot better and a lot more fun.
-- Taylor Swift -
The beginning of love is all about the butterflies, but the end of it is when you can't get out of bed in the morning.
-- Taylor Swift -
For a female to write about her feelings, and then be portrayed as some clingy, insane, desperate girlfriend in need of making you marry her and have kids with her, I think that's taking something that potentially should be celebrated - a woman writing about her feelings in a confessional way - that's taking it and turning it and twisting it into something that is frankly a little sexist.
-- Taylor Swift -
My hope for the future, not just in the music industry, but in every young girl I meet…is that they all realize their worth and ask for it.
-- Taylor Swift -
Happiness and confidence are the prettiest things you can wear
-- Taylor Swift -
I have this really high priority on happiness and finding something to be happy about.
-- Taylor Swift -
If you cry over a guy, then your friends can't date him. It can't even be considered.
-- Taylor Swift -
If somebody hurts you, it's okay to cry a river, just remember to build a bridge and get over it.
-- Taylor Swift -
Words can break someone into a million pieces, but they can also put them back together
-- Taylor Swift -
I want to build a life with someone that's based on their dreams as well as my dreams. I think that the idea of finding another person to share with is the most fascinating, beautiful quest you could ever be on in life.
-- Taylor Swift -
Fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword and realizing there's no right answer
-- Taylor Swift -
Love always ends differently and it always begins differently - especially with me.
-- Taylor Swift -
I wrote a song called 'Red' and thinking about what that song means to me and all the different emotions on this album they're all pretty much about the tumultuous, crazy, insane, intense, semi-toxic relationships I've experienced in the last two years. All those emotions fanning from intense love, intense frustration, intense jealousy, confusion, all of that in my mind, all those emotions are red. There's nothing in between, there's nothing beige about those feelings and so I called my record that.
-- Taylor Swift -
Silence speaks so much louder than screaming tantrums. Never give anyone an excuse to say that you're crazy.
-- Taylor Swift -
I find it relatively easy to keep my clothes on because I don't really feel like taking them off. It's not an urge I have. For me, 'risky' is revealing what really happened in my life through music. Risky is writing confessional songs and telling the true story about a person with enough details so everyone knows who that person is. That's putting myself out there, maybe even more than taking my shirt off.
-- Taylor Swift -
There are no rules when it comes to love.
-- Taylor Swift -
People haven't always been there for me, but music always has.
-- Taylor Swift -
Went to get coffee today-opened my change purse. Sea shells fell out. Barista goes "Sorry, we only take cash or credit." So there's that.
-- Taylor Swift -
If you want some big revelation, since 2010 I have dated exactly two people. The fact that there are slide shows of a dozen guys that I either hugged on a red carpet or met for lunch or wrote a song with ... it's just kind of ridiculous.
-- Taylor Swift -
I'm intimidated by the fear of being average.
-- Taylor Swift -
Be yourself, chase your dreams, and just never say never. That's the best advice I could ever give someone.
-- Taylor Swift -
Beauty is sincerity.There are so many different ways someone can be beautiful.
-- Taylor Swift -
Happiness isn't a constant. You get fleeting glimpses. You have to fight for those moments, but they make it all worth it.
-- Taylor Swift -
I'm not the girl who always has a boyfriend. I'm the girl who rarely has a boyfriend.
-- Taylor Swift -
My parents raised me to never feel like I was entitled to success.That you have to work for it. You have to work so hard for it. And sometimes then you don't even get where you need to go.
-- Taylor Swift -
Seems like there's always someone who disapproves. They'll judge it like they know about me and you.
-- Taylor Swift -
For me, when I picture the person I want to end up with, I don't think about what their career is, or what they look like. I picture the feeling I get when I'm with them.
-- Taylor Swift -
It feels like a perfect night, to dress up like hipsters, and make fun of our exes.
-- Taylor Swift -
The words you'll most regret Are the ones that are left unsaid.
-- Taylor Swift -
There are two ways you can go with pain: You can let it destroy you or you can use it as fuel to drive you…
-- Taylor Swift -
Keeping your emotions all locked up is something that’s unfair to you. When you clearly know how you feel. You should say it.
-- Taylor Swift -
I think the perfection of love is that it's not perfect.
-- Taylor Swift
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