Athenaeus famous quotes


  • A good character today is shaped by greatness, greatness in vision, greatness in courage, greatness in insight, greatness in purpose and devotion.

  • You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry

  • Read for yourselves, read for the sake of your inspiration, for the sweet turmoil in your lovely head. But also read against yourselves, read for questioning and impotence, for despair and erudition... and also read those whose darkness or malice or madness or greatness you can't understand because only in this way will you grow, outlive yourself, and become what you are.

  • Under the guidance of the Reich, Europe would speedily have become unified. Once the Jewish poison had been eradicated, unification would have been an easy matter. France and Italy, each defeated in turn at an interval of a few months by the two Germanic Powers, would have been well out of it. Both would have had to renounce their inappropriate aspirations to greatness. At the same time they would have had to renounce their pretensions in North Africa and the Near East; and that would have allowed Europe to pursue a bold policy of friendship towards Islam. (4th February 1945)

  • I did a little bit to raise the dignity and recognition of the greatness of African-American music.

  • There is not a command God gives to His children for which He does not provide the enablement for obedience.

  • Let's stop somebody from doing something! Everybody does too much.

  • Love reacts with goodness towards those who ill-treat it.

  • I do believe that God is with us even when we're at our craziest and that this goodness guides, provides, and protects.

  • "Why is everyone here so happy except me?" "Because they have learned to see goodness and beauty everywhere," said the Master. "Why don't I see goodness and beauty everywhere?" "Because you cannot see outside of you what you fail to see inside."