Kellyanne Conway famous quotes
I just can't believe it's always somebody else's fault. Sometimes you just have to take a look in the mirror and reflect on what went wrong.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
My children are 12, 12, 8, and 7, which is bad idea, bad idea, bad idea, bad idea, for mom going inside.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I believe that Donald Trump is someone who is not fully understood for how compassionate and what a great boss he is to women.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I went out on my own, years ago, to try to create some additional choices in a parallel universe.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I never knew I was so stupid or so ugly until there was social media.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I look at myself as a product of my choices, not a victim of my circumstances.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Donald Trump just has always elevated women to the highest echelons.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
We know there are lots of leaks everywhere. There's nothing we can do about that, except not leak ourselves.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Opportunity does not always knock twice. You have to make some of your own opportunities and you have to go in and grab those.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I don't think that we need to see [Donald Trump] tax returns to verify his financial acumen. I walk into the Trump Tower every day and I'm like, this guy did pretty well for himself before I got here.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Hold us accountable. There's no accountability in Washington. Drain the swamp.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Mothers and unmarried women and married women, they're all welcomed in the Trump White House, and he's made that very clear to me.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Do you think I ran a campaign where white supremacists had a platform? Are you gonna look me in the face and tell me that?
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I want to talk about things that are quantifiable, not a bunch of metro riders and crowd sizes.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I think when somebody seeks mercy and forgiveness and means it, and I was with [Donald Trump] the entire time, including when he learned about this, people ought to think about that. They ought to think about when somebody asks you for forgiveness contrite and for mercy - are you willing to give it?
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Donald Trump proved that he understood America in the way that those who say they're informing America simply did not.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Donald Trump is a man who just absorbs information and people and experiences. And I've witnessed him firsthand with his five children, his 10 year old son, his wife Melania, who's just an incredible first lady for all of us, amazing. God bless her, we're all very luck to have her leadership, as well. And I've witnessed him with his four adult children and his eight grandchildren. He's a family man.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
President Trump and his family are complying with all the ethical rules, everything they need to do to step away from his businesses and be a full-time president.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
People already think the entire system is rigged against Donald Trump, and they're right, meaning, the corrupt, rigged system. The elections every four years are just part of that to them. They feel like they can't get a fair shake. It is the essence of the Donald Trump candidacy.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
When I was discussing my role with other senior campaign folks, they would say, "I know you have four kids, but..." I said, "There's nothing that comes after the 'but' that makes any sense to me, so don't even try." Like, what is the "but"? But they'll eat Cheerios for the rest of life? Like, nobody will brush their teeth again until I get home? I mean, it just - what is the "but"? And I do politely mention to them that the question isn't, would you take the job? The male sitting across from me who's going to take a big job in the White House.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Nearly two and a half million people die every year that are on the voter rolls. So it takes time to get dead people off the voter rolls.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
It turns out that a lot of women just have a problem with women in power. You know, this whole sisterhood, this whole let's go march for women's rights and, you know, just constantly talking about what women look like or what they wear, or making fun of their choices or presuming that they're not as powerful as the men around. This presumptive negativity about women in power I think is very unfortunate, because let's just try to access that and have a conversation about it, rather than a confrontation about it.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Democratic Party is a party that's just out of touch with who the electorate is and who Americans are.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
When I see Twitter feeds, when I see words that are people are using to describe Donald Trump, it is incredibly disrespectful to the office.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Donald Trump is going to work on infrastructure, building the wall. He's going to farm leaders.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Russians absolutely not trying to meddle with the election of Donald Trump. I discussed that with the president-elect. Those conversations never happened. I hear people saying it like it's a fact on television. That is just not only inaccurate and false, but it's dangerous and it does undermine our democracy.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I was raised to be a very strong and independent woman without anybody ever saying the word feminist or having any political conversation.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Donald Trump has addressed many times that his main concern is making sure that we have a system in place that we completely lack now, which is, those countries that tend to train and export and harbor terrorists where we do not have proper vetting are places where we're going to need to have better vetting. And he's made that very clear.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Usually based on an economic agenda, white working-class voters don't buy into this whole biology-chemistry-abortion-gender agenda as much as they want more take-home pay. They want affordability.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I want to have a great open relationship with our press.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I think we should all learn to listen more to America.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
What was said about all of us? We're stupid. You'll never work in a town again. How do you look your four children in the eye? You've sold your soul. You know, it went on and on.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
When Donald Trump talks about the rigged, corrupt system, remember, he's standing up for the forgotten man and the forgotten woman. This is not about him. This is about the people. This is about folks who are white-knuckled at the end of each month trying to pay the bills. This is about the people who feel like their pressing their nose against the glass of the rigged system and can't get in, they're just watching everybody else benefit.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Because we're not as serious about terrorism as we can be, people all across the globe feel like they can just murder innocent people.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I think the big lesson to the political class is stop listening so much to each other, and start listening to the people.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Donald Trump is happiest when he's with his family and that's his - that - that really is a happy place for him to be with his family. And so he's very generous, very kind, funny, compassionate.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I work very closely with Steve Bannon. Frankly, people should look at the full resume. He`s got a Harvard Business degree, a naval officer. He has success in entertainment. I don`t know if you`re aware of that. And he certainly was a Goldman Sachs manager and partner. Brilliant tactician.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Barack Obama's been president for about eight hours; President Obama was here for eight years. So if you want to talk about numbers that matter, it's quantifying all the losses - the women who were slid into poverty, those who can't find meaningful work, and their children who deserve a better life.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
