Gary Zukav famous quotes
Humbleness, forgiveness, clarity and love are the dynamics of freedom. They are the foundations of authentic power.
-- Gary Zukav -
Your experiences are not limited to what you have created in the past
-- Gary Zukav -
Please... tell me who you are and what you want. And if you think those are simple questions, keep in mind that most people live their entire lives without arriving at an answer.
-- Gary Zukav -
There comes a time when the pain of continuing exceeds the pain of stopping. At that moment, a threshold is crossed. What seemed unthinkable becomes thinkable. Slowly, the realization emerges that the choice to continue what you have been doing is the choice to live in discomfort, and the choice to stop what you have been doing is the choice to breathe deeply and freely again. Once that realization has emerged, you can either honor it or ignore it, but you cannot forget it. What has become known can not become unknown again.
-- Gary Zukav -
Spiritual Partnership ... The new female and the new male are partners on a journey of spiritual growth. They want to make the journey. Their love and trust keep them together. Their intuition guides them. They consult with each other. They are friends. They laugh a lot. They are equals. That is what a spiritual partnership is: a partnership between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth.
-- Gary Zukav -
Before it incarnates, each soul enters into a sacred contract with the Universe to accomplish certain things. It enters into this commitment in the fullness of its being. Whatever the task that your soul has agreed to, all of the experiences of your life serve to awaken within you the memory of that contract, and to prepare you to fulfill it.
-- Gary Zukav -
The amount of stress in your life is determined by how much energy you expend resisting your life.
-- Gary Zukav -
You cannot act in love and act in fear at the same time. You must choose between them.
-- Gary Zukav -
When our actions create discord in another person, we, ourselves, in this lifetime or another, will feel that discord. Likewise, if our actions create harmony and empowerment in another, we also come to feel that harmony and empowerment.
-- Gary Zukav -
You cannot find your soul with your mind, you must use your heart. You must know what you are feeling. If you don't know what you are feeling, you will create unconsciously. If you are unconscious of an aspect of yourself; if it operates outside your field of awareness, that aspect has power over you.
-- Gary Zukav -
If we perceived life with reverence, we would stand in awe at the experience of physical life and walk the earth in a very deep sense of gratitude.
-- Gary Zukav -
Reality is what we take to be true. What we take to be true is what we believe. What we believe is based upon our perceptions. What we perceive depends upon what we look for. What we look for depends upon what we think. What we think depends upon what we perceive. What we perceive determines what we believe. What we believe determines what we take to be true. What we take to be true is our reality.
-- Gary Zukav -
You cannot, and will not, encounter a circumstance, or a single moment, that does not serve directly and immediately the need of your soul to heal.
-- Gary Zukav -
The great soul is the person who has taken on the task of change. If he or she is able to transcend fear, to act out of courage, the whole group will benefit and each one, in his or her own life, will be suddenly more courageous, though they may not see how or why.
-- Gary Zukav -
The pains that you suffer, the loneliness that you encounter, the experiences that are disappointing or distressing, the addictions and seeming pitfalls of your life are each doorways to awareness. Each offers you an opportunity to see beyond the illusion that serves as the balancing and growth of your soul.
-- Gary Zukav -
What we call evil is the absence of Light, of love, in all cases.
-- Gary Zukav -
The first step toward spiritual growth is to become aware of your emotions.
-- Gary Zukav -
When you die, you don’t go to sleep. You go home to nonphysical reality, and you are very much awake.
-- Gary Zukav -
Be mindful of the words that you use and the actions that you live and who you are and how it is you use your power. Keep clear at all times that you are what you say you are.
-- Gary Zukav -
Most people use their energy attempting to rearrange circumstances that trigger painful emotions. Changing external circumstances will not change your rigid patterns of emotional response. That requires looking at the patterns themselves.
-- Gary Zukav -
The choice that frees or imprisons us is the choice of love or fear. Love liberates. Fear imprisons.
-- Gary Zukav -
Commitment and creativity cannot be captured and handcuffed. Inspiration cannot be jailed. The heart cannot be contained.
-- Gary Zukav -
To experience relationships of substance and depth requires approaching and entering into relationships with consciousness and concern for the other.
-- Gary Zukav -
Eventually, you will come to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is.
