Reign famous quotes
52 minutes ago
Fickle Fortune reigns, and, undiscerning, scatters crowns and chains.
-- Alexander Pope -
The surer of himself an admiral is, the finer the tactical development of his fleet, the better his captains, the more reluctant must he necessarily be to enter into a melee with equal forces, in which all these advantages will be thrown away, chance reign supreme, and his fleet be place on terms of equality with an assemblage of ships which have never before acted together.
-- Alfred Thayer Mahan -
Among the blind the one-eyed blinkard reigns
-- Andrew Marvell -
As for us, during twenty years' reign, we have known much bitterness.
-- Bao ?ai -
The devil, my friends, is a woman just now. 'Tis a woman that reigns in Hell.
-- Bill Vaughan -
The Bible does not teach that sin is completely eradicated from the Christian in this life, but it does teach that sin shall no longer reign over you.
-- Billy Graham -
And is it not obvious that, just as it is a crime to disturb the peace when truth reigns, it is also a crime to remain at peace when the truth is being destroyed?
-- Blaise Pascal -
Obsolescence and death, the reign of the archaic, the abandoned, and the corny: Really, if you saw Windows 3.0 on the sidewalk outside the building, would you bend over and pick it up?!?
-- Bruce Sterling -
The 1990s, after the reign of terror of academic vandalism, will be a decade of restoration: restoration of meaning, value, beauty, pleasure, and emotion to art and restoration of art to its audience.
-- Camille Paglia -
If the love of God really reigns in your heart, it will show itself in the exterior.
-- Catherine McAuley -
A community in which this universal charity reigns, is capable of surmounting all difficulties.
-- Catherine McAuley -
The poetic myths are dead; and the poetic image, which is the myth of the individual, reigns in their stead.
-- Cecil Day-Lewis -
God is the only being who, in order to reign, doesn't even need to exist.
-- Charles Baudelaire -
He (Jesus) will reign over you, either by your consent, or without it.
-- Charles Spurgeon -
The educated ones leave, the ones with the potential to right the wrongs. They leave the weak behind. The tyrants continue to reign because the weak cannot resist. Do you not see that it is a cycle? Who will break that cycle?
-- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie -
Kings don't beg, they decree. They have only one destiny and that's to reign. God has made you king. Reign and rule, refuse to beg!
-- Chris Oyakhilome -
My chains are gone I've been set free My God, my Savior has ransomed me And like a flood His mercy reigns Unending love, amazing grace!
-- Chris Tomlin -
More attention should have been given to the fundamental transformation which took place during Queen Victoria's reign, from ruling sovereign to constitutional monarch. Again, gender mattered. If Albert had lived, it seems clear that he would have resisted that development much more tenaciously, which the gradual emasculation (and feminization) of monarchy was probably more easily accomplished when a woman was on the throne.
-- David Cannadine -
If you have used colour throughout most of your artistic life, try just black and white... it will take your painting to another dimension where tone and form in all its permutations reign supreme.
-- David Luiz -
But we remember that it was just precisely in the reign of Richard II that the Peasants' War, following upon the changes wrought by the visitations of the Great Plague, virtually destroyed serfdom as a personal status.
-- Edward Jenks -
The whole of organic nature on our planet exists only by a relentless war of all against all. ... The raging war of interests in human society is only a feeble picture of an unceasing and terrible war of existence which reigns throughout the whole of the living world.
-- Ernst Haeckel -
Peace does not fare well where poverty and deprivation reign. It does not flourish where there is ignorance and a lack of education and information.
-- Frederik Willem de Klerk -
Peace does not fare well where poverty and deprivation reign
-- Frederik Willem de Klerk -
Sometimes I joke that I'm an Elizabethan who's had the misfortune to be alive during the reign of the wrong Elizabeth.
-- George Fetherling -
Where bright imagination reigns, the fine-wrought spirit feels acuter pains.
-- Hannah More -
I'm too tired to reign over vampirekind, let alone enslave the human race.
-- Heather Brewer -
I am immortal until God's work for me to do is done. The Lord reigns.
