Horace Binney Wallace famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • I think I'm the kind of person who would be very difficult to employ - I'm pretty annoying, but driven.

  • I like English, and I like writing essays, and that kind of stuff.

  • He who fears to weep, should learn to be kind to those who weep.

  • Kinds hearts are here; yet would the tenderest one Have limits to its mercy; God has none.

  • Generally, I play the kind of ethereal, fragile-on-the-outside-but-hard-and-damaged-on-the-inside type.

  • I'm not going to write for posterity. I'm going to write to make a buck.

  • Time will unveil all things to posterity.

  • What artists call posterity is the posterity of the work of art.

  • And perhaps, posterity will thank me for having shown that the ancients did not know everything.

  • I make movies for me and posterity. I'm more scared of history than I am of the studio.

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