Hungry famous quotes
I talk a lot about women in my act, 'cause let's face it -- if I was hungry, I would talk about food.
-- Adam Ferrara -
It's a funny thing about me. I don't have any interest in food most of the time now, although when I was a kid I was always hungry
-- Alan Ladd -
No, I slept as I always do when I am bored and have not the courage to amuse myself, or when I am hungry and have not the desire to eat.--The Count of Monte Cristo
-- Alexandre Dumas -
I was always taught to be hungry and humble.
-- Amari Cooper -
I need to be very hungry all the time. I need to be very hungry to write.
-- Amelie Nothomb -
If you are greedy, what is inside you is what makes you always hungry.
-- Amy Tan -
If the world operates as one big market, every employee will compete with every person anywhere in the world who is capable of doing the same job. There are lots of them and many of them are hungry
-- Andy Grove -
Someday you're going to get hungry and eat most of the words you just said.
-- Ani DiFranco -
Instead of the mahi mahi, may I just get the one mahi because I’m not that hungry.
-- Anna Faris -
A refugee population is hungry for language and aware that anything can happen.
-- Anne Carson -
The wolf on the hill is not as hungry as the wolf climbing the hill.
-- Arnold Schwarzenegger -
I will always stay hungry, never satisfied with current accomplishments.
-- Arnold Schwarzenegger -
I will not rest until no child goes hungry. All is possible.
-- Audrey Hepburn -
There is no shame in being hungry for another person. There is no shame in wanting very much to share your life with somebody.
-- Augusten Burroughs -
I'm still hungry. I've still got a million ideas. I'm still strong and ready to create.
-- Barry Manilow -
In the beginning there was a river. The river became a road and the road branched out to the whole world. And because the road was once a river it was always hungry.
-- Ben Okri -
You entertain people who are satisfied. Hungry people can't be entertained - or people who are afraid. You can't entertain a man who has no food.
-- Bob Marley -
We're a nation hungry for more joy: Because we're starving from a lack of gratitude.
-- Brené Brown -
Blackberry Smoke is a band that will never go hungry.
-- Brian Johnson -
It is only our bad temper that we put down to being tired or worried or hungry; we put our good temper down to ourselves.
-- C. S. Lewis -
If I'm making a movie and get hungry, I call time-out and eat some crackers.
-- Carol Alt -
As a species we are always hungry for new knowledge.
-- Chaim Potok -
If a wolf attacks his sheep, the shepard kills the wolf, but he eats the sheep when he's hungry.
-- Charlie Higson -
Going hungry never bothered me - it was having no clothes.
-- Cher -
Eating when you're not hungry and taking in that amount of food is exhausting.
-- Chris Hemsworth -
I really love good food occasionally, but I need time to enjoy it, and I need to be hungry.
-- Clare Balding -
And, hungry for the old, familiar ways, I turned aside and bowed my head and wept.
-- Claude McKay -
There's an, oh such a hungry yearning burning inside of me.
-- Cole Porter -
There's nothing better than an actor who is really, really hungry to show everything they've got.
-- David O. Russell -
I am hungry for power, but not to lord over others; only to own myself.
-- Deborah Feldman -
Eat only when you feel hungry. Notice and feel your hunger. This is conscious eating.
-- Deepak Chopra -
I eat at this German-Chinese restaurant and the food is delicious. The only problem is that an hour later you're hungry for power.
-- Dick Cavett -
There are genuinely sufficient resources in the world to ensure that no one, nowhere, at no time, should go hungry.
-- Ed Asner -
I am always hungry and wanting to have sex. This is a fact.
-- Eileen Myles -
Always that tyrannical love reaches out. Soft words shrivel me like quicklime. She will not allow me to be cold, hungry. She will insist that I take her own coat, her own food.
-- Elizabeth Smart -
[Memory] visits when it is hungry, not when you are.
-- Elliot Perlman -
You eat when you're hungry, and I'm not normally hungry in the mornings.
-- Eric Bristow -
We are hungry for things that have touched human hands.
-- Faith Popcorn -
Living on hope is like being hungry all the time.
-- Faith Sullivan -
The New Women! I could barely recognize them as being of the same sex as myself…They are satiated by everything, hungry for nothing. They are what I wanted to be; they are what I worked for them to be: and now I see them, I hate them.
-- Fay Weldon -
Justice is the bread of the nation; it is always hungry for it.
-- François-René de Chateaubriand -
Faith on a full stomach may be simply contentment but if you have it when you're hungry, it's genuine.
-- Frank A. Clark -
You already know when I'm writing, so don't be surprised if it's short and dry, because I'm too hungry to write anything fat
-- Frederic Chopin -
I always have to have breakfast before I leave the house, even if it's 4 A.M. and I'm not hungry.
-- Freema Agyeman -
There are vampires and vampires, and not all of them suck blood.
-- Fritz Leiber -
If you push yourself to stay hungry, you're always working towards at least taking steps forward. If you're taking steps forward, then you're making progress.
-- G-Eazy -
By the time they had diminished from 50 to 8, the other dwarves began to suspect 'Hungry'...
-- Gary Larson -
I am born hungry. Ravenous. I want to eat the world, and I can never be satiated.