-- Henry Martyn -
There are principles which govern our life-they are the principles of Life. If our life is lived according to these principles all is well, and harmony reigns in place of vexation and struggle.
-- Henry Thomas Hamblin -
No matter who reigns, the merchant reigns.
-- Henry Ward Beecher -
Old forms of government finally grow so oppressive that they must be thrown off even at the risk of reigns of terror.
-- Herbert Spencer -
Man is no match for woman where mischief reigns.
-- Honore de Balzac -
To administer is to govern: to govern is to reign. That is the essence of the problem.
-- Honore Gabriel Riqueti, comte de Mirabeau -
I live and reign since I have abandoned those pleasures which you by your praises extol to the skies. [Lat., Vivo et regno, simul ista reliqui Quae vos ad coelum effertis rumore secundo.]
-- Horace -
Careerism is the determination to reign in hell rather than serve in heaven.
-- Hugh Nibley -
The most dangerous of our impulses reign in ourselves against ourselves. To dissolve them is a creative act.
-- Hugo von Hofmannsthal -
It is better for me to die in behalf of Jesus Christ, than to reign over all the ends of the earth.
-- Ignatius of Antioch -
For peace to reign on Earth, humans must evolve into new beings who have learned to see the whole first.
-- Immanuel Kant -
For sov'reign pow'r reign not alone, Grace is the partner of the throne; Thy grace and justice mighty Lord, Shall well divide our last reward.
-- Isaac Watts -
Reign of Fire is something I know how to do, because I've played tough so much.
-- Izabella Scorupco -
As a conservative power, the United States has a vital interest in upholding and expanding the reign of law in international relations.
-- J. William Fulbright -
In the midst of the disguises and artifices that reign among men, it is only attention and vigilance that can save us from surprises.
-- Jacques-Benigne Bossuet -
God reigns, and the Government at Washington still lives!
-- James A. Garfield -
Reign, and keep life in this our deep desireOur only greatness is that we aspire.
-- Jean Ingelow -
To reign by opinion, begin by trampling it under your feet.
-- Jean-Baptiste Rousseau -
Pandemonium did not reign; it poured.
-- John Kendrick Bangs -
I sought neither preeminence, glory, nor riches; my honor was that Jesus Christ should reign.
-- John Knox -
He that disobeys God, rejects his reign; and so God views it
-- John L. Dagg -
A shout that tore hell's concave, and beyond / Frightened the reign of Chaos and old Night.
-- John Milton -
Christ by his death destroying the works of the devil, procuring the Spirit for us, hath so killed sin, as to its reign in believers, that it shall not obtain its end and dominion.
-- John Owen -
Fond of those hives where folly reigns, And cards and scandal are the chains, Where the pert virgin slights a name, And scorns to redden into shame.
-- Jonathan Swift -
I go where there are no slaves, hangmen or oppressors; where faith does not kill; where the one who reigns is God.
-- Jose Rizal -
In the whole vast dome of living nature there reigns an open violence, a kind of prescriptive fury which arms all the creatures to their common doom: as soon as you leave the inanimate kingdom you find the decree of violent death inscribed on the very frontiers of life.
-- Joseph de Maistre -
You are destined to reign in life. You are called by the Lord to be a success, to enjoy wealth, to enjoy health, and to enjoy a life of victory. It is not the Lord's desire that you live a life of defeat, poverty, and failure.
-- Joseph Prince -
For a century after the reign of Frederick, Prussia remained the most prominent Germanic state in Europe.
-- Kelly Miller -
... character reigns preeminent in determining potential.
-- Laura Hillenbrand -
Vehicular traffic is completely forbidden in the green strips, where tranquility shall reign and the curse of noise shall not penetrate.
-- Le Corbusier -
The reign of God is his reign over all things.
-- Lesslie Newbigin -
It is impossible to reign innocently.
-- Louis Antoine de Saint-Just -
Conformity may not always reign in the prosperous bourgeois suburb, but it ultimately always governs.
-- Louis Kronenberger -
He who knows not how to dissimulate, can not reign.
-- Louis XI of France -
Noise triÂumphs and reigns supreme over the senÂsiÂbilÂity of men.
