Simone Elkeles famous quotes
One of the things that makes me who I am is the loyalty I have to people I hold close to my heart.
-- Simone Elkeles -
being afraid to take chances is scarier than actually doing things that challenge you.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Expectations make people miserable, so whatever yours are, lower them. You'll definitely be happier.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Sometimes you have to steer away from the crowd in order to be a better person. It's not always easy, that's for sure. But it's right. And sometimes doing the right thing feels good, even if it does end up in a trip to the principal's office.
-- Simone Elkeles -
When my eyes meet his gaze as we're sitting here staring at each other, time stops. Those eyes are piercing mine, and I can swear at this moment he senses the real me. The one without the attitude, without the facade[...]
-- Simone Elkeles -
You're stressing too much about what might be. Do something to take your mind off thinking about what might never happen.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Fifty percent of all doctors graduate in the bottom half of their class - Hope your surgery went well!
-- Simone Elkeles -
It's pure instinct that makes me rebel every time someone tries to control my life and hand out more rules.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Music is my drug, the one thing that makes me numb.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Love is honesty. Love is a mutual respect for one another.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Love isn't about honesty. It's about protecting the people you love from things that will hurt them.
-- Simone Elkeles -
I want to try making things right because picking up the pieces is way better than leaving them the way they are.
-- Simone Elkeles -
If there's one thing I learned, it's that nobody is here forever. You have to live for the moment, each and every day . . . the here, the now.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Sometimes moving on takes effort. Sometimes moving on is harder than it looks.
-- Simone Elkeles -
I can't help but smile as I swipe a lone tear trailing down my cheek. How can I not be crazy in love with this guy? Time away from him didn't change anything. I can't deny him another chance. That would be denying myself.
-- Simone Elkeles -
You are the one girl that made me risk eveything for a future worth having.
-- Simone Elkeles -
You’re dangerous,†he says. “Why?†“Because you make me believe in the impossible
-- Simone Elkeles -
He may be out of my life physically, but he'll always be a part of me. I can't let go even if I wanted to.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Unfortunately, real life can’t be wrapped up with a nice little bow.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Doing something positive will help turn your mood around. When you smile, your body relaxes. When you experience human touch and interaction, it eases tension in your body.
-- Simone Elkeles -
But wishes are only granted in fairy tales.
-- Simone Elkeles -
The reason I want you to put a shirt on is, well, because, um..." "You've never seen a guy with his shirt off?" "Ha, ha. Very funny. Believe me, you don't have anything I haven't seen before." "Wanna bet?" he says, then moves his hands to the button on his jeans and pops it open. Isabel walks in at that exact moment. "Whoa, Alex. Please keep your pants on.
-- Simone Elkeles -
I want to tell her how much she's become the center of my being. But I can't. The words won't come.
-- Simone Elkeles -
I wish I could help you" I whisper. You are," he murmurs against my knee. "just dont leave me, okay? Everyone leaves me.
-- Simone Elkeles -
I want to know how to make this girl laugh. I want to know what makes her cry. I want to know what it feels like to have her look at me as if I’m her knight in shinning armor.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Maggie squeezes my hand. It’s a silent message that everything will be okay. Somehow I believe her. In the end everything will be okay. But hurdles have to be jumped through first.
-- Simone Elkeles -
A garter. You’re supposed to take it off and keep it as a memento. K-k-kinda like a trophy for going far sexually with a girl. It’s stupid, really. And kind of d-d-degrading if I think about it too m-m-much.†“I know what it is,†he says, amusement evident in his voice. “I just wanted to hear your explanation.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Do I hear a challenge?†she whispers, “Oh, Carlos. You know I can’t resist a challenge.
-- Simone Elkeles -
And for those of you who want to start any trouble, I have a zero tolerance policy. . . .
-- Simone Elkeles -
I now know why people break up in e-mails and text messages. Doing it face-to-face is so hard because you have to stand in front of the person and witness their reaction. Face their wrath.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Get a grip, Dad. I'm not going to do anything you wouldn't do at my age.' He stands up and says, 'That's it. You're canceling this date.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Isn't that why we're put on this earth to begin with, to make it a better place? It's not a religious quest; it's a humanitarian one.
-- Simone Elkeles -
were you sleeping?" He chuckles. "Not by a long shot. I was just tryin' to convince myself not to make a move on you.
-- Simone Elkeles -
I've never seen anythin' sexier in my life, and she's not even naked yet.
