Rick Perry famous quotes
Mexico is an important trading partner, it's the number one trading partner for the state of Texas. We have had dealings with them, shared a border with them. We have had our challenges, but at the end of the day we want a good relationship with Mexico.
-- Rick Perry -
I may have the genetic coding that Im inclined to be an alcoholic, but I have the desire not to do that, and I look at the homosexual issue the same way.
-- Rick Perry -
Debates are set up for nothing more than to tear down the candidates. It's pretty hard to be able to sit and lay out your ideas and your concepts with a one-minute response.
-- Rick Perry -
We've got the wind at our back right now. Americans are waking up to the realities of their previous choices. We must keep America moving back to preeminence because our values and conservative ideas are the world's greatest hope.
-- Rick Perry -
I'm looking at a tax process that will allow people to keep more of their money because we know what happens when job creators get to keep more of their money than they're - they have the confidence to go out and spend that money to create jobs that in turn create wealth.
-- Rick Perry -
Armed and law-abiding citizens are a greater deterrent to violent crime than 1,000 laws passed by Congress.
-- Rick Perry -
We understand that you have to create an environment where that those men and women who are entrepreneurs can risk their capital and have an opportunity to get a return on their investment. That's how jobs are created. And that's what Americans are looking for, is that type of vision.
-- Rick Perry -
The fact is there is forgiveness for those who seek God. And I believe in the power of redemption.
-- Rick Perry -
The economy is very different in the world that we're living in. And I think Americans are looking for executive leadership that actually has some experience of creating jobs.
-- Rick Perry -
I'm not ashamed to be a Christian. But you don't have to be in the pew every Sunday to know that there's something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can't openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school.
-- Rick Perry -
America does not need to be worried with bailing out a European country that has made irresponsible expenditures, and then all of a sudden, throws their hands up and say, Oh, please come save us. That is not our responsibility in the United States of America.
-- Rick Perry -
When it comes to conservative social issues, it saddens me when sometimes my fellow Republicans duck and cover in the face of pressure from the left. Our loudest opponents on the left are never going to like us so let's quit trying to curry favor with them.
-- Rick Perry -
We need a president that is sitting down, getting Americans to work, getting this economy going. That is the single most important thing that the president of the United States does, is create a climate where job creators know that they're going to be able to risk their capital and have a chance to have a return on the investment. And it's never too late to start that.
-- Rick Perry -
In the myopic world of the liberals, guns are responsible for evil instead of the perpetrator of evil. But criminals are not bound by our laws. That's what makes them criminals.
-- Rick Perry -
We're at the end of an era of failed leadership. We have been led by a divider [ Barack Obama] who has sliced and diced the electorate, pitting American against American for political purposes.
-- Rick Perry -
I'm more Jewish than you think I am...I read the part of the Bible that said the Jews are God's chosen people.
-- Rick Perry -
We don't have to apologize for American exceptionalism or western values.
-- Rick Perry -
Religious freedom does not mean freedom from religion.
-- Rick Perry -
The citizens of America and the citizens of Texas expect to be able to live in safety in their communities. That's what the rule of law is truly all about.
-- Rick Perry -
The liberals think government exists to fix what's wrong with America. They find fault with our Constitution, our economic model and our core values. We disagree with the premise of their argument. We believe there's nothing wrong with America that an extra dose of freedom won't cure.
-- Rick Perry -
Canada, the United States and Mexico, we developed these energy reserves that we have in this North American region. And you can see a not only driving down the cost of electricity but a major manufacturing boom in this country. Couple that with tax policy, reduction, reducing the corporate tax rate, and that I think a renaissance in manufacturing like we've never seen in this country and really drive the economy.
-- Rick Perry -
As Americans, we don't see the role of government as guaranteeing outcomes, but allowing free men and women to flourish based on their own vision, their hard work and their personal responsibility.
-- Rick Perry -
Here is what we know after more than a decade of Republican rule: Texas works. Even 'The New York Times' let it slip into its pages that, 'Texas is the future.'
-- Rick Perry -
Our goal is to displace the entrenched powers in Washington, restore the rightful balance between the state and federal government.
