Mira Grant famous quotes
The difference between the truth and a lie is that both of them can hurt, but only one will take the time to heal you afterward.
-- Mira Grant -
Be good. Be kind to each other. And if there's somebody you love, tell them. The world always needs more love.
-- Mira Grant -
My mother once told me that no women is naked when she comes equipped with a bad mood and a steady glare.
-- Mira Grant -
I guess in the end, it doesn’t matter what we wanted. What matters is what we chose to do with the things we had.
-- Mira Grant -
The only thing we have in this world that is utterly and intrinsically ours is our integrity.
-- Mira Grant -
Think about that for a moment. They died for you. Now take a good look at the life you're living and tell me: Did they do the right thing?
-- Mira Grant -
Given a choice between life and death, choose life. Given a choice between right and wrong, choose what's right. And given a choice between a terrible truth and a beautiful lie, choose the truth every time.
-- Mira Grant -
Alive or dead, the truth won't rest. Rise up while you can.
-- Mira Grant -
And then everything was in the hands of gravity, which has never had much love for the terminally stupid.
-- Mira Grant -
There's only one thing we never wrote down. You know what it was.
-- Mira Grant -
...but that was the thing about reality. It didn't need to make sense.
-- Mira Grant -
We were the ones on scene when everything went down. We weren't better. We weren't worse. We were just the ones standing in the blast radius.
-- Mira Grant -
One man's gospel truth is another man's blasphemous lie. The dangerous thing about people is the way we'll try to kill anyone whose truth doesn't agree with ours.
-- Mira Grant -
You're a mad scientist,' said Maggie, in what may well have been intended as a reassuring tone. 'We don't expect you to be nice. We just go to bed every night hoping you won't mutate us before we wake up.' Dr. Abbey blinked at her. 'That's...almost sweet. In a disturbing sort of a way.
-- Mira Grant -
I like to think of myself as a reasonable man. But I have buried too many friends in the too-recent past, and I have seen too many lies go unquestioned, and too many questions go unasked. There is a time when even reasonable men must begin to take unreasonable actions. To do anything else is to be less than human.
-- Mira Grant -
Nothing lasts forever. That's the tragedy and the miracle of existence - that everything is impermanent. Everything changes. All we can do is make the best of the time we have. And go down shooting, naturally.
-- Mira Grant -
I'd say it was nice knowing you, but as you've effectively ruined my life, it almost certainly hasn't been.
-- Mira Grant -
That's Becks. Always ready to offer a helping headshot.
-- Mira Grant -
People say things like "it wasn't supposed to go this way" and "this isn't what I wanted." They're just making noise. There's no such thing as "supposed to," and what you want doesn't matter. All that matters is what happened.
-- Mira Grant -
Nobody cares if you're an idiot, as long as you're a useful one.
-- Mira Grant -
...a truth you don't understand is more dangerous than a lie.
-- Mira Grant -
If anything attacked us, we could just panic at it until it went away.
-- Mira Grant -
In my defense, the corpse was entirely unexpected.
-- Mira Grant -
Some people say I have issues. I say those people need to expand their horizons because I don't have issues, I have the Library of Congress
-- Mira Grant -
You know, addressing my crazy by name doesn’t exactly help me stay sane,†I said. “Nothing can help you stay sane at this point, Mason,†said Becks. “That ship has sailed.
-- Mira Grant -
You really can't go home again. Sometimes, that's a good thing. Sometimes, when you try, you find out that home isn't really there anymore... but that it wasn't only in your head before. Home actually existed. Home wasn't just a dream. Sometimes, that's the best thing of all.
-- Mira Grant -
May posterity show mercy when it look back upon the work we do today. We did what we could with what we had.
-- Mira Grant -
Pronouns are only useful when you combine them with other words. I have a few I can give you, if you're at a loss.