-- Simone Elkeles -
And just so you know for the future, I like my double-chocolate chip cookies warm and soft in the middle...and without magnets glued to them." "Me, too. When you decide to bake me some, let me know.
-- Simone Elkeles -
I'm standing here, holding a half a lemon in my hand. I'm speechless, I'm excited . . . I'm a wreck. Caleb wants to be where I am.
-- Simone Elkeles -
I want a one hundred percent guarantee that they’ll all be fine.†I tell Mrs. Garcia. She pats my knee. “Unfortunately, there are no guarantees in life.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Just so you know, I’m goin’ to enlist.†“I’m proud of you. But why?†I groan against the pain but manage to give him a half smile. “I want to make sure Kiara’s got a boyfriend who has more to offer than a hot bod and a face that could make angels weep.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Unfortunately, there are no guarentees in life.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Sometimes I wish there were do over years or fast forward days
-- Simone Elkeles -
Is anyone human actually normal? I'm beginning to think being normal is actually abnormal.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Trust me, he whispers against my lips. Maggie, you're my paradise.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Truth is, it's a relief to finally put my life in the hands of someone I trust.
-- Simone Elkeles -
I keep my expectations low, so nobody disappoints me." "Yeah, well, I have high expectations." I look toward Miranda. "I guess my friends do, too." "Expectations make people miserable, so whatever yours are, lower them. You'll definitely be happier.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Brittany and I don't date other people." "Why not?" "It's called being boyfriend and girlfriend.
-- Simone Elkeles -
I brought a condom," I tell her when I slide her panties down. We're both hot and sweaty, and I can't resist hr anymore. "I did, too," she whispers against my neck. "But we might not be able to use it." "Why not?" I expect her to tell em this was all a mistake, that she really didn't mean to get me all hot and bothered just to tell me I'm not worthy enough to take her virginity, but it's the truth. She clears her throat. "It all d-d-depends on whether or not you're allergic to l-l-latex.
-- Simone Elkeles -
And I’m yours,†I tell him. “Forever and always and then some.
-- Simone Elkeles -
That’s not the only reason I’m stayin’, chica. I can’t leave you any more than I could walk out that door right now while my leg is busted up. I was just thinkin’ . . . should we tell your parents now or later?†“Tell them what?†I ask, eyes wide. He kisses me softly, then says proudly, “That we’re in a serious, monogamous, committed relationship.†“We are?†“SÃ. And when I get out of here, I’m gonna fix the door to your car.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Do you ever lose the ego?†Westford asks me. “Yeah.†When his daughter kisses me, my ego flies out the window.
-- Simone Elkeles -
There are no rules to attraction. Jake is nothing like who I wanted.
-- Simone Elkeles -
...there's no rule book or game plan when it comes to the grim realities of our lives.
-- Simone Elkeles -
If any guy threatened her she'd probably suffocate him with her oversized tee.
-- Simone Elkeles -
If you could wish on a star right now, what would you wish for?"I ask him. "For time to stop. "Why?" He shrugs. "Cause I could live forever at this moment.
-- Simone Elkeles -
It reminds me of myself - seemingly perfect on the outside but inside is all a mush.
-- Simone Elkeles -
I can't sleep. Too many thoughts running through my useless head.
-- Simone Elkeles -
My dream is to find a guy who'll love me despite my flaws and won't turn away from me when a perfect girl walks by. Maybe a boy like that doesn't even exist.
-- Simone Elkeles -
The urge to jump into his arms and feel the warmth of them surrounding me is so powerful, I wonder if it's medically possible to be addicted to another human being.
-- Simone Elkeles -
I'm ready for something private, private and real
-- Simone Elkeles -
I don't want to always be 'the best I can be.' I just want to be me.
-- Simone Elkeles -
He may be out of my life physically, but he’ll always be a part of me. I can’t let him go even if I tried. Alex took a piece of my heart, but that doesn’t mean my life has to be on hold. I can’t keep running after ghosts.
-- Simone Elkeles -
I wish my life was a John Grisham novel. His heroes always seem to be one step away from death but come up with a brilliant plan. Unfortunately, real life can’t be wrapped up with a nice little bow
-- Simone Elkeles -
There's a point when you have to stop fightin' the whole world.
-- Simone Elkeles -
I want to hold you, Nikki. Will you let me?