The question is are you loyal to the agenda that [Donald] Trump, that President-elect Trump has put forward in terms of his view of the world and the person to which the secretary of state would function.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Donald Trump is not a jerk. He's a friend of ours.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Basically I'm the first woman [run a president campaign] - it doesn't get covered a lot because I'm in the wrong party to have done that, and worked for the wrong candidate to have been recognized to do that.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
We unified, we looked past and we're impervious to the constant criticism of naysayer.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Donald Trump's message is that we in the USA, if we're going to have a country, it would be nice too know who is here and why they're here.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
People should really think about when they see President Donald Trump, they should think about all the places that he was and could be. All the things he could be doing. The political motivators for many typical politicians of which he's not one, Mercy, money, power, prestige, fame, he had all of that.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
It's a shame that people are resisting vetting programs that would actually just keep out those who want to do us harm.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Many Americans are very concerned with the lack of vetting that is going on.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Donald Trump among wishy-washy people, who decide one day they want him, and they want his endorsement, they support him, and the next day they don't. It's much better for him to take the message directly to the people.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I do think that there`s very little coverage of a lot of the people on Hillary Clinton`s side that aren`t - well, let`s just start with Hillary Clinton, herself who lies for a living.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Every great movement and which the conservative movement is, of course, every great movement ends up being a little bit sclerotic and dusty after a time and I think they need new fusion of energy.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I think the most important thing for all of us to realize is you have to make the decision and be comfortable with it. And every woman should be respected for making her own choice.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Hillary Clinton`s unfavorable ratings at an all-time high at 60 percent. That Donald Trump is trusted more than she by the American voter. There`s a very important attribute that goes to empathy and compassion in connective tissue with voters. The question of who cares more about people like you? That`s a measurement that President Barack Obama beat Governor Mitt Romney on, like, 82 to 15. Clinton and Trump were tied on that. That`s a remarkable figure when you think about how Democrats normally have an advantage in that way.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Energy is in America. And if we can tap into that safely and appropriately, I guarantee that is something that President Trump will certainly look into in a very serious way.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Our executive branch does not believe in interfering with what the legislative branch chooses to do. We believe in federalism.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
The campaign is over. The people have spoken. And this man [Donald Trump] busted through a blue wall that nobody expected. He won states like Wisconsin and Michigan and Pennsylvania, which should have been Hillary Clinton's the whole time. And they were his because of the message, because of the way he's a master communicator and a master connecter.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
How many more people have to die or be afraid or be injured in Chelsea, New York, Erin, for us to wake up?
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I remember we [with Donald Trump] were sitting in a meeting and he walked in and he looked at me and he said - maybe five or six of us in there - and he said, "Are you the first woman to ever run a presidential campaign?" And so the guys in the room said, "First Republican woman." And I said - you know, I always think of Susan Estrich and Mary Kay and Donna Brazile, and respect them enormously; know one of them very well. And I said, "Well, I'm the first Republican one."
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Immigration security is national security.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I believe in a free and open press; people have to cover the presidency, respect the office and its current occupant. And we need it to be a two-way street.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
We welcome all republican endorsements, no question. We'd be happy to have that. We'd be happy to have more fair treatment in the media. But I'm not going to find unicorns on my doorstep tomorrow either.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
People aren't blind. They know - they want to have a country where people who are coming in are known to our authorities, those who are in charge of this.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Any time you try to apply conventional techniques to Donald Trump, you're going to be disappointed.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
We will hear more details on [Donald] Trump`s plans on addressing illegal immigration in the speech tonight, including what Trump plans to do about those 11 million illegal immigrants already in the U.S.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
It's part of the strategy to remind people who Hillary Rodham Clinton actually is. If others aren't going to hold her account for her full record, then, yes, we will. And her record includes naming and blaming women who came in contact with her husband, whether it was consensual relationships like Monica Lewinsky, an intern at the White House with him as President, completely debasing the office of the White House - the office of The Presidency - or Jennifer Flowers, 12-year affair while he was Governor of Arkansas.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
We all want to know what taxes we would pay under [Donald Trump] tax plan. That's a question.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
What's a major concern that people, major grievance Americans lodge? It's, we don't make anything in America anymore.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Donald Trump is not talking about a deportation force. But he`s talking about being fair and humane.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I think Donald Trump is at his best when he sticks to the issues.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
[Donald Trump] has offered me a position. Very early on. In fact, the election night or the wee hours of Wednesday, he did. And I am very humbled by that. I think that it's everybody's dream to serve their nation at the highest level if they can. But I have four small children and I need to balance all types of personal and professional considerations.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Donald Trump also will repeal all these executive amnesty orders that President Obama has put into place.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Team Hillary [Clinton] after everything came out the other night, they said, she just wants to talk about the issues. She wants to have a debate about the issues. Really, is that what their ads are about? Is that what the filth they peddle every day my candidate Donald Trump is about - they want to talk about the issues - lets talk about Obamacare its a disaster?
