Source : Remarks Announcing Campaign Suspension, delivered 19 January 2012, North Charleston, South Carolina
Rick Perry#Believe Quotes #Redemption Quotes #Facts Quotes
Source : "LIFE" Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 6, (p. 48), August 5, 1946.
Source : "Darrell Hammond Performed on 'SNL' Same Week He Was Taken From NBC in Straitjacket" by Lindsay Powers, October 26, 2011.
“The game of basketball is not played with throwing punches, throwing elbows.”
“People who dream small dreams continue to live as small people.”
Bobby Jindal
Governor of Louisiana
Greg Abbott
Texas Attorney General
Herman Cain
Michele Bachmann
United States Representative
Mike Huckabee
Former Governor of Arkansas
Mitt Romney
Former Governor of Massachusetts
Newt Gingrich
Former U.S. Representative
Rick Santorum
Former United States Senator
Ted Cruz
United States Senator