Dominion famous quotes
Stone, steel, dominions pass, Faith too, no wonder; So leave alone the grass That I am under.
-- A. E. Housman -
Cambridge was the place for someone from the Colonies or the Dominions to go on to, and it was to the Cavendish Laboratory that one went to do physics.
-- Aaron Klug -
I had rather excel others in the knowledge of what is excellent, than in the extent of my power and dominion.
-- Alexander the Great -
The same Power that brought the slave out of bondage will, in His own good time and way, bring about the emancipation of women, and make her the equal in power and dominion that she was in the beginning.
-- Amelia Bloomer -
In the sphere of thought, absurdity and perversity remain the masters of the world, and their dominion is suspended only for brief periods.
-- Arthur Schopenhauer -
Prophets, mystics, poets, scientific discoverers are men whose lives are dominated by a vision; they are essentially solitary men . . . whose thoughts and emotions are not subject to the dominion of the herd.
-- Bertrand Russell -
If you are under the dominion of sin, you are yet an utter stranger to the salvation of God.
-- Catherine Booth -
And so do people pass out of one's life and all you can remember of them is their humanity, a poor fitful thing of no dominion, like your own.
-- E. L. Doctorow -
Joy, in Nature's wide dominion, Mightiest cause of all is found; And 'tis joy that moves the pinion When the wheel of time goes round.
-- Friedrich Schiller -
What the ten commandments set forth is a strategy. This strategy is a strategy for dominion.
-- Gary North -
The rich will strive to establish their dominion and enslave the rest. They always did...they always will. They will have the same effect here as elsewhere, if we do not, by the power of government, keep them in their proper spheres.
-- Gouverneur Morris -
Even Kings and emperors with heaps of wealth and vast dominion cannot compare with an ant filled with the love of God.
-- Guru Nanak -
God himself is not secure, having given man dominion over his work.
-- Helen Keller -
Man's dominion is a call to service, not a license to to exterminate.
-- Hugh Nibley -
A shepherd, in whom the spirit of God works, is more highly esteemed before God than the wisest and most potent in self-wit, without the divine dominion.
-- Jakob Bohme -
The world dominion of western thought, forms of organisation, technology and military force is not God-given, nor eternal, nor greatly appreciated by the rest of the world.
-- James Buchan -
No parts of his Majesty's dominions can be taxed without their consent.
-- James Otis -
O love, when thou gettest dominion over us, we may bid good-by to prudence.
-- Jean de La Fontaine -
We could not take one step in the pursuit of holiness if God in His grace had not first delivered us from the dominion of sin and brought us into union with His risen Son. Salvation is by grace and sanctification is by grace.
-- Jerry Bridges -
Unjust force can never give any just dominion.
-- John Arbuthnot -
The power of God, the Holy Ghost, is the Spirit of Dominion. It makes one a god.
-- John G. Lake -
It [Adam's act] cast off the authority of God, usurped his prerogative, and gave the mind up to the dominion of natural desire
-- John L. Dagg -
Thrones, dominions, princedoms, virtues, powers-- If these magnific titles yet remain Not merely titular.
-- John Milton -
Christ by his death destroying the works of the devil, procuring the Spirit for us, hath so killed sin, as to its reign in believers, that it shall not obtain its end and dominion.
-- John Owen -
You can have no dominion greater or less than that over yourself.
-- Leonardo da Vinci -
He who cannot establish dominion over himself will have no dominion over others.
-- Leonardo da Vinci -
The right of absolute and irresponsible dominion is the right of property, and the right of property is the right of absolute, irresponsible dominion. The two are identical; the one necessarily implying the other.
-- Lysander Spooner -
And on this earth of ours there are but few souls that can withstand the dominion of the soul that has suffered itself to become beautiful.
-- Maurice Maeterlinck -
The freedom of man is, in political liberalism, freedom from persons, from personal dominion, from the master; the securing of each individual person against other persons, personal freedom.
-- Max Stirner -
There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control – your mind and your mouth.
-- Molefi Kete Asante -
Through your ability to think and feel, you have dominion over all creation.
-- Neville Goddard -
The strength of that heretic [Calvin] consisted in this, that money never had the slightest charm for him. If I had such servants my dominion would extend from sea to sea.
-- Pope Pius IV -
Today all sounds belong to a continuous field of possibilities lying within the comprehensive dominion of music. Behold the new orchestra: the sonic universe! And the musicians: anyone and anything that sounds!
-- R. Murray Schafer -
It may be said of them [the Hollanders], as of the Spaniards, that the sun never sets upon their Dominions.
-- Thomas Gage -
To be given dominion over another is a hard thing; to wrest dominion over another is a wrong thing; to give dominion of yourself to another is a wicked thing.
-- Toni Morrison -
We have experienced the truth of this prophecy, for England has become the habitation of outsiders and the dominion of foreigners. Today, no Englishman is earl, bishop, or abbott, and newcomers gnaw away at the riches and very innards of England; nor is there any hope for an end of this misery.
-- William of Malmesbury -
Humans have "dominion" over animals. But that "dominion" (radah in Hebrew) does not mean despotism, rather we are set over creation to care for what God has made and to treasure God's own treasures.
-- Andrew Linzey -
Because Adam, God's deputy on earth, transfered his legal dominion to Satan, God became obligated to recognize Satan's legal standing.
-- Ed Silvoso -
Are we asserting the easy dominion of our civilization over all times and all places, as signs that we casually absorb as a form of loot?
-- Martha Rosler -
Our neighbors the Hollanders may be our example in this case; who whilst we have been driving a private trade from port to port, of which we are likely now to be deprived, have conquered so much land in the East and West Indies that it may be said of them, as of the Spaniards, That the sun never sets upon their dominions.
-- Thomas Gage