-- Rick Perry -
It is up to us, to this present generation of Americans, to take a stand for freedom, to send a message to Washington that we're taking our future back from the grips of central planners who would control our healthcare, who would spend our treasure, who downgrade our future and micro-manage our lives.
-- Rick Perry -
I don't want to be the president of the United States. I do want to work with the governors across the country to make the states more pivotal, more powerful, as they should be.
-- Rick Perry -
I want you to answer this question: Why should you settle for anything less than an authentic conservative who will fight for your views and values without an apology? Think about that.
-- Rick Perry -
Being the governor of a state is a more pivotal job in the future. I do indeed hope there's someone that says, "I'm going to go to Washington, try to get back to our constitutional roots, devolve the centralization of government back to the states." So why would you want to be up there if the action is down here in the states?
-- Rick Perry -
And I think most people in this country want to see a president that's got the courage to say we're going to cut the tax burden, and reduce the regulatory climate, and we're going to get Americans working.
-- Rick Perry -
The idea that you're going have zero people crossing the border is unrealistic. But today we know that's not the case. Today we know we've got a porous border and people are coming in, and we don't know who they are. So secure the border then we can have a conversation about it.
-- Rick Perry -
I stand before you as the governor of Texas but also stand before you the son of two tenant farmers. Ray Perry who came home after 35 bombing missions over Europe to work his little corner of land out there and Amelia who made sure that my sister Milla and I had everything that we needed, included hand sewing my clothes until I went off to college.
-- Rick Perry -
The great lesson of history for us is that strength and resolve bring peace and order, and weakness and vacillation invite chaos and conflict.
-- Rick Perry -
I'll work every day to try to make Washington, D.C., as inconsequential in your life as I can.
-- Rick Perry -
The most important thing for us is to save lives.
-- Rick Perry -
Reforming public education, cutting property taxes, fixing adult and child protective services and funding our budget can all occur when Democrats and Republicans engage in consensus and cooperation - not cynicism and combat.
-- Rick Perry -
The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land we inhabit are not only critical elements in the quality of life we enjoy - they are a reflection of the majesty of our Creator.
-- Rick Perry -
I happily cling to my guns and my God, even if President Obama thinks that that is a simpleminded thing in his elitist heart.
-- Rick Perry -
What I learned growing up on the farm was a way of life that was centered on hard work, and on faith and on thrift. Those values have stuck with me my whole life.
-- Rick Perry -
The foundation for future prosperity is built on the bedrock of good jobs and great schools. We are building a strong foundation one job at a time and one educated Texan at a time.
-- Rick Perry -
Juarez is reported to be the most dangerous city in America.
-- Rick Perry -
I hope I am the Tim Tebow of the Iowa caucuses.
-- Rick Perry -
Every barrel of oil that comes out of those sands in Canada is a barrel of oil that we don't have to buy from a foreign source.
-- Rick Perry -
But it wasn't until I graduated from Texas A & M University and joined the United States Air Force, flying C-130's all around the globe, that I truly appreciated the blessings of freedom.
-- Rick Perry -
Americans want government that is leaner, more efficient, and less intrusive into their personal lives.
-- Rick Perry -
Tell the trial lawyers to get out of your state and to quit costing businessmen and women.
-- Rick Perry -
Spreading the wealth punishes success while setting America on course for a greater dependency on government.
-- Rick Perry -
Page one of any economic plan to get America working is to give a pink slip to the current resident in the White House.
-- Rick Perry -
It is through states that the American people get the job done every day, often in spite of a deeply flawed bureaucratic federal government.
-- Rick Perry -
The Obama administration is an affront to every freedom-loving American,and a threat to every private sector job in this country.
-- Rick Perry -
Those jobs flee other states because of factors like excessive taxation, punitive regulation and frivolous lawsuits.
-- Rick Perry -
We believe in government involvement that leads to independence: good schools, quality roads and the best health care.
-- Rick Perry -
We can't have deficit spending in Texas. You have to balance your budget every two years.
-- Rick Perry -
We cannot afford four more years of this misguided socialist policies from President Obama and his administration.
-- Rick Perry -
We need to stop apologizing for celebrating life. We need to stop apologizing for wanting to protect an individual's right to build a business.
-- Rick Perry
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