Bishops famous quotes
I have known some grim bells, with not a single joyous note in the whole peal, so forced to hurry for a human festival, with their harshness made light of, as though the Bishop of Hereford had again been forced to dance in his boots by a merry highwayman.
-- Alice Meynell -
A very remarkable people the Zulus: they defeat our generals, they convert our bishops, they have settled the fate of a great European dynasty.
-- Benjamin Disraeli -
This is to be observed of the Bishop of London, that, though apparently of a spirit somewhat austere, there is in his idiosyncrasy a strange fund of enthusiasm, a quality which ought never to be possessed by an Archbishop of Canterbury, or a Prime Minister of England. The Bishop of London sympathies with everything that is earnest; but what is earnest is not always true; on the contrary error is often more earnest than truth.
-- Benjamin Disraeli -
If one were forced to select a single word to exemplify Bishop's peculiar charm and power, it might well be 'No.'
-- Brad Leithauser -
Ah, bless you, Sister, may all your sons be bishops.
-- Brendan Behan -
Emma took the revelation, on polygamy supposed she had all there was; but Joseph had wisdom enough to take care of it, and he had handed the revelation to Bishop Whitney, and he wrote it all off... She went to the fireplace and put it in, and put a candle under it and burnt it, and she thought that was the end of it, and she will be damned as sure as she is a living woman. Joseph used to say that he would have her hereafter, if he had to go to hell for her, and he will have to go to hell for her as sure as he ever gets her.
-- Brigham Young -
No prince had lived in those wretched hovels, no red-robed bishops, only farmers and laborers whose stories no one had written down, and now they were lost, buried under wild thyme and fast growing spurge.
-- Cornelia Funke -
While the Romans languished under the ignominious tyranny of eunuchs and bishops, the praises of Julian were repeated with transport in every part of the empire, except in the palace of Constantius.
-- Edward Gibbon -
This modern craze for putting the young in positions of authority - headmasters in their thirties, bishops without a gray hair on their heads, generals who scarcely need to use a razor - ever since it took hold the world's gone steadily downhill.
-- Elizabeth Goudge -
To refer to the oft mooted question, "Which piece is stronger, the Bishop or the Knight?" it is clear that the value of the Bishop undergoes greater changes than that of the Knight.
-- Emanuel Lasker -
It is always advantageous to exchange your king's bishop pawn for the king's pawn, since this leads to the seizure of the centre and, in addition, to the opening of a file for the rook.
-- Francois-Andre Danican Philidor -
There are enormously gifted Episcopal priests around this church who are gay and lesbian, some of whom are partnered, who would make wonderful bishops and they're going to be nominated and they're going to be elected.
-- Gene Robinson -
Accusations are made directly to Rome about theologians from persons who are not theologians. Some of these accusations are anonymous. The local bishop should be the one to relate to theologians to determine orthodoxy.
-- Godfried Danneels -
My father would have been made a bishop much earlier than he was had it not been for me and my image.
-- Grace Jones -
Unbroken Evolution under uniform conditions pleased every one -- except curates and bishops; it was the very best substitute for religion; a safe, conservative practical, thoroughly Common-Law deity.
-- Henry Adams -
Bishop, this is a full tithe and a little bit more, because that's the way we have been blessed.
-- Henry D. Moyle -
When she lives at his palace, the maiden niece of a bishop can pass for a respectable woman because, if she has a love affair, she is obliged to hoodwink her uncle.
-- Honore de Balzac -
The Bishop and Knight, in contradistinction to the Queen and Rook, are called Minor Pieces.
-- Howard Staunton -
The Bishop moves diagonally forwards or backwards, to the extent of the Board.
-- Howard Staunton -
The Lord did nothing either of himself or through his apostles without his Father, with whom he is united; so too, you should undertake nothing without the bishop and the presbyters priests.
-- Ignatius of Antioch -
Where the bishop is present, there is the Catholic Church
-- Ignatius of Antioch -
The pinafore of the child will be more than a match for the frock of the bishop and the surplice of the priest.
-- James Martineau -
Having a stage name is like having a Superman complex. I go into the telephone booth as Eric Bishop and come out as Jamie Foxx.
