Irena Sendler famous quotes


  • Humility is not weakness, but strength under control

  • Steadfastness is a noble quality, but unguided by knowledge or humility, it becomes rashness, or obstinacy.

  • There is one common thing in superstars - enthusiasm and humility towards their work. Off sets, they are big stars for others, and they carry themselves the way they want to. When they are working, they are not stars.

  • We cannot learn to love other tourists,-the laws of nature forbid it,-but, meditating soberly on the impossibility of their loving us, we may reach some common platform of tolerance, some common exchange of recognition and amenity.

  • When you make a world tolerable for yourself, you make a world tolerable for others.

  • I have zero tolerance for people who don't come completely prepared. I expect contribution, I expect attendance, and I expect directors to take trips and visit the company's programs.

  • Photographs are of course about their makers, and are to be read for what they disclose in that regard no less than for what they reveal of the world as their makers comprehend, invent, and describe it.

  • And how am I to face the odds Of man's bedevilment and God's? I, a stranger and afraid In a world I never made.

  • I, a stranger and afraid, in a world I never made.

  • I am not a pessimist but a pejorist (as George Eliot said she was not an optimist but a meliorist); and that philosophy is founded on my observation of the world, not on anything so trivial and irrelevant as personal history.