-- Mira Grant -
I really don’t think you should put your hand inside the manticore, dear. You don’t know where it’s been.†–Enid Healy
-- Mira Grant -
Do we have to have the 'don't lie to the telepath' talk again? It won't take long. I say 'don't lie to the telepath, it never works,' you glare at me, and then you go find something you can hit.
-- Mira Grant -
Didn't we talk about this?" "HAIL!" "That isn't an answer." I planted my hands on my hips. "Was there a reason for shoving the gummy bears off the counter? Did they tell you they were suicidal? On second thought," I raised a hand, palm out, "don't answer that. If the candy is talking, I don't want to know.
-- Mira Grant -
Never tell anyone to be careful, never ask what that noise was, and for the love of God, never, ever say that you'll be right back." —Evelyn Baker
-- Mira Grant -
Sarah turned her narrow-eyed gaze on him, making me glad once more that Antimony's comic books got it wrong, and telepaths can't actually kill you with their brains. Give you a whopping headache and earworm you with annoying jingles, yes; kill you, no. (Although sometimes, when she's managed to stick "The Happy Banana Song" in my head for a week, I sort of wish she could kill people with her brain. It would be kinder.)
-- Mira Grant -
Anyone who thinks cryptozoology is the study of the impossible has never really taken a very good look at the so-called "natural world." Once you get past the megamouth sharks, naked mole rats, and spotted hyenas, then the basilisks, dragons, and cuckoos just don't seem that unreasonable. Unpleasant, yes, but unreasonable? Not really.
-- Mira Grant -
The problem with people who say monsters don't really exist is that they're almost never saying it to the monsters." —Alice Healy
-- Mira Grant -
Some lines were never meant to be crossed, however good your cause may seem.
-- Mira Grant -
I recommend Avon Skin-So-Soft. It’s a bath product. It smells like someone fed a Disney Princess through a juicer, but it works better than anything else on the market.
-- Mira Grant -
We all make mistakes. Luckily for us, there are very few mistakes that cant be solved with a suitable application of either lipstick or hand grenades" - Frances Brown
-- Mira Grant -
I'll challenge senators and kings for the right to know the truth, but far be it from me to challenge a woman in her own kitchen.
-- Mira Grant -
My manners have always been the first thing to go when I get upset, and some people say that they stopped coming back a long time ago.​
-- Mira Grant -
It's the oldest story in the world. Boy loves girl. Boy loses girl. Boy gets girl back thanks to the unethical behavior of megalomaniacal mad scientists who never met a corpse they wouldn't try to resurrect. Anyone coming within a hundred yards of my happy ending had better pray that they're immune to bullets. - Shaun Mason
-- Mira Grant -
That's the beauty of the future. We get to change it.
-- Mira Grant -
There's no such thing as a normal life. Some lives are just more interesting than others, and we shouldn't judge people for being boring.
-- Mira Grant -
Who would come for her?" he snarled, rallying. Behind me, a voice shouted, "Tybalt, King of Cats. My claim precedes yours.
-- Mira Grant -
I honestly have no idea what's going on anymore. I just need to find something I can hit. (Shaun Mason)
-- Mira Grant -
Mother Nature is a freaky lady who probably created pot so she could spend all her time smoking it.
-- Mira Grant -
I'm not body-shy -- it's hard to grow up in the Summerlands, where clothes are solidly optional, and stay body-shy -- but that doesn't mean I enjoy nudity. Naked people are, by definition, unarmed.​
-- Mira Grant -
Remember what I said about the mosquitoes?" "Which part" asked Maggie. "The scary part, the really scary part, the legitimately terrifying part, or the part that makes suicide sound like an awesome way to spend the evening?
-- Mira Grant -
If you want to go foraging into the wilds of Canada without proper gear, you deserve what you get, even if that happens to include being attacked by an undead moose.
-- Mira Grant -
Mira Grant is actually my pseudonym. And Seanan is pronounced SHAWN-in.
-- Mira Grant -
Life as the chosen religious figure for a colony of cryptid mice can be a lot of things, but it's definitely never boring.
