Bravery famous quotes
All the world's bravery that delights our eyes is but thy several liveries.
-- Abraham Cowley -
I'm brave to say that I won't take this sort of risk.
-- Alain Prost -
Be brave enough to live life creatively. The creative place where no one else has ever been.
-- Alan Alda -
There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty, that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism.
-- Alexander Hamilton -
A brave soul is a thing which all things serve.
-- Alexander Smith -
One cannot think that blind bravery gives victory over the enemy.
-- Alexander Suvorov -
True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes, but the firm resolve of virtue and reason.
-- Alfred North Whitehead -
With surgical insight, Inside Madeline delves into the most complex female territory imaginable and dissects until every honest bone is revealed. Bomer's prose doesn't flinch, doesn't filter-the bravery of these stories left me breathless.
-- Alissa Nutting -
It requires bravery to do something no one else around you is doing.
-- Amber Heard -
Do you know what a foreign accent is? It's a sign of bravery.
-- Amy Chua -
Feminism requires precisely what patriarchy destroys in women: unimpeachable bravery in confronting male power
-- Andrea Dworkin -
He squeezed Steve's shoulder possessively. "Oh, Zero. He is not you, I must admit. He does not have your bravery, your nobility, your je ne sais quoi, and all he talks about is this magical place called 'Canada'.
-- Anne Ursu -
And as experienced as I am, it still summons an act of bravery from me, and I like that. I like the idea of setting an example - proving that it is acceptable to be alone in a public place where everyone else is in groups, and to just be sitting there eating, not having to be engrossed in anything else.
-- Anneli Rufus -
Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts.
-- Aristotle -
Bravery is a mean state concerned with things that inspire confidence and with things fearful ... and leading us to choose danger and to face it, either because to do so is noble, or because not to do so is base. But to court death as an escape from poverty, or from love, or from some grievous pain, is no proof of bravery, but rather of cowardice.
-- Aristotle -
A brave man is clear in his discourse, and keeps close to truth.
-- Aristotle -
Whither depart the souls of the brave that die in the battle, Die in the lost, lost fight, for the cause that perishes with them?
-- Arthur Hugh Clough -
The world is not limited by IQ. We are all limited by bravery and creativity.
-- Astro Teller -
Leaps of innovation require a bravery that borders on absurdity.
-- Astro Teller -
I've seen extreme bravery from the least likely of people. Life is about the moments when it's all gone wrong. That's when we define ourselves.
-- Bear Grylls -
Nothing is more dastardly than to act with bravado toward God.
-- Blaise Pascal -
Many have left their families to defend our freedom. We salute their bravery; we express our appreciation and support to their families. And we pray for their safe return.
-- Bob Taft -
Let us be bold. Let us be brave. Let us be together.
-- Brad Henry -
Weapons may be carried by creatures who are evil, dishonest, violent or lazy. The true warrior is good, gentle and honest. His bravery comes from within himself; he learns to conquer his own fears and misdeeds. —Matthias
-- Brian Jacques -
Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.
-- C. S. Lewis -
I beg you take courage; the brave soul can mend even disaster.
-- Catherine the Great -
Electric communication will never be a substitute for the face of someone who with their soul encourages another person to be brave and true.
-- Charles Dickens -
The brave deserve the lovely - every woman may be won.
-- Charles Godfrey Leland -
I wish I could find words to express the trueness, the bravery, the hardihood, the sense of honor, the loyalty to their trust and to each other of the old trail hands.
-- Charles Goodnight -
We are ashamed to seem evasive in the presence of a straightforward man, cowardly in the presence of a brave one, gross in the eyes of a refined one, and so on. We always imagine, and in imagining share, the judgments of the other mind.
-- Charles Horton Cooley -
Do something you fear, NOT to conquer the fear, NOT to accomplish a task, but to familiarize yourself with the processes with which fear protects itself, to demystify it.
-- Cheri Huber -
When we come to that compassionate awareness that is not afraid of the fear, that can embrace the fear, we are able to heal the wounds of the child and the adult and begin to live the lives we've always wanted to live.
-- Cheri Huber -
Fear forces us to spend our lives dealing with it, ostensibly to overcome it. But that is a trick. Only fear (the illusion of separation) would want us to work to be unafraid, precisely because it is not possible for a separate self to be unafraid!
-- Cheri Huber -
Fear, to a great extent, is born of a story we tell ourselves...
-- Cheryl Strayed -
An Indian respects a brave man, but he despises a coward.
-- Chief Joseph -
Bravery comes when you commit to doing the work.
-- Chris Brogan -
Is it not passing brave to be a King and ride in triumph through Persepolis?
-- Christopher Marlowe -
Without fear there cannot be courage.
-- Christopher Paolini -
In my humble opinion, those who come to engage in debates of consequence, and who challenge accepted wisdom, should expect to be treated badly. Nonetheless, they must stand undaunted. That is required. And that should be expected. For it is bravery that is required to secure freedom.
-- Clarence Thomas -
There are three marks of a superior man: being virtuous, he is free from anxiety; being wise, he is free from perplexity; being brave, he is free from fear.
-- Confucius -
If it must be done, it's best done bravely.
-- Courtney Milan -
I remember devouring the entire Hardy Boys series over one summer, enthralled by their bravery and cleverness.
-- Dan Brown -
The most important thing you can ever know, is that whatever your purpose is, that's not your only choice.
-- Dan Wells -
To be able to live and train in Iraq under these circumstances you need to be brave.
-- Dana Hussain -
No matter how good you are, how brave you are or anything, it comes down to that car so many times. Not every time, but so many times.
-- Danica Patrick -
To play a bag woman is brave for any woman.