-- Gary Shteyngart -
Her eyes flutter up to meet mine. “Are you hungry?â€she asks. Am I ever.
-- Gayle Forman -
If you want to eat when you're not hungry, you're hungry for something else.
-- Geneen Roth -
Being hungry is like being in love: if you don't know, you're probably not,
-- Geneen Roth -
Romcoms are challenging, but I'm hungry for drama.
-- Ginnifer Goodwin -
I was always hungry for love. Just once, I wanted to know what it was like to get my fill of it -- to be fed so much love I couldn't take any more. Just once.
-- Haruki Murakami -
You can have tons of talent, but it won't necessarily keep you fed. If you have sharp instincts, through, you'll never go hungry.
-- Haruki Murakami -
People always starve themselves, and then they get hungry, and then they eat the wrong things, like chips or cookies or whatever they can grab.
-- Heidi Klum -
We ought to be ten times as hungry for knowledge as for food for the body.
-- Henry Ward Beecher -
Only a stomach that rarely feels hungry scorns common things.
-- Horace -
There's nothing you can really do to prepare to rock. Do you prepare to eat a delicious meal? Are you hungry? Then you're gonna eat it.
-- Jack Black -
My first novel is loaded with food references largely because my cupboards were bare, and I was writing hungry.
-- Jan Karon -
You start at SNL when you're young and hungry, but I don't want my pro years to be my SNL years.
-- Jason Sudeikis -
I'm hungry for knowledge. The whole thing is to learn every day, to get brighter and brighter.
-- Jay-Z -
Haitians don't like to say they are hungry because we are proud.
-- Jean-Bertrand Aristide -
After being in a gym, you're super hungry all the time because you're burning all these calories.
-- Jessica Szohr -
Sheep can befriend a hungry wolf only for briefly.
-- Jim Butcher -
I didn't know the inner me was hungry," I said to Art. "That's because it already starved to death.
-- Joe Hill -
He that sows his grain upon marble will have many a hungry belly before his harvest.
-- John Arbuthnot -
The poor we shall always have with us, but why the hungry?
-- John van Hengel -
Happiness is.....finding two olives in your martini when youre hungry.
-- Johnny Carson -
Why is it that if you take advantage of a corporate tax break you're a smart businessman, but if you take advantage of something so you don't go hungry, you're a moocher?
-- Jon Stewart -
Loneliness is like starvation: you don't realize how hungry you are until you begin to eat.
-- Joyce Carol Oates -
We are hungry for more; if we do not consciously pursue the More, we create less for ourselves and make it more difficult to experience More in life.
-- Judith Wright -
The French say you get hungry when you’re eating, and I get inspired when I’m working. It’s my engine
-- Karl Lagerfeld -
Goku: But I'm so hungry, I have rigor mortis!
-- Kazuya Minekura -
I was cold, hungry, and in a hole in the ground. But at least I had my elven porn, damnit!
-- Kim Harrison -
Who’s going to keep them from wiping us out species by species? Not me. We aren’t prepared for a new demographic of magic-using humans who are sadistic, power hungry, don’t like Inderlanders, and see genocide as an acceptable form of communication.
-- Kim Harrison -
Power calls to those who are hungry for power, and there are hungry idiots everywhere.
-- Laura Anne Gilman -
In these days when we feed those who are not hungry, we are stealing from those who are starving, even though the food is our own.
-- Laura Ingalls Wilder -
Polygamy and polyandry distribute the frightening physical solidarity of monogamy. Monogamous couples are always hungry for company: to dilute sex.
-- Laura Riding -
I'm very fond of food. I get hungry, and I like to eat almost all the time.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Freedom must be gained step by step, slowly. Freedom is a food which must be carefully administered when people are too hungry for it.
-- Lech Walesa -
The eternal destiny of human beings will be measured by how much or how little solidarity we have displayed with the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, and the oppressed. In the end we will be judged in terms of love.
-- Leonardo Boff -
However gnawing a deficiency, satiety is worse... We are meant to be hungry.
-- Lionel Shriver -
There is beauty in feeding others when you are spiritually or physically hungry yourself.
-- Lisa Donovan -
... In our family, if you said the words 'I feel,' they better be followed with 'hungry' or 'cold'. Because we didn't get personal, that's just how it was.
-- Liz Murray -
You ain't supposed to get salmon when they're swimming upstream to spawn. But if you're hungry, you do.
-- Loretta Lynn -
Never ask a hungry cat whether he loves you for yourself alone.
-- Louis J. Camuti -
Fowl never tastes as savory when you're hungry for venison.
-- Lynn Flewelling -
I'll rest when I'm dead. I'm hungry and life is short!
-- Madonna Ciccone -
We live in a world where people are really hungry for information, and they're not hungry for information on subjects that they're not interested in.
-- Marc Jacobs -
If you get hungry enough, they say, you start eating your own heart.
-- Margaret Atwood -
A goal isn’t something you just arrive at and stop.You have to stay curious and hungry and foolish....
-- Mario Andretti -
If you aren't hungry for God, you are full of yourself.
-- Mark Batterson -
It is hungry, it it immortal. Worse, it knows nothing of whim.
-- Mark Z. Danielewski