-- Kellyanne Conway -
It was [Donald trump] had seen me on the job there, doing other things, and he asked me if I could run the place, and so we had that conversation. But I appreciate that, too.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Know who you are and possess that confidence and just tune out the naysayers and the critics in a way where you feel like you possess a certain patience and perspective that many of us in the bubble lack.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Don't be too busy for each other because that is something today that I find to be incredibly unfortunate.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I don't know about calling yourself a feminist. I also, for me, it's difficult for me to call myself a feminist in the classic sense because it seems to be very anti-male and it certainly is very pro-abortion in this context. And I'm neither anti-male or pro- abortion, so.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I appreciate having been promoted for merit, on merit. And then bringing to bear whatever those extra special characteristics that all of us have.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
So many other people are saying #NotMyPresident [on Donald Trump].
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Now everybody has to work together. They are the fourth estate. Incredibly powerful.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
America spends billions of dollars protecting the borders of other countries around the world. It's high time we start protecting our own.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
There seems to be some coverage these days that somehow terrorism is not a big problem. Or somehow, national security is all taken care of, and that's just not true.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
For somebody who's never run for office before, Donald Trump understands that old axiom, "Define yourself before you're defined."
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I don't have any special advice for America's women, except to know who you are and to put your priorities in order and to not worry about the naysayers and critics say.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
On Facebook, Twitter, texting, e-mails, remember, it's a mode of communication, it is not communication. It's not real life. So step aside, make sure people see something other than the top of your head and live in real time, in the real world.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I believe this generation, particularly the younger people don't really like labels.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
President-elect Trump has made very clear he wants to make good on the promises that we as a nation have made to the seniors who rely upon Medicare and certainly the lower-income Americans who rely upon Medicaid and other entitlements like Social Security, frankly, for those who receive that.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Women in America work so hard and not all of them get their shot. And I feel like I worked hard, but I also got my opportunity, which puts in a different category of blessings.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
My mother didn't feel sorry for herself, she was left with no child support, no alimony at a very young age, with a child to raise, a high school education and she just figured it out. She didn't complain, she didn't rely upon government, she relied upon her own skill set, her own self confidence, her own drive in moxie and her own duty to me and her and she relied upon her family and her faith.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I went home every night to New Jersey - or most nights - and to help with the six-grade math homework or to make breakfast in the morning, just to make sure that that was there. When I was single and didn't have children, I used to laugh at this notion of quality time.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Some of the best advice and insights I have ever received in my professional life have come from people, by listening to them, by getting out of the bubble, by getting out of our coastal media centers.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Ask Hillary Clinton why she takes tens of millions of dollars from countries that hate women and disrespect women, that throw gays off of buildings.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Donald Trump will do what he is told is the right thing to do in complying with the law.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
It's completely inappropriate. It's not journalism. It's opinion.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
There was a backlash against elites, a backlash against those who were telling Americans what is important to them.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Many people have already lost their health care, millions already lost their health care, because they have it and can't use it because of the explosive skyrocketing premiums, or they literally lost their doctors or insurance plans or their access to health care through Obamacare.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Fairness is actually not having presumptive negativity written about you and always assuming the worst about you.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
I think people are looking for an alternative because in addition to there being sort of a myopic, lemming - like ants on a sugar cube mentality on this DNS attack story by many in the media, there's just this culture of sameness. Everybody sounds the same.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
In America, we have energy literally off our shores and under our feet.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Washington has never seen anything like President Donald Trump.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
Mitt Romney and John McCain and Donald Trump are very different candidates. This is the disruptive candidate who gets these huge crowds, is building momentum in last weeks of compaign. That was not true of the other two races.
-- Kellyanne Conway -
[Donald Trump] does have a thick skin, frankly, as someone who works very closely within, that was in that room today, directly beside him. I will say this though. That's not what the meeting was about.
-- Kellyanne Conway
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