Degenerates famous quotes
By consequence I hold that no one ever did, or can do, anything for "society."... Comte invented the term altruism as an antonym for egoism , and it found its way at once into everyone's mouth, although it is utterly devoid of meaning, since it points to nothing that ever existed in mankind; This hybrid or rather this degenerate form of hedonism served powerfully to invest collectivism 's principles with a specious moral sanction, and collectivists naturally made the most of it.
-- Albert J. Nock -
Religion increasingly is tending to degenerate into a decent formula wherewith to embellish a comfortable life.
-- Alfred North Whitehead -
Materialism is decadent and degenerate only if the spirit of the nation has withered and if individual people are so unimaginative that they wallow in it.
-- Brooks Atkinson -
Every good idea sooner or later degenerates into hard work.
-- Calvin Trillin -
The word 'beauty' is as easy to use as the word 'degenerate.' Both come in handy when one does or does not agree with you
-- Charles Ives -
It's a great medium for trivia and hobbies, but not the place for reasoned, reflective judgment. Suprisingly often, discussions degenerate into acrimony, insults and flames.
-- Clifford Stoll -
The activities of these parasites and degenerates gave rise to Cubism, Fauvism, Futurism, Pointillism, Constructivism, Orphism, Surrealism, Dada, and also Impossibleism, Supersurrealism, Dynamic Double-Dog Realism, Ishkabibbleism, and Mama, which is like Dada only nicer.
-- Daniel Pinkwater -
Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.
-- Eric Hoffer -
The human mind is like Van Halen. If you just pull out one piece and keep replacing it, it just degenerates.
-- Fran Kranz -
Hospitality sometimes degenerates into profuseness, and ends in madness and folly.
-- Francis Atterbury -
I wish I could show you what a small marihuana cigarette can do to one of our degenerate Spanish-speaking residents. That's why our problem is so great; the greatest percentage of our population is composed of Spanish-speaking persons, most of who are low mentally, because of social and racial conditions.
-- Harry J. Anslinger -
The primary reason to outlaw ***** is its effect on the degenerate races.
-- Harry J. Anslinger -
It seems to be almost inevitable that the man who accepts a subordinate economic position in the Family degenerates into a loafer and a tyrant.
-- Helen Bosanquet -
All in all, the League of Nations is not inevitably bound, as some maintain from time to time, to degenerate into an impotent appendage of first one, then another of the competing great powers
-- Hjalmar Branting -
Posterity always degenerates till it becomes our ancestors.
-- Horace Walpole -
Frugality and economy are virtues without which no household can prosper. Whatever the income, waste of all kinds should be most sternly repressed ... Economy and frugality must never, however, be allowed to degenerate into meanness.
-- Isabella Beeton -
Everything degenerates in the hands of man.
-- Jean-Jacques Rousseau -
Prudence is a necessary ingredient in all the virtues, without which they degenerate into folly and excess.
-- Jeremy Collier -
Alas! poor human nature, pity, if hard pressed, degenerates into contempt.
-- John Godfrey Saxe -
All the public business in Congress now connects itself with intrigues, and there is great danger that the whole government will degenerate into a struggle of cabals.
-- John Quincy Adams -
Only a rank degenerate would drive 1,500 miles across Texas without eating a chicken fried steak.
-- Larry McMurtry -
We should not permit tolerance to degenerate into indifference.
-- Margaret Chase Smith -
The profession to which we belong, once venerated...-has become corrupt and degenerate to the forfeiture of its social position...
-- Nathaniel Chapman -
I would rather be a transformed ape than a degenerate son of Adam.
-- Paul Broca -
One has to make a decision when a condition is likely to degenerate if nothing is done.
-- Peter Drucker -
At this moment, the story in his head was perfect. He also knew from experience that it would degenerate the second he started typing, because such was the nature of writing.
-- Sara Gruen -
Society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind
-- Theodore Roosevelt -
Alas, 'tis force alone that can compel to virtuous actions a degenerate people.
-- Vittorio Alfieri -
The most persistent hate is that which doth degenerate from love.
-- Walter Map -
Assimilation is the way you excuse yourself. It absolutely never worked at all. You may not think you are noticeable. But they know who you are. They know you're a degenerate, and they've never forgotten that.
-- Harry Hay -
Investigation is a subtle process, requiring patience and fine analytical ability, as well as a skill in cultivating one's sources. When torture is condoned, these rare talented people leave the service, having been outstripped by less gifted colleagues with their quick-fix methods, and the service itself degenerates into a playground for sadists.
-- Vladimir Bukovsky -
The great challenge of the twentieth century ... is to create a new financial architecture in which private decisions produce a less degenerate capitalism.
-- Will Hutton