Eyelashes famous quotes
When I'm manic, I'm so awake and alert, that my eyelashes fluttering on the pillow sound like thunder.
-- Andy Behrman -
Small, red, and upright he waited, gripping his new bookbag tight in one hand and touching a lucky penny inside his coat pocket with the other, while the first snows of winter floated down on his eyelashes and covered the branches around him and silenced all trace of the world.
-- Anne Carson -
I grabbed her ankle and kissed it, and when I looked up I saw her chin and her eyelashes as she threw back her head and laughed.
-- Anne Rice -
My mothers into frilly dresses and eyelashes and hairstyles from the 1970s. We always argue about that.
-- Ashley Judd -
There are those who'd rob a blind man of his eyelashes if they could.
-- Avi -
I always wear boot polish on my eyelashes, because I am a very emotional person and it doesn't run when I cry.
-- Barbara Cartland -
I never underestimate the power of hot rollers for your hair and eyelash curlers for your eyelashes.
-- Busy Philipps -
It does help to actually realize that however stunning the person who is, you know, fluttering eyelashes at you, she doesn't do anything to match up to your wife.
-- Colin Firth -
I only have to do three things to look halfway decent. Curl my eyelashes, fill in my eyebrows and put some lipstick on.
-- Courteney Cox -
Too easy to lose the way. Too hard to keep from unraveling when there’s nothing to remind you of who you are and where you should be. Another eternity passes in the flick of an eyelash.
-- Diana Rowland -
It was close; but that's the way it is in war. You win or lose, live or die - and the difference is just an eyelash.
-- Douglas MacArthur -
I feel like it's always important to curl your eyelashes. I always do when I wake up and you know you look tired, when you curl eyelashes and put mascara it makes such a huge difference, so that's the trick that I always use.
-- Doutzen Kroes -
And what can we expect if we haven't any dinner, But to lose our teeth and eyelashes and keep on growing thinner?
-- Edward Lear -
Kiss me with rain on your eyelashes, come on, let us sway together, under the trees, and to hell with thunder.
-- Edwin Morgan -
Could I make you believe something that wasn't true?' He studied her through his eyelashes. 'You could make me believe anything at all.
-- Emma Bull -
Nail polish or false eyelashes isn't politics. If you have good politics, what you wear is irrelevant. I don't take dictation from the pig-o-cratic style setters who say I should dress like a middle-aged lady. My politics don't depend on whether my ***** are in or out of a bra.
-- Florynce Kennedy -
Most of today's film actresses are typical of a mass-production age: living dolls who look as if they came off an assembly line and whose uniformity of appearance is frequently a triumph of modern science, thanks to which they can be equipped with identical noses, breasts, teeth, eyelashes, and hair.
-- Helen Lawrenson -
I batted my eyelashes and did my best to appear dumb as a board
-- Ilona Andrews -
To make lashes curl better, take a hair dryer to your eyelash curler for one or two seconds before using it.
-- Isla Fisher -
Sometimes I think the difference between what we want and what we're afraid of is about the width of an eyelash.
-- Jay McInerney -
I discovered that silent film is almost an advantage. You just have to think of the feeling for it to show. No lines pollute it. It doesn't take much - a gaze, an eyelash flutter - for the emotion to be vivid.
-- Jean Dujardin -
She brushed her eyelashes against his chest.
-- Jonathan Safran Foer -
The afrit batted his eyelashes with a ostentatious lack of concern. "Indeed? Have you a name?" "A name?" I cried. "I have MANY names! I am Bartimaeus! I am Sakhr al-Jinni! I am N'gorso the Mighty and the Serpent of Silver Plumes!" I paused dramatically. The young man looked blank. "Nope never heard of you. Now if you'll just-
-- Jonathan Stroud -
I have thoroughly compromised your niece," Alex declared. "Will you plase insist that she marry me?" Caroline didn't bat an eyelash. "This", she announced, "is most peculiar.
-- Julia Quinn -
I try to bring my mascara everywhere because I'm a blonde and you know blondes have really light eyelashes, you always wanna put more and more on 'til they look like spiders, that's just what I do.
-- Julianne Hough -
For makeup, a bit of blusher — what you call bronzer — a bit of an eye, and an eyelash curler.
-- Kate Moss -
There is a silence so great that I can hear the ice crystals cracking and falling from eyelashes of girls who will never blink again.
-- Lauren DeStefano -
The eyebrow pencil and false eyelashes were essential; my mother didn't feel dressed without them.
-- Lorna Luft -
The ship's boards were still sticky with new resin. We leaned over the railing to wave our last farewell, the sun-warm wood pressed against our bellies. The sailors heaved up the anchor, square and chalky with barnacles, and loosened the sails. Then they took their seats at the oars that fringed the boat like eyelashes, waiting for the count. The drums began to beat, and the oars lifted and fell, taking us to Troy.
-- Madeline Miller -
The scene where I took my eyelashes off we did in two takes.
-- Marie Windsor -
When I was young, some women told me they loved me for my long eyelashes. I accepted. Later it was for my wit. Then for my power and money. Then for my talent. Then for my mind-deep. OK, I can handle all of it. The only woman who scares me is the one who loves me for myself alone. I have plans for her. I have poisons and daggers and dark graves in caves to hide her head. She can't be allowed to live. Especially if she's sexually faithful and never lies and always puts me ahead of everything and everyone.