-- Gary Zukav -
A power struggle collapses when you withdraw your energy from it. Power struggles become uninteresting to you when you change your intention from winning to learning about yourself.
-- Gary Zukav -
The place to begin the task of eliminating evil is within yourself.
-- Gary Zukav -
If you choose to forgive someone who has wronged you rather than to hate that person, you shift the frequency of your Light.
-- Gary Zukav -
Being harmless means being so strong, so empowered, that the idea of showing power through harm is not even a part of your consciousness.
-- Gary Zukav -
Spiritual growth requires the development of inner knowing and inner authority. It requires the heart, not the intellect.
-- Gary Zukav -
Your heart is your home, and all roads lead to home.
-- Gary Zukav -
When the pain of continuing exceeds the pain of stopping, a threshold is crossed. What seemed unthinkable becomes thinkable.
-- Gary Zukav -
The club that kills can drive a stake into the ground to hold a shelter. The hands that build bombs can be used to build schools. The minds that coordinate the activities of violence can coordinate the activities of cooperation. When the activities of life are infused with reverence, they come alive with meaning and purpose.
-- Gary Zukav -
Allow yourself to experience what it is to learn step by step the freedom that comes from being unattached to the outcome, but operating from an empowered heart.
-- Gary Zukav -
The decisions that you make and the actions that you take upon the earth are the means by which you evolve.
-- Gary Zukav -
Perfectionism is a perpetual flight into an illusory future that cannot be attained.
-- Gary Zukav -
Do you love the truth more than you need to be loved, or do you need to be loved more than you love the truth?
-- Gary Zukav -
Commitment to love - to growth, to authentic power is an everyday application of your will.
-- Gary Zukav -
You must distinguish between what is urgent and what is important. You could accomplish all of the urgent things that you desire without accomplishing anything that is important.
-- Gary Zukav -
Do not lose power over the what-ifs of your life. These are unlimited and endless. Keep your power in the now, in present time.
-- Gary Zukav -
Clarity is the ability to see the soul in action in the physical world.
-- Gary Zukav -
When you ask the Universe to bless you in your effort to align yourself with your soul, you open a passageway between yourself and your guides and Teachers. That is what a blessing is: the opening of a passageway between you and nonphysical guidance.
-- Gary Zukav -
Try to realize, and truly realize, that what stands between you and a different life are matters of responsible choice.
-- Gary Zukav -
Forgiveness means that you do not carry the baggage of an experience.
-- Gary Zukav -
If you strive only to avoid the darkness or to cling to the light, you cannot live in balance. Try striving to be conscious of all that you are.
-- Gary Zukav -
Within each experience of pain or negativity is the opportunity to challenge the perception that lies behind it and to choose to learn with wisdom.
-- Gary Zukav -
Your impact on the world is significant whether or not you are aware of it, and even whether or not you desire it.
-- Gary Zukav -
As your temptations become greater, so does your ability to make responsible choices.
-- Gary Zukav -
The loving personality seeks not to control, but to nurture, not to dominate, but to empower.
-- Gary Zukav -
An authentically powered person lives in love. Love is the energy of the soul. Love is what heals the personality. There is nothing that cannot be healed by love. There is nothing but love.
-- Gary Zukav -
When you seek to dominate another you dominate no one but disempower yourself.
-- Gary Zukav -
When you welcome your emotions as teachers, every emotion brings good news, even the ones that are painful.
-- Gary Zukav -
Ponder the depth and the power of loyalty-the ability to serve and support a cause greater than yourself.
-- Gary Zukav -
The desire to please other people is a potent way to distract yourself from what you are feeling.
-- Gary Zukav -
The commitment to love always transforms, heals, and opens new avenues of creativity.
-- Gary Zukav -
Clarity is the perception of wisdom and the ability to see the soul in action in the physical world. It turns pain into suffering and evaporates fear. Clarity allows you to see the world of physical matter for what it is, a learning experience that is created jointly by the intentions of the souls that share it.
-- Gary Zukav -
What is behind your eyes holds more power than what is in front of them.
-- Gary Zukav -
Knowledge is power, and for each level of knowledge, you are held responsible for how you use it.
-- Gary Zukav -
As you come to seek and see the virtues and strengths and nobilities of others, you begin to seek and see them in yourself also.
