Mtv famous quotes
52 minutes ago
In the '80s, I was the only game in town, I was the only one getting that kind of exposure in any rotation on MTV. Now with internet culture it seems like everyone is doing music parodies. And they're not all good!
-- Al Yankovic -
You know, I'm part of that first MTV generation.
-- Alexandra Patsavas -
I just got on Twitter because there was some MTV film blog that quoted me on something really innocuous that I supposedly said on Twitter before I was even on Twitter. So then I had to get on Twitter to say: 'This is me. I'm on Twitter. If there's somebody else saying that they're me on Twitter, they're not.'
-- Anna Kendrick -
I skate all the time, but it's silly for me to do contests when MTV is giving me a boatload of money.
-- Bam Margera -
A friend of mine - a cameraman at MTV - lost a lot of weight from cycling, and I thought Id try it, too, thinking whenever you look at a cyclist they all look super-skinny, so hey, why not? But then it turned into such a psychologically satisfying thing.
-- Carson Daly -
MTV was such a great training for me. I did live interviews with everyone from Michael Jackson to Madonna.
-- Carson Daly -
My friend made me a leather dress for the MTV awards. It gives you confidence, wearing something you love.
-- Cat Deeley -
I think MTV put a huge dent in the songwriting craft.
-- Christopher Cross -
I feel like every couple years MTV reinvents itself in some way, you know?
-- Crystal Reed -
My guaranteed way of sending myself into deep depression is to read music trade papers and watch MTV.
-- Damon Albarn -
MTV didn't call. I guess I wasn't hip and groovy enough
-- Dan Fogelberg -
I was a pioneer in MTV and I was there from the very beginning. So I saw how that developed and how loose it was and how much fun it was in its looseness. And I was influenced a lot by that.
-- Daryl Hall -
I wouldn't say that I was ever a fan of MTV. I was a guy on MTV. I don't think I was ever in the demographic of people who watch MTV. I never really watched MTV, so I'm definitely not a fan of 'Jersey Shore' or anything.
-- David Giuntoli -
When you get something like MTV, it's like regular television. You get it, and at first it's novel and brand new and then you watch every channel, every show. And then you become a little more selective and more selective, until ultimately... you wind up with a radio.
-- David Lee Roth -
I was watching MTV and there were girls dancing in suspended cages. That would be an ambivalent situation: "I'm trapped! ...but enjoying the music".
-- Demetri Martin -
When I first got famous, Greg Dulli was also just starting to cook with the Afghan Whigs, and because of the MTV awards I met Dave Grohl and Nirvana and all these rock and roll bands. So I had experience with what it was like when people were taking off at that time.
-- Denis Leary -
MTV has severely compromised surrealism, perhaps ruined it forever.
-- Donald Barthelme -
The poetry and transgression that was so much of surrealism's anarchic force has been recruited into mainstream culture. It has been made commonplace by television and magazine merchandising, by computer games and Internet visuals, by film and MTV, by the fashion shoot.
-- Graham Joyce -
We changed our rules. If a player does not have some sot of altercation on or off the court once each month, we fine him...The guys that are our top four scorers, each of them will be required once every two months to appear on MTV. The guys who shoot the worst free throws over a one-month period, next time we have a TV game they're required to look into the camera and beat their chests after they make a good play.
-- Gregg Popovich -
I'm an atrocious business man, because it's just not the way I think about things. And that's pretty much what all that Grammy/MTV kind of stuff is tied into.
-- J. Robbins -
Too hard for MTV, not black enough for BET, just let me be...
-- Jadakiss -
MTV was completely unaware of it. It was not my intention that it go as far as it did. I apologize to anyone offended -- including the audience, MTV, CBS and the NFL.
-- Janet Jackson -
I think that what's perceived as punk out in shopping malls or in chain stores or on MTV has almost nothing to do with what punk is about.
-- Jello Biafra -
Watch MTV and you can see what the music scene is like in England. The Spice Girls? Not a lot of creativity in the commercial area. There are still great musicians in England, but not a lot being heard that much.
-- Jimmy Carl Black -
I have seen more bad songs make it because of MTV than good ones that haven't.