-- Mario Puzo -
I had no desire to be an film actress, to always play somebody else, to be always beautiful with somebody constantly straightening out your every eyelash. It was always a big bother to me.
-- Marlene Dietrich -
The rose fell into his lap, and he looked up, startled. Mimi grinned. "Hey handsom" Mimi sent. "What's up?" Jack replied, without speaking. "Just thinking of you." Jack's smile deepened, and he threw the rose back at her so that it landed in her lap. Mimi tucked it behind her ear and fluttered her eyelashes appreciatively.
-- Melissa de la Cruz -
I am not an autobiographical writer. I'll take little elements here and there from things that I've actually experienced-counting eyelashes on a sleeping beauty, for example.
-- Michael Stipe -
Now I'm going to put my eyelashes on and stretch my legs out and do a show.
-- Nana Visitor -
Flint has the potential to produce fire, and gems have intrinsic value. We ordinary people can see neither our own eyelashes, which are so close, nor the heavens in the distance. Likewise, we do not see that the Buddha exists in our own hearts.
-- Nichiren -
We ordinary people can see neither our own eyelashes, which are so close, nor the heavens in the distance...
-- Nichiren -
I have an extra set of eyelashes because you never know. I could cry or laugh, or it could be windy, and I'll need a standby pair.
-- Niecy Nash -
We still name our military helicopter gunships after victims of genocide. Nobody bats an eyelash about that: Blackhawk. Apache. And Comanche. If the Luftwaffe named its military helicopters Jew and Gypsy, I suppose people would notice.
-- Noam Chomsky -
Booyah, I will summon the ninja. Oh, and take a lunch break while we burgle." "You're going, too?" "Am I not ninja enough? Are you saying that I lack ninja?" "No, I was just thinking you're a little, uh, recognizable, maybe?" Eve batted her thick eyelashes. "Why, thank you, sweetie. That's the nicest insult I've had today, not counting the jock who said he'd date me but he had a restraining order out for necrophelia.
-- Rachel Caine -
... He went under the stars, and the tender light of the moon, when it hung like an eyelash and the tree trunks shone like bones. He walked through wind and weather, and beneath sun-bleached skies. It seemed to Harold that he had been waiting all his life to walk. He no longer knew how far he had come, but only that he was going forward. The pale Cotswold stone became the red brick of Warwickshire, and the land flattened into middle England. Harold reached his hand to his mouth to brush away a fly, and felt a beard growing in thick tufts. Queenie would live. He knew it.
-- Rachel Joyce -
I've got a perfect body, 'cause my eyelashes catch my sweat
-- Regina Spektor -
But the uproar this caused was nothing compared with the uproar when Katronia noticed [Rosie] had also cut her eyelashes. Various negotiations (including, finally, such desperate measures as "supposing you ever want to eat again") eventually produced the grudging promise that, in return for Katronia keeping her hair cut short, she would leave her eyelashes alone.
-- Robin McKinley -
Your eyelashes will write on my heart the poem that could never come from the pen of a poet.
-- Rumi -
I pull my eyelashes when I'm tired or thinking - it's a nervous thing.
-- Sheridan Smith -
I once made the mistake of going for a whole row of false eyelashes, which was just wrong as it gave me a sad, puppy-eyed look.
-- Sienna Miller -
He has no clue that I have the patience of a saint. At least that's what Carlos says, although that isn't saying much, considering his fuse is about as short as an eyelash.
-- Simone Elkeles -
I first learned how to do hair from drag queens. I learned eyelashes are the key to life, because they make everyone look fabulous.
-- Tabatha Coffey -
Honey, I am going to my grave with my eyelashes and my makeup on.
-- Tammy Faye Bakker -
At sixteen, I was a funny, skinny little thing, all eyelashes and legs. And then, suddenly people told me it was gorgeous. I thought they had gone mad.
-- Twiggy -
By the time we leave, I have red lips and curled eyelashes, and I’m wearing a bright red dress. And there’s a knife strapped to the inside of my knee. This all makes perfect sense.
-- Veronica Roth -
It is delightful to kiss the eyelashes of the beloved--is it not? But never so delightful as when fresh tears are on them.
-- Walter Savage Landor -
What I have to say is far more important than how long my eyelashes are.
-- Walter Scott -
Beauty is that little something that fills the whole world, and is contained neither in a single straight nose, a long eyelash, nor a blue mountain. Some see it in a leg of mutton, others in a compound fracture; and to expect others to accept one's own definition of it is as absurd as to expect all humanity to use the same toilet-brush.
-- William Morris Hunt -
I was working with mud and photographs and thread, eyelashes, carrots and acetone... I was throwing radios off buildings and... remember floating styrofoam commas down the Milwaukee River.
-- William Wegman -
Take the whole universe all at once and put it on your eyelashes...
-- Yunmen Wenyan -
Whenever I go overseas I buy funny eyelashes. For example the same brand that are in Japan and England are different styles. So I bought both.
-- Park Bom