-- Mira Grant -
Protecting the human race should really come with a per diem, I swear.
-- Mira Grant -
We live in a world where joy is possible, love is possible, happiness is possible; where all things are possible, if we're willing to take the time, take a chance, take a breath and step off the edge of everything that is for the sake of everything that might be.
-- Mira Grant -
Things it is not polite to discuss at the dinner table: politics, religion, and the walking dead.
-- Mira Grant -
Is there any time in your life when you do not feel the need for caffeine?" "Sure. Sometimes I'm asleep.
-- Mira Grant -
Sorry...I got distracted listening to you and hot glued myself to my unicorn
-- Mira Grant -
What happened?†she breathed, staring at me. “I got hit in the face with a pie,†I said. Mags stopped, blinking. “You got...hit in the face with a pie,†she repeated. “I...what? I’m sorry, but I’ve been in charge of this Library for a long time. I’ve seen a lot of really ridiculous things. I lived in Wales. And there is no way being hit with a pie should have turned you human.†“It was a really evil pie,†I said.
-- Mira Grant -
Whoever authorized the evolution of the spiders of Australia should be summarily dragged out into the street and shot.
-- Mira Grant -
By the time Buffy finished its Bay Area theatrical run - including a two-month stint at the dollar theater - I had seen the movie well over three dozen times. I was in love.
-- Mira Grant -
I am a zombie fan, but all of the zombie stories Ive enjoyed started when the dead rose and ended three days later with everybody looking exhausted. I was thinking, What happens in 20 years?
-- Mira Grant -
No one should be posing for duck-lipped selfies with the plaque of the dead. That wouldn't be right.
-- Mira Grant -
Running around in the grass near an unsecured structure and a bunch of trees is a good way of taking yourself out of the gene pool.
-- Mira Grant -
If anything, global response to the Rising only confirmed something that many Australians had quietly believed for quite some time: If forced to live in Australia for a year, most of the world's population would simply curl up in a fetal ball and die of terror.
-- Mira Grant -
The world is out of order. It's been broken since you came.
-- Mira Grant -
Besides, killing all the humans will totally trash the cable schedule, and there are some shows I'm really excited to have back on the air.
-- Mira Grant -
Fooling laymen with science is sometimes so easy it should be criminal.
-- Mira Grant -
It felt odd to be laughing during a firefight. Then again, if you can't laugh when you're about to die, when can you?
-- Mira Grant -
You want to stay alive in a zombie swarm? You go alone or in a small group, where everyone is of similar physical condition and weapons training. You never stop, you never hesitate, and you never show any mercy for the people that would slow you down.That is what the military says we should do, and if I ever meet anybody who listens to that particular set of commands, I may shoot them myself just to improve the gene pool. When you can help people stay alive, you help them. We're all we've got.
-- Mira Grant -
There is a list of things Im not allowed to discuss at the dinner table! I am extraordinarily passionate about the Black Death, which is not something most people are into.
-- Mira Grant -
Since Dominic's been sleeping with me, the mice have been trying various labels on him, looking for one that fits. My personal favorite was the week they spent calling him "the God of Absolutely Never Smiling, No, Not Ever.
-- Mira Grant -
Any man who doesn't believe in carrying weapons on a first date is not a man worth knowing.
-- Mira Grant -
My dear October, we are bound by an enchanted rose made from the hair of a Duchess, and my blood is covering your hand. You can learn anything you wish to know about me merely by licking you fingers." Tybalt laughed a little. "Yes, you may ask me a question.
-- Mira Grant -
He said that he was sure you would be amendable to this course of action." April paused, eyes widening, before she said indignantly, "I believe he may have lied to me!
-- Mira Grant -
I would love a sandwich,' said Tybalt, with enough gravity to make it sound like a formal proclamation. Resolved: that we will have ham and cheese sandwiches.