-- Joe Perry -
For better or worse, MTV sort of bridges the whole country together almost like the BBC does in England. It's opened up everything so wide that it's possible for everyone to have different ideas.
-- Joey Ramone -
I don't want to be on the radio. I don't want to be on Mtv.
-- John Frusciante -
Anyone who's parading under a $100,00-plus video is not free from corporate. That's just the MTV advertising agency. I find them all to be just a bit of a sham.
-- John Lydon -
I'm wide open and will entertain anything anybody has to say, but if it's MTV and radio, well, they're great things, but can't be the only thing. I don't know that it would work even for the Beatles.
-- John Mellencamp -
It's really tough to make a name for yourself without compromising and without fitting yourself into a real specific mold. When I made the choice that I would be involved in every aspect of music and not necessarily make music for radio or MTV, I was saying, 'OK, this is me. You decide who it is.
-- Josh Groban -
It's really hard in this day and age, with radio and MTV being so consolidated, to get new music out there. I think we've become a really legitimate, viable avenue for getting new music out there.
-- Josh Schwartz -
We just need the laws to change - it's 2012," JWoww said to MTV News. "I want to see my best friend get married, and I want to see everyone in every state be able to get married. It's their choice. It's not affecting our lives. So let them be equal. We want them to be able to experience life, and if they want to be miserable and married, let them be miserable and married like us.
-- JWoww -
MTV in general is involved with so many artists - musicians, actors, people in the fashion industry, and art world.
-- Karlie Kloss -
When you're on MTV Asia, you're like royalty. When you walk down the streets of the Philippines or Indonesia, everyone wants to try to touch you.
-- Kerri Kasem -
The videos are sometimes the only way for people across the country and different places to see and hear the music. They may not get the same radio stations or they don't get the same TV channels, they don't have the same MTV that plays the same music. People will use to the Internet and that's why YouTube and stuff like that is so important.
-- Kid Ink -
I really wanted the MTV Award the most, It was a golden popcorn container and it looks really neat.
-- Kirsten Dunst -
I'll know I'm reaching the total American market when I'm asked to do a video for MTV.
-- Leonard Slatkin -
If you listen to a song and get an image in your head, and then you go home and watch mtv and the image they're showing is the same as the one in your head, kill yourself. You're better off coming back as a lobster.
-- Lewis Black -
Created for MTV in 1990, the sharply observed, pop-conscious Ben Stiller Show - featuring its star's lacerating impersonations of Bono, Tom Cruise, and Eddie Munster, among others - subsequently moved to Fox TV and copped an Emmy for writing.
-- Manohla Dargis -
I don't have a problem being on 'MTV,' and I don't have a problem being on the radio. I actually like it. So there. And anyone that calls me a sell out is just jealous.
-- Mark Hoppus -
I've often said in the past that I thought MTV was sort of evil incarnate and signified the beginning of the end. And I don't know if I'm entirely wrong about that, but they did sign my paychecks a year ago, so I guess I'm part of the problem.
-- Martha Plimpton -
MTV has always been about redefining itself.
-- Martha Quinn -
For me, as a music fan, visuals kind of steal away the purity of the song. My instinct is not to provide a visual to go with a piece of music. But here's MTV. It's really powerful.
-- Michael Stipe -
The MTV Video Awards were never about the video, but about the song. Most of the time it was just to glorify people for the wrong reason.
-- Michel Gondry -
It was really weird, when this thing started, to hear lawyers and MTV people calling me and actually saying 'ButtHead.' People tried to avoid it too.
-- Mike Judge -
They say it figures MTV would do such a vulgar, awful, horrible show and they completely miss that it's satirizing the people who watch MTV.
-- Mike Judge -
I didn't want to get into acting. I was very happy doing MTV, it took up my time, I was content.
-- Nafisa Joseph -
When I auditioned for the show, I didn't realize it was an MTV production, which is going to make for really good tunes during the episodes, if nothing else.
-- Neil Patrick Harris -
I'm liver than Jay, Davy, and Kathy and Regis, been on more MTV shows than Butthead and Beavis.