-- Gary Zukav -
How does your heart respond to the thought that the Universe is alive and compassionate and that with it and with other souls of great power and Light you learn through the process of co-creating the reality that you experience?
-- Gary Zukav -
Do not insist that the universe comply with your understanding of it.
-- Gary Zukav -
I see the potential for a new world being born in front of me and all around me, and I feel the only way to bring that potential into being is to know myself.
-- Gary Zukav -
The human emotional system can be broken down into roughly two elements: fear and love. Love is of the soul. Fear is of the personality.
-- Gary Zukav -
Your life is an opportunity to give the gifts that your soul wants to give.
-- Gary Zukav -
Your dragons are the frightened parts of your personality, and you alone can experience and heal them.
-- Gary Zukav -
Love is not a passive state. It is an active force. It is the force of the soul.
-- Gary Zukav -
Change in yourself what you want to change in the world.
-- Gary Zukav -
Can you be compassionate even to those who have no compassion? If so, there is no finer karma that you can create.
-- Gary Zukav -
If you decide that you cannot beat a temptation, what you are really doing is giving yourself permission to be irresponsible.
-- Gary Zukav -
The illusion for each soul is created by it intentions. Therefore, the illusion is alive at each moment with the most appropriate experiences that you can have in order for your soul to heal.
-- Gary Zukav -
Authentic needs are the needs that are always met by the Universe.
-- Gary Zukav -
You gain or lose power according to the choices that you make.
-- Gary Zukav -
What we think of as physical reality is an intermingling of appropriate realities, a fluid massive consciousness in which each of us exists independently of each other and yet coexists interdependently with each other.
-- Gary Zukav -
You lose power to the people and circumstances you judge. They capture your attention in the same way that a movie does.
-- Gary Zukav -
When fear ceases to scare you, it cannot stay.
-- Gary Zukav -
When you choose not to forgive, the experience that you do not forgive sticks with you.
-- Gary Zukav -
Each moment is a moment of choice ~ a time to leave the old, the limited, the restrained, and the contracted for the new, the unbound, and the liberating potential that expands before you.
-- Gary Zukav -
Trust allows you to give. Giving is abundant. As you give so it shall be given to you. If you give with judgment, limitation and stinginess, that is what you will create in your life - judgment, limitation, and stinginess.
-- Gary Zukav -
We need truth to grow in the same way that we need vitamins, affection and love.
-- Gary Zukav -
A joyous person abounds with energy and feels buoyant, because he or she is running a higher frequency current of energy through his or her system.
-- Gary Zukav -
Judging is a preemptive attack against that which you most desire - intimacy and acceptance - that is launched before you can be rejected or refused.
-- Gary Zukav -
Morality is a human creation. The Universe does not judge.
-- Gary Zukav -
Awareness is a blissful state, not a painful one.
-- Gary Zukav -
Hatred of evil does not diminish evil, it increases it.
-- Gary Zukav -
It is not until you have the courage to engage in human relationships that you grow.
-- Gary Zukav -
Medical treatment is emergency care for symptoms that have developed over a long period of time. The symptom is the flower on a plant. Treating the symptom is picking the flower, while the plant remains untouched.
-- Gary Zukav -
By choosing your thoughts, and by selecting which emotional currents you will release and which you will reinforce, you determine the quality of your Light. You determine the effects that you will have upon others, and the nature of the experiences of your life.
-- Gary Zukav -
Trust allows you to follow your feelings through your defenses to their sources, and to bring to the light of consciousness those aspects of yourself that resist wholeness, that live in fear.
-- Gary Zukav -
What is in one is in the whole, and therefore, ultimately, Each soul is responsible for the whole world.
-- Gary Zukav -
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. You receive from the world what you give to the world.
-- Gary Zukav -
Emotions are classes in the Earth school. Some classes are about fear, and some are about love. The Universe is your tutor, and your classroom is your life. The main course in the Earth school, Authentic Power, is the same for everyone, but different students need different courses in order to complete it.
-- Gary Zukav -
Look at yourself as someone who is reaching for healing, and at the complexity of what needs to be healed. Do not think that you exist alone without other human beings of equal complexity.
-- Gary Zukav -
An intention is a quality of consciousness that you bring to an action.
-- Gary Zukav
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