Salt famous quotes
Didn't have Nintendo, we just poured salt on snails.
-- Al Yankovic -
The chief object of every golf architect or greenkeeper worth his salt is to imitate the beauties of nature so closely as to make his work indistinguishable from nature itself.
-- Alister MacKenzie -
A day without an argument is like an egg without salt.
-- Angela Carter -
Age is not enviable in America. It's not applauded all that strongly. You have to take it all with a grain of salt.
-- Anjelica Huston -
With any work worth its salt, you have to trust the author enough to take its measure. And if you apply too many preconceptions, you are not taking its measure.
-- Art Spiegelman -
Offensive linemen are like salt. Nobody ever remembers the brand they buy.
-- Blaine Nye -
Like skateboarders, writers live by rejection; like writers, any skater worth his salt must have the single-minded tenacity of a wiener dog.
-- Bret Anthony Johnston -
Any man worth his salt loves a feminist. Only men who are afraid of the feminine in themselves are afraid of women.
-- Brit Marling -
Retrospectively, I would agree with Luis Bunuel that sex without sin is like an egg without salt.
-- Carlos Fuentes -
My gran had always told me that a woman--any woman worth her salt--could do whatever she had to.
-- Charlaine Harris -
None of Your Business.' It's the only Salt-N-Pepa song that I regret.
-- Cheryl James -
But after all, the villains are the salt in the soup of a story.
-- Cornelia Funke -
A Good School deserves to be call'd, the very Salt of the Town, that hath it.
-- Cotton Mather -
When you say you are a gamer and you are a celebrity or a former celebrity there's a grain of salt that everybody takes that with.
-- Curt Schilling -
I don't care about the quality of the film as a whole, but I loved 'Salt.' I loved it!
-- Danai Gurira -
Such exaggerations have been so common that the public takes them with a grain of salt and partly excuses them as being due to the advertiser's license of self-assertiveness. Nevertheless, the fact remains that superlative generalities are weak arguments and far less convincing than a statement of facts. Much advertising copy would be improved immensely by doing away with brag and substituting actual facts about the merits of the article.
-- Daniel Starch -
There is no savor more sweet, more salt than to be glad to be what, woman, and who, myself, I am...
-- Denise Levertov -
It is like what we imagine knowledge to be: dark, salt, clear, moving, utterly free.
-- Elizabeth Bishop -
I come from a family of screamers. If they are trying to express any emotion or idea beyond pass the salt, it comes in shrieks.
-- Elizabeth Wurtzel -
I'm really old-fashioned. An Epsom salt bath, that's genuinely better than any massage.
-- Emilia Clarke -
I had lunch with a chess champion the other day. I knew he was a chess champion because it took him 20 minutes to pass the salt.
-- Eric Sykes -
To call a fashion wearable is the kiss of death. No new fashion worth its salt is ever wearable.
-- Eugenia Sheppard -
Julia looked back at Hadassah on the bloodstained sand. A great emptiness opened within her as she looked at the still form. Gone, too, was the salt that had kept her from completely corruption.
-- Francine Rivers -
Passion is the salt of life, and that at the times when we are under its spell this salt is indispensable to us, even if we have got along very well without it before.
-- Francoise Sagan -
I never met a librarian worth his or her salt who didn't perceive my passion for books.
-- Frank Delaney -
Wit, without wisdom, is salt without meat; and that is but a comfortless dish to set a hungry man down to.
-- George Horne -
I have yet to find a man worth his salt in any direction who did not think of himself first and foremost.
-- George Jean Nathan -
You [Robespierre] will follow us soon. Your house will be beaten down and salt sown in the place where it stood.
-- Georges Danton -
I've always believed with age comes wisdom. And I find salt and pepper hair to be very attractive.
-- Gideon Glick -
Most smoked salts are made with liquid smoke, which is a condensate, but really, really good smoked salt is literally smoked.
-- Grant Achatz -
It's salt. Why don't you sprinkle some on me, honey? Aren't I just good enough to eat?
