Rick Santorum famous quotes
One of the things I will talk about, that no president has talked about before, is I think the dangers of contraception in this country.
-- Rick Santorum -
It's not about contraception. It's about economic liberty, it's about freedom of speech, it's about freedom of religion, it's about government control of your lives and it's got to stop!
-- Rick Santorum -
[Health reform] will destroy the country [because] in the next year or so [America will have to] dramatically cut the military because we can't pay for it.
-- Rick Santorum -
If the Constitution says that marriage is between a man and woman, then things that are inconsistent with that would be inconsistent with the Constitution.
-- Rick Santorum -
I don't want to go to a trade war, I want to beat China. I want to go to war with China and make America the most attractive place in the world to do business.
-- Rick Santorum -
I support the death penalty and will continue to do that.
-- Rick Santorum -
Well, higher-income people don't have to pay taxes if they don't want to because they can move their money somewhere else, they can move their investments. They can stop investing. They can stop working. They don't need to work. They're higher-income people.
-- Rick Santorum -
When did it become the law of the land that the Supreme Court has the final say on anything? They cannot have the final say on anything. The American people have the final say on anything.
-- Rick Santorum -
But look what happens when the government gives you rights. When the government gives you rights, unlike when God gives you rights, the government can take them away. When government gives you rights, the government can tell you how to exercise those rights.
-- Rick Santorum -
Changing the legal standard creates a slippery slope...plural marriage. The court opened up a pandora's box by doing that.
-- Rick Santorum -
You can say I'm a hater. But I would argue I'm a lover. I'm a lover of traditional families and of the right of children to have a mother and father... I would argue that the future of America hangs in the balance, because the future of the family hangs in the balance. Isn't that the ultimate homeland security, standing up and defending marriage?
-- Rick Santorum -
every issue that we deal with in this country has a moral component to it. And so, to divorce a moral component to the debt burden we're leaving the next generation, the tax structure to how we spend our money in Washington, and how we - you know, how we value human life - I mean, all of those things, to me interrelate. They're not - they're not separate issues.
-- Rick Santorum -
This is common sense. This is nature, and what we're trying to do is defy nature because a certain group of people want to be affirmed by society.
-- Rick Santorum -
If everyone is exceptional, nobody is exceptional.
-- Rick Santorum -
In far too many families with young children, both parents are working, when, if they really took an honest look at the budget, they might find they don't both need to. ... What happened in America so that mothers and fathers who leave their children in the care of someone else - or worse yet, home alone after school between three and six in the afternoon - find themselves more affirmed by society? Here, we can thank the influence of radical feminism.
-- Rick Santorum -
Everybody knows full well my passion about defeating Barack Obama. Over my dead body would I vote for Barack Obama.
-- Rick Santorum -
I thank God that America still has one party that reaches out their hands in love to lift up all of God's children -- born and unborn, and says that each of us has dignity and all of us have the right to live the American Dream.
-- Rick Santorum -
I don't use the term "black" very often. I use the term African-American more than I use "black".
-- Rick Santorum -
The radical feminists succeeded in undermining the traditional family and convincing women that professional accomplishments are the key to happiness.
-- Rick Santorum -
I don't advocate civil disobedience. I do advocate the role of an informed citizen to try to overturn when a court makes a mistake and gets an issue wrong.
-- Rick Santorum -
Marriage is what marriage is ... It's like going out and saying, 'That tree is a car.' Well, the tree's not a car. A tree's a tree. Marriage is marriage.
-- Rick Santorum -
I want to make sure that the American worker has an opportunity to see their wages rise and their incomes increase.
-- Rick Santorum -
And a noble life is one ordered by, and oriented to, a transcendent moral code, not just one's own concept of existence and meaning and truth. ...if we want a society that reveres life, that defends the family, and that discourages delinquency and promotes decency, we cannot force a privatization of religion; we must allow the truth-claims of religious faith to be uttered aloud in the public square.
-- Rick Santorum -
I'm always told that what I say is controversial. Why is it controversial? Because I speak from a tradition that has now fallen out of favor with the dominant media in this country. And so when I say things like marriage should be between one man and one woman, I'm called a bigot.
-- Rick Santorum -
You can't ignore the reality that faith and family, those two things are integral parts of having limited government, lower taxes, and free societies.
-- Rick Santorum -
The left, unfortunately, participates in bullying more than the right does. They say they're tolerant, and they're anything but tolerant of people who disagree with them and support traditional values.
-- Rick Santorum -
[Confederate flag] it's a symbol of racial hatred.
-- Rick Santorum -
Marriage is an institution that existed before governments existed. It's something that reflects nature and reflects God and God's will for us. And both from the standpoint of faith and reason it makes all the sense in the world. And it's beneficial for society.
