Communist famous quotes
52 minutes ago
The notion that the church, the press, and the universities should serve the state is essentially a Communist notion. In a free society these institutions must be wholly free - which is to say that their function is to serve as checks upon the state.
-- Alan Barth -
Any pitcher who throws at a batter and deliberately tries to hit him is a Communist.
-- Alvin Dark -
Indeed, we Jews were at the leading edge of communist totalitarianism, one of the most murderous movements of the 20th century.
-- Barbara Amiel -
The costliest myth of our time has been the myth of the Communist monolith.
-- Barbara Tuchman -
I'm a Communist by day and a Catholic as soon as it gets dark.
-- Brendan Behan -
If you don't have a flag sticking out of your ass, you must be a communist.
-- Chrissie Hynde -
I'm not very impressed by people who yell "traitor" and "communist" and other less printable things. I don't like it.
-- Christopher Hitchens -
My Kashubian family, like the Jews, are people who were born and live in border areas and were suspected by the Nazis and by the Communists of being disloyal.
-- Donald Tusk -
If you feed the poor, you're a saint. If you ask why they're poor, you're a Communist.
-- Dorothy Day -
Communists have no respect for people, only for positions.
-- E. L. Doctorow -
The American Communists had thrived as champions of domestic reform.
-- Earl Browder -
Show me where Stalin is buried and I'll show you a Communist Plot.
-- Edgar Bergen -
The teenager seems to have replaced the Communist as the appropriate target for public controversy and foreboding.
-- Edgar Friedenberg -
With me it was that defending the Communist Party was something worse than naming the names.
-- Edward Dmytryk -
I was surprised to see the meeting was of Communists and the whole meeting was along Communist lines.
-- Edward Dmytryk -
Pig power in America was infuriating, but pig power in the communist framework was awesome and unaccountable.
-- Eldridge Cleaver -
The Communists automatically violated the daily practices of democracy to which I was accustomed.
-- Elia Kazan -
I am not a communist and neither is the revolutionary movement.
-- Fidel Castro -
Only Communists and Social Democrats who acted against the state were incarcerated. Most of the Communists and Social Democrats I had known became Nazis later. Only those who were doing anything against the state were thrown in concentration camps.
-- Fritz Sauckel -
In my Gau, as far as I know, only Communists who had actually worked against the State were arrested.
-- Fritz Sauckel -
My son is 22 years old. If he had not become a Communist at 22, I would have disowned him. If he is still a Communist at 30, I will do it then.
-- Georges Clemenceau -
Horrible to say, in a manner I am a Communist.
-- Gerard Manley Hopkins -
I am a Christian, therefore I am a communist.
-- Gianni Vattimo -
I was an anti-communist before I was political in other ways.
-- Grover Norquist -
I lived under the Nazis and under the Communists.
-- Gyorgy Ligeti -
Personally, I never admired communists because they operate on the theory that human beings are nice people.
-- H. Allen Smith -
Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing.
-- Harry J. Anslinger -
People are very much wrought up about the Communist bugaboo.
-- Harry S. Truman -
I will never vote Democrat again, they are Communists.
-- Howard Stern -
Technology determines the possibilities of society. It doesn't matter whether you start out from a fascist state or a communist state or a free-market state
-- Iain Banks -
The final conflict will be between the Communists and the ex-Communists.
-- Ignazio Silone -
No strike could ever be won with a Communist at its head since the employers would make victory impossible.
-- James P. Cannon -
The world would be better off with multiple superpowers. When Communist USSR was a superpower, the world was better off.
-- Janeane Garofalo -
What's surprising is that the people who fought against torture here are the communists.
-- Jean-Marie Le Pen -
No company fails in communist China, because they're all partly owned by the government.
-- Jim Bunning -
The aims of anarchists and true communists are identical.
-- Johann Most -
He who negates present society, and seeks social conditions based on the sharing of property, is a revolutionary whether he calls himself an anarchist or a communist.
-- Johann Most -
Because I was single, there was a chance I was a homosexual. Because I went to Syracuse, wherever that was, then I was probably a Communist. Or worse, a Liberal. Because I was from Memphis, I was a subversive intent on embarrassing Ford County.
-- John Grisham -
The communists pave the way for him (the Jew).
-- Julius Streicher -
I joined the Communist Party because I felt I had to be in some organization.
-- Klaus Fuchs -
Communists are great capitalists, so there is no threat anymore.
-- Lech Walesa -
As you know, I am not a writer but a Party functionary. But like every Communist I consider myself to have been mobilized by Party propaganda and deem it my duty to participate actively in the work of our press.