-- Grant Morrison -
The naive was only a part of my fairy tales; humor was the real salt in them.
-- Hans Christian Andersen -
Any writer worth his salt writes to please himself.
-- Harper Lee -
Any writer worth his salt writes to please himself...It's a self-exploratory operation that is endless. An exorcism of not necessarily his demon, but of his divine discontent.
-- Harper Lee -
People marry with a deep longing that their partner will tend to their wounds, not throw salt in them. Honor your partner's vulnerability.
-- Harriet Lerner -
I had drawn away into the salt, myself, a shell emptied of life.
-- Hilda Doolittle -
all the salt of Turkish life consists of politics and official intrigue.
-- Isabel Burton -
In parts of Montana, salt concentrations in soil water, have reached those double those of seawater.
-- Jared Diamond -
Our values are not luxuries, but necessities. They are not the salt in our bread, but the bread itself.
-- Jimmy Carter -
A slab of bread "buttered" with lard and, if you were lucky, seasoned with salt and pepper, was a luxury.
-- Jimmy Hoffa -
Any coach worth his salt will take a look at that and say, 'I'll take my chances with that'
-- Joe Dumars -
Any journalist worth his or her salt wouldn't trust me.
-- Joey Skaggs -
Sometimes I just think people are haters. And if they're haters, you can listen to what they have to say but you have to take it with a grain of salt.
-- John Legend -
What am I, Life? A thing of watery salt Held in cohesion by unresting cells, Which work they know not why, which never halt, Myself unwitting where their Master dwells?
-- John Masefield -
Love is the salt of life.
-- John Sheffield, 1st Duke of Buckingham and Normanby -
But these few are the salt of the earth; without them, human life would become a stagnant pool. Not only is it they who introduce good things which did not before exist, it is they who keep the life in those which already existed.
-- John Stuart Mill -
Take life with a pinch of salt A shot of tequila and a wedge of lime Do nothing at all But take your time
-- John Walter Bratton -
As we do not see squares in nature, I thought that it is man-made. But I have corrected myself. Because squares exist in salt crystals, our daily salt.
-- Josef Albers -
Salt and the center of the world have to be there, in that spot on the tablecloth.
-- Julio Cortazar -
If I read in a paper that somebody has said something about me, I'm going to take it with a pinch of salt; I really am!
-- Kajol -
You end up taking your sugar with your salt and your kicks with your kisses.
-- Kami Garcia -
It’s funny how the good things are all tied up with the bad. Sometimes it’s hard to tell which is which. But either way, you end up taking your sugar with your salt and your kicks with your kisses.
-- Kami Garcia -
The good and the bad, the sugar and the salt, the kicks and the kisses—what’s come before and what will come after, you and me—
-- Kami Garcia -
Fame comes and fame goes, but you have to be able to laugh about yourself and to take it with a grain of salt.
-- Khloe Kardashian -
Do you have a sleeping bag?†I stared at him. “No. I lost it in the great salt-dip of ’06.
-- Kim Harrison -
My lad chewed and swallowed a dictionary. We gave him Epsom salts - but we can't get a word out of him.
-- Les Dawson -
A feast not profuse but elegant; more of salt [refinement] than of expense.
-- Lord Byron -
Sometimes we need the salt of tears to remind us how to savor the sweetness of life.
-- Lysa TerKeurst -
After my hip operation, I had to cut out butter, which I loved, and salt. I no longer eat desserts with lots of cream, and I've cut right back on alcohol.
-- Maeve Binchy -
Trust no one unless you have eaten much salt with him.
-- Marcus Tullius Cicero -
It is a common saying that many pecks of salt must be eaten before the duties of friendship can be discharged. [Lat., Vulgo dicitur multos modios salis simul edendos esse, ut amicitia munus expletum sit.]
-- Marcus Tullius Cicero -
Salt represents the civilized: it requires know-how to get it, and a sophisticated combination of cooking and spoilt, jaded appetites to need it.