-- Simone Elkeles -
- I don't want you to love me. - Too late, mi chava.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Love. Is it just a word that boys use to manipulate girls?
-- Simone Elkeles -
Did we kiss last night?" "Yes." "Well, it wasn't memorable because I have no recollection of it." He laughs. "I was kiddin'. We didn't kiss." He leans in. "When we kiss you'll remember it.Forever.
-- Simone Elkeles -
It's as if I'm taking away his pain and he's taking away mine.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Gary, who's wearing a coral shirt and white pants, growls to look tough. It doesn't work.
-- Simone Elkeles -
I believe in lust at first sight.And attraction.But not love.
-- Simone Elkeles -
As If I could just turn my feelings off like a faucet.
-- Simone Elkeles -
You shouldn't love me. I don't deserve you.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Why are you making a joke out of this?" she asks. "Because it's stupid, Nik. There's not even room in my day to think about someone else.
-- Simone Elkeles -
We deserve each other, Luis … and I need you just as much as you need me. Hold me.†He steps closer, but hesitates. “If I do, mi chava, I can’t promise I’ll be able to let you go.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Nobody really knows her Except the chosen few Her secrets are kept hidden Behind that sun-kissed hue. If I reach out to touch her She’ll just run away My Forever and Always Will have to wait another day.
-- Simone Elkeles -
I love you because you’re the only person I want to make love to without any conditions and—and I love that you need me.
-- Simone Elkeles -
I eye Chuy like a pitcher in baseball does when a guy leads too far off base.
-- Simone Elkeles -
You once told me that I make you believe in the impossible. You make me believe in love, which I’d given up on. Thank you for proving to me it’s not just a fairy tale.
-- Simone Elkeles -
It’s not Brittney’s face, not her smile, not even her eyes. All of that surface stuff made the world see her as beautiful, but it was the deeper stuff that made her different.
-- Simone Elkeles -
He has no clue that I have the patience of a saint. At least that's what Carlos says, although that isn't saying much, considering his fuse is about as short as an eyelash.
-- Simone Elkeles -
I lost my dad when I was younger, and I know what its like to lose a beloved parent.
-- Simone Elkeles -
I never believed in love at first sight, until I met Derek. It's all-consuming and delicious and wonderful and exciting. At the same time, it makes me nervous and self-conscious and emotional. Love exists. I know it does, because I'm madly, deeply, hopelessly in love.
-- Simone Elkeles -
This attitude means you haven't met a girl worthy of your attention. You'll want to get caught if the right girl comes along.
-- Simone Elkeles -
I'll explain it to you. To me it's more than a game." She touches her chest and says, "When you love something as much as I love football, you just feel it inside. Did you ever love doing something so bad that it consumed you?" "A long time ago." "That's what football is to me. It's my passion, my life… my escape. When I play, I forget everything that sucks in my life. And when we win…" She looks down like she's embarrassed to admit what she's about to reveal. "I know this is going to sound stupid, but when we win I think miracles can happen.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Julian, sometimes girls are like junk food. They look good, and they sure taste good… but you know they're not healthy for you and cause cavities so it's better to just leave 'em alone. Got me?
-- Simone Elkeles -
Sometimes I think Ben is right, that the fantasy world is better because reality sucks...but then I look at Nikki and I believe that we can beat the odds.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Sometimes things are better off forgotten.
-- Simone Elkeles -
We need to look back sometimes and realize the past taught us to appreciate our future.
-- Simone Elkeles -
The percentage of couples who stay together after high school is, like, less than five percent, you guys.
-- Simone Elkeles -
Carlos, are we in complete understanding with each other?†“Yeah,†I say. “As long as it’s not in your house and you don’t know about it, you’re okay with us messin’ around.†“I know you’re joking with me. You are joking with me, aren’t you?†“Maybe.
-- Simone Elkeles -
There’s always time for arguin’ when you’re a Fuentes.
-- Simone Elkeles -
What are you boys doing?†she asks, as if we’re still little kids messing around. “Arguin’,†Carlos says matter-of-factly.
-- Simone Elkeles -
She ignores me, so I cup my hands over my mouth and do something I haven’t done in years— barnyard sounds.
-- Simone Elkeles -
When she wraps her arms around my neck, all I want to do is protect this girl for the rest of my life.
-- Simone Elkeles -
You own a piece of me," he murmurs as he holds me afterward. "Good," I tell him. "And just so you know… I'm never giving it back.
-- Simone Elkeles
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