-- Leonid Brezhnev -
We intend to remake the Gentiles - what the Communists are doing in Russia.
-- Menachem Begin -
The Communists offer one precious, fatal boon: they take away the sense of sin.
-- Murray Kempton -
Of course, I grew up in Communist Romania, but I am happy to say that now our country is democratic, and prospering, since the revolution in 1989.
-- Nadia Comaneci -
Don't listen to what the Communists say, but look at what they do.
-- Nguyen Van Thieu -
The best way to make Communists is to put the Americans into a place where there were no Communists before.
-- Norodom Sihanouk -
Even when they call us mad, when they call us subversives and communists and all the epithets they put on us, we know we only preach the subversive witness of the Beatitudes, which have turned everything upside down.
-- Oscar Romero -
It remains to be seen, for example whether China can continue to develop as a market economy while still retaining an authoritarian communist political system.
-- Peter Dicken -
My parents didn't agree with what was going on, you know, with the communists coming in, Fidel Castro. I didn't see the reason why I needed to go back there and be a part of that exhibition
-- Rafael Palmeiro -
Keynes, far from being a wholehearted lover of freedom, viewed with some sympathy the fascist and Communist ‘experiments’ of the 1930s.
-- Ralph Raico -
It was in prison that we found the hope of salvation for the Communists. It was there that we developed a sense of responsibility toward them. It was in being tortured by them that we learned to love them.
-- Richard Wurmbrand -
I have decided to denounce communism, though I love the Communists. I don't find it to be right to preach the gospel without denouncing communism.
-- Richard Wurmbrand -
It's beyond me how anybody can look at these protestors and call them anything other than what they are: anti-American, anticapitalist, pro-Marxist communists.
-- Rush Limbaugh -
The present U.N. must be annihilated by our power. That is the stage for Communists. We must make a new U.N.
-- Sun Myung Moon -
The democratic world has come to a dead end; likewise, the communist world has come to a dead end. But the Unification Church is just beginning!
-- Sun Myung Moon -
The race will find that capitalists and communists modify themselves so much during the ages that they end by being indistinguishable as democrats...
-- T. H. White -
I was very politicized always. I was very conservative politically, because I'd seen what the communists did to my country.
-- Taki Theodoracopulos -
A Republican. A Republican. That's worse than being a ***** Communist!
-- Tallulah Bankhead -
The Communist Party must be a revolutionary party our it will cease to be a Communist Party.
-- Tim Buck -
Ever since I took to the streets when I was 17 to protest at great personal risk against the communist dictatorship, I have been a passionate democrat.
-- Victor Ponta -
Communists liked history very much. It just had to be the right history. They liked to remember it selectively.
-- Victoria Finlay -
There's a communist living in the White House!
-- Victoria Jackson -
Whatever organisation we try to create, it always ends up looking like the Communist Party.
-- Viktor Chernomyrdin -
It never occurred to me that we would have as grandiose a program as the Marshall Plan, but I felt that we had to do something to save Europe from economic disaster which would encourage the Communist takeover.
-- W. Averell Harriman -
The Communist vision is the vision of man without God.
-- Whittaker Chambers -
In the end, we lost IndoChina to the communists. But we did not lose Southeast Asia.
-- William Westmoreland -
I ain't a communist necessarily, but I been in the red all my life.
-- Woody Guthrie -
When [Jean-Paul] Sartre was asked whether or not he would live under a communist regime he said, "No, for others it's fine, but for me, no." He said it! So it's hard to say just how intellectual his stance is. How can you think that never in your life would you go to live in a communist regime and still say it's fine for everybody? A very difficult thing, that, but Sartre managed it.
-- Catherine Camus -
If you create a new party... to try to deny the communist party leadership, then not be allowed to exist.
-- Li Peng -
Who was the founder of American education? John Dewey - you know that very well - card-carrying Communist. The American education system, in America - one of the so-called 'founders' was a Communist
-- Rafael Cruz -
The rise of fascism in Europe sent most Americans home. Some black American communists who had emigrated to the Soviet Union perished in Stalin's purges of the late 1930s.
-- Darryl Pinckney -
I came out of the Soviet Union no longer a communist, because I believed in personal freedom.
-- Rose Wilder Lane -
It was not Soviet people who formed the American Communist Party.
-- J. Stalin -
It would be quite wrong to hold the Soviet government responsible for the activities of American Communists.
-- J. Stalin -
To be a Communist or to be somebody who believes in the future is a curious thing. So you have to live with people around you, you have to be with the people.
-- Vijay Prashad