-- Daphne Zuniga -
The terrorists-those nineteen people, with hundreds or maybe thousands behind them-did the worst thing you can possibly imagine. But tens of millions people did the right thing...On 9/11, all the hatred and murder could not compare with the weight of love, of bravery, of caring.
-- David Levithan -
I find my greatest strengths in wanting ti be strong. I find my greatest bravery in deciding to be brave.
-- David Levithan -
I find my greatest strength in wanting to be strong. I find my greatest bravery in deciding to be brave. I don't know if I've ever realized it before,[...] I think we both realize it now. If there's no feeling of fear, then there's no need for courage.
-- David Levithan -
It takes bravery to care for someone — no matter who he is or what made him, whether he is weak or walking or jumping out of windows. The risk involved is enormous.
-- Deb Olin Unferth -
In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.
-- Douglas Adams -
History admires the wise, but elevates the brave.
-- Edmund Morris -
God bless the Union; - it is dearer to us for the blood of brave men which has been shed in its defence.
-- Edward Everett -
Bravery is believing in yourself, and that thing nobody can teach you.
-- El Cordobes -
Many have stood their ground and faced the darkness when it comes for them. Fewer come for the darkness and force it to face them.
-- Eliezer Yudkowsky -
I think it's so wrong to play the victim. There's too many brave women out there that just won't even tolerate it, you know?
-- Elisha Cuthbert -
The world's male chivalry has perished out, but women are knights-errant to the last; and, if Cervantes had been greater still, he had made his Don a Donna.
-- Elizabeth Barrett Browning -
Our brave men and women are fighting around the world and they deserve relief.
-- Ellen Tauscher -
Tenacity is a pretty fair substitute for bravery, and the best form of tenacity I know is expressed in a Danish fur trapper's principle: "The next mile is the only one a person really has to make."
-- Eric Sevareid -
We're always hearing about risk-takers whose risks paid off, but they are no braver than those whose risks end in ridicule.
-- Frank Skinner -
Now I have the bravery to do fine things.
-- Gabriela Sabatini -
It is not an act of bravery to try to save your own village. It is an instinct to protect what you possess. Bravery is when you step in to help when you have nothing to lose.
-- Gail Tsukiyama -
People glorify all sorts of bravery except the bravery they might show on behalf of their nearest neighbors.
-- George Eliot -
Three things prompt men to a regular discharge of their duty in time of action: natural bravery, hope of reward, and fear of punishment.
-- George Washington -
It is the perpetual dread of fear, the fear of fear, that shapes the face of a brave man.
-- Georges Bernanos -
It is always brave to say what everyone thinks.
-- Georges Duhamel -
Genuine bravery occurs when you least expect it, and when, in fact, you're quite oblivious of it. Sometimes heroism happens when you press on; other times when you let go. Once in a while, it happens when you do a little dance all your own.
-- Gerald Hausman -
Now when I enter a carriage, it almost empties. But there's always one brave enough to stay.
-- Grace Jones -
. . . idealism is one of the greatest forces in the world. It makes seeming impossibilities possible and succeeds where prudence fails. But unless the idealist is brave and has the courage to face the truth, his idealism creates nothing.
-- Grenville Kleiser -
Where do you find the strength to brave a barrage of enemy fire and to bring your wounded friends to safety at great risk to your own life? Conviction.
-- Guy Verhofstadt -
Bravery is not strength in the face of a far lesser foe. Bravery is the exact opposite of that.
-- Hank Green -
Brave men don't belong to any one country. I respect bravery wherever I see it.
-- Harry S. Truman -
However well organized the foundations of life may be, life must always be full of risks.
-- Havelock Ellis -
Courage ought to have eyes as well as arms.
-- Henry George Bohn -
Many brave men lived before Agamemnon; but, all unwept and unknown, are lost in the distant night, since they are without a divine poet (to chronicle their deeds). [Lat., Vixere fortes ante Agamemnona Multi; sed omnes illacrimabiles Urguentur ignotique sacro.]
-- Horace -
I like doing a challenging class because it makes me more brave in life. My perception of hardships is now completely different. I'm not whining and moaning inside as much.
-- Ione Skye -
I am not a hero but the brave men who died deserved this honor.
-- Ira Hayes -
If being a saint is complete devotion to a cause, bravery and altruism, then I think Mrs Sendlerowa fulfils all the conditions.I think about her the way you think about someone you owe your life to.
-- Irena Sendler -
Question the bravery. Say it's not courage. Call it a passion.
-- Jack Gilbert -
There's a difference between bravery and rash stupidity.
-- Jamaica Kincaid -
A brave man is a man who dares to look the Devil in the face and tell him he is a Devil.
-- James A. Garfield -
Fortune is the rod of the weak, and the staff of the brave.
-- James Russell Lowell -
I congratulate you, my brave countrymen and fellow soldiers, on the spirit and success with which you have executed this important part of our enterprise.
-- James Wolfe -
I think we must cling to the hope that we can see in the great heroism, the bravery of the firemen and policemen, and the outpouring of caring and concern that has come pouring in from around the world.
-- Jane Goodall -
It is amidst great perils we see brave hearts.
-- Jean-Francois Regnard -
Bravery is feeling fear but doing the thing anyway.
-- Jennifer Donnelly -
Don't be too brave. Bravery is a fine thing on some occasions, but sometimes it can be quite a dangerous thing. The stiff upper lip is not always the best.
-- Jeremy Brett -
Live your life with love and bravery and you shall lead a life uncommon.
-- Jewel -
Lend your voices only to sounds of freedom, no longer lend your strength to that which you wish to be free from. Fill your life with love and bravery, and you shall live a life uncommon.
-- Jewel -
I knew that if the feat was accomplished it must be at a most fearful sacrifice of as brave and gallant soldiers as ever engaged in battle.
-- John Bell Hood