Investigation famous quotes
Games are the most elevated form of investigation.
-- Albert Einstein -
Well, first of all, let me say that - let me remind your viewers that I am recused from this investigation, and what I said this weekend is not anything new.
-- Alberto Gonzales -
I condemn the lack of proper investigation of the massacres and the impunity of those responsible for them.
-- Alfred-Maurice de Zayas -
The investigation of the meaning of words is the beginning of education.
-- Antisthenes -
A tainted society has invented psychiatry to defend itself against the investigations of certain superior intellects whose faculties of divination would be troublesome.
-- Antonin Artaud -
Every investigation which is guided by principles of Nature fixes its ultimate aim entirely on gratifying the stomach.
-- Athenaeus -
The height of foolishness is to discard an opportunity without full investigation
-- Benjamin Franklin -
A 'fact' merely marks the point where we have agreed to let investigation cease.
-- Bliss Carman -
From my studies of old and recent reports, and from direct involvement with several UFO investigations, I have become convinced that there is something real and new behind the UFO phenomenon.
-- Bruce Maccabee -
During the investigation evidence of the vulnerability of women in the modelling profession was startling and models are at high risk of eating disorders.
-- Denise Kingsmill, Baroness Kingsmill -
What Mach calls a thought experiment is of course not an experiment at all. At bottom it is a grammatical investigation.
-- Ernst Mach -
No man can hope to find out the truth without investigation.
-- George F. Richards -
For you teach very clearly by your behaviour how slowly and how meagerly our senses proceed in the investigation of ever inexhaustible nature.
-- Giovanni Battista Beccaria -
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been requested to assist in the investigation of reported sightings of flying disks...
-- J. Edgar Hoover -
If we have the truth, it cannot be harmed by investigation. If we have not the truth, it ought to be harmed.
-- J. Reuben Clark -
The president really shouldn't be involved in terms of dictating what course the investigation should take.
-- Janet Reno -
Wisdom requires not only the investigation of many things, but contemplation of the mystery.
-- Jeremy Narby -
Military investigations are designed not to find anyone guilty.
-- Jon Krakauer -
No human investigation can be called real science if it cannot be demonstrated mathematically.
-- Leonardo da Vinci -
Perhaps all science is merely self-investigation.
-- Lily King -
My role and my obligation was to conduct criminal investigations.
-- Louis J. Freeh -
The question that haunted every investigation was 'why'.
-- Louise Penny -
Art is born of the observation and investigation of nature.
-- Marcus Tullius Cicero -
We have 62 counties in New York State and each has its own system of death investigation.
-- Michael Baden -
There is always room at the top - after the investigation.
-- Oliver Herford -
Mathematical physics is in the first place physics and it could not exist without experimental investigations.
-- Peter Debye -
It's not the function of Congress to do criminal investigations.
-- Saxby Chambliss -
And after I started working for the Bureau, most of my translation duties included translations of documents and investigations that actually started way before 9/11.
-- Sibel Edmonds -
If there were any clear investigation of 9/11, they wouldn't let Louie Freeh off the hook.
-- Sidney Blumenthal -
Unlike scientism, science in the true sense of the word is open to unbiased investigation of any existing phenomena.
-- Stanislav Grof -
The investigation into the possible effects of cosmic rays on living organisms will also offer great interest.
-- Victor Francis Hess -
Telling the truth after proper investigation is the height of courage.
-- Wafa Sultan -
At the beginning of all experimental work stands the choice of the appropriate technique of investigation
-- Walter Rudolf Hess -
It is both theoretically mistaken and morally wrong to regard others as objects of investigation rather than partners in free rational communication.
-- Allen W. Wood -
I'm a really judgmental person, and it just dumbs everything down. It doesn't create any room for interrogation or investigation.
-- Cate Shortland -
Generally speaking, you only put someone on paid leave if you're pretty certain that they might be terminated from the company once you do your investigation.
-- Kris Dunn -
Fermat never cared to publish his investigations, but was always perfectly ready, as we see from his letters, to acquaint his friends and contemporaries with his results.
-- Thomas Little Heath -
Geometry is the rules of all mental investigation
-- Mikhail Lomonosov -
Lack of compliance is hindering the investigation.
-- Charlie Melancon -
I have never come to know God, to see God, to believe in God through doing science. He's not the conclusion of some sort of process of my personal scientific investigation.
-- George Coyne -
Our investigation looked at whether there is evidence classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on that personal system, in violation of a federal statute making it a felony to mishandle classified information either intentionally or in a grossly negligent way, or a second statute making it a misdemeanor to knowingly remove classified information from appropriate systems or storage facilities.
-- James Comey -
[Charles ] Kushner engaged in a conspiracy, with co-conspirators, to hire prostitutes to entice witnesses who were cooperating with the federal investigation.
-- Jared Kushner -
It is not plausible for Patrick Kennedy to do something to get the FBI to change the State Department investigation, this is crazy.
-- Thomas Roberts -
It is self-evident that any and all paths must be open to a researcher during the actual course of his [or her] investigations.
-- Karl Weierstrass