Marco Rubio famous quotes
Our problem with President Obama isn't that he's a bad person. By all accounts, he too is a good husband, and a good father - and thanks to lots of practice, a pretty good golfer.
-- Marco Rubio -
We must change the decisions we are making by changing the people who are making them.
-- Marco Rubio -
There's never been a nation like the United States, ever. It begins with the principles of our founding documents, principles that recognize that our rights come from God, not from our government.
-- Marco Rubio -
Any time you can degrade or take away the top leadership of an organization, it's a positive step forward.
-- Marco Rubio -
Americans chose a limited government that exists to protect our rights, not to grant them.
-- Marco Rubio -
Government should allow people to go out and do the things Americans have always done, create jobs and prosperity. And America's role in the world - the world is a safer and better place when America is the strongest country in the world.
-- Marco Rubio -
We don't need new taxes. We need new taxpayers, people that are gainfully employed, making money and paying into the tax system. And then we need a government that has the discipline to take that additional revenue and use it to pay down the debt and never grow it again.
-- Marco Rubio -
I do think the most important thing we need in leadership in our country, not just in the presidency but in the United States Senate, are people that have a clear vision of what the role of government should be in our lives and what the role of America should be in the world.
-- Marco Rubio -
We live in a society obsessed with public opinion. But leadership has never been about popularity.
-- Marco Rubio -
I believe in freedom of speech. And I believe that spending on political campaigns is a form of political speech that is protected under the constitution.
-- Marco Rubio -
I don't agree with the notion that some are putting out there, including scientists, that somehow there are actions we can take today that would actually have an impact on what's happening in our climate,
-- Marco Rubio -
The 21st century looks different. It's been very disruptive. It has created a lot of insecurity. We have to adjust to that, because the 21st century has real promise. Now, the higher-paying jobs of this new century are fantastic. The problem is, you have to have some level of higher education, maybe not a four-year degree, but some level of higher education, to get those jobs.
-- Marco Rubio -
For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for.
-- Marco Rubio -
No matter where you're born in life or what the circumstances are when you're born, like your parents being poor or not connected to power, you have a chance in this country to go as far as your talent and your work will take you.
-- Marco Rubio -
Do not be afraid to offer ideas that draw opposition. Remember, if no one is against your idea, then your idea probably doesn't do anything.
-- Marco Rubio -
The world is a better place because Saddam Hussein does not in Iraq.
-- Marco Rubio -
What is the conservative movement? It's pretty straightforward. We believe that the way prosperity is created is when people have the freedom and the opportunity to pursue their dreams.
-- Marco Rubio -
I could be anything I wanted because I was an American. And I hope that that's really what's propelled me into public service.
-- Marco Rubio -
The vast majority of the American people are hard-working taxpayers who take responsibility for their families, go to work every day, they pay their mortgage on time, they volunteer in their community.
-- Marco Rubio -
The idea that more taxes and more government spending is the best way to help hardworking middle class taxpayers - that's an old idea that's failed every time it's been tried.
-- Marco Rubio -
A president cannot make decision on what someone might know in the future.
-- Marco Rubio -
It's impossible to walk a block in Miami, in Los Angeles, San Antonio without running into someone who is being deeply impacted by a broken legal immigration system.
-- Marco Rubio -
Unfortunately, President Obama's failed policies of new regulations, higher taxes, and Obamacare and his anti-business rhetoric have hit Hispanics especially hard. Big government really hurts those who are trying to make it.
-- Marco Rubio -
I feel bad for the kids that are in school right now and the young people all across America who don't realize that the grownups who are supposed to be running this country are the verge of leaving them as the first generation of Americans worse off than the generation before.
-- Marco Rubio -
To tackle the big and relevant issues of the day with bold and innovative ideas is without question the most rewarding way to serve.
-- Marco Rubio -
In order to have middle-income, middle-paying jobs, the kinds of jobs that allow people to get ahead, you have to have higher level of training and skill acquisition and education than ever before.
-- Marco Rubio -
We are a people that have always celebrated other people's success so long as we always had the opportunity to meet that success ourselves. That is the American nature. That is the American character. That is one of the things that makes us different from the rest of the world. And I'm afraid we could lose that or are on the verge of losing that.
-- Marco Rubio -
To help people emerge from the poverty, you have to understand, what are the structural causes of it. And the structural causes are partially cultural.
-- Marco Rubio -
Every single one of us is the descendant of a go-getter. Of dreamers and of believers.
-- Marco Rubio -
The war on poverty programs help address the pain of poverty.
