Divide And Conquer famous quotes


  • If you need more than 10 rounds to hunt, and some argue they hunt with that many rounds, you shouldn't be hunting. If you can't get the deer in 3 shots, you shouldn't be hunting. You are an embarrassment.

  • In the most intimate, hidden and innermost ground of the soul, God is always essentially, actively, and substantially present. Here the soul possesses everything by grace which God possesses by nature.

  • I love to be read to, I love to read aloud and I love to read to children.

  • Art is nothing if you don't reach every segment of the people.

  • The price of freedom is death.

  • Wherever there were horses or ponies the mushrooms always sprang up.

  • Isn't joyful or painful this pain in which I rejoice

  • I work in the human rights field and there are serious conflicts between certain interpretations of Islamic law and human rights. That's something which I don't make any bones about at all, it's something which I think is very important for everyone to address, including the Muslim community, and many Muslims are addressing that issue.

  • Poverty breeds lack of self-reliance

  • No pen, no ink, no table, no room, no time, no quiet, no inclination.