-- Nelly -
I came to New York and started doing stand-up and improv, and started auditioning for commercials and voiceovers and stuff. My first job was on a pilot of that prank show called 'Boiling Points' on MTV.
-- Nick Kroll -
MTV didn't exist in 1980, but by 1982, it had gotten to be a force to be reckoned with.
-- Nick Rhodes -
I worked with three people who were doing video music shows before MTV.
-- Nina Blackwood -
I could not do the film Spinal Tap because I was already at MTV and it was occupying all my time.
-- Nina Blackwood -
I was one of the first veejays to take the camera out on location, and that's what was unique about MTV at that time.
-- Pauly Shore -
The only place we were really told to tone it down - where other people would use the word censorship, but I wouldn't - was when we did MTV right after the Beavis and Butt-head thing.
-- Penn Jillette -
You see so many movies... the younger people who are coming from MTV or who are coming from commercials and there's no sense of film grammar. There's no real sense of how to tell a story visually. It's just cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, you know, which is pretty easy.
-- Peter Bogdanovich -
I wasn't that wild about that. I told them basically if they were really going to want to bring back heavy metal to a program on MTV, then they are really going to have to get in touch with what real heavy metal is.
-- Phil Anselmo -
Cameron Diaz was so cute at the MTV Movie Awards when she pulled her skirt up and wiped her armpits.
-- Pink -
The Internet's completely overThe Internet's like MTV. At one time MTV was hip and suddenly it became outdated. Anyway, all these computers and digital gadgets are no good. They just fill your head with numbers and that can't be good for you.
-- Prince -
At one time, MTV was hip and suddenly it became outdated.
-- Prince -
I was inspired by a lot of people when I was young. Every band that came through town, to the theater, or the dance hall. I was at every dance, every night club, listened to every band that came through, because in those days we didn't have MTV, we didn't have television.
-- Quincy Jones -
But MTV relishes its vestigial role as a star maker, so every year it puts all its clout into making the VMAs the biggest, splashiest, loudest show-biz extravaganza of the year, honoring all this music for existing, after a year of paying barely any attention to it.
-- Rob Sheffield -
The young people have MTV and rock and roll. Why would they go to read poetry? Poetry belongs to the Stone Age. It awakens in us perceptions that go back to those times.
-- Robert Morgan -
I tore up my knee break dancing. I have no idea how that happened. Apparently these legs are meant for swimming, but not dancing. I was watching an MTV video, thinking, 'I can do this.' Definitely not. I heard a pop. I sat down and it blew up like a watermelon. I had to go to the hospital and get surgery.
-- Ryan Lochte -
I barely ever watch TV, but when I do, I usually only watch MTV shows, like 'The Real World Sydney.'
-- Ryan Sheckler -
I'm responsible. I even did a commercial for MTV saying how I was going to register to vote. And I still haven't.
-- Sam Kinison -
Chimes?" Phyllis asked. "Chimes to call a lover? Chimes with the voice of a bird trapped in them? Chimes that play you whatever song you most desire to hear?" "No thanks," said Nick. "We've got MTV.
-- Sarah Rees Brennan -
I guess I watch more MTV than you do. I'm a junkie for it.
-- Sebastian Bach -
I mean, MTV or the mainstream media can tell you one thing, but when there are 40,000 people in front of you, who cares about all that?
-- Sebastian Bach -
He revolutionized music videos. Before Michael Jackson, MTV refused to play African-American artists.
-- Spike Lee -
I've been to MTV and all of that worldly stuff. It's death. It's meaningless.
-- Stephen Baldwin -
Even though I've been reasonably well known for quite a long time, I still can't get a record on daytime radio or on MTV.
-- Steven Morrissey -
At the time we acquired Viacom, everyone said I had overpaid. But even at today's depressed prices, that investment is worth billions. Everyone was saying MTV was a fad. I knew better.
-- Sumner Redstone -
MTV has always given artists a platform to get their stories and music out to their fans and this series reveals the unknown side of T.I.-one of the world's greatest artists at the most precarious time in his life.
-- T.I. -
At MTV, it's very nice sometimes to be able to be very specific. Specificity really makes a news story interesting because you can color it in that personality.