-- Rick Santorum -
My position on how to address the Confederate flag is clear. In Florida, we acted, moving the flag from the state grounds to a museum, where it belonged.
-- Rick Santorum -
I understand why Barack Obama wants to send every kid to college, because of their indoctrination mills, absolutely … The indoctrination that is going on at the university level is a harm to our country.
-- Rick Santorum -
I don't think the federal government or federal candidates should be making decisions on everything and opining on everything.
-- Rick Santorum -
CO2 is a pollutant? Tell that to the plants.
-- Rick Santorum -
The church has gotten it wrong a few times on science, and I think that we probably are better off leaving science to the scientists and focusing on what we do - what we're really good at, which is - which is theology and morality.
-- Rick Santorum -
President Obama once said he wants everybody in America to go to college. What a snob.
-- Rick Santorum -
I raise money the old fashioned way, I go out and tell people what I think. And I say to them, "If you hire me, I'm a CEO, and I'll listen to you. But at the end of the day, I'm going to make the decision, something I've done throughout my whole career with, frankly, great success."
-- Rick Santorum -
Higher income people don't have to pay taxes if they don't want to.
-- Rick Santorum -
I think the Supreme Court has, as an equal branch of government, the ability to overrule Congress and the president. But I also feel it's the role of the Congress and the president to push back. I mean I think it's important that they are understood as equal branches of government.
-- Rick Santorum -
Satan is attacking the great institutions of America, using those great vices of pride, vanity, and sensuality as the root to attack all of the strong plants that has so deeply rooted in the American tradition.
-- Rick Santorum -
One of the criticisms I make is to what I refer to as more of a libertarianish right . . . This whole idea of personal autonomy, well I don’t think most conservatives hold that point of view. Some do. They have this idea that people should be left alone, be able to do whatever they want to do . . . Well, that is not how traditional conservatives view the world . . .
-- Rick Santorum -
The dangers of carbon dioxide? Tell that to a plant, how dangerous carbon dioxide is,
-- Rick Santorum -
I am not a libertarian, and I fight very strongly against libertarian influence within the Republican Party and the conservative movement.
-- Rick Santorum -
I believe that any doctor that performs an abortion, I would advocate that any doctor that performs an abortion, should be criminally charged for doing so.
-- Rick Santorum -
You win by giving people the opportunity to see a different vision for our country, not someone whos just going to be a little different than the person in there. If youre going to be a little different, we might as well stay with what we have instead of taking a risk with what may be the Etch A Sketch candidate of the future.
-- Rick Santorum -
He glosses over and doesn't even tell the truth. ... Here is a guy who is the ultimate flip-flopper running for president, and he's attacking me for not being principled? That doesn't wash.
-- Rick Santorum -
I heard Governor Romney here called me an economic lightweight because I wasn't a Wall Street financier like he was. Do you really believe this country wants to elect a Wall Street financier as the president of the United States? Do you think that's the experience that we need? Someone who's going to take and look after as he did his friends on Wall Street and bail them out at the expense of Main Street America.
-- Rick Santorum -
I don't want to make black people's lives better by giving them somebody else's money; I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money.
-- Rick Santorum -
Many of the Christian faith have said, well, that's okay, contraception is okay. It’s not okay. It’s a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be.
-- Rick Santorum -
Earlier in my political career, I had the opportunity to read the speech, and I almost threw up.
-- Rick Santorum -
I don't believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute. The idea that the church can have no influence or no involvement in the operation of the state is absolutely antithetical to the objectives and vision of our country.
-- Rick Santorum -
Nelson Mandela stood up against a great injustice and was willing to pay a huge price for that. That's the reason he's mourned today, because of that struggle that he performed I mean, what he was advocating for was not necessarily the right answer, but he was fighting against some great injustice, and I would make the argument that we have a great injustice going on right now in this country with an ever-increasing size of government that is taking over and controlling people's lives, and Obamacare is front and center in that.
-- Rick Santorum -
Satan has his sights on the United States of America!
-- Rick Santorum -
Stand up for your principles, but be a decent human being while you're doing it.
-- Rick Santorum -
The idea that the Crusades and the fight of Christendom against Islam is somehow an aggression on our part is absolutely anti-historical. And that is what the perception is by the American Left who hates Christendom. ... What I'm talking about is onward American soldiers. What we're talking about are core American values.
-- Rick Santorum -
Is anyone saying same-sex couples can't love each other? I love my children. I love my friends, my brother. Heck, I even love my mother-in-law. Should we call these relationships marriage, too?
-- Rick Santorum
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