#Opportunity Quotes #Careers Quotes #Political Quotes
“When you set goals, you have to keep them always in mind.”
Source : Stedman Graham (1998). “You Can Make It Happen: A Nine-Step Plan for Success”, p.86, Simon and Schuster
“People have always frightened and bored me consequently I have been within my own shell.”
Source : Jackson Pollock (2011). “American Letters: 1927-1947”, p.16, Polity
“Without the Yamas, known as the ethical rules, there is no success in Yoga”
Source : Official Report of Proceedings of the Hong Kong Legislative Council (p. 47), February 27, 1963.
Bobby Jindal
Governor of Louisiana
Carly Fiorina
Executive officer
Jeb Bush
Former Governor of Florida
Mike Huckabee
Former Governor of Arkansas
Mitt Romney
Former Governor of Massachusetts
Newt Gingrich
Former U.S. Representative
Rand Paul
United States Senator
Rick Perry
Governor of Texas
Sarah Palin
Former Governor of Alaska