-- Tabitha Soren -
At MTV, although the audience is smaller, I found it more interesting to deliver news to a specific group of people, because my story then did not have to try to be all things to all people.
-- Tabitha Soren -
I worked at NBC and MTV for two years, and it was very interesting to see the comparisons of audiences and the way that I would have to present a story to the two different places.
-- Tabitha Soren -
You have a specific, defined audience-at MTV, they assume the audience to the news is 15 to 30 years old and they do a lot of research about the things they're interested in.
-- Tabitha Soren -
If the breaking news event has something to do with young people, specifically with MTV's audience, there was a higher chance that I would actually go cover it with a television camera instead of just write the story myself and read it on the air.
-- Tabitha Soren -
I'm not perfect, I do drink. I do smoke. Carson Daly can't go out and get messed up, he can't smoke in front of kids - he's the face of MTV, and he has to be good. But me? I can.
-- Tara Reid -
The video of 'Paranoid Android' has been censored by MTV. They took all nipples out of the cartoon, but they had no problem with the scene in which a man cuts off his own arms and legs.
-- Thom Yorke -
When I started on MySpace, people wanted to support me, but once I rose to fame with the MTV show, they felt like I had abandoned them for some reason, that I was too famous to talk to them anymore.
-- Tila Tequila -
Perhaps Western civilization is in a post-decline phase, or maybe the decline is just taking a really long time, like the Roman Empire's did. The Romans had gladiators and Christian-hungry lions and that sort of thing. We have MTV.
-- Tom Shales -
Yo I'm seventeen, already sniffin blow. I tell my friends its asthmary time I itch my throat, I got a new show for MTV, Pimp My Boat.
-- Tyler, The Creator -
When I was younger and first started watching MTV I loved watching TRL. I loved watching my favorite singers/bands perform.
-- Victoria Justice -
I was trying to think of a word that was not offensive. Yeah, Harry [Elfont] is right - it is kind of a different MTV for sure.
-- Deborah Kaplan -
I actually didn't even think about "Josie and the Pussycats" . I was like, "Oh yeah we kind of took some shots at MTV," but I think everyone had a good sense of humor about it. People either got that movie completely, or completely missed it and dumped all over it.
-- Deborah Kaplan -
To be fair, that MTV was very cooperative with the film [ "Josie and the Pussycats" ], and this MTV has been very cooperative. I actually didn't even think about it until you said it.
-- Deborah Kaplan -
MTV has turned more young women into ***** than poverty.
-- Dov Davidoff -
We also had an "in" with MTV those days. Tara Reid was engaged to Carson Daly. She just called him and was like, "Do you want to be in the movie?" So they kind of had to make it work.
-- Harry Elfont -
It feels like a totally different MTV now.Now they have all their own original series, and people are talking about going back to music now? It's all original programming.
-- Harry Elfont -
Every artist obviously wants to sell a million records and do the MTV cribs thing, but I'm realistic.
-- JD Era -
You like all the junk pop cultural stuff. That's how you know who you are and what to wear and what you're like. But there's another MTV viewer who says you don't need to tell me what's cool. Just put it in front of me.
-- Judy McGrath -
If you're an MTV fan, you like all the stuff that's on MTV.
-- Judy McGrath -
People are appreciating the old stuff again and there's no MTV-style scene police to try to make us all listen to Machine Head and Pantera *puke*!
-- Mat McNerney -
MTV Awards are fun - it's MTV! You never know what's going to happen. It's a slice of pop culture in the moment, and you can't take it too seriously.
-- Megan Alexander -
The way I think it all went down was MTV was doing a special on people and my publicist heard about it.It was a good thing though. People ask me about that all the time, all over the world. Sometimes I feel I'm more known for that then for rapping.
-- Mic Geronimo -
You begin to understand, as a filmmaker, that there are different ways of approaching things. Everything doesn't have to be quick cut, like MTV.
-- Peter Webber -
The Internet makes it easier to find good music I would have to say. The radio stations that play the kind of music you were talking about, I don't think me and Curt Smith would be that inclined to listen to. It doesn't really affect us and I certainly don't remember the last time I watched MTV.
-- Roland Orzabal