-- Luigi Russolo -
Mission is both the announcement and the demonstration of the reign of God through Christ.
-- Michael Frost -
Discipleship is rooted in a deep belief in the universal reign of God through Christ. To be a disciple is to acknowledge that reign and to embrace the lifelong journey of submitting more and more of every aspect of your life to His good, just, and peaceable reign, as well as alerting others to God's kingship by both word and deed.
-- Michael Frost -
Where envy reigns virtue can't exist, and generosity doesn't go with meanness.
-- Miguel de Cervantes -
In a certain reign there was a lady not of the first rank whom the emperor loved more than any of the others. The grand ladies with high ambitions thought her a presumptuous upstart, and lesser ladies were still more resentful. Everything she did offended someone.
-- Murasaki Shikibu -
Let your youth have free reign, it won't come again, so be bold and no repenting.
-- Nikos Kazantzakis -
When twenty years of the Moon's reign have passed another will take up his reign for seven thousand years. When the exhausted Sun takes up his cycle then my prophecy and threats will be accomplished.
-- Nostradamus -
To be possessed by Jesus and to possess Him - that is the perfect reign of Love.
-- Peter Julian Eymard -
Where there is no Jesus, evil always reigns.
-- Phil Robertson -
The work of Henry James has always seemed divisible by a simple dynastic arrangement into three reigns: James I, James II, and the Old Pretender
-- Philip Guedalla -
There is little hope of equity where rebellion reigns.
-- Philip Sidney -
I am every day more convinced that we women, if we are to be good women, feminine and amiable and domestic, are not fitted to reign; at least it is they that drive themselves to the work which it entails.
-- Queen Victoria -
Dear reader, traditional human power structures and their reign of darkness are about to be rendered obsolete.
-- R. Buckminster Fuller -
God does not rule by the consent of His subjects but by His sovereign authority. His reign extends over me whether I vote for Him or not.
-- R. C. Sproul -
Peace can reign only where there is no disturbance, and disturbance is due to thoughts that arise in the mind.
-- Ramana Maharshi -
You can hear the footsteps of God when silence reigns in the mind.
-- Sathya Sai Baba -
What more than madness reigns, when one short sitting many hundreds drains.
-- Sir John Davies -
Complete peace equally reigns between two mental waves.
-- Sivananda -
There is a place where God, through the power of the Holy Ghost, reigns supreme in our lives.
-- Smith Wigglesworth -
To friends! Life belongs to those who love, and where love reigns is man truly king!
-- Stephen R. Lawhead -
Ive struggled so hard to reign in my temper because it actually terrifies me.
-- Susannah York -
There is a higher power, a higher influence, a God who rules and reigns and controls circumstances and situations that are beyond your area and realm of authority.
-- T. D. Jakes -
No one would have doubted his ability to reign had he never been emperor.
-- Tacitus -
Some bold adventurers disdain The limits of their little reign, And unknown regions date descry.
-- Thomas Gray -
The storm stops at the door. Love reigns, peace dwells.
-- Thomas S. Monson -
The modern scene in decoration is not a unified or controlled one. The unified control of the arts during the reign of Louis XIV no longer exists; today the designer is free to achieve a wider variety and more personal approach to the interior.
-- Van Day Truex -
Where no plan is laid, where the disposal of time is surrendered merely to the chance of incident, chaos will soon reign.
-- Victor Hugo -
For one to grasp, whatever be his object, sov'reign power ... is an act of perilous presumption.
-- Vittorio Alfieri -
Virtue cannot dwell with slaves, nor reign O'er those who cower to take a tyrant's yoke.
-- William C. Bryant -
We simply cannot afford to give the reigns of government so someone who will double down on trickle down
-- William J. Clinton -
I am not one of those who have the least anxiety about the triumph of the principles I have stood for. I have seen fools resist Providence before, and I have seen their destruction, as will come upon these again, utter destruction and contempt. That we shall prevail is as sure as that God reigns.
-- Woodrow Wilson -
It is the understanding that sees and hears; it is the understanding that improves everything, that orders everything, and that acts, rules, and reigns.
-- Epicharmus of Kos