Reaching famous quotes
A true disciple shows his appreciation by reaching further than his teacher.
-- Aristotle -
Failure isn't in not reaching your goal but in having no goal to reach.
-- Benjamin E. Mays -
The woman's vision is deep-reaching, the man's far-reaching.
-- Betty Grable -
Not suffering another existence is reaching the Way.
-- Bodhidharma -
Reaching the height of 6 ft. 5 in.; I never expected to be that tall. I just shot up.
-- Calvin Harris -
The ezer is a warrior, and this has far-reaching implications for women, not only in marriage, but in every relationship, season, and walk of life.
-- Carolyn Custis James -
Everyone's got to have a dream... It's not reaching your dream that counts. It's going toward them.
-- Cher -
What are we doing here? We're reaching for the stars!
-- Christa McAuliffe -
By reaching out, more comes back than you can possibly imagine.
-- Christopher Reeve -
To reach people no one else is reaching we must do things no one else is doing
-- Craig Groeschel -
To reach people that no one is reaching you have to do things that no one is doing.
-- Craig Groeschel -
Always sailing, sailing, sailing...never quite reaching.
-- Cressida Cowell -
Many of the biggest and most far-reaching investments we make in our lives are investments that have little or nothing to do with money.
-- Daniel Quinn -
What is to be gained if we are so intent in reaching out to the unchurched that we then unchurch the reached?
-- David F. Wells -
We should be more concerned with reaching the lost than pampering the saved.
-- David McGee -
She was reaching the limits of how much its possible to change a man
-- David Nicholls -
One of the marks of a life well lived has to be reaching a state of finally getting it, of not needing more, and of being able to sign off with something approaching peace of mind.
-- David Rakoff -
Impatience makes us get ahead of ourselves, reaching out for something in the future and not really being content with where we are, here and now.
-- David Steindl-Rast -
I learned early on not to feel badly about reaching out for help, and not to feel embarrassed about saying that youre in over your head.
-- Dennis Crowley -
Perhaps it was only that the sense of reaching out to something larger than yourself gives you some feeling that there is something larger - and there really has to be, because plainly you aren't sufficient to the situation.
-- Diana Gabaldon -
This idea that there is generality in the specific is of far-reaching importance.
-- Douglas Hofstadter -
Humanity is reaching the end of the evolutionary stage of ego. The closer we get to the end, the more dysfunctional humanity becomes.
-- Eckhart Tolle -
I'm always reaching to find something that will challenge me and make me do my best.
-- Elizabeth Banks -
As a historian, I have learned that, in fact, not everyone who reaches back into history can survive it. And it is not only reaching back that endangers us; sometimes history itself reaches inexorably forward for us with its shadowy claws.
-- Elizabeth Kostova -
We're probably close to reaching 2,000 shows, which is more than Julia Child and Jacques Pepin together.
-- Emeril Lagasse -
The most momentous and far-reaching question ever brought to issue on this continent was: Shall France remain here, or shall she not?
-- Francis Parkman -
You've got no chance of reaching the top if you're just playing for money.
-- Gary Lineker -
You cannot demonstrate your own greatness by remaining at one extreme, but by reaching out to both extremes at the same time, and filling the intermediate space.
-- Giorgio Morandi -
The trusts and combinations - the communism of pelf - whose machinations have prevented us from reaching the success we deserved, should not be forgotten nor forgiven.
-- Grover Cleveland -
That's one of the great things about DVD: In addition to reaching people who didn't catch the movie in theaters, you get to have this interaction of sorts.
-- Harold Ramis -
When I’m reaching an audience, I feel it.
-- Hubert Sumlin -
Happiness is not reaching your goal. Happiness is being on the way.
-- Ingvar Kamprad -
We are reaching the stage where the problems we must solve are going to become insoluble without computers. I do not fear computers, I fear the lack of them.
-- Isaac Asimov -
From the described experiment it is clear that the mere act of eating, the food even not reaching the stomach, determines the stimulation of the gastric glands.
-- Ivan Pavlov -
It's not like I'm looking to describe something that's only true of my own circumstances. It's beyond. It's way inside, you know. It's reaching inside to something that you have in common with many.
-- Jackson Browne -
We're reaching for death on the end of a candle We're trying for something that's already found us
-- Jim Morrison -
The dilemma for women - writing after everything else was finished - has prevented women from reaching their literary potential for centuries.
-- Joan M. Drury -
To reach your own goals and dreams, you must learn how to assist others in reaching theirs
-- Joe Gibbs -
'Obamacare,' as it's been called, is far too reaching. It's overreaching. It needs to have a lot of it repealed.
-- Joe Manchin -
Reaching 50, I've started to conjure up thoughts of my own mortality.
-- John Elway -
humility is beyond our reach. if it were a product of reaching, we would instinctively be proud of reaching it. it is a gift.
-- John Piper -
The Bible isn’t about people trying to discover God, but about God reaching out to find us.