-- Mira Grant -
I've got no problem with octopuses. It's bugs and spiders that I don't like. Octopuses are cute, in their own 'nature did a lot of drugs' sort of way." - Becks
-- Mira Grant -
April frowned, irritation evident. “I did not consent to your presence,†she said peevishly. “Please depart, and attempt your political assassination on someone else’s property.
-- Mira Grant -
Tybalt’s what we call ‘Cait Sidhe’— the fairy cats. Which explains the attitude. And the eyes.†“Meow,†said Tybalt, deadpan.
-- Mira Grant -
It’s lovely,†I said, taking an involuntary half step back. “Really, though. I don’t like to handle other people’s cookware.†“That’s the best you can manage? That’s your bright, bold lie?†“Look, lady, I don’t know about you, but I’ve never had somebody corner me on a dark street and try to hand me a frying pan before,†I snapped.
-- Mira Grant -
It’s not that Etienne dislikes Tybalt. Etienne just dislikes chaos, and Tybalt causes almost as much commotion as I do. Sometimes more, when he really sets his mind to it, although my chaos is a little more destructive, if I do say so myself.
-- Mira Grant -
He's going to be okay," said Quentin. "He has to. He's Tybalt. You'd be all weird and irritating if he wasn't around." "Weird and irritating?" I raised an eyebrow. "What gives you that idea?" Quentin shrugged. "That's already how you get when he isn't around.
-- Mira Grant -
How did you find me anyway." "For all that I must keep reminding you that I am not a bloodhound, it's true that on occasion, having a sensitive nose is a useful thing. I followed the smell of you." Tybalt sighed, looking exaggeratedly put-upon. "If you must be ferried back to your people, I suppose I can oblige. But only because you asked me so very nicely, and promised me a kiss.
-- Mira Grant -
Being a King sort of sucks," I said. Quentin wrinkled his nose, "So does your outfit." "Blood is in this season.
-- Mira Grant -
Blood is one thing, but that’s not all that goes into family. The family you choose is the family that really matters. They’re the ones who’ll keep you standing.
-- Mira Grant -
Blood is thicker than water, but family isn’t just about blood. Family is about faith, and loyalty, and who you love. If you don’t have those things, I don’t care what the blood says. You’re not family.
-- Mira Grant -
I require something so horrifically alcoholic that it makes livers tremble with fear and run for their lives when its name is uttered.
-- Mira Grant -
This is Shaun Mason activating security protocol Campbell. The bridge is out, the trees are coming, and I’m pretty sure my hand is evil. Now gimme some sugar, baby.
-- Mira Grant -
Well, that’s not something you see every day. Go tell your father that Grandma needs the grenades.
-- Mira Grant -
Dramatic exits are the last refuge of the infantile personality
-- Mira Grant -
The Argentine tango isn't here to play nicely with the other children. The Argentine tango is here to seduce your women, spill things on your rug, and sneak out your bedroom window in the middle of the night.
-- Mira Grant -
Children's games are stronger than you remember once you've grown up and left them behind. They're always fair, and never kind.
-- Mira Grant -
We have to burn brightly. We can’t burn forever
-- Mira Grant -
Last guy I was interested in turned out to be an incestuous necrophiliac," she said. "So no, not currently dating, and definitely not doing any more shopping in the 'sociopath' category
-- Mira Grant -
Some people live where they work. Others just visit.​
-- Mira Grant -
Sometimes in the news, "luck" is just a matter of "capitalizing on someone else's pain.
-- Mira Grant -
If we didn't fear the truths we didn't hear, we'd lose the need to fear the ones we did.
-- Mira Grant -
Don't think she can breathe over there, chief." drawled Shaun. "Pretty sure she hasn't kicked the oxygen habit yet..
-- Mira Grant -
Now I'm a God, but tomorrow, when you have to stop me from playing with dead things again, you'll be right back to calling me an idiot, won't you?
-- Mira Grant -
Any good Irwin can make going to the corner store for a candy bar and a Coke lood death defying and suicidal.
-- Mira Grant
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