Shakti Gawain famous quotes
The more light you allow within you, the brighter the world you live in will be.
-- Shakti Gawain -
We have to get good at being with ourselves before we can hope to be good at being in relationships with others.
-- Shakti Gawain -
In order to heal themselves, people must recognize, first, that they have an inner guidance deep within and, second, that they can trust it.
-- Shakti Gawain -
Listening to your internal guidance system will lead to a rich, fulfilled, happy life. That's been my experience... and millions of folks can attest to it in their own lives as well.
-- Shakti Gawain -
If you constantly think of illness, you eventually become ill; if you believe yourself to be beautiful, you become so.
-- Shakti Gawain -
The disowned parts of ourselves are what get in the way of us having the relationships we long for, the careers we don't know how to create, and the goals we want to achieve. It is by getting in touch with ALL the parts of ourselves - by having a gentle dialogue with all the "selves" we have inside - that we integrate them into a more comfortable, peaceful way of being with ourselves.
-- Shakti Gawain -
Every time you don't follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness.
-- Shakti Gawain -
Freedom and relationship are polar opposites - they both exist on the same continuum. You DO want a relationship - and you DO want freedom - what you really want is BALANCE, you want wholeness.
-- Shakti Gawain -
Whatever our individual troubles and challenges may be, it’s important to pause every now and then to appreciate all that we have, on every level. We need to literally 'count our blessings,' give thanks for them, allow ourselves to enjoy them, and relish the experience of prosperity we already have.
-- Shakti Gawain -
People who really want to be in a relationship are IN one.
-- Shakti Gawain -
You create your opportunities by asking for them.
-- Shakti Gawain -
I'm especially interested in relationships since that is a part of life that causes enormous pain for many people.
-- Shakti Gawain -
The most powerful thing you can do to change the world is to change your own beliefs about the nature of life, people, and reality to something more positive... and begin to act accordingly.
-- Shakti Gawain -
I believe that everybody needs to tell their story - to be heard, to be seen, to be acknowledged, to be understood. We all want that, deep down inside - and writing a book is a great way to make sense of your own experience and to share it with others.
-- Shakti Gawain -
As you learn to consciously observe the transformation process, you will watch yourself repeating a lot of old patterns long after you seemingly know better. Spiritually and intellectually, you realize there is another way, but emotionally you are still clinging to the old habits. This is a difficult time. Try to be patient and compassionate with yourself. When you recognize the futility of an old pattern so clearly, it's about to change! A short time later, you will suddenly begin to respond differently, in a more positive way.
-- Shakti Gawain -
By viewing our relationships with friends, family, and co-workers as mirrors, as teachers - we see that they are reflecting back to us exactly what we most need to learn.
-- Shakti Gawain -
My willingness to be intimate with my own deep feelings creates the space for intimacy with another.
-- Shakti Gawain -
We shouldn't ignore any guidance that comes from the mind - we should listen to our minds AND balance mental messages with intuitive messages. We need both to navigate our way through life.
-- Shakti Gawain -
Everything in the universe wants to be loved and accepted. Our personal work is to find the love and acceptance within ourselves.
-- Shakti Gawain -
Mind and intuition are at opposite ends of the same continuum and our goal is to strike a healthy balance between the two.
-- Shakti Gawain -
Anything in life that we don't accept will simply make trouble for us until we make peace with it.
-- Shakti Gawain -
The mind is the enemy of intuition, according to many New Age adherents, but I don't buy that. I look at everything in terms of polarities - two ends of the same continuum. Young/old, male/female, individuality/conformity, work/play, freedom/constraint, right/left, day/night, life/death, rational/emotional, and so on.
-- Shakti Gawain -
The universe will pay you to be yourself and do what you really love.
-- Shakti Gawain -
We, as spiritual beings, created the physical world as a place to learn. It's our school, our playground, our artist's studio. I beleive that we're here to master the process of creation - to learn how to consciously channel the creative energy of spirit into physical form.
-- Shakti Gawain -
Your intuition will tell you where you need to go; it will connect you with people you should meet; it will guide you toward work that is meaningful for you - work that brings you joy, work that feels right for you.