-- Marco Rubio -
But let me tell you what happens when regulations go too far, when they seem to exist only for the purpose of justifying the existence of a regulator. It kills the people trying to start a business.
-- Marco Rubio -
You have to deal with the reality that in the political process, people are going to vote based on what they're hearing from their constituents and others.
-- Marco Rubio -
I don't really like labels in politics, but I will gladly accept the label of conservatism.
-- Marco Rubio -
We need 21st century programs. We have to change the dynamic because the world - we're not in the Industrial Revolution anymore, where you could leave high school, go work at the town factory for 50 years, and retire with a pension.
-- Marco Rubio -
They made it to the middle class, my dad working as a bartender and my mother as a cashier and a maid. I didn't inherit any money from them. But I inherited something far better - the real opportunity to accomplish my dreams.
-- Marco Rubio -
When I got to the Senate, one of the things that most bothered me is this lack of urgency about the major issues.
-- Marco Rubio -
I think there are some in the Democratic Party - not all - but I think there are some people in the Democratic Party that think that the immigration issue is more valuable to them unsolved. That it gives them something to talk about, that they can go back to Hispanic communities and make unrealistic promises every two years and win votes.
-- Marco Rubio -
The way to turn our economy around is not by making rich people poorer, it's by making poor people richer.
-- Marco Rubio -
Presidents don't have the benefit of hindsight. You have to make difficult decisions based on the information that's before you at that moment.
-- Marco Rubio -
Americans chose a free enterprise system designed to provide a quality of opportunity, not compel a quality of results. And that is why this is only place in the world where you can open up a business in the spare bedroom of your home.
-- Marco Rubio -
I was a member of the Florida legislature for nine years, the speaker of the house, majority leader, majority whip.
-- Marco Rubio -
These terrorists aren't trying to kill us because we offended them. They attack us because they want to impose their view of the world on as many people as they can, and America is standing in their way.
-- Marco Rubio -
Hope and Change has become Divide and Conquer
-- Marco Rubio -
Conservatism has always been about reforming government and solving problems, and that's why the conservative movement should lead on immigration reform.
-- Marco Rubio -
Every nation on the Earth that embraces market economics and the free enterprise system is pulling millions of its people out of poverty. The free enterprise system creates prosperity, not denies it.
-- Marco Rubio -
No community values entrepreneurship and small business more than the Hispanic community.
-- Marco Rubio -
Never has the political class or the mainstream media that covers them been more out of touch with the American people than they are today.
-- Marco Rubio -
Conservatism is not about leaving people behind. Conservatism is about empowering people to catch up, to give them the tools at their disposable that make it possible for them to access all the hope, all the promise, all the opportunity that America offers. And our programs to help them should reflect that.
-- Marco Rubio -
I am prepared to discuss the things that I believe we need to do not just to raise the debt limit. Raising the debt limit is the easiest thing. That's one vote away. The hard thing is to show the world we are serious about putting our spending in order so we can show people we'll able to pay our bills down the road.
-- Marco Rubio -
You cannot do anything without God.It's a profound and elemental truth. Not, you cannot do most things without God. You will not be able to do anything that you want, truly, in fulfillment, without God.
-- Marco Rubio -
Another Clinton presidency would be a death blow to the American Dream.
-- Marco Rubio -
It is hard for me to imagine retiring at 65 and spending the next quarter century not working. I expect to be working, doing something productive and fulfilling.
-- Marco Rubio -
For many of us who were born and raised in this country, including me, it's sometimes easy to forget how special America really is.
-- Marco Rubio -
Once again, America finds itself with some leaders who believe we can ignore the world without consequences here at home. Apparently they're oblivious to the reality that we are less insulated from global events than ever before.
-- Marco Rubio -
My father stood behind a bar in the back of the room all those years, so one day I could stand behind a podium in the front of a room. That journey, from behind that bar to behind this podium, goes to the essence of the American miracle - that we're exceptional not because we have more rich people here. We're special because dreams that are impossible anywhere else, come true here.
-- Marco Rubio -
Even today with the problems that we face, who would you rather be? Which country would you trade places with?
-- Marco Rubio -
I think there are many in the Democratic Party that want immigration to be unsolved issue at least for the time being, because it's more useful as a campaign issue than it is as a solved issue.
-- Marco Rubio -
Americans believe with all their heart, the vast majority of them, and the vast majority of Floridians, that the United States of America is simply the single greatest nation in all of human history.
-- Marco Rubio
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