-- Margaret Visser -
The flavour of life is love. The salt of life is also love.
-- Mariama Bâ -
The biggest problem with Bill Schutz's food is his timidity with herbs and spices and some bizarre primeval fear of salt.
-- Marian Burros -
An umeboshi plum is a little Japensese salt plum. The best thing for motion sickness is to take one of these plums . . . and tape it to your belly button. I'm not kidding you. This really, really works.
-- Marilu Henner -
The history of the Americas is one of constant warfare over salt,
-- Mark Kurlansky -
You have to take everything I say with a grain of salt.
-- Mark Wahlberg -
Any actor worth his salt has a responsibility to reinvent himself from part to part.
-- Matt Smith -
Take every birthday with a grain of salt. This works much better if the salt accompanies a large margarita
-- Maxine -
It is a true saying that a man must eat a peck of salt with his friend before he knows him.
-- Miguel de Cervantes -
I've been more conscious of my salt intake, sugar intake, making sure I'm not eating as many processed foods.
-- Monica Denise Brown -
Before you know what kindness really is you must lose things, feel the future dissolve in a moment like salt in a weakened broth.
-- Naomi Shihab Nye -
Salt is white and pure - there is something holy in salt.
-- Nathaniel Hawthorne -
Freedom requires religion like a slug requires salt
-- Pat Condell -
When I was in N.Y. bartending, I was in a billion music videos. I was in Madonna, George Michael, Salt-n-Pepa - it goes on and on.
-- Pauley Perrette -
A good apology is like antibiotic, a bad apology is like rubbing salt in the wound.
-- Randy Pausch -
Any writer worth his salt knows that only a small proportion of literature does nore than partly compensate people for the damage they have suffered in learning to read.
-- Rebecca West -
Young people think they know it all, but a lot of old salts around know they don't.
-- Richard Jackson -
We have become so accustomed to hearing everyone claim that his product is the best in the world, or the cheapest, that we take all such statements with a grain of salt.
-- Robert Collier -
One thing I like about Argentina, they only cook with salt; that's it.
-- Robert Duvall -
We got together in a few days a company of the toughest old salts imaginable--not pretty to look at, but fellows, by their faces, of the most indomitable spirit.
-- Robert Louis Stevenson -
If the Internet is worth its salt, it has to help arrest the forces that promote inequality, monopoly, hypercommercialism, corruption, depoliticization and stagnation.
-- Robert Waterman McChesney -
Sure, you can mix the flour, baking soda, salt, shortening, and the whole nine yards, but why wouldn't you just pull out a box of Bisquick?
-- Sandra Lee -
When life gives you lemons, get tequila and salt.
-- Sanjaya Malakar -
When a Wall Street analyst or broker expresses optimism, investors must take it with a grain of salt.
-- Seth Klarman -
When Alexander of Macedon was 33, he cried salt tears because there were no more worlds to conquer. Eric Bristow is only 27.
-- Sid Waddell -
Samsaric pleasures are like salt water, the more we indulge, the more we crave.
-- Sonam Rinchen -
When I played for the Steelers and I got my bell rung, I'd take smelling salts and go right back out there.
-- Terry Bradshaw -
If you put butter and salt on it, it tastes like salty butter.
-- Terry Pratchett -
Disappointment is often the salt of life.
-- Theodore Parker -
Wars are to be won with swords and spears, not with rice and salt.
-- Uesugi Kenshin -
Peace is achieved with rice and salt, not with katanas and arrows
-- Uesugi Kenshin -
In time we grow older, we grow wiser, we grow smarter, and we're better. And I feel like I'm becoming more seasoned, although I don't have my salt-and-pepper hair.
-- Usher -
The critical opinions of a writer should always be taken with a large grain of salt. For the most part, they are manifestations of his debate with himself as to what he should do next and what he should avoid.
-- W. H. Auden -
Wit is the salt of conversation, not the food.
-- William Hazlitt