Posterity famous quotes
I'm not going to write for posterity. I'm going to write to make a buck.
-- Elmore Leonard -
You had better all die - die immediately, than live as slaves and entail your wretchedness upon your posterity.
-- Henry Highland Garnet -
A foreign nation is a kind of contemporaneous posterity.
-- Horace Binney Wallace -
Posterity always degenerates till it becomes our ancestors.
-- Horace Walpole -
I don't suppose there's really any critic except posterity.
-- Hortense Calisher -
What artists call posterity is the posterity of the work of art.
-- Marcel Proust -
There's no posterity to write for. I'm writing now for mutated arthropods.
-- Peter Reading -
And perhaps, posterity will thank me for having shown that the ancients did not know everything.
-- Pierre de Fermat -
Glory is a shroud that posterity often tears from the shoulders of those who wore it when living.
-- Pierre-Jean de Beranger -
As to posterity, I may ask what has it ever done to oblige me?
-- Thomas Gray -
I make movies for me and posterity. I'm more scared of history than I am of the studio.
-- Doug Liman