-- Jamie Foxx -
The arrogance of some of those who are so damned sure they are right is just astounding. Scientific witch hunts are often the worst kind, and have been since the secular authorities stopped enforcing the local bishop's decrees of anathema.
-- Jerry Pournelle -
You may have the bishop pair but I have the ultimate advantage; I am the better player!
-- John Adams -
I don't think," he said, "that a vicar is supposed to beat a bishop to death, or even back to death." Mr. Berkeley looked down upon the remains of Bishop Bernard. "If anyone asks, we'll say he fell over," he said. "Lots of times.
-- John Connolly -
Crown and cloth maken no priest, nor emperor's bishop with his words, but power that crist giveth; and thus by life have been priests known.
-- John Wycliffe -
The weaker the player the more terrible the Knight is to him, but as a player increases in strength the value of the Bishop becomes more evident to him, and of course there is, or should be, a corresponding decease in his estimation of the value of the Knight as compared to the bishop.
-- Jose Raul Capablanca -
Orthodoxy, my Lord,: said Bishop Warburton, in a whisper, — orthodoxy is my doxy, — heterodoxy is another man's doxy.
-- Joseph Priestley -
JFK used to say the bishops and the cardinals were all Republicans, but the nuns were Democrats! I sort of believe that too.
-- Kitty Kelley -
While some are as loathe to trade a Bishop for a Knight as a Cadillac for a Chevrolet, others are prepared to do so without hesitation.
-- Larry Evans -
The Bishop, as I have remarked, was not very dignified on all occasions, and sometimes acted in such a manner as would not have appeared well in public.
-- Maria Monk -
What I like about gluttony, a bishop I knew used to say, is that it doesnt hurt anyone else.
-- Monica Furlong -
Feast of Patrick, Bishop of Armagh, Missionary, Patron of Ireland, c.460 The evidence for Christian truth is not exhaustive, but it is sufficient. Too often, Christianity has not been tried and found wanting--it has been found wanting, and not tried.
-- Os Guinness -
I reckon some parsons have a right to tell yu' to be good. The bishop of this hyeh Territory has a right. But I'll tell yu' this: a middlin' doctor is a pore thing, and a middlin' lawyer is a pore thing; but keep me from a middlin' man of God.
-- Owen Wister -
When we walk without the cross, when we build without the cross and when we proclaim Christ without the cross, we are not disciples of the Lord. We are worldly. We may be bishops, priests, cardinals, popes, all of this, but we are not disciples of the Lord.
-- Pope Francis -
[To the bishop who suggested the widowed queen now consider herself 'as married to Christ':] That's what I call twaddle!
-- Queen Victoria -
It was a blonde. A blonde to make a bishop kick a hole in a stained-glass window.
-- Raymond Chandler -
The bishops will govern the Church, the priests will do all the work and the deacons will have all the fun.
-- Richard Cushing -
I am Patrick, yes a sinner and indeed untaught; yet I am established here in Ireland where I profess myself bishop. I am certain in my heart that 'all that I am,' I have received from God. So I live among barbarous tribes, a stranger and exile for the love of God.
-- Saint Patrick -
The future belongs to he who has the bishops.
-- Siegbert Tarrasch -
God is love, the bishops tell. Yes, I know, But love is hell.
-- T. H. White -
I was at a benefit for some imprisoned students in the '60s at San Francisco State, and there were lots of poets reading for the benefit: one was Elizabeth Bishop.
-- Thom Gunn -
We have experienced the truth of this prophecy, for England has become the habitation of outsiders and the dominion of foreigners. Today, no Englishman is earl, bishop, or abbott, and newcomers gnaw away at the riches and very innards of England; nor is there any hope for an end of this misery.
-- William of Malmesbury -
Only a good bishop can be sacrificed, a bad bishop can only be lost.
-- Yuri Razuvaev -
I've had to remove all mirrors from my home. I just can't seem to look at myself without having to buff the bishop, you know?
-- Zach Braff -
It is fascinating to see how much Pope Francis relies on the work of the bishops in the Synods.
-- Christoph Schonborn -
At one congressional hearing, Bishop Francis Kalabat complained that administration officials are overlooking what's happening to his fellow Chaldean Christians.
-- Tom Gjelten -
The bishop is a lot like me...just when you think you have me, I'm already behind you.
-- Priest Holmes