-- John Stott -
There is perhaps nothing worse than reaching the top of the ladder and discovering that you’re on the wrong wall.
-- Joseph Campbell -
If you reach deeply into yourself, you are reaching into the very essence of mankind.
-- Joseph Jaworski -
Reaching and understanding is the process of bringing about an agreement on the presupposed basis of validity claims that are mutually recognized.
-- Jurgen Habermas -
I'm very practical. What I'm reaching for is individualism for women
-- Kathleen Turner -
The mission statement of my company, Kathy Ireland Worldwide, is to find solutions for families, especially busy moms. I'm reaching out to busy moms because that's what I am. That's what I know, and I know this woman has been underserved.
-- Kathy Ireland -
Reaching too deep into something not meant for you is full of pain. Figure out what you can have and work on that
-- Lalita Tademy -
Once you know the end of the story, every part of the story contains that end, and is only a way of reaching it.
-- Leah Stewart -
Adversity is something that makes reaching your goals so much more rewarding than if it didn't exist. .
-- Lennox Lewis -
Music, because of its specific and far-reaching metaphorical powers, can name the unnamable and communicate the unknowable.
-- Leonard Bernstein -
I'll know I'm reaching the total American market when I'm asked to do a video for MTV.
-- Leonard Slatkin -
The Gospel is not about man searching for GOD but GOD reaching out to mankind!
-- Lou Engle -
Architecture is the reaching out for the truth.
-- Louis Kahn -
Paprika is evidence that Japanese animators are reaching for the moon, while most of their American counterparts remain stuck in the kiddie sandbox.
-- Manohla Dargis -
When you wept it was just over yourself and not because of the marvelous impossibility of reaching her through the difference that separates you.
-- Marguerite Duras -
Don't you know no one can escape the power of creatures reaching out with breath alone?
-- Marina Tsvetaeva -
A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.
-- Martin Buber -
Reaching beyond where you are is really important.
-- Martin Seligman -
The opportunities which the present position open up for a lasting and radical solution of the most vexing problem of the Jewish state are so far-reaching as to take one's breath away.
-- Moshe Sharett -
But in marketing, the familiar is everything, and that is controlled by the studio. That is reaching its apogee now.
-- Nicolas Roeg -
Travel is at its most rewarding when it ceases to be about your reaching a destination and becomes indistinguishable from living your life
-- Paul Theroux -
When we illuminate the road back to our ancestors, they have a way of reaching out, of manifesting themselves...sometimes even physically.
-- Raquel Cepeda -
I love my fans and have devoted my life to reaching out to them.
-- Ray Price -
I'm interested in reaching the masses with my work. It's one of my goals.
-- Ryan McGinley -
Mastery is in the reaching, not in the arriving.
-- Sarah Lewis -
We're reaching the point where the Earth will have to end the burden we've placed on her, if we don't lift the burden ourselves.
-- Steven M. Greer -
It was psychobabbler Abraham Maslow who wrote of the phenomena of self-actualization. What Maslow failed to grasp is that reaching true self-actualization can only be ultimately achieved when you have your own brand of ammunition.
-- Ted Nugent -
That's a song about reaching deep inside yourself where you can completely be who you are.
-- Terri Clark -
A total commitment is paramount to reaching the ultimate in performance.
-- Tom Flores -
There are 2,000 verses of Scripture that tell us we must be committed to protecting the poor and the oppressed... There is no concern of Scripture that is addressed so often and so powerfully as reaching out to the poor.
-- Tony Campolo -
No, you are not to complain or question who you are, but instead, grow, reaching for the light that's inside you.
-- Victor Villasenor -
Wisdom is the power to perceive the best ends to aim at and the best means for reaching those ends.
-- Wallace D. Wattles -
The human species, although happily ridiculous at times, is still reaching for the stars.
-- Walt Disney -
We are reaching the point where the temperature standstill is becoming the major feature of the recent global warm period that began in 1980. In brief, the global temperature has remained constant for longer than it has increased."
-- David Robert Whitehouse -
I've always wanted children... not of my own, but for yard work and reaching into tight places to get things I've dropped.
-- Dov Davidoff -
I wanted it to be as readable as possible. I had the ambition of reaching a broader audience.
-- Adrian Tomine -
The transitional concept of management is reaching the end of the road.
-- Michael Martin Hammer -
All high truth is poetry. Take the results of science: they glow with beauty, cold and hard as are the methods of reaching them.
-- Charles Buxton -
Hard things are valuable; easy things are not so valuable. Reaching the mountaintop is rewarding because it is hard. If it was easy, everybody would do it.
-- Evan Williams -
Reaching out to rescue one another under ANY condition is an eternal measure of love.
-- Ronald A. Rasband -
So many of us are reaching out, hoping someone out there will grab our hands and remind us we are not as alone as we fear.
-- Roxane Gay -
Science is reaching the conclusions that we had been taught through the Tibetan Buddhist experience.
-- Gelek Rimpoche