Threatening famous quotes
52 minutes ago
That which is threatening to the ego is liberating to the heart.
-- Ajahn Amaro -
Grace is inviting to the unrighteous and threatening to the self-righteous
-- Andy Stanley -
Do you question my authority? I am the headmistress of Evernight!" It was Balthazar who answered her by casually slinging his crossbow back upon his shoulder so that it just happened to be aimed straight at Mrs. Bethany. He wasn't threatening her, exactly, but it was very clear that he wasn't going to back down. As she jerked upright in shock, Balthazar drawled, "School's out.
-- Claudia Gray -
I had to beat him up in front of everybody for threatening me.
-- David Haye -
If I am told to be at a shoot at 10 A.M., I am ready on time. By 11:30, I lose my patience. After that, I keep threatening to leave the sets if they don't begin soon. It works sometimes.
-- Emraan Hashmi -
I'm not threatening you. I'm just informing you of police procedure. If you continue to obstruct me, I remove the obstruction, in this case you, and proceed to the next command.
-- Eoin Colfer -
Religion is the most fragile of all freedoms. And that's because it is the most threatening to those in power.
-- Eric Metaxas -
It is impossible to carry the American people along with you on a program of caution to forestall a threatening position.
-- Harold L. Ickes -
I looked at him. "You really need to work on your threats. I can't tell if you're threatening me or inviting me for tea.
-- Ilona Andrews -
Jamie' is what my mother gave me, and that takes the onus off of being big. Somebody thinks, 'Oh, Jamie - how threatening can he be?
-- James Cromwell -
We will destroy you,†the Flyboys droned. “You have no escape.†That was the most imaginative, threatening thing the whitecoats had programmed these ’droids to say? “Talk about lame,†Fang muttered.
-- James Patterson -
One cannot legislate the maniacs off the street... these maniacs can only be shut down by an armed citizenry. Indeed bad things can happen in nations where the citizenry is armed, but not as bad as those which seem to be threatening our disarmed citizenry in this country at this time.
-- Jeff Cooper -
I'll hit anyone who's seriously threatening my life... that's what happened, and that's what sent me to prison.
-- Jim Goad -
‎"Sarge, mr. Nurd here is threatening to turn me to jelly." "really?" said Sarge. "what flavor?
-- John Connolly -
Although I never lack the presence and plain image of my own wretched infirmity, yet seeing sin so manifestly abounds in all estates, I am compelled to thunder out the threatenings of God against the obstinate rebels.
-- John Knox -
It is one thing to fear God as threatening, with a holy reverence, and another to be afraid of the evil threatened.
-- John Owen -
GamerGate is about harassing, threatening and silencing women. Started that way, has been that way all along. Dont pretend otherwise.
-- John Scalzi -
The troubles which have come upon us always seem more serious than those which are only threatening.
-- Livy -
The invasion of illegal aliens is threatening the health of many Americans.
-- Lou Dobbs -
That image of the countryside being a threatening place still exists. People continue to resist the challenge of learning about aspects of life they don't understand.
-- Mary Wesley -
So intense was his sexual frustration that it had begun to feel like a life-threatening illness: testicular gout, libidinal gangrene.
-- Ned Beauman -
Where's the superficial? I was, and therefore am, dim, gloomy, a drag, unfashionable, unfanciable, and awkward. This doesn't seem like superficial to me. These aren't flesh wounds. These are life-threatening thrusts into the internal organs.
-- Nick Hornby -
The lesbian is a threatening reality for reality.
-- Nicole Brossard -
Don’t try threatening an Alpha. They don’t like it.
-- Patricia Briggs -
We have ripped the humanity out of our companies. It's threatening the very underpinnings of our society.
-- Paul Tudor Jones -
Publishers see free downloads as threatening the sales of the book.
-- Paulo Coelho -
The Monkees was a straight sitcom, we used the same plots that were on the other situation comedies at the time. So the music wasn't threatening, we weren't threatening.
-- Peter Tork -
Necessity when threatening is more powerful than device of man.
-- Quintus Curtius Rufus -
Natural villains are hard to come by, what with all the shrinks and social-scientist types threatening to understand everybody into the ground ...
-- Shana Alexander -
The combination of hatred and technology is the greatest danger threatening mankind.
-- Simon Wiesenthal -
Mankind is divided into two basic sorts: those who find the unknown future threatening ... and those who find it thrilling. The rupture between those two sides has been responsible for most of the bloodshed in history.
-- Spider Robinson -
There are life-threatening issues related to diabetes.
-- Stephen Wallem -
Again, during a sacrifice, the augur Spurinna warned Caesar that the danger threatening him would not come later than the Ides of March.
-- Suetonius -
We can only undo the election if the behavior meets the constitutional standard of subverting and threatening our system of government.
-- Zoe Lofgren -
We mute the realization of malevolence- which is too threatening to bear - by turning offenders into victims themselves and by describing their behavior as the result of forces beyond their control.
-- Anna C Salter -
My dad was one of those dads that would make me stop crying by threatening to beat me.
-- Felipe Esparza -
Ideas that change business models and that can make money are the most threatening, outside actual religion.
-- John Day -
Direct religious experience is threatening to organized religion, which often mediates it with a rabbi or priest.
-- Rodger Kamenetz -
I don't think people who are supporting the food movement ever want to be in a position where they are opposing the workers who are dependent on the system. The companies are very good at setting up workers and activists in opposition to each other, and getting the message out to workers that those people are threatening their jobs.
-- Ted Genoways -
If I get it all down on paper, it's no longer inside of me, threatening the life it belongs to.
-- Anna Nalick -
While doing visits to hospitals, I have prayed over children with life threatening illnesses and continue to bring Jesus to every stage I walk on.
-- Jonathan Cain