Laura Schlessinger famous quotes
People with integrity do what they say they are going to do. Others have excuses.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
A woman should always be more concerned with standing up for what is right than making sure everyone 'likes' her.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
The people and circumstances around me do not make me what I am, they reveal who I am
-- Laura Schlessinger -
You've touched people and known it. You've touched people and never may know it. Either way, you have something to give. It is in giving to one another that each of our lives becomes meaningful.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Children are our second chance to have a great parent-child relationship.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
I think it was much better when you got on your horse and rode two miles to talk to your neighbor.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
We, as human beings, should wish to be loved and embraced for our character, respected and relied on for our courage, and trusted for our conscience.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Don't worry so much about your self-esteem. Worry more about your character. Integrity is its own reward.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Self-esteem must be earned! When you dare to dream, dare to follow that dream, dare to suffer through the pain, sacrifice, self-doubts, and friction from the world, you will genuinely impress yourself.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
This is all you have. This is not a dry run. This is your life. If you want to fritter it away with your fears, then you will fritter it away, but you won't get it back later.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Most people are weak and frightened, and run from anything which could be upsetting. Most people, also, are takers and not givers.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
My father was right. Unfortunately, he died before I could tell him.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Men are very easy to get along with- they just want to come home to something pleasant.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
My way of thinking is better than yours.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Never ask anyone if you should do something, if ultimately you are afraid to do it. You'll save yourself a lot of trouble.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Other people do not owe me their availability.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
People who have "their own issues" often don't stand back and look at the big picture- they're too busy orchestrating their own issues.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Never miss an opportunity to look like a nice guy.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
People get mad at me very easily. The magnitude of your anger toward me is the measure of how much you know you are doing wrong.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Nobody leaves a house where there is peace, joy and good sex.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Nothing is irresistible. There is no feeling that is irresistible.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
If you're a liberal, anything you say is protected. If you're a conservative, anything you say is hateful.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Values are principles and ideas that bring meaning to the seemingly mundane experience of life. A meaningful life that ultimately brings happiness and pride requires you to respond to temptations as well as challenges with honor, dignity, and courage.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Marriage is not just about love and living together. It's much more complicated, especially when you are going to be making a family.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
I'm very fond of food. I get hungry, and I like to eat almost all the time.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
I'm not good at debating - I'm much better at pontificating.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
If your life is going to be dictated by what's comfortable, your life will stink.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
If you want a weak man, you might as well marry a woman.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
If there's an award for best mother-in-law in the universe, in the future, when my son gets married, I will win that award.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
I think I average one good sulk a week.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
I spent two yours of my life being anorexic, but I would never dream of throwing up - my God!
-- Laura Schlessinger -
If someone has a boy who gets to age 18 without something [a bone] being fractured, that kid has been overly controlled.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
If you can't handle the baggage, you'll have to get out of the baggage room.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Listen carefully, because I don't repeat myself - and if I do, I get testy.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
It's not the worst thing in the world to look different from everyone else.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
It's a tough world out there, and women can't afford to be weenies.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
It doesn't matter what you say [to me] after "even though". I never change my mind. Give it up.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
It doesn't matter how we were raised. We become the person we choose to be.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Isn't it nice to know that you can put a worm on your hook and get a fish all charged up?
-- Laura Schlessinger -
In the history of humanity, women have never been as oppressed as they are right now. Men can make babies with us and then walk away.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
If you think positively instead of negatively, you'll behave better and you'll feel better.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
I haven't yelled at anybody today. It's been a slow day.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Probably more than half of the people who go into psychology do so because they need help. I think it's their way of feeling that they have control.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
When we're hurting, it does not give us a license to hurt others.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
When you're around people, act like you like them.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Why should a man say what he feels, when a women is going to ignore what he says?
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Women have to be controlled- we're just too emotional.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Women who don't think they can get a neat guy hang onto losers because something is better than nothing.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Would you stop hoping? Hope is just postponed disappointment.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
You can rescue a woman from a dragon - because you can go slay the dragon - but you can't rescue a woman from herself.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
You can't marry boys and expect them to be men - and you can't massage them into being men.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
You'd be amazed at how much power women have over men - and the basic control is nagging... Men are very simple creatures, like puppies.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Your mother doesn't own you. Your father doesn't own you. You own you.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
It takes courage to have a conscience when you seem to see others getting something tangible out of not bothering to struggle with the morality of a situation. It gets frustrating and demoralizing. This is precisely where character comes in. All throughout history special people have felt compelled to do what they objectively saw as right and good - even in the face of humiliation or rejection or expulsion or torture or death. That is because they believed that certain ideas were more important than individual well-being.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
There is little reason left for society to respect women as it once did. Women get knocked up. They don't marry. They have abortions. They go to bars. They get knocked up again.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
There is seemingly no biological benefit to acting with conscience; if there were, only moral individuals would survive and procreate. Sadly, we know that's not true. The benefit of conscience is that you won't suffer guilt (private) or shame (public), and that by your own self-imposed definition, you are a moral human, a special kind of animal who takes unique pride in elevating him/herself above the termites.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Listen, after almost twenty years of call-in radio, I can tell you that the main thrust of too many lives is an overemphasis on feeling good instead of doing good. Being admired and respected by the self and others has taken a back seat to feeling good, or, at least, avoiding feeling bad. And, oh boy, the excuses some of you can come up with for doing so!
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Unless I have hallucinated, I have never made an anti-gay commentary, I have made anti-gay-activist-agenda commentaries.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
For a long time, I was a career woman and that was it.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
When a man marries he takes a bigger risk than the woman, because she can march out with his kids, his money, his home, and his dog.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Too many people make the past their identity and spend the rest of their lives accumulating sympathy for their past pain.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Promises made out of ignorance should not be kept.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Some women are like elephants. I don't mean size, I mean they never forget.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Sometimes guys avoid things they don't know how to do well.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Stop saying "right" to me. I'm starting to feel hostile.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
That's your life. Get used to it. Don't get mad at me- you married him.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
The primary concern of the human animal is to avoid rejection and abandonment.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
The worst thing is the world is a defensive my-kid-can't-do-anything-wrong parent.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
There are so many responsible, nice, kind guys out there. Why marry a fixer-upper?
-- Laura Schlessinger -
There is no such thing in life as no pain and no disappointment.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
There is no unconditional love in the universe.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
There's no battered woman alive who didn't know in advance that the man was bad.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
There's no point dating a guy who can't support a family.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
There's no point feeling angry at a drunk.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
There's no point in arguing with me- in my mind, I'm always right.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
There's nothing wrong with blame, if blame is due.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
Some people seem to see compassion as being mushy.
-- Laura Schlessinger -
I know I'm right, and I know you're wrong.
-- Laura Schlessinger
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