-- Shakti Gawain -
We always attract into our lives whatever we think about most, believe in most strongly, expect on the deepest level, and imagine most vividly.
-- Shakti Gawain -
Much of the Western world emphasizes rationality and reason, but overlooks or ignores the enormous value of intuition and instinctive wisdom.
-- Shakti Gawain -
Every one of us comes into this life with lessons to learn and gifts to give.
-- Shakti Gawain -
My primary relationship is with myself- all others are mirrors of it. As I learn to love myself, I automatically receive the love and appreciation that I desire from others. If I am commited to myself and to living my truth, I will attract others with equal commitment. My willingness to be intimate with my own deep feelings creates the space for intimacy with another.
-- Shakti Gawain -
When you truly give up trying to be whole through others, you end up receiving what you always wanted from others.
-- Shakti Gawain -
When we finally give up the struggle to find fulfillment "out there," we have nowhere to go but within. It is at this moment of total surrender that a new light begins to dawn.
-- Shakti Gawain -
Each one of us has all the wisdom and knowledge we ever need right within us. It is available to us through our intuitive mind, which is our connection with universal intelligence.
-- Shakti Gawain -
To whatever degree you listen and follow your intuition, you become a creative channel for the higher power of the universe.
-- Shakti Gawain -
The more willing you are to surrender to the energy within you, the more power can flow through you.
-- Shakti Gawain -
My inner guidance is there for me to call on anytime I need or want extra clarity, wisdom, knowledge, support, creative inspiration, love, or companionship.
-- Shakti Gawain -
Individually and collectively, we are shifting from a position of fear into surrender and trust of the intuitive. The power of the feminine energy is on the rise in our world.
-- Shakti Gawain -
I am convinced that life in a physical body is meant to be an ecstatic experience
-- Shakti Gawain -
Spirit is the essence of consciousness, the energy of the universe that creates all things. Each one of us is a part of that spirit - a divine entity. So the spirit is the higher self, the eternal being that lives within us.
-- Shakti Gawain -
What I am actually saying is that we need to be willing to let our intuition guide us, and then be willing to follow that guidance directly and fearlessly.
-- Shakti Gawain -
Notice what happens when you follow your intuitive feelings. The result is usually increased energy and power, and a sense of things flowing.
-- Shakti Gawain -
While prosperity is in some ways related to money, it is not caused by money.
-- Shakti Gawain -
Most of us have considerable prosperity in our lives. Often, we are so busy pursuing our unmet desires that we are unable to enjoy all that we already have. Allowing ourselves to really appreciate the prosperity we have created is a big step toward opening to even greater fulfillment.
-- Shakti Gawain -
When you're following your energy and doing what you want all the time, the distinction between work and play dissolves.
-- Shakti Gawain -
An affirmation is a strong, positive statement that something is already so.
-- Shakti Gawain -
We avoid the things that we're afraid of because we think there will be dire consequences if we confront them. But the truly dire consequences in our lives come from avoiding things that we need to learn about or discover.
-- Shakti Gawain -
The universe will reward you for taking risks on its behalf.
-- Shakti Gawain -
The body is our primary feedback mechanism which can show us what is and isn't working about our ways of thinking, expressing, and living. As we live our truth more fully and freely, our body grows healthier, stronger, and more beautiful.
-- Shakti Gawain -
There is a wise being living inside of you. It is your intuitive self. Focus your awareness into a deep place in your body, a place where your "gut feelings" reside. You can communicate with it by silently talking to it, making requests, or asking questions. Then relax, don't think too hard with your mind, and be open to receiving answers. They are usually very simple and relate to the present moment, not the past or the future, and they feel right.
-- Shakti Gawain -
The key point to understand is that prosperity is an internal experience, not an external state, and it is an experience that is not tied to having a certain amount of money.
-- Shakti Gawain -
While no amount of financial wealth can guarantee an experience of prosperity, it is possible to experience prosperity at almost any level of income, except when we are unable to meet our basic physical needs.
-- Shakti Gawain -
Most of us are in touch with our intuition whether we know it or not, but we're usually in the habit of doubting or contradicting it so automatically that we don't even know it has spoken
-- Shakti Gawain -
The process of change does not occur on superficial levels, through mere 'positive thinking.' It involves exploring, discovering, and changing our deepest, most basic attitudes toward life.
-- Shakti Gawain -
A painful time in our life is what I call a healing crisis. We are letting go of something old and opening to something new.
-- Shakti Gawain -
Creative power has to filter through our beliefs, attitudes, emotions, and habits. The more negative and constricted our beliefs and patterns are, the more they block the creative energy. Most people hope that by ignoring negativity, it will go away, but the reverse is actually true. Through recognizing, acknowledging, and experiencing it, the blocked energy can be released. You are then free to replace it with positive beliefs and attitudes.
-- Shakti Gawain -
Practice following your intuition in everyday things, trusting your gut feelings moment by moment and acting on them as best you can. As you learn to trust yourself in smaller matters, you will build power and confidence to take bigger risks and deal with the larger issues in your life successfully.
-- Shakti Gawain -
We all have within us a deep wisdom, but sometimes we don't know we have it.
-- Shakti Gawain -
... consciousness is an ever-unfolding, deepening, and expanding process with no end point. We are infinite and complex beings, and our human journey involves not just a spiritual awakening, but the development of all levels of our being - spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical - and the integration of all these aspects into a healthy and balanced daily life.
-- Shakti Gawain -
When we consistently suppress and distrust our intuitive knowingness, looking instead for authority, validation, and approval from others, we give our personal power away.
-- Shakti Gawain -
Evil (ignorance) is like a shadow-- it has no real substance of its own, it is simply a lack of light. You cannot cause a shadow to disappear by trying to fight it, stamp on it, by railing against it, or any other form of emotional or physical resistance. In order to cause a shadow to disappear, you must shine light on it
-- Shakti Gawain -
When we create something, we always create it first in a thought form. If we are basically positive in attitude, expecting and envisioning pleasure, satisfaction and happiness, we will attract and create people, situations, and events which conform to our positive expectations.
-- Shakti Gawain -
Our bodies communicate to us clearly and specifically, if we are willing to listen to them.
-- Shakti Gawain -
We are living in a very exciting and powerful time. On the deepest level of consciousness, a radical spiritual transformation is taking place. I believe that on a worldwide level, we are being challenged to let go of our present way of life and create an entirely new one. We are, in fact, in the process of destroying our old world and building a new one in its place.
-- Shakti Gawain -
A deadness occurs in relationships when people are no longer willing to tell each other how they really feel.
-- Shakti Gawain -
The people we are in relationships with are always a mirror, reflecting our own beliefs, and simultaneously we are mirrors, reflecting their beliefs.
-- Shakti Gawain -
If we look honestly at our relationships, we can see so much about how we have created them
-- Shakti Gawain -
In order to cause a shadow to disappear, you must shine light on it.
-- Shakti Gawain -
Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the universe is endlessly bountiful
-- Shakti Gawain -
Through lovingly embracing the full range of our experience- human and divine- we can heal the split that existed between the spirit and the form, in ourselves individually and in the whole world.
-- Shakti Gawain -
Trusting your intuition means tuning in as deeply as you can to the energy you feel, following that energy moment to moment, trusting that it will lead you where you want to go and bring you everything you desire.
-- Shakti Gawain -
There is a natural rhythm to the active and receptive energies within us. At times our energy is strong and outgoing - it is time to pursue our goals, take risks, get things accomplished. At other times, our energy is quiet and sensitive, and we need to take time to nurture ourselves, relax, and just 'be' for a while. As we trust and follow this rhythm, we attract everything we need and create everything we truly desire.
-- Shakti Gawain -
Be willing to take some risks in the areas of work and money. If we do only what we think we should do in order to make money and be secure, we won't listen to the intuitive voice that tells us to try something new, to be more creative, or to move on to the next step on our path. When we listen to our intuition and take some risks, we are not alone. The universe will support us and reward us for taking risks on its behalf!